Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Yes Hun, I'm under the care of the epau got a scan Tuesday x
How many weeks are you?

It could very well be an sch, but as Mara say could also be implantation bleeding.

Pelvic rest is a must I think-a bit of fun in that area sadly can cause the womb to contract, and isn't helpful if you've had a bleed
Your bloods sound good-rising levels indicate a progression in the pregnancy. Hope you get answers on Tuesday honey :flower:
I'm not sure as irregular cycles as had an ovarian cyst I think I'm roughly 5 weeks 1 day xx
Mara - congratulations on the birth of baby Eric. I thought you must be overdue now. I hope all went well with the birth.

Alice - that is really shocking treatment. And as someone working in the nhs it is a real shame that you have to go private to be confident of a proper job. I hope you get a consultant appointment and they can help you get a plan of action, even if just for your own peace of mind.

As for me, we are in the midst of sleepless nights and baby feeding.

Baby Leo was born on 21st July by c section, weighing 7lb 15 Oz. I was in hospital for 4 days while I got my mobility back. Last few days have been physically painful, but apparently all is on track.

As for my little man, he is practically perfect.


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Mara - congratulations on the birth of baby Eric. I thought you must be overdue now. I hope all went well with the birth.

Alice - that is really shocking treatment. And as someone working in the nhs it is a real shame that you have to go private to be confident of a proper job. I hope you get a consultant appointment and they can help you get a plan of action, even if just for your own peace of mind.

As for me, we are in the midst of sleepless nights and baby feeding.

Baby Leo was born on 21st July by c section, weighing 7lb 15 Oz. I was in hospital for 4 days while I got my mobility back. Last few days have been physically painful, but apparently all is on track.

As for my little man, he is practically perfect.

:) congratulations!! Thought he must be here by now :)

So pleased for you after the journey you've had in your pregnancy-he is so gorgeous! :flower:
Mara - congratulations on the birth of baby Eric. I thought you must be overdue now. I hope all went well with the birth.

Alice - that is really shocking treatment. And as someone working in the nhs it is a real shame that you have to go private to be confident of a proper job. I hope you get a consultant appointment and they can help you get a plan of action, even if just for your own peace of mind.

As for me, we are in the midst of sleepless nights and baby feeding.

Baby Leo was born on 21st July by c section, weighing 7lb 15 Oz. I was in hospital for 4 days while I got my mobility back. Last few days have been physically painful, but apparently all is on track.

As for my little man, he is practically perfect.

:) congratulations!! Thought he must be here by now :)

So pleased for you after the journey you've had in your pregnancy-he is so gorgeous! :flower:

Thanks YoYo.

Yes, has been a bumpy ride, but he is here now safe and the next challenge begins. C sec scar, leaky sore boobs, jealous older brother, jaundice and sleepless nights.

I shall keep checking this thread to see how you and the others get on. You are well into your third trimester now, so the time will fly for you... Bar the last few weeks where you feel like a whale. Soon you will have your long awaited sch baby.
Yes do pop back and let us know how your doing :) it's lovely to read to lovely outcomes.

Those first few weeks are hard, but so precious :) your little one will love his role as big brother.

I can't wait to be full term now!!
Hi, I'm heather. I seen this forum last night and read through a lot-but not all as so many posts!!
I am currently 19 weeks pregnant, and I am bleeding fresh red blood-sometimes it can be heavy and some times if wears off a little. I have been bleeding red blood for just over a week now. Prior to this, I bled for two weeks between weeks 13-15. At that time, if varied from brown to red with very large blood clots. It was then that I was diagnosed wih having a bleed outside the sac. When the bleeding stopped it was a huge relief, and I started to enjoy being pregnant once again. So, last Saturday when the bleeding returned I felt worried sick! Thankfully I have my own Doppler so I get to listen to my baby girls heartbeat whenever I like. I did however go to EPAU to be checked as I didn't like the fact that my bleeding was bright red and quite heavy. They checked my cervix and baby heartbeat then sent me on my way. I went back there on the Tuesday as my bleeding became quite bad, it would pour out of me when I stood up. Again, they checked cervix and heartbeat and sent me on my way. I felt quite unsatisfied that they put this bleed down to "probably" being caused by the haematoma. I went to see my own gp and suffered a huge panic attack whilst there, and she was lovely, very reassuring, however she still put it down to probably being because of the SCH. I'm just worried as wen I was diagnosed with the sch, I was never offered any follow up to see whether the sch was shrinking etc. I'm just so glad that I have my own Doppler and can hear my little girls heartbeat. I am due my 20 week scan next Monday 4th aug, and it can't come quick enough! In the meantime I'm praying for the bleeding to stop! It actually seemed like it was slowing down the other day, until yesterday when I had a lot more bright red blood which is the same now. I just feel beside myself. I hate the way the nhs just leave you to get on with it with no consideration to how the mother is feeling mentally. I'm trying my Beaty to stay positive-after all I can still hear her heartbeat.

