Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi ladies, haven't posted in a long time. Haven't had a scan in a few weeks, and won't again until my morphology scan. Haven't bled in a month or so, so I'm feeling really positive about things. Still cheering each of you on and praying for healthy LOs. <3
Hi! Thank you for this group. I am pregnant with my 2nd and my 1st pregnancy/labor/delivery was a breeze. On Wed. I started bleeding bight red when I peed, wiped, and a light pad. It seemed to come and go and I had some light cramping/pressure in my uterus. I called the doctor and they explained many women bleed/spot in early pregnancy and as long as no cramping or heavy bleeding not to worry. I just didn't feel okay with this so I called back a few hours later. I went in the next day for an ultrasound and I am 7 weeks today and the baby looked good and has a heartbeat. They told me I do have SCH and it measure 4 cm and is posterior. Anyone know what that means? I've been educating myself and it seems from what I've read, the bigger the clot is and depending on where it's located could be a negative outcome. I go back next Wed. for another ultrasound. Today I am spotting very light brown and they said it was old blood. They said the clot could either dry up or absorb itself on its own, or it could cause a miscarriage. So I don't like that 50/50. I am saddened that my 1st was so easy and now I can't be excited, I am just worried and stressed. I am taking it easier and not working out or lifting anything heavy. Doctor didn't put me on bed rest but said to take it easy, no intercourse, etc. I had brown spotting over the weekend and nothing now. No cramps and my stomach feels much better. Can't wait to see if it's gone Wed. at ultrasound appt. Wondering how others are doing or how others who went through this made out.
eyemom: That's great news! Here's to a happy, healthy pregnancy!

mjbj: I'm sorta in the same boat as you. I had a 6 week scan last Wednesday after spotting on Monday and saw nothing. Then had a bleed on Thursday and got scanned on Friday and it was the size of the sac?!?! How it formed in two days and got that big is still boggling my mind. The only thing I can think of is the Fish Oil I take; which I have now stopped. I've also stopped running and exercising. I don't have a scan until next week, at which point, I will be 8 weeks pregnant. I have done TONS of research over the weekend (my husband is a scientists so he has access to online medical journals). From what I can tell there are a few things that make a "worse".

- Size
- When you were diagnosed in relations to the gestational age (the earlier, the worse the outcome)
- Relation to the placenta

As far as what to do; there is not clear consensus here. Most say pelvic rest, some say bed rest. My husband also suggests going off any blood thinners; aspirin and the like, which I have done.

Good luck! It's been mentally tough on me. My husband and I have been struggling to get pregnant for over two years after his cancer, and resorted to IVF this year. IVF was no picnic either, so we feel like the cards are continuously stacked up against us. I was excited when I learned that I was pregnant, but now I'm just worried. It's hard to be excited anymore.
eyemom: That's great news! Here's to a happy, healthy pregnancy!

mjbj: I'm sorta in the same boat as you. I had a 6 week scan last Wednesday after spotting on Monday and saw nothing. Then had a bleed on Thursday and got scanned on Friday and it was the size of the sac?!?! How it formed in two days and got that big is still boggling my mind. The only thing I can think of is the Fish Oil I take; which I have now stopped. I've also stopped running and exercising. I don't have a scan until next week, at which point, I will be 8 weeks pregnant. I have done TONS of research over the weekend (my husband is a scientists so he has access to online medical journals). From what I can tell there are a few things that make a "worse".

- Size
- When you were diagnosed in relations to the gestational age (the earlier, the worse the outcome)
- Relation to the placenta

As far as what to do; there is not clear consensus here. Most say pelvic rest, some say bed rest. My husband also suggests going off any blood thinners; aspirin and the like, which I have done.

Good luck! It's been mentally tough on me. My husband and I have been struggling to get pregnant for over two years after his cancer, and resorted to IVF this year. IVF was no picnic either, so we feel like the cards are continuously stacked up against us. I was excited when I learned that I was pregnant, but now I'm just worried. It's hard to be excited anymore.

Kelly, all you have found is correct... Generally, bigger and closer to the placenta is more likely to cause problems... But have seen exceptions to this. Not clear about the earlier having a worse outcome. I have seen lots of early ones clearing up by end of first trimester and second trimester ones cause devastating outcomes... So hard to know really.

I also conceived via IVF (well done you on your cycle, looks like you had an excellent outcome), and miscarried before this pregnancy, so I was distraught when I developed the sch at 11+6 weeks. I thought someone was actually trying to break me.

