Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Thanks. I feel so fortunate to be able to chat about it to people who have experienced it. And it has definitely made me feel closer to baby and the whole experience, and realise just how fragile everything is!

I'm supposed to fly to the us on the 14th for a 2 week road trip (alone!). I'm coming to terms with the fact I will probably have to cancel that too... I swear when baby is old enough I will never let that go lol :D

Glad to hear everyone is so positive :hugs:
Ferreroroche: I had brown spotting for a few days but now it has stopped all together. I have not bled for a week. *fingers crossed*

Melly, that sounds really promising. I hope the bleeding stays away and hopefully the sch disappears without further trouble

Ziggie- welcome. Your baby looks great! Sorry to hear of your scary experience. Keep us informed of how you're going. FYI - I found for weeks that I barely bled at all in the day but in evening/at night it would start up again. I have no idea why, but seems to be common occurence, so don't freak if you experience more bleeding at night than in the day.
That's good to know. I had been lying down last night, and it was about 9.30pm I got up for a wee, and just had a gush. Thanks for sharing that, I will be more prepared now! I'm keeping the pads on for a few days to be safe, but it's been totally blood free today (which I'm hoping is good news!).
Hi all,

Had my second check up with my new private consultant at Queen Charlottes/Hammersmith today.

Despite me feeling like a heavy, huffing, puffing whale, it seems like all is progressing smoothly.

My obs were all normal.... Bump right on track size wise... But baby is descending into the pelvis head down already (31+4). Explains why I now need to pee every 5 mins.

I had a blood test for my iron levels to see if supplements are working and the consultant is phoning me with results on Monday.

Am back in two weeks for a growth scan and check up again.

Whole thing ran on time and as smooth as can be.

Feeling really good under the new private care.
Glad you had a good check up! I think its normal for baby to be head down and really in the pelvis...right?? My LO is very much LOW in my pelvis and it even hurts at times.

I had an internal check to measure my cervix length (mine is shortening :(), and I asked where the head was, and it was like truly on the cervix. My doctor looked at me and giggled and said, his head is "right here", very low. We were staring at the monitor and I just couldn't believe his head was like ON my cervix like that. No wonder its so uncomfortable!

Speaking of my short cervix, my doctor wrote me off work starting Monday. :( I wasn't ready for that. I asked if I could have a week to sort things out here, and she said no. :shrug: She's really worried about pre-term labor due to my shortening cervix. Yikes. :nope:
Glad you had a good check up! I think its normal for baby to be head down and really in the pelvis...right?? My LO is very much LOW in my pelvis and it even hurts at times.

I had an internal check to measure my cervix length (mine is shortening :(), and I asked where the head was, and it was like truly on the cervix. My doctor looked at me and giggled and said, his head is "right here", very low. We were staring at the monitor and I just couldn't believe his head was like ON my cervix like that. No wonder its so uncomfortable!

Speaking of my short cervix, my doctor wrote me off work starting Monday. :( I wasn't ready for that. I asked if I could have a week to sort things out here, and she said no. :shrug: She's really worried about pre-term labor due to my shortening cervix. Yikes. :nope:

Oh that's abit of a curve ball. Do they know why it has started shortening?

Sadly, at home with your feet up is the best you can do at this stage to keep it from getting worse.

But be reassured, at 33 weeks, your bubs will be just fine if labour kicks off too early. I went into labour at 32 weeks with my first (due to an undiagnosed UTI not short cervix) and the neonatal nurse came to see me and said that if my boy was born at 33 weeks he would have excellent prognosis .... Would just need a little short term help for a few weeks.

Hopefully, if you put your feet up and keep gravity away, you can keep your bubs in a few more weeks anyway and all will be smooth.
Yeah, curve ball for sure! I wasn't planning on be off for maternity leave until the end of June! And I had to tell my employer yesterday, that today was my last day. :dohh: I felt bad, but they took it well.