Sorry for tis long post, I just needed to get it all off my chest. I am currently making sure that I rest as much as possible and drink plenty of water and eat healthily. Last time I bled it lasted just over two weeks, it's been just over a week now but a lot heavier so I'm hoping that give another week or so it will stop! I also had a log of pain last time as I was passing clots, this time I'm not having much pain, just a lot of fresh blood! :(
Hi missb- sounds scary :hugs:

I too bled red blood where it poured out-it's scary, I know.

If your currently bleeding, I do recommend you put yourself in bed/rest as much as you can whilst you bleed. I'm sure resting helps in terms of the healing process. It's good you have a doppler and can hear your babies heartbeat-most babies are blissfully unaware of the sch and upset it causes us.

I understand your feelings in the nhs-they scanned me and sent me on my way with no advice or explanation, other than the words sch. I took it upon myself to learn more about it. Also, I paid for lots of private scans.

Can you speak to your midwife? If the clot is still present, if ask to be transferred to consultant led care and push for frequent scans/monitoring.

Sorry if my posts a little jumbled up-my pregnancy brain is all fuzzy today, but feel free to vent away and ask us all lots of questions-it's good to know your not alone and talk to others who understand :flower:
Yes I am resting, I'm staying sit or lay down unless I need food or toilet etc. I have noticed that when I'm more active it gets worse.
I spoke to my midwife over the phone and she basically said for me to just take it easy and wait until my scan next week. I've wrote a list of questions to ask at the scan, and I am also going to book in to see my midwife after it to talk about the scan in detail-although it's very hard to get an appointment.
Just hate not knowing what's going on inside of me, but like you say, baby is probably having a great time in there unaware to what's going on!!
Hi everyone,

I found this group and would like to join. It is good to know that I am not alone with this, and I have read through some of this thread and seen some success stories. I am terrified, and I love the success stories! I first started bleeding at 6 weeks. It lasted a full week of bright red bleeding on and off, cramps, and passing small clots. It was awful. Of course, I thought I had miscarried. It was shocking when I went to my OB at 7 weeks, and there was a tiny little fetus with a strong little heartbeat. There was also a large bleed. I believe it was 4x3 or 4x4 cm at the time. It was over my cervix, and I was given that awful 50/50 chance. After that things calmed down. I started spotting brown, with some small brown gushes for the next 3 weeks. Then it just stopped. I went in for a nuchal translucency scan at 11 weeks, and the bleed seems to have gotten larger. I am devastated! The doc wouldn't even give me the dimensions, but I was paying attention when the nurse measured it, and the largest measurement is 7 cm! It also appears to have changed shape and moved. At first it looked just like a blob, and was over my cervix. Now it is crescent shaped, and has moved upwards so that baby is now over my cervix and it is above and to the left somewhere. The doctor just didn't seem concerned, but I am terrified! He said there is no "active" bleeding in the SCH, and the baby is unaffected and doing fine. I asked him if this clot could release and take the baby with it now that the baby has moved over my cervix. He said he doubted it, but I don't know that he is correct. The day after that I started spotting brown a little again, and then again it just stopped. I am now 12 weeks, very scared, and in need of any advice anyone can give me. I had a miscarriage in April, and am terrified that another one is on it's way.
Is this a normal thing for the SCH to move, change shape and grow? Also, is it good that the bleeding is not "active", or does that mean very little in the grand scheme of things? Thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for any advice or knowledge you can pass on!
Hi Wrigley, I'm so sorry that you're stressed out! I'm in a similar situation in that I started bleeding at 6 weeks as well and also thought I miscarried (and was given the awful 50/50 chance talk). I started spotting again at 8 weeks and had another scan, and mine also moved up and is a crescent shape. I wasn't given as detailed information as you so I only know that mine was still there at 8 weeks and was clotted. I WAS told that clotting was a good thing and that I shouldn't worry since mine wasn't active bleeding, but it's really hard not to still worry.

From what I've read, most SCHs that are diagnosed early in the first trimester (and don't end in early miscarriage) end up resolving by 20 weeks. I really hope that's true, because my next scan will be 20 weeks!

