Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi ladies, I've been very behind on bnb things lately.

Alice, lolly, hope you're doing okay.

Ferreroroche! I don't know if you're still lurking, but huge congrats to you! Hope you're recovering well and everyone is adapting well to the changes in the family routine. He is a super handsome little guy. <3

MissB, that sounds so scary. So glad you had your own doppler for reassurance. How are you doing now?

Wrigley, sorry that you're having to go through this. It is so so scary. Mine was smaller, but even then I wondered if my Drs were genuinely not concerned or if just didn't want me to worry b/c it wouldn't do any good anyway. But how can a momma not worry???? My last pregnancy also ended in miscarriage about 2 years prior, so I was absolutely beside myself. I do believe that it's good that the bleeding is not active...hopefully that means it's on its way out or reabsorbing. And it will change shape as everything else grows in there. Even if it gets bigger, it may not be bigger relative to baby. I wasn't meant to have another scan (aside from the anatomy scan) after my SCH was diagnosed, but I ended up having one 8 days later b/c we were rear-ended in a car accident. It was a bit larger then, but the sonographer was actually really happy with the way it looked because it appeared to be resolving. It's probably impossible to not worry, but I hope you can find some comfort in the success stories...there are many. Big hugs to you.

Hi 2nd time, my opinion, start with whatever your Drs told you, and if you are more comfortable take it a step further. As an example, I was only told not to lift >25 lbs or do any rigorous exercise. I felt more comfortable adding pelvic rest to my restrictions, though my Dr (in my specific situation) was not concerned with that. What were you told when it was diagnosed? So sorry for your prior loss. :hugs:
They didnt tell me to change anything realy just acted like it was going to be fine
I am doing a lot better thankyou! Been a very stressful couple of weeks-but as I posted a few days ago unthought the bleed was turning into old blood-well it has done just that! I've only had a tiny bit of brown when I wipe now. I've been getting more pains though but guessing that's because it's acting as an irritant to my uterus. And yes, my Doppler is my saving grace at the moment! I have my 20 week scan on Monday so very much looking forward to that!

I hope everyone else on here are okay and keeping well. Xx
Thanks eyemom. Did everything turn out well in the end for you and your baby? Yes it is very scary, and very hard not to worry. Every day I see no blood is a good day though. I keep thinking that it has to mean good things. I hope that the worst is behind me, and the pregnancy will continue smoothly from this point on. But I really do want another scan to check on the SCH. I think just knowing what it's doing in there will ease my mind.

2nd time, I'm sorry you were given this scary diagnosis, but it sounds like yours is small and you should be just fine. I was told not to lift anything heavy (although they didn't give me a specific weight restriction), not to do any vigorous exercise, and sex is completely off limits. I am taking it one step further and hardly doing anything at all that I don't have to. I stay off my feet as much as possible (which is hard since I work full time and have a toddler), and I lift my toddler as little as possible. The only times I lift her are to get her out of bed in the morning, and to sit her little bottom on the potty. I will not pick her up and carry her around under any circumstances. I am also making my husband do all of the housework (which he does very poorly), but there isn't much I can do about that. I too had a MC the cycle before this pregnancy, and am terrified that it will happen again. I wonder if there is any correlation to the MC. Maybe that put us at higher risk for having an SCH. If so, I wish somebody had told me and I would have waited longer. I'm very sorry for your loss, and hope this pregnancy has a positive outcome.
Hi everyone. I wanted to share my story and ask for support. This is my first pregnancy and I am 6 weeks today. Monday I started to have some spotting an called my doctor right away. She informed me to keep and eye on it and come to my appt. on August 11. During this week the bleeding has become worse so I ended up calling my Doctor to get in right away. I went today and she did an ultrasound and told me that I have SCH and basically need to wait it out. She said I can still do my normal activities, however, I have been resting all day and will keep relaxing until my appt next friday. I guess I just have no idea how to feel right now. I have never been good with the "waiting" game but it is what it is. I found this site and it has made me feel so much better knowing that I am not alone. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. thank you all =)