Yup, lots of rest!! If I can make it another 3 weeks, I'll be totally happy with him coming a tad early. He's measuring about a week ahead (maybe a little more), so pre-term labor at 36 wouldn't be too big of a deal (I don't think!!).

Three weeks ago I had a pre-term labor scare due to severe dehydration, and it looks like ever since then, my cervix just shortened and stayed that way. I'm stable, and not contracting anymore, but my doctor is concerned that work might be too stressful for my body. I'm an environmental specialist and the job site(s) I go to have some rather bumpy/unpaved roads. So off-roading is perhaps not the best thing right now. lol
Hey Mara-hope your baby holds off trying to meet you early. Your getting quite far on now-can't believe it. I remember saying happy v day, now your heading towards the end :)

Ferreoroche-how are you? Hope the scarlet fever has cleared in your little boy and you haven't caught it?
Hey Mara-hope your baby holds off trying to meet you early. Your getting quite far on now-can't believe it. I remember saying happy v day, now your heading towards the end :)

Ferreoroche-how are you? Hope the scarlet fever has cleared in your little boy and you haven't caught it?

Aww ok thanks. Seem to have dodged the scarlet fever and the boy has been on his antibiotics for over 5 days now so shows no symptoms at all anymore. He'll remain on them for another 9 days to ensure the bacteria is killed fully.

Sadly, we have had to pull out of a party my son was due to attend tomorrow because the birthday girls brother has got chicken pox (spots still coming through), and quite frankly, I cannot face the worry of exposing my kid to yet another undesirable illness in pregnancy.

Aside from that, I really am in the nitty gritty of third trimester now... All shopping has turned from exciting buys such as prams and nursery furniture to disposable pants and nighties!

I was beside myself with excitement to find a pair of over the bump pants today which I immediately put on at home and squealed with delight at how comfy they are compared to the cutting waistline of the under bump ones I had been wearing.

I did however splurge on some seriously cute baby stuff from the baby gift shop last night.... It was so cute I was almost welling up. Especially the bath robe with a little lion on the hood for my little "Leo".
Wow-32 weeks tomorrow?! Where's the time going? So glad you haven't caught it, and I really don't blame you pulling him out of a party where he would be exposed to Chicken Pox-neither of you need to deal with that right now.

Glad your able to enjoy the fun parts to pregnancy now(even if it's shopping for maternity pants!) I think when it's been a tough pregnancy it's harder to focus on all that when your worried, but you will be full term in 5 weeks now :) time to enjoy all that's ahead imminently.
Well I haven't had any more bleeding. And literally the tiniest amount of spotting (most after BM). Not sure whether I'm relaxed yet, but I went out and about yesterday. I was kinda paranoid about being in the car (I wasn't driving) and jiggling around, and there was a bit of 'what if it happens in public' in the back of my mind! And lots of knicker checking! But (touch wood) nothing....

Can't wait till baby is big enough to show and feel! Will be a lot more reassuring.
Well I haven't had any more bleeding. And literally the tiniest amount of spotting (most after BM). Not sure whether I'm relaxed yet, but I went out and about yesterday. I was kinda paranoid about being in the car (I wasn't driving) and jiggling around, and there was a bit of 'what if it happens in public' in the back of my mind! And lots of knicker checking! But (touch wood) nothing....

Can't wait till baby is big enough to show and feel! Will be a lot more reassuring.

That's great you haven't had anymore bleeding. I think it's normal to worry about a bleed in public. I know the thought definitely crossed my mind.

Do you have a doppler? I found it really reassuring when my sch first appeared. I checked baby every morning.

Hope time goes fast for you so you can have the comfort of feeling kicks :flower:
Thanks! I do have a doppler. Had a listen just this afternoon. It does help :) looking forward to a week of snoozing as I'm signed off work!
Hi ladies. I've been following you all (that sounds creepy), but things have been pretty quiet here.

