Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Congrats, Chelsie!

I have a question for those of you with SCHs diagnosed early in the first trimester. Mine was diagnosed at 6 weeks after a large bleed, and I had light spotting until 8 weeks. I had an ultrasound then that showed that the SCH was much smaller and had clotted. (Yay!) I'm now 14 weeks and have had absolutely no symptoms for a while now. No spotting or cramping in 6 weeks, and no active bleeds in 8 weeks, so my midwife thinks it has reabsorbed and I do, too!

Have any of you been in a situation like mine and had them still find something of concern related to the SCH on a 20-week scan? I'm going to skip all future ultrasounds unless I get any more bleeding or cramping, or unless I have any indicators that we should check anything out. I'm just curious to hear personal experiences of early SCHs. Thanks!
I saw this thread and I came over here because I had a SCH with my pregnancy with my son.

Feronia- I had my found early...I think it was around 6-7 weeks. It was gone by a scan done at 18 weeks.
My first bleed was at 5 and 4, 2 weeks with no bleed and then a major one at 8 and 5, my scan yesterday showed it getting smaller, no bleeding for almost 2 weeks again. I'm hoping mines gone soon too!!!
My first bleed was at 5 weeks (and they diagnosed a sch).
I bled or spotted all of 1st tri and was finally cleared of it by 17 weeks.
Congrats, Chelsie!

I have a question for those of you with SCHs diagnosed early in the first trimester. Mine was diagnosed at 6 weeks after a large bleed, and I had light spotting until 8 weeks. I had an ultrasound then that showed that the SCH was much smaller and had clotted. (Yay!) I'm now 14 weeks and have had absolutely no symptoms for a while now. No spotting or cramping in 6 weeks, and no active bleeds in 8 weeks, so my midwife thinks it has reabsorbed and I do, too!

Have any of you been in a situation like mine and had them still find something of concern related to the SCH on a 20-week scan? I'm going to skip all future ultrasounds unless I get any more bleeding or cramping, or unless I have any indicators that we should check anything out. I'm just curious to hear personal experiences of early SCHs. Thanks!

It sounds like you're all done with your sch. If you're no longer bleeding then I would say you're in the clear. 😊
More pink spotting last night, it always happens on a Thursday! Every single time! It stopped quickly but freaked me right out, it seems as soon as I get calmed down about it here it comes. I'm tired of having to go to and pay for the emergency room each time. I'm tired of being scared, and now I'm beating myself up for mopping yesterday.
How restricted are you guys?
I'm just on pelvic rest and no strenuous activity. But I swear I feel like I'm breakable!
Congrats, Chelsie!

I have a question for those of you with SCHs diagnosed early in the first trimester. Mine was diagnosed at 6 weeks after a large bleed, and I had light spotting until 8 weeks. I had an ultrasound then that showed that the SCH was much smaller and had clotted. (Yay!) I'm now 14 weeks and have had absolutely no symptoms for a while now. No spotting or cramping in 6 weeks, and no active bleeds in 8 weeks, so my midwife thinks it has reabsorbed and I do, too!

Have any of you been in a situation like mine and had them still find something of concern related to the SCH on a 20-week scan? I'm going to skip all future ultrasounds unless I get any more bleeding or cramping, or unless I have any indicators that we should check anything out. I'm just curious to hear personal experiences of early SCHs. Thanks!

It sounds like you're all done with your sch. If you're no longer bleeding then I would say you're in the clear. 😊

Hmommy! You had your twins at last!

Congrats. They are adorable. How is the sleep?
Hi guys I've been away for a while and everything has been a bit dramatic. I joined and posted over a few days about the retroplacental clot that I had. Well it bleed a week ago... And bled and bled some more! I ended up losing 4.2 litres of blood and needed a transfusion of 4 units! My Hb was 7!!! I felt shocking! I was in hospital for a week and then have been home a week since. I had steroids and magnesium sulphate for babies brain. They offered me a c-section but I decided against it as was only around 24 weeks and 3 days. I'm now 26 weeks tomorrow and happy to just get through every day still pregnant!
Hi guys I've been away for a while and everything has been a bit dramatic. I joined and posted over a few days about the retroplacental clot that I had. Well it bleed a week ago... And bled and bled some more! I ended up losing 4.2 litres of blood and needed a transfusion of 4 units! My Hb was 7!!! I felt shocking! I was in hospital for a week and then have been home a week since. I had steroids and magnesium sulphate for babies brain. They offered me a c-section but I decided against it as was only around 24 weeks and 3 days. I'm now 26 weeks tomorrow and happy to just get through every day still pregnant!

Wow, that must have been scary! 4.2 litres of blood?! I'm glad you're doing okay, and congrats on making it to 26 weeks! Why would they offer a c-section at 24 weeks? There's only a 40-70% chance of survival at 24 weeks and the chance of a major disability is about 50%, so I'd think they'd want you to gestate for as long as possible! Just making it to 26 means the chance of survival is 80-90% and chance for disability MUCH lower! :thumbup:

Take care, keep us updated! :hugs:
Hi guys I've been away for a while and everything has been a bit dramatic. I joined and posted over a few days about the retroplacental clot that I had. Well it bleed a week ago... And bled and bled some more! I ended up losing 4.2 litres of blood and needed a transfusion of 4 units! My Hb was 7!!! I felt shocking! I was in hospital for a week and then have been home a week since. I had steroids and magnesium sulphate for babies brain. They offered me a c-section but I decided against it as was only around 24 weeks and 3 days. I'm now 26 weeks tomorrow and happy to just get through every day still pregnant!