Hi ABCamuso
Sorry to hear that you too have a sch. Mine was diagnosed shortly after 13 weeks and I'm 19+5 today. I would advise you to rest as much as possible and drink plenty of water..and definately no sexual activity!! It is a very worrying time and no matter how much people tell you not to worry, if you see blood, you are gunna worry. But from what I've read, most people that are diagnosed with sch early on tend to go on and have normal healthy babies! The sch should go by 20 weeks in most cases.
My bleeding was very heavy over the last two weeks-however it seems to be stopping now-fingers crossed it's the last of it!! I have my 20 week scan on Monday so I should know for sure by then!!
Keep us updated on your progress, and go and put your feet up! Xx
Hi ladies. I guess it's time to post here, I've lurked a bit. I was diagnosed with sch at 5 weeks 4 days after a bright red bleed when I wiped. And in the toilet. But then it stopped. I thought it was a lot. Everything seemed fine but it was too early for heart beats at that time. I've had a few scan since and babies were great, measuring perfect, strong heart rates. The dr said the sch was small, I spotted light light brown but never bled again UNTIL last night, and it was MASSIVE. It was literally pouring out of me. I could feel it when I would stand up, soaking through pads. At the ER I passed a HUGE clot. I mean as big as my fist, I felt it come out (tmi?) and when I looked I was so shocked and felt as if a whole body part had fallen out! Then on the ultrasound I see 2 babies wiggling around measuring perfect with strong heartbeats! I mean how can I bleed that much and everything be ok? What on earth was the clot?? I have an appt with my ob in a few hours. They did say the sch is bigger. I'm worried, but hopeful, and I don't want to see blood during pregnancy EVER again:(
Lanet im so sorry your goingbthrough this , especially when uour having twins I hope that the bleedingvstops, did the er keep the clot for sampling, keep us updated will be thinking of you
Thanks. No the er didn't keep the clot because it was in an automatic flushing toilet. My ob today said she thinks the clot was most likely formed in the vagina. As blood was trying to come out and I was sitting/laying down and too scared to check. She said it just takes 10 minutes for it to pool and start clotting and that's most likely what happened. She did another ultrasound today, she said my sch is 4cm which is big but that it's in a great spot, on the very corner, and that most of the placenta is solidly attached. She also said it was right near my cervix so blood could easily come out which is better so that it doesn't push on anything trying to come out. She told me not to worry at all. I have another scan in 2 weeks. I don't ever want to see that amount of blood though. I'm so tired, off for a nap if my morning sickness will cooperate for a couple hours!
Hi lanet. I haven't been on bnb much lately at all. But just saw your update and wanted to pop in. That's so scary, but encouraging that your Dr is so reassuring about it. I know it's impossible not to worry though. Big hugs. Praying all will be fine for you and those babies!
Hey ladies, I could really use some input from you guys who know so much about SCH's. I just got diagnosed with one today. The day of the ultrasound i was 7 weeks 1 day. The clot measured 4.5cmx2cmx1cm. I had a big red bleed at exactly 4 weeks that lasted 3 or 4 days. Every single day since then I've had brown spotting. Ultrasound showed our little bean measuring right on track with a hr of 152. My doctor said the clot is located near the placenta. She did mention this slightly increases our chances on miscarriage but was very optimistic. I didn't know all the questions to ask so I don't know the size of the clot in relation to the sac. My question is does anybody know if this would be considered small, moderate, large, etc? Also any other insight you may have would be great! My first pregnancy was a mmc so I'm already paranoid as it is so I'd love hearing some good stories.
I'll try to help although I'm no expert, from what I understand "chorionic" basically is the baby/placenta/embryo or an outer layer, so sch is always under a part of that. My dr told me as long as it's on an edge, and most of the placenta is sealed down, then the risk is low. She said 25% of people have them, 90% go on to have healthy babies. Mine was also 4cm, she said that is big, but that it's ok and will be gone by 20 weeks.
As for the brown spotting I wouldn't worry, that is the rest of the old blood still coming out from that bleed you had. Red blood is active bleeding. I was told I need to be seen after red bleeding but not dark or brown. I'm sorry you are going through this as well.
My bleeding stopped after 3 hours. I have another ultrasound next week at 10 weeks 1 day. So hopefully it's gotten smaller. It will be my 7th ultrasound! At least I get to see the babes often.
Hi eyemom, I haven't seen you on much, hope all is well!
Thanks for your reply! My doctor didn't mention whether it was on a corner or anything about the placenta being well or poorly attached. I wish she had! I have another appointment with a scan next week so I'll save all my questions for her.
This is all so scary, as if pregnancy wasn't scary enough without these extra risks!
Hey to all the ladies here both new and old.

