Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Lanet-fab news!! Now enjoy your pregnancy honey :) sch puts the enjoyment on hold, but you can relax now!
Hey ladies, haven't been here in a long time it feels!! I've been really good, but last night and tonight I've had a bit of browny discharge on a panty liner :( I called the midwife yesterday and she was reassured I'd felt baby move. But it's put a right downer on me, thought we'd well and truly got over that!!

I've had a pretty exhausting weekend, plus a long drive Monday & today, so I'm wondering if I've just overdone it... Just noticed the discharge tonight after walking the dogs (which I regretted once I started as I felt tired!!).

Do you think I could just have overdone things?! I'm with the midwives on Thursday as my antenatal classes start, so should I just wait till I see them and see what happens?
Hey ladies, haven't been here in a long time it feels!! I've been really good, but last night and tonight I've had a bit of browny discharge on a panty liner :( I called the midwife yesterday and she was reassured I'd felt baby move. But it's put a right downer on me, thought we'd well and truly got over that!!

I've had a pretty exhausting weekend, plus a long drive Monday & today, so I'm wondering if I've just overdone it... Just noticed the discharge tonight after walking the dogs (which I regretted once I started as I felt tired!!).

Do you think I could just have overdone things?! I'm with the midwives on Thursday as my antenatal classes start, so should I just wait till I see them and see what happens?

Hi Ziggie,

Can't believe your over 26 weeks now. That's great!
Tmi-are you still on pelvic rest? Reason I ask is, irritation to the cervix can cause harmless bleeding.

I personally would get it checked out-it could be a number of things, and rather than wondering, it's better to get answers I think.

Good luck :flower:
I was diagnosed with SCH at 6 weeks. The bleed was moderately sized but considering my bean was really, really small during that time, measuring less than 5.5weeks, I had a 50-50 chance of losing my baby.. Well, now I have a healthy 8 month old bub, so I guess we overcame SCH.
Hang in there ladies.
I'm 8 weeks pregnant and started spotting very light pink blood this was 2 weeks back on a Friday , then by Tuesday it ended up becoming far worse like a period so had to go emergency room in Tenerife as i was on holiday :(. They took bloods and they came back with a high hcg of 7000 So She said I wasn't miscarrying but wanted to keep me in for 48 hours bed watch ...... which I said no to as our hotel was next door and I didn't see the point as we was going home Wednesday and I had a scan booked in already for Thursday .
Thursday i went for a scan at preston hospital and the heart beat was really strong and baby was good size also was high up in uterus which I felt happy with . I asked were The bleeding came from and she couldn't see any blood on scan so I asked to see doctor .
Doctor said as I'm bleeding this could still mean I may miscarry but she said she could tell me this because the cervix would have began to open.
She looked at the cervix and it was still closed and she said not much blood . But then she took a swob and blood pissed out all over the bed .
They then put me on bed rest and told me to have scan at 12 weeks
although i was bleeding very heavy with tiny period like clots no pain .
On the following Monday I was that feed up with the constant bleeding and large clots that I'd been passing that I went to see my GP . She phoned the early assessment unit and arranged another scan for the following day ( Tuesday )
When I arrived I showed the nurse and the U/S tech the pictures I'd taken from the extent of my bleeding .
Straight away they said its not normal and prepaid me for bad news .
I lied back on the bed ready for the U/S and as the prob went in the vigina and I could feel the blood poring out .
The tech then smiled at me ...... I said what it still alive she said yep , good size , strong heart beat .
She she i had a hematoma and that it would need to either bleed out or absorb .
So here I am still bleeding all day , every day and it doesn't seem to be affecting the baby so far although I'm not out of the wood a feel a little bit better although I can't do anything other than wait .
I have 3 children so it quite diffrent from my last pregnacys :wacko:
So my expected af was supposed to come on the 2-3rd of this month. I started cramping the night of the 5th and on the 6th I woke up to mild cramps and a gush of watery blood in my undies. So I thought I had started this dreadful thing.:growlmad: well, over the next 3 days, the only "blood" on the pads or tampons were either pink or brownish discharge. No cramps or blood clots like I usually have with normal periods. Also my regular periods are quite heavy. I've taken countless hpts and all come out bfn. I'm having pregnancy symptoms including, fatigue, headaches, nausea, slights cramps and twinges below belly button, roadmap veins, increased acne, sore bbs, muscle cramps, and diarrhea/constipation. The bfns are what are throwing me off. I don't know if what I experienced was implantation bleeding or something else. Help??
Thanks yoyo! Nothing since so I'm chalking it up to over doing it!! And I know 26 weeks!!! Time flies!! Growing nice and round now and baby gives me lots of wriggles and kicks. Love it :)
Ziggie-you definitely feel a bit more relaxed when you get past v day. Your baby is getting stronger by the day, and you'll soon be in third tri :)

