Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Deedee and Counting-sorry your going through this. It's a tough experience :hugs:

Most ladies who have a sch go on to find it's gone by 20 weeks or so. The best thing you can both do is rest. Counting-can you get a family member to help look after your 14 month old? Whilst bleeding staying resting is really helpful.

Also-drink plenty of water. Being dehydrated can cause the womb to contract, which can cause more bleeding.

The odds are well in your favour ladies :flower:
Wow, Yo_Yo, you're almost at your due date! Are you getting excited? :)

I'm almost certain my SCH is gone, so much so that I've cancelled my 20-week scan. It was pretty active through my first trimester and I lost a ton of blood, especially early on. It was 50% the size of the sac at 6 weeks (where I was given the dreaded 50/50 chance and sent home with miscarriage paperwork -- I thought that was very tacky of them) and 10% at 8 weeks. I was pretty sure mine was gone by 13-14 weeks or so when I stopped feeling any sort of cramping upon physical activity! I just started feeling comfortable enough to start doing prenatal yoga, the lack of exercise has been tough.

Has anyone had their SCH gone in second trimester but then caused problems later on? I've read really mixed things.

counting, I didn't announce my pregnancy until 17 weeks because of the SCH. In comparison, I announced with my daughter at 8 weeks... I totally understand concerns around that. Your odds of reabsorbsion are very good though! IMO It's probably good you didn't know about your pregnancy for so long because you just would have been stressing out about the bleeding/spotting early on.
I've been so busy, and I'm really behind, but I wanted to pop in and say hello at least.
Wishing everyone the best.

Good luck Yo_Yo! Watching for your updates!
39+2 YoYo! You are so close!

I remember when you first joined and were so nervous about the sch.

Now you are a veteran!

Can't wait to see your little man... Good luck for d day, hope he doesn't keep you waiting too long.
Well I had another big bleed this morning. Im laying in bed freaked out until the drs office opens. I havent bled since 8 weeks 5 days, I'm 15 weeks 2 days now. The dr thought it was gone at my last scan:( I want to cry. I'm so scared.
Well I had another big bleed this morning. Im laying in bed freaked out until the drs office opens. I havent bled since 8 weeks 5 days, I'm 15 weeks 2 days now. The dr thought it was gone at my last scan:( I want to cry. I'm so scared.

I'm so sorry lanet,

You must be so worried.

Please update us when you have been to the doctors.
Fingers crossed for you, lanet. That must be sooo worrying. Let us know how it goes!
Today at my high risk ultrasound- No sign of hemorrhaging behind the placenta anymore! They thought they might see a tiny bit of a clot but way over away from baby and placenta and they weren't even sure that was a clot at all! Feeling much better, and they said the SCH didn't affect baby's growth at all. They'll check for it again at the 20 week scan, but think everything looks very promising for now. Here is Lil'bean today, 12+2. Not the best picture(nose is a bit cut off in this one, they wouldn't give me the really nice face picture as it had scan measurements on it). We could see she/he has my nose and looks SO MUCH like my son!
well i was sent to the perinatologist and they found no sign of a hemmorage. He said I could've bled out the last pocket of it. A little unsettling on why I bled this morning, but good news that everything looks perfect. And Ive decided to not have sex again while Im pregnant. Ive only done it 3 times but one was last night and its just too scary. Heres the babes all snuggled up


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Feronia-that's great everything's sounding so positive for you! :) glad yoir feeling well enough to take up yoga. I did that with dd2 and found it it really relaxing.
Mine was gone at my 20 week scan, and other than an irritable uterus up until about week 27, no other issues. In fact, I'm probably going to go overdue again. Our bodies are amazing at healing, so I wouldn't worry about any issues when post sch.

Eyemom-4 weeks until full term!! Wow, hope it's going well for you? Nice to see you pop in to say hi :)

Lanet-what a roller coaster for you honey :flower: great news there's no sign of the sch, sorry to hear you bled though. It is stressful. Pelvic rest is a good idea I think.
Just love the scan picture of your twins all snuggled up :) how cute!

Counting-great news! Baby looks beautiful-really good side profile pic there! Hopefully you can feel more relaxed now.

Thanks everyone-no baby updates here in afraid . Went to hospital for reduced movement last night...of course as soon as the monitors went on he was having a good dance around! I'm anxious to get him here now. Plus it'd be nice to see my feet again!
Thanks everyone, the dr today said I have a low lying placenta that caused the bleed. She said not to worry and that it will move up by 20 weeks.
^^Great news! I know how scary it is. :( I bled or spotted from week 5 through week 13 without more than maybe a 12-24 hour break. I had one last minor episode after that and then it was gone. I was cleared of it by week 17 and went on to have a normal pregnancy and healthy baby boy.

Wish you and everyone else battling this the best of luck! :flower:
Hi everyone! I hope you don't mind me popping in.. I had a SCH in my last pregnancy (found at 8 weeks and was gone by 12) and just found out yesterday that I have one this time around too =/ I'm 8 weeks this time too.. (baby measured 2 days ahead at 8 weeks 5 days..) SCH is about 1 inch in size. Dr didn't really seem concerned (at my dr's office you dont' always see the same dr unless you request to but they discourage it as they want you to get to know all of the drs, because whoever is on call for the night is going to be the one to deliver baby..) anyway this is a different dr than the one I am used to seeing. She didn't seem concerned what so ever but I on the other hand am.. even though everything was fine last time.. baby has a great heart beat (173 when they checked) and i have no other reasons to be concerned but I mean that SCH is practically the same size as my baby right now! =/ how can you not be worried! I've not seen any vaginal bleeding or had any severe cramps as of yet (hopefully it stays that way!) I asked the dr if we were going to check up on it and at first she said she didn't see a need to unless I was cramping or bleeding.. but I told her I would feel better if we check on it so she suggested I opt for the NT scan. Even though I have no risk factors for downs or any other chromosomal disorder.. she told me that the tech that has to do that scan has to be specially trained and have more experience and she will check on the SCH for me as well.. so I will be going to their other location in 3 weeks time for that.. hopefully its at least gone down in size! but it'd be even better if it were GONE by then. we'll see. Trying to rest as much as I can but its hard when I have an almost 2 year old and a 3 1/2 year old to chase after all day.. next scan is on October 14th. Seems so far away =/
Hello everyone !
Lanet, thank God you are ok, I'm so happy for you !

I had a small discharge this morning after a few "quiet" days but it wasn't red, I hope it is from the sch. Still can't feel the baby, I'm 16w2d, it's probably too small.
I had my hemorrage on aug 31st, been spotting since then, I was 12w4d, almost one month now.
Can't wait for my next u/s on monday.

Fingers crossed for everybody !
No, Ferreoroche! :-( had second sweep this morning, so fingers crossed.

How are you doing? How's your eldest taken to being a big brother?
Thinking about you Yo-yo!! