Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Is it really dark and not bright? I was told if it's dark that I don't have to be seen, just when it's bright red.
We'll it could just be the old blood making it's way out. I wouldn't worry about the brown at all.
Dark/brown indicates old blood, so it sounds more like a residual bleed than a fresh bleed. So hopefully that means your clot will measure smaller at your next scan.

I foubd any activity increased my bleeds. Brown spotting is a great sign in my experience-I got that for the last week or so of my bleed. Fingers crossed it's the same for you.
Thank you both for your reassurances. Counting down the days to my scan on Tuesday - I'll keep you posted. Fingers crossed it was the last bit of blood in there and the SCH will measure even smaller.
Good luck-I have my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how it goes.
Hi everyone, I'm new to this thread and a bit worried about my current situation so I hope you ladies can help. I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant - last Wednesday evening I had a small amount of bleeding and had passed some small pieces of tissue. I was convinced I was miscarrying, but the next day a scan showed a healthy baby and heartbeat. I have a small bruise on my womb (I assume SCH from my mad googling, but this wasn't specifically mentioned). I was told to expect a little more bleeding. When I mentioned the tissue type stuff I was told people experience different things but she didn't say what it could be. I'm still getting dull red / brownish discharge (not much) but now and again I pass this tissue stuff. It's a bit like skin - pinky white in colour but sometimes brown (coated in old blood I think). I'm really worried as I can't figure out what this could be - I've had 2 miscarriages in the past. I have no pain. Had anyone else experienced this? I'm really hoping someone can ease my worries a little. Thank you. x
I didn't pass tissue, but I did pass an extremely large clot. I'm not sure what the tissue could be from. When is your next scan? How long have you been bleeding now?
If I make it to Thursday I will have been bleed free for 4 weeks! I'm hoping that's a good sign and that my scan on Friday will show that the bleed is gone or at least diminished.
Thanks for your reply. Bleeding started on Wednesday night, so almost 4 days but it's really minimal and more of a thick discharge, dark red or brown. There's not much at all, but now and again I pass these small clumps of tissue. My next scan is a week on Thursday, so just over a week and a half. They did say it was a tiny bruise but I just can't get my head around the tissue stuff. It seems unusual.
Generally when passing tissue these are small blood clots the tissue itself is blood that has clotted. Blood clots can be soft and tissue like and are not always hard and firm. Clots that are a quarter size or larger usually are a cause for concern and should go to be seen.. this also might consist with cramps.

I was diagnosed with a sch a few days ago. It was incredibly scary as when it happened I felt as though my insides fell out. There was a lot of bleeding and bright red blood along with clots and sharp pains. I was thinking only one thing miscarriage. But when i got to the er and had a u/s there sat a moving baby with a strong heart beat. Iv been put on bed rest for the next 5 days or so but much the same have experienced continual bleeding and tissue loss. These are clots that I'm still passing and I was told to return if I was experiencing sharp pains a fever over 100.5 or passing clots larger than a quarter.

When passing clots the usual is important staying hydrated as your losing blood and keeping up your iron levels.iv passed blood clots a lot even not being pregnant and the skin like tissue you describe is much like what blood clots are that iv passed. If it's stale old blood as in dark or brown or even pink there is less cause of concern. When it becomes bright red or vibrantly colored these are alerts to be seen. I'm no expert but this is my third pregnancy and have experienced one still birth at 20.5 weeks and 1 successful pregnancy born preterm at 34 weeks. If your concerned then contacting your doctor to be seen is important.

I hope this helps a little if at all maybe can ease some of your concerns.
My dr told me my clot likely formed in my vagina as the blood was pooling there, I wonder if tissue could be the same, like old hardened blood, but I really don't know. That sounds good that it's just old blood now though. My bleeds were both bright bright red which is not good!!
One other thought the early bleeding could be nothing more than implantation bleeding and can look like spotting or traces of pink in your discharge. It's completely normal and resolves itself after a week or 2. It's normal and common to be passing tissue during that time as well. As long as your not passing tissue larger than a quarter experience sharp pains with cramping or experience a fever lightheadedness or dizziness. You should be ok and just rest, sometimes the bleeding can simply come from over activity. Again should follow up your concerns with your ob. :)
I don't think implantation bleeding would happen at 10 weeks though right?
Hi girls,

I’ve not posted in this thread since Oct/ Nov 2013 when I was around 9 wks pregnant & bleeding, bleeding heavily with not one but two SCH’s. After 6 yrs of trying and an IVF miracle I really thought it was all over …….

I’ve not back read all of your stories (this thread is HUGE with a zillion posts), the only reason I post (now I finally have some time to post with my wee 13 week old sleeping like a perfect baby) is to hopefully reassure some of you that pretty much most SCH’s end up with a positive outcome.

I know first-hand how frustrating the lack of convinced advice is forthcoming from doctors …they simply will not say either way whether or not the pregnancy will continue, they cover their backs by saying as little as possible. The absolute best advice I had was bed rest for 3 weeks (weeks 10 to 12) which to me made complete sense.

The bleed areas in my case were approx 4cm x 2.5 cm in 2 different places. I cannot tell you how upset I was having gone back a week after my first huge bleed when no 1 SCH was diagnosed (at 9 weeks) to be told there were now 2 of them!! Bed rest thereafter for 3 weeks was prescribed.

After 3 weeks of bed rest I had no more major red bleeds and returned to work but stayed off my feet as much as possible (I have a desk based job). Brown spotting, sometimes quite heavy, but most of the time just a few spots a day eventually thinned out to just a few times a week but continued to around week 20 after which my pregnancy progressed normally & I finally started to relax a bit.

It was a HUGE worry, especially given the fact my age (42 then, 43 when delivered) and that my boy was an IVF miracle (only 1 viable egg, 1st cycle I was successful!!).

Ladies, please have faith that despite everything and the vagueness of the docs your pregnancies are likely to go full term. I would say don’t worry too much but I know from experience that is totally impossible.

Here’s a pic of my chap today at 13 weeks :hugs:

Good luck!
PS and at the time this thread was an absolute GODSEND of reassurance and advice! I hope my story offers some help and positivity to those currently suffering with the worry of an SCH x
Loopy lottie-lovely post. What a gorgeous smile your boy has :)

It's tough going having an sch, so i'm sure your post will give hope to those currently going through it. I also second bed rest-sure it hoped me too.
I third the bedrest advice.... At least when you are actively bleeding and up to two weeks after it stops to ensure it doesn't restart.

Sch's are very worrying because they can bleed/spot for ages... In my case 6 weeks, and no one wants to see blood during pregnancy. But as this thread proves (if you were to read back every page, which I did!) the vast majority of those diagnosed eventually stop bleeding and either resolve or in my case, dry up and stick around quietly until baby is born.

So rest up, and stay hopeful.

Drink lots, and ask for advice on here if you need any answers, or just some positivity.
Well, turns out a second SCH has developed, however they are both small and the doctor things they'll stabilize as the baby gets bigger. The bleeding is completely gone now, so fingers crossed at my 13 week scan in a few weeks all will be well. Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
Well, turns out a second SCH has developed, however they are both small and the doctor things they'll stabilize as the baby gets bigger. The bleeding is completely gone now, so fingers crossed at my 13 week scan in a few weeks all will be well. Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Small is good news! :) your doctor is right-the bigger baby grows, the smaller and more insignificant the sch will be relative to baby. Take it easy until it fully goes in the mean time

My dr can no longer see any residual bleed! Im off restrictions.! and look at these beautiful babes!!


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