God Alice. That sounds so scary! You poor thing.

Are you on bedrest? You need to be taking it seriously easy took get yourself better and keep that baby cooking.

As you say, every extra day is a great thing for baby. If you can get to 28 weeks you have seriously improved baby's likely outcome, but even at 26 weeks you have really made a difference.

You must have been terrified. I remember when I hemorrhaged at 11 weeks, I was hysterical. How is the bleeding now?
Congrats, Chelsie!

I have a question for those of you with SCHs diagnosed early in the first trimester. Mine was diagnosed at 6 weeks after a large bleed, and I had light spotting until 8 weeks. I had an ultrasound then that showed that the SCH was much smaller and had clotted. (Yay!) I'm now 14 weeks and have had absolutely no symptoms for a while now. No spotting or cramping in 6 weeks, and no active bleeds in 8 weeks, so my midwife thinks it has reabsorbed and I do, too!

Have any of you been in a situation like mine and had them still find something of concern related to the SCH on a 20-week scan? I'm going to skip all future ultrasounds unless I get any more bleeding or cramping, or unless I have any indicators that we should check anything out. I'm just curious to hear personal experiences of early SCHs. Thanks!

It sounds like you're all done with your sch. If you're no longer bleeding then I would say you're in the clear. 😊

Hmommy! You had your twins at last!

Congrats. They are adorable. How is the sleep?

Thank you!! :) yep, they're here, we love them so much but I don't remember what sleep is?? Lol! Right now I'm in survival mode, but trying to enjoy the precious little moments with each. How are you doing??
Alicewonders-how are you now? Sounds a terrifying experience you had. :flower:
Hi ladies. Thought I'd go to bed early last night, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but then I woke up at 3:45 and couldn't get back to sleep. -_- Sooo here I am with a lil extra time to pop out of lurkdom. :)

hmommy, your avatar is so beautiful, brings tears to my eyes <3

Feronia, I think most likely you are good! My last bleed (well, SCH-related) was just shy of 10 weeks, and on that day it still showed up on u/s. But by my 20 week scan (actually mine was 19 weeks), there was no trace.

Alice! I wondered how you were doing. WOW! What an ordeal to go through. So glad you are okay AND great job keeping baby cooking a little longer. Delivering at 24 weeks would have been awfully scary. Are they watching you extra closely now?

Ferrero, how are you and LO doing?? are getting close now! Almost term!

AFM, been SUPER busy with work, getting house ready, loads of other things all happening at once. But pregnancy and family wise, we were doing great. So thankful.
Hi ladies
Somewhere between 11 and 13 weeks my SCH developed, it was found at a scan and I haven't actually seen any blood. I went back today at 16 wks for another scan, thankfully baby is ok and growing as it should, but the blood collection is still there :-( all the sonographer said was to discuss it with my midwife.
My notes about it have really confused me aswell, first measurements (in centimetres) said 8.3 x 1.4 x 5.3 =33ml. This one says 8.3 x 6.8 x 2.4 =81ml. But my mum, who came with me today, said they said it hadn't grown. I am thinking the first calculation is written the wrong way round in which case it's only about 12mls bigger.
Have been really worried, especially as I had a missed miscarriage back in March, so I rang my midwife she didn't seem to know what 'subchrionic' was and just said 'it's fine', not very reassuring! I have an appointment with her next week so can hopefully express my concerns.
In the meantime I'm going to rest as much as I can, I have a 2 1/2 year old though. Can anyone offer me any advice?? Thanks x
Homommy-can't believe I missed such a cute avatar picture! It's seriously like your babies are beautiful :)

Eyemom-Urgh. Not sleeping is annoying, hope you caught up on sleep now? Can't believe your 29 weeks now! Time is flying by for us now :)

Leigh-so sorry your going through this. I also have a two year old, and had to rest up, which I know isn't easy. Do you have anyone around who can help with your lo?

Not seeing any blood is a really, really good sign. Everything I read and was told said no bleeding was good. I personally had a clot that bled very heavily for 6/7 long weeks from week 13. My clot at it's biggest was 7.5cm (I foget the other measurements)

The best thing you can do is:

Don't lift anything heavy-this includes your toddler. My bleed began after I carried my two year old on a walk.

Drink plenty of water-being dehydrated can cause your uterus to contract, when the uterus contracts it can aggravate the clot resulting in a bleed/more blood loss.

Rest, rest, rest-I didn't rest up enough after my first bleed. Still had two girls to look after, so I just took it easy, but exactly a week after my first gush and I had been on the school run to drop my eldest off, I had another big gushing bleed. I then put myself to bed and got my mother in law over to help with the girls.

Stay positive-the vast majority of sch's clear up by week 20 and ladies go on to have a normal pregnancy.

If you've any more questions, ask away. We all know what a stressful time it is on the thread :hugs:
Congrats, Chelsie!

I have a question for those of you with SCHs diagnosed early in the first trimester. Mine was diagnosed at 6 weeks after a large bleed, and I had light spotting until 8 weeks. I had an ultrasound then that showed that the SCH was much smaller and had clotted. (Yay!) I'm now 14 weeks and have had absolutely no symptoms for a while now. No spotting or cramping in 6 weeks, and no active bleeds in 8 weeks, so my midwife thinks it has reabsorbed and I do, too!

Have any of you been in a situation like mine and had them still find something of concern related to the SCH on a 20-week scan? I'm going to skip all future ultrasounds unless I get any more bleeding or cramping, or unless I have any indicators that we should check anything out. I'm just curious to hear personal experiences of early SCHs. Thanks!

It sounds like you're all done with your sch. If you're no longer bleeding then I would say you're in the clear. &#128522;

Hmommy! You had your twins at last!

Congrats. They are adorable. How is the sleep?

Thank you!! :) yep, they're here, we love them so much but I don't remember what sleep is?? Lol! Right now I'm in survival mode, but trying to enjoy the precious little moments with each. How are you doing??

Getting by, but little man has reflux and suspected cows milk allergy so is a nightmare.

We are on dairy free milk and Gaviscon, but this week has been super bad so I am waiting for an appt on Saturday with a paediatrician.

Main issue is he takes ages to settle after feeds (just now it was 2 hours), pukes every feed, cries and arches where the acid burns, and grunts, snorts and writhes in his sleep, often waking himself up.

Some days are ok, others are terrible, but this whole week has been a write off.

I can only imagine how tough twins would be. I would not cope with so little sleep. Would have to sell my life's assets and hire a nanny!
Congrats, Chelsie!

I have a question for those of you with SCHs diagnosed early in the first trimester. Mine was diagnosed at 6 weeks after a large bleed, and I had light spotting until 8 weeks. I had an ultrasound then that showed that the SCH was much smaller and had clotted. (Yay!) I'm now 14 weeks and have had absolutely no symptoms for a while now. No spotting or cramping in 6 weeks, and no active bleeds in 8 weeks, so my midwife thinks it has reabsorbed and I do, too!

Have any of you been in a situation like mine and had them still find something of concern related to the SCH on a 20-week scan? I'm going to skip all future ultrasounds unless I get any more bleeding or cramping, or unless I have any indicators that we should check anything out. I'm just curious to hear personal experiences of early SCHs. Thanks!

It sounds like you're all done with your sch. If you're no longer bleeding then I would say you're in the clear. &#128522;

Hmommy! You had your twins at last!

Congrats. They are adorable. How is the sleep?

Thank you!! :) yep, they're here, we love them so much but I don't remember what sleep is?? Lol! Right now I'm in survival mode, but trying to enjoy the precious little moments with each. How are you doing??

Getting by, but little man has reflux and suspected cows milk allergy so is a nightmare.

We are on dairy free milk and Gaviscon, but this week has been super bad so I am waiting for an appt on Saturday with a paediatrician.

Main issue is he takes ages to settle after feeds (just now it was 2 hours), pukes every feed, cries and arches where the acid burns, and grunts, snorts and writhes in his sleep, often waking himself up.

Some days are ok, others are terrible, but this whole week has been a write off.

I can only imagine how tough twins would be. I would not cope with so little sleep. Would have to sell my life's assets and hire a nanny!

Omg poor baby! And poor mama!!! I'm wondering if one of mine might have a little cows milk allergy because it sounds all too familiar...crying, wiggling, constant poops or gas..hmmmm.

Well, hoping things settle down for both of us soon...crying babies are not fun :wacko:
I started bleeding again today, and we are on a road trip in the US (we live in Canada) - I told my husband to get a hotel for the night to see what happens, and if it gets much worse I guess we'll head home. My next scan is Tuesday at 10 weeks. Ugh, I hate this.
Chelsea I have a trip to the beach for a family wedding in 2 weeks and I'm so afraid I'll bleed there, and have to go to an out of state hospital and pay for it. All 3 times I've bled on a Thursday, I've been paranoid all day today! I hope it's done. My next scan is next Friday.
Is your bleeding much today? I hope you don't have to cut your trip short
Chelsea I have a trip to the beach for a family wedding in 2 weeks and I'm so afraid I'll bleed there, and have to go to an out of state hospital and pay for it. All 3 times I've bled on a Thursday, I've been paranoid all day today! I hope it's done. My next scan is next Friday.
Is your bleeding much today? I hope you don't have to cut your trip short

It did seem like a lot - we were at a restaurant and I felt some cramping, and when I went to the restroom sure enough, there was dark red blood. It was definitely more than last time and the color was much different which makes me worry the bruise has started bleeding all over again.

I hope you're able to still go and enjoy your vacation - it's really too bad us ladies can't just enjoy our pregnancy, isn't it?

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