Are you on bed rest or pelvic rest? I can tell you some things that have helped me that my midwife recommended whenever cramping or spotting started.
Thanks for your reply Feronia! I'm sorry you are going through this too. The fear and not knowing what will happen is the hardest part. I just wish the doctors could give us more answers. I am in constant fear that every little movement or every little cramp is the beginning of the end of the pregnancy. It's just awful. I too will not have another scan till 20 weeks. But I might try to pester my doctor into giving me one at 16. We will see how that goes!
I would love any tips your midwife gave you! My doctor has told me very little. Just to rest as much as possible, but she hasn't put me on bed rest. I work full time and have a 2 year old, so bed rest may be impossible anyway. I am on pelvic rest, and am laying around as much as my schedule permits! Did they put you on bed rest?
I have also read that many of these resolve by 20 weeks. But then of course there are the horror stories of extremely premature labor and delivery of a baby who is to little to live. That is my biggest fear right now. I am trying to stay positive and hold onto hope. I think that's the best anyone in our situation can do!
Yeah, it sucks not having answers! I wasn’t put on bed rest but I was put on pelvic rest. My midwife said to keep it up until 14 weeks assuming I don’t get any more bleeding. I have a 19 month old, and it’s tough resting sometimes with her, but I’m trying my best. I’m still breastfeeding her as well, and thankfully that hasn’t brought on cramps! :D

My midwife told me to go out and get some cramp bark, which is in tincture form. I take about a tsp of it in hot water whenever I start to cramp and then I lie down and rest. That stops the cramping pretty quickly (and it’s safe for pregnancy). Relaxing your body as deeply as you can (which includes de-stressing as well) seems to be very important in getting things to calm down. If you’ve done yoga or practiced hypnobirthing, you can use relaxation or visualization methods from those to help. I just close my eyes, make sure my jaw and hands are relaxed, and rest/visualize/tell myself “relax” and that usually helps. I actually requested a dark room where I could lie down in the ER, and I stopped bleeding shortly after that. My midwife also told me to drink lots of water, pee whenever you feel the need to in order to prevent UTIs, and to try not to stress.

I worried about PROM and pre-term labour as well, but the risks of those things happening are much lower if you were diagnosed with SCH early on. If it’s gone by 20 weeks or earlier, the chances of it happening are small!

Fingers crossed for you, keep us updated!
Thanks for the tips! I have never heard of cramp bark, so I will look into it for sure! I have noticed that trying to relax does help a lot. It's really hard not to freak out, but I'm doing my best.

I do hope the SCH resolves for both of us by 20 weeks. Mine is clotted or not active also, and I know that's good. It just worries me that it's gotten so big. I really hope the next 8 weeks go by quickly and uneventfully. It is going to be really hard to wait that long for another scan without knowing what's going on in there. I think I will start to feel a little better once I can feel the baby move. I should be about 3 weeks away from that. I will also feel better in general once this morning sickness goes away. The doctor told me that morning sickness is a really good sign, and I know he's right, but I am oh so sick of it!! :sick:
I got my cramp bark from a place that sells herbal supplements and it's been great (but tastes like crap)! You can use it to relieve menstrual pains as well since it relaxes smooth muscle cells.

I will feel soooo so much better when I start to feel baby move as well! Maybe we'll feel him/her sooner since it's not our first pregnancy? Do you have an appointment coming up where you can hear the heartbeat? I have my next appointment on the 14th and I hope they can find it then. I hope the morning sickness goes away, too -- ugh, it's awful, but I really hope it's a good sign!
Wrigly, I think your Dr is right on the money about not being concerned. Brown, inactive bleeding/spotting means you're on your way out of this and the size/ shape may change but so does your baby's placenta which keeps supporting the baby. As the placenta grows the sch becomes less and less of a threat. I had spotting and bleeds up until week 16- no doubt about it, it stinks. But I now have 1 week old twins! My advice: rest with your feet up during any active bleeding (if you get any more) and drink tons of water to keep your uterus calm. You'll be fine. :hugs:
Thanks ladies! I do have a heartbeat check next Monday. I hope they can find it too! I really hope you're right hmommy. I want to keep thinking that everything will be fine. Staying positive does help. Congrats on your twins! Were they born full term? I'm so glad things worked out for you and your babies!! :)
My bleeding has changed this morning to a dark red/brown colour, and I've got mild cramps today which before hand I wasn't really getting any pain. I hoping that this means it's on it's way out. But not getting my hopes up because it started going brown last week but quickly went back to red.
On the other hand, I don't feel lots of movement, just every now and then, but last night I could feel her wriggling about quite a bit. I was also listening to her with my Doppler and everytime I heared her move I could hear like a bubbley noise through the Doppler! :) xx
I had my 12 week scan today and baby was fine I havent had any bleeding or anything to make me suspect anything might be wrong but they found a small sch should I worry/ should I modify my activity will ibleed or might it just go on its own . Im scared as I had a mc the cycle before this pregnancy

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