YoYo, I hope you are hanging in there and eyemom I hope you are well.

To all the new visitors, sorry to see you here, sch's are horrid things.

I was a nervous wreck for half of my pregnancy, after a huge bleed at 11 weeks, but we were so lucky to be one of the "90%" of success stories.

My sch was big and didn't clear by 20 weeks, in fact the midwife reported seeing a clot on the placenta after I gave birth, but my boy was born at 39 weeks weighing 7lb 15oz and was absolutely unaffected.

He is just over 3 weeks now and the sch is thankfully now a memory.


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Ferreoroche-how are you? Good to see you here! Little guy is looking so gorgeous :) hope your enjoying motherhood with two lovely boys.

I'm all achy and counting down until full term now-will be a long 9 months come my due date...sure you know that feeling!

:hugs: to the ladies with schs-it's a traumatic experience, but this thread helped me so much. I had 7 weeks of continuos bleeding, and felt massively unsupported by medical professionals. I'm now 33 weeks and my clot (7cm at its biggest) was gone at 20 weeks.

My advice to anyone with an sch is:

-bed rest when your activity bleeding
-drink plenty of water (dehydration can lead to the Womb contracting, which in turn can increase bleeding

-try to remain calm and positive, the odds are in your favour :flower:
My next scan to monitor my subchorionic bleed is tomorrow morning. I hope everything is getting better, I haven't had any spotting *knock on wood* good luck to all the other ladies with this.

I'm 9 weeks today.
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with an SCH this week. I am 7w1d today. Unfortunately the bleed is big, much, much larger than the baby - and is behind the placenta. The Dr said it can go either way at this point, and I'm trying to remain positive, but I also know realistically I have the most dangerous kind at this point in the pregnancy. Absolutely devastating as this was our 3rd IVF procedure, and we suffered a loss with our 1st. I'm on bedrest for 2 weeks, and have my next scan in Tuesday. I haven't been bleeding, and am praying it is reabsorbing back into my body.
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with an SCH this week. I am 7w1d today. Unfortunately the bleed is big, much, much larger than the baby - and is behind the placenta. The Dr said it can go either way at this point, and I'm trying to remain positive, but I also know realistically I have the most dangerous kind at this point in the pregnancy. Absolutely devastating as this was our 3rd IVF procedure, and we suffered a loss with our 1st. I'm on bedrest for 2 weeks, and have my next scan in Tuesday. I haven't been bleeding, and am praying it is reabsorbing back into my body.

Chelsie, I'm sorry for your situation, I can empathise. Coincidentally, I lost my baby after ivf round one last year, failed the second, and then had a massive hemorrhage during my pregnancy from my 3rd ivf... So our situations are very similar.

My bleed occurred at 11 weeks so a little later, but when it happened it was as big if not bigger than my 11 week baby. My baby is now 3.5 weeks old and asleep in his Moses basket.. So stay hopeful.

I know it may seem big now, but a 7 week fetus is tiny... In a few weeks, if the bleed stabilises and the baby grows, that ratio will look totally different.

I agree that being behind the placenta is not ideal, but there are still many success stories.

Take it easy, drink lots and keep your feet up.
Hello all new followers of this thread. Wish you all didn't have a reason to be here.

My sch was found due to a big bleed in my 5th week, and pretty much bleed or spotted all the way into my 2nd trimester. (Not exaggerating at all) It was terrifying, frustrating and painful at times.

Go on pelvic rest: no sex, no exercising, no orgasms (sorry tmi ) and no heavy lifting. Drink lots of water! If and when you cramp, stop what you're doing, put your feet up and drink water.

My baby will be 6 weeks old tomorrow, so it can be OK. :flower:
I am so happy to share I had another ultrasound today and baby's growth and heartbeat look good. The bleed has gotten smaller, and it now looks like the bleed is above and away from the placenta, and not behind it after all. I'm so relieved. I'm going to stay on bedrest for the rest of the week, and continue pelvic rest until my next ultrasound 2 weeks from now. Thanks for all your support, and I will continue to update :)

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