Kellimgoodwin-is hard to know what's going on with your cycle. I think you ought to see your doctor and explain-ask for a blood pregnancy test, as it can detect pregnancy that an sometimes not show up on a home pregnancy test. Also-home tests can vary in sensitivity, so some can pick up much lower concentrates of hcg than others, meaning of your tests are less sensitive it may not show up.
Good luck

Jonnylee13-so sorry you had to go to hospital on your holiday :( what stress for you.

First of all-a heartbeat on the scan and baby in the right place puts you in a good position with all this worry. :flower: this is my third baby, and the bleeding came as a nasty shock to me too.

I bled for 7 weeks, with two very heavy hemorrhages within this time frame. I know it's hard, but most people with a sch go on to find them gone at the 20 week scan and go on to have a healthy little baby.

I put myself on bedrest for a month, and I remain convinced it helped mine heal up. Also, drinking plenty of water-avoid being dehydrated as this can cause the uterus to contract, the uterus contracting can aggravate the sch causing more bleeding. Ask your doctor/midwife/obstetrician as many questions as you can-understanding sch helps.

Also, remain positive, and calm as much as you can-you'll get through this :hugs:
I'm 8 weeks pregnant and started spotting very light pink blood this was 2 weeks back on a Friday , then by Tuesday it ended up becoming far worse like a period so had to go emergency room in Tenerife as i was on holiday :(. They took bloods and they came back with a high hcg of 7000 So She said I wasn't miscarrying but wanted to keep me in for 48 hours bed watch ...... which I said no to as our hotel was next door and I didn't see the point as we was going home Wednesday and I had a scan booked in already for Thursday .
Thursday i went for a scan at preston hospital and the heart beat was really strong and baby was good size also was high up in uterus which I felt happy with . I asked were The bleeding came from and she couldn't see any blood on scan so I asked to see doctor .
Doctor said as I'm bleeding this could still mean I may miscarry but she said she could tell me this because the cervix would have began to open.
She looked at the cervix and it was still closed and she said not much blood . But then she took a swob and blood pissed out all over the bed .
They then put me on bed rest and told me to have scan at 12 weeks
although i was bleeding very heavy with tiny period like clots no pain .
On the following Monday I was that feed up with the constant bleeding and large clots that I'd been passing that I went to see my GP . She phoned the early assessment unit and arranged another scan for the following day ( Tuesday )
When I arrived I showed the nurse and the U/S tech the pictures I'd taken from the extent of my bleeding .
Straight away they said its not normal and prepaid me for bad news .
I lied back on the bed ready for the U/S and as the prob went in the vigina and I could feel the blood poring out .
The tech then smiled at me ...... I said what it still alive she said yep , good size , strong heart beat .
She she i had a hematoma and that it would need to either bleed out or absorb .
So here I am still bleeding all day , every day and it doesn't seem to be affecting the baby so far although I'm not out of the wood a feel a little bit better although I can't do anything other than wait .
I have 3 children so it quite diffrent from my last pregnacys :wacko:

Get yourself on strict bed rest until the bleeding stops and drink toms and tons of water all day to keep the uterus still and very hydrated. This will put you in the best possible position to continue to have a healthy pregnancy. My sch calcified and healed at around 18 weeks after 7 weeks of bed rest. You'll see that most women on this site have great outcomes with doesn't have to spell bad news- usually just a crappy interference and inconvenience in an otherwise healthy pregnancy.

Good luck hon... Get your feet up!
Ziggie-you definitely feel a bit more relaxed when you get past v day. Your baby is getting stronger by the day, and you'll soon be in third tri :)

Kellimgoodwin-is hard to know what's going on with your cycle. I think you ought to see your doctor and explain-ask for a blood pregnancy test, as it can detect pregnancy that an sometimes not show up on a home pregnancy test. Also-home tests can vary in sensitivity, so some can pick up much lower concentrates of hcg than others, meaning of your tests are less sensitive it may not show up.
Good luck

Jonnylee13-so sorry you had to go to hospital on your holiday :( what stress for you.