Okay so I went almost 7 weeks without any bleeding and I figured I was in the all-clear. (I never bled a lot to begin with.) Then I think Friday night, there was a TINY almost like a thread of blood on TP. I mean reeaalllly small, but still alarming b/c you never like to see blood when you're pg.

Then just now I saw another tiny "thread" of blood in my underwear. What's up? Has anyone else gone several weeks without anything, lived life as normal, then all of a sudden something come up again? So worried! I don't have a doppler or anything, and it's another 2 weeks before I'm supposed to have another scan. 3 weeks until I'm supposed to see my ob again. Going to message my Dr's office in the morning, but wanted to get your thoughts.

Sorry you are worried again eyemom, definitely try to get checked if you feel the need! How far along are you now? Good that it's only a very tiny amount but never nice to see any!! Hopefully it's completely harmless. x
Eyemom-what colour was the blood?

If it's only a tiny bit, it's probably not of major concern, but I'd get it looked at anyway. It might not even be sch related. Perhaps it's cervical erosion (sounds scary, but totally harmless)

Keep us updated :hugs:
Eyemom, I'd speak to your dr. That's my plan of action from now on for everything!!!

I was lying in bed this morning, got up and felt some damp (uh oh). But it was just (normal I'd say) discharge, but was tinged brown again. Boo. I'd already listened to the little heartbeat before I got up, so that was good timing.

I have a strange pressure feeling in my pelvis, which I think I had before. After I had my bleed, it was almost slightly relieving once I knew what it was (like I had more room). As weird as that sounds, I felt empty (which is also why I'd thought I'd lost the baby :( ).

Now I'm a bit paranoid something is "building up" again, although it's a bit irrational, as I'm pretty sure things are going to be very cramped in my pelvis right about now...
Thank you ladies. I was 17 weeks yesterday. We have a way to send and receive messages (kinda like short emails) online to our Dr offices. I went ahead and sent a message last night so I could get it it out of my head. I'll just post the conversation:

ME: I've had a very TINY bit of bleeding again. I was Dx w/ the SCH several weeks ago, but I had not had any bleeding at all for almost 7 weeks. Then Fri night, there was a very scant almost like a "thread" of red blood on my TP. Then nothing until I saw the same thing in my underwear again tonight (Mon night). Other than that, no symptoms other than some mild-ish cramps (not necessarily a new symptom) which I had put off as my uterus growing/round ligament pain. Should I be concerned? Thanks.

NURSE: That is not too concerning at this point but definitely something we would want you to continue to monitor. If you start to have red bleeding, a change in the cramping you have had or any new onset of symptoms let us know. Also, if you have had intercourse in the last 72 hours that could have been the cause of the spotting you noticed.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

...Uhhhh now I'm trying to reply, and it's looking like it's not going through. I don't know. I'm trying to tell her the blood was red on Fri night, just such a small amount, like I drew a line with a fine point pen for a few millimeters. Monday night, I can't say for sure because it was dried by the time I saw it. Also wanted to mention that we hadn't had sex or done anything I thought would disturb my cervix in several days (would have mentioned that in the first place, but character limit :dohh: )

I'm also hoping it's nothing, but I'm also insecure since I haven't been feeling movement like I thought I should...I'm one day away from when I started feeling movement with my first pregnancy, and I've always heard you can feel it sooner with subsequent pregnancies. There have been a few times in the past week or so where I thought maybe I was feeling something, but they have been SO few and far between, I have no confidence about it. I know it's still early-ish, and it can depend on where baby and placenta are situated, but ugh. It was nice for about a month having no worries, now I'm crazy again. :wacko:

Ziggie, sorry it was brown tinged, but maybe it's just cleaning out the old stuff. <3 Sounds like things will be okay.

Sound slightly clotty if it was a string of red, could just be something totally normal :hugs: I've come to the conclusion that you're not normal if you're NOT worrying :D

Baby could just be lazy and not a big mover, so could be totally normal too :D do you have a scan coming up anytime soon?

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