My hematoma was pretty big.... At least the size of my 11 week baby (over 5cm) and looked horrendous... And it bleeds for weeks and weeks... Got bigger and is still there now at 30 weeks.

But bubs is totally oblivious to it and growing fine. I did opt for bed rest during the bleeding spell, but I know so,e haven't and were still fine. It is what you are comfortable with.

Good luck and keep us updated with your progress.
Ferreroroche: Glad to hear you're so far along now! You're in the home stretch now!

SCH seems to vary from person to person. It does seem like pregnancies conceived via IVF are more rampant, but maybe I don't want to speculate.

Good luck!
Ferreroroche: Glad to hear you're so far along now! You're in the home stretch now!

SCH seems to vary from person to person. It does seem like pregnancies conceived via IVF are more rampant, but maybe I don't want to speculate.

Good luck!

No, I also read that is more common in ivf pregnancies and after miscarriage.

And sorry, have just realised my autocorrect changed melly to Kelly!
I am exactly 7 weeks today and had a gush of red and passed a big tissue last night, along with severe cramps. I was convinced that I miscarried. I went to the doctor's this morning and the ultrasound shows a healthy baby but an even bigger hematoma. It's about 4.7cm*2cm*2cm, which is very large compared to the size of the sac. It is close to the cervix, so that explains why I'm bleeding more. It also appears to be the opposite side of where the placenta will grow, so there is *some* good news here, but I'll admit, I'm not feeling very optimistic about the potential outcome here based on what I'm reading.
Also, I have another question. My doctor said I can resume normal activities, just don't go training for a marathon. Based on that, I would assume I can do yoga and light exercise? I see mixed results on this when I google, but my doctor told me that not being active won't shrink it. Obviously, I've been very lethargic all week and stupid thing is still growing, so I'm starting to think light activity can't be any worse? No?
I am exactly 7 weeks today and had a gush of red and passed a big tissue last night, along with severe cramps. I was convinced that I miscarried. I went to the doctor's this morning and the ultrasound shows a healthy baby but an even bigger hematoma. It's about 4.7cm*2cm*2cm, which is very large compared to the size of the sac. It is close to the cervix, so that explains why I'm bleeding more. It also appears to be the opposite side of where the placenta will grow, so there is *some* good news here, but I'll admit, I'm not feeling very optimistic about the potential outcome here based on what I'm reading.

Sorry to hear that Melly, but please don't assume the worst. What you are experiencing is quite a normal occurence for an sch. It's scary and horrid, but there is just as much chance of it being fine as ending badly.

At this stage your hematoma is big in comparison to the sac which does make it more of a risk right now, but it is probably at its worst right now and may well start to calm down.

In terms of exercise, I would not wish to contradict your doctor as I am not a medical professional, however there was a piece of Australian research that indicated that resting during bleeding and two weeks after it stopped did have an impact on improving the outcome.

Whilst I agree that bedrest will not reduce the size of the sch.... (Only the blood escaping out or being reabsorbed by the body will do that), the "tear" or "bruise" that is actually causing the bleed needs to heal for the bleeding to stop. I always felt far more comfortable that the tear would heal quicker if I limited my activity than if I carried on as usual.

But it is personal choice. I'm sure there are others who have continued activity and been ok too.

Perhaps the other ladies can give their opinion on whether they felt that resting whilst bleeding helped.

Good luck and keep everything crossed.
Hi Melly
Sorry you had a scare :flower: I absolutely agree with Ferreoroche on the resting up-after my first bleed I took it easy, then a week later I had another big gush.

I put myself on bedrest and although I continued to bleed there were no fresh gushes. I can't say 100% it was the reason I didn't, but I wanted to give it my best possible shot.

Hopefully your clot will go soon
Frizzabelle - how are you? You are getting close to term now, how are you coping?

Has anyone seen Hmommy on a thread? She was real close behind me and haven't heard from her on here for a while.
Frizzabelle - how are you? You are getting close to term now, how are you coping?

Has anyone seen Hmommy on a thread? She was real close behind me and haven't heard from her on here for a while.

I'm ok thank you. Full term tomorrow which is amazing as I certainly didn't think I would make it this far, feeling very blessed that he still seems healthy and I've been told that they think he's on the big side (head measuring 3 weeks ahead, belly 2 1/2 weeks etc) he was already weighing approx 5lb 12oz at 34 weeks although I know they can be way off!!
They are going to keep a close eye on bleeding during labour but still feeling very anxious! No more scans for me now and they are classing me as a normal pregnancy :)
Pelvic pain is still an issue but not long left to endure it now! Lol
Good luck to all you ladies whose clots are still present. I hope any bleeding/spotting stops for you soon. There is light at the end of the tunnel! I will definitely update when baby arrives x
Frizzabelle - how are you? You are getting close to term now, how are you coping?