First of all-a heartbeat on the scan and baby in the right place puts you in a good position with all this worry. :flower: this is my third baby, and the bleeding came as a nasty shock to me too.

I bled for 7 weeks, with two very heavy hemorrhages within this time frame. I know it's hard, but most people with a sch go on to find them gone at the 20 week scan and go on to have a healthy little baby.

I put myself on bedrest for a month, and I remain convinced it helped mine heal up. Also, drinking plenty of water-avoid being dehydrated as this can cause the uterus to contract, the uterus contracting can aggravate the sch causing more bleeding. Ask your doctor/midwife/obstetrician as many questions as you can-understanding sch helps.

Also, remain positive, and calm as much as you can-you'll get through this :hugs:

Not long to go now YoYo ..... I'm waiting to hear your news...

Good luck when the big day comes.
Thanks! Hopefully soon, I'm aching everywhere.

How are you and your gorgeous little boy doing? Lovely profile pic.
Thanks Mara! :)

How are things going with you? Enjoying motherhood?
Look at those tiny feet in your pic-aww! :)
We're good! Feeding him as I type this. <3

He's sleeping 5-6 hours straight at night for the past 2-3 weeks which has been sooooo much better than his 1.5-2 hour stretches he was having.
Thanks! Hopefully soon, I'm aching everywhere.

How are you and your gorgeous little boy doing? Lovely profile pic.

He is ok. Still riding the rollercoaster of reflux ... Permanently covered in puke, but he is just a lovely boy, so I forgive him :winkwink:

He is rather chubbier than he was in the profile pic, and has just started giving us the odd gummy smile.

Good luck for your big day.


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Ferreoroche-he is absolutely adorable! :)

It's so great to see after your worries in pregnancy you have such a lovely smiley baby. Hope the reflux goes soon for him, as it's not easy on either of you. :flower:
We're good! Feeding him as I type this. <3

He's sleeping 5-6 hours straight at night for the past 2-3 weeks which has been sooooo much better than his 1.5-2 hour stretches he was having.

Multitasking! I like it! :haha:

Wow-he sounds like he is doing amazing with his sleep already :) well done!

Great to see you and Ferreoroche doing well-worth all the stress in pregnancy 100x over!
Yes, I'm pretty happy that the stress and aches and pains of pregnancy are gone too! I honestly felt better right after birth than I did that last month I was pregnant. Lol I popped at about 38 weeks though, I can't even imagine how I would have felt if I went to 40-41 weeks. Yikes!
Hello ladies !
I'm so happy I found this group, i read a lot of pages, unfortunately not all of them as they are too many, but it feels like I know each of you since forever.
I'm from Europe, Romania, I'm 30 and expecting my second, 15w3d pregnant. I started bleeding at 12w4d, heavily, ended up in the hospital and stayed there for 9 days, developed a hematoma. Been bleeding brown ever since, on and off, more or less, every morning i go to the bathroom with tons of fear and i evacuate more than i do on the rest of the day but i guess that's sort of normal, not moving at night and all that. My sch was 5.4/1.53/4.78 a week ago, hopefully by sept 29 i will see some shrinking (that is my next u/s).
I'll try and add a picture.

I failed, can't upload it.
Hope I can join.

I'm really struggling. Pregnant with my second baby, 11w6d today. Pregnancy was a surprise but a very welcome one, however have been bleeding and cramping since before I found out I was pregnant at 8w4d. After several emergency room visits, at 10w3d, I was diagnosed with a small subchorionic hemorrhage, I was told 1cm by 1cm. Hadn't had much bleeding in a few days and was hoping the hemorrhage was gone, but at my prenatal appointment yesterday my doctor did an ultrasound and we saw luckily a very healthy baby but also the SCH :nope: . Looked bigger than the original measurement, however it couldn't be measured on that machine(too old doctor not trained). I'm so scared for my baby, almost in second tri, I want to be able to relax but I can't. Every morning and night I listen on the doppler for baby's heartbeat just so I know they are still ok in there. I'm terrified of loosing this baby. I'm also terrified to announce the pregnancy. How can you announce when you know the risk of miscarriage is very real? :cry: . Taking everything easy, drinking lots of water, trying not to lift, which is hard with a 14 month old. Anyway, attaching a picture of baby yesterday, you can clearly see the hemorrhage running alongside the sac behind the placenta I've been told. Baby was looking sweet his/her arms wrapped up around their head.

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