Has anyone seen Hmommy on a thread? She was real close behind me and haven't heard from her on here for a while.

I'm ok thank you. Full term tomorrow which is amazing as I certainly didn't think I would make it this far, feeling very blessed that he still seems healthy and I've been told that they think he's on the big side (head measuring 3 weeks ahead, belly 2 1/2 weeks etc) he was already weighing approx 5lb 12oz at 34 weeks although I know they can be way off!!
They are going to keep a close eye on bleeding during labour but still feeling very anxious! No more scans for me now and they are classing me as a normal pregnancy :)
Pelvic pain is still an issue but not long left to endure it now! Lol
Good luck to all you ladies whose clots are still present. I hope any bleeding/spotting stops for you soon. There is light at the end of the tunnel! I will definitely update when baby arrives x

Great news! Can't believe your nearly there now-how exciting. Can't wait to see the update when you have him :)
Sorry to be a whinge but I am freaking out.

Two days ago my hubby was a little under the weather. He was acting like he was dying, but in truth only had a sort throat and the aches.

My son also had a sore throat but I thought nothing of it because I assumed it was the same mild cold that my hubby had.

By yesterday hubby was on the mend, but my son was sent home from school with a fever.

The fever continued all night and was still there this morning, but was only 38.3 ish.

By lunchtime, his fever had increased to nearly 40 degrees. The only time he had a fever like this was when he had the flu last winter, which lasted 6 days. I then caught it and was bed ridden for 2 weeks.

I'm freaking out that he has flu again and is going to be wiped out with 40 degree fever for 6 days again. At nearly 31 weeks pregnant I can't really afford to get flu. My immune system is so run down.

My hubby is supposed to be looking after him, but he just keeps bringing him in the room with me and then sitting on his phone or falling asleep, so my son obviously keeps coming to me for comfort.

I had the flu jab in January, but it only covers a few strains, and I am panicking that I'm going to get it and end up in hospital with complications or that the baby will get sick.

I know this must sound over dramatic, but I have literally had to come out to the car because I can't breathe in the house. I feel claustrophobic and terrified.
It's hard not to panic when you have already gone through so much but just remember these bubbas are stronger than we think and are quite well protected in there. I had a sickness bug earlier on in the pregnancy and I was sure I would make myself bleed again or the baby would suffer from the vomiting and lack of food but he was fine. Hopefully you won't catch anything as im sure u feel run down enough as it is! I hope your little one gets better real quick, it's awful seeing them suffer x
Sounds tough to deal with when your pregnant Ferreoroche :flower:

Hopefully your protected with your flu jab, but as frizzabelle says, they are strong and well protected in there.

Hope your lo gets well soon
Thanks ladies.

Realise I am probably being a bit OTT about it, but flu in pregnancy was one of my worst fears...

I've had stomach bug, throat infection, cold etc... Can cope with all that as I know bubs is ok and just me feeling rough, but I know 3rd trimester is worst time to get flu and voila here it the end of May. I mean.. Who gets flu in May? Still hoping is a different virus and little man recovers fast.

Sometimes it just feels like you can't get a break.

I think being housebound for so long has made me claustrophobic too, so having to spend a weekend in the house with my lazy hubby and fever stricken kid is giving me palpitations.

Fingers crossed things will improve soon.
Frizzabelle - how are you? You are getting close to term now, how are you coping?

Has anyone seen Hmommy on a thread? She was real close behind me and haven't heard from her on here for a while.

I'm here!! Lol.... :thumbup: I've been super busy (and tired) lately. 2 showers and finishing up the nursery :happydance:

At my last ultrasound both babies weighed over 3lbs! It's getting closer!! How are you doing?? :hugs:
Wow Hmommy,

You must be getting close to term for your twins now. How great.

All been smooth?
Great news with baby's weight hmommy :) nice to see you on here.

Ferreoroche-I'm the same with people being ill when pregnant. It's the last thing you want so your bound to be concerned. Sure you'll be fine though. I try to boost my immune system with manuka honey tea whenever I am concerned. It's actually really good, and they use it in hospitals to help prevent mrsa.

How's your little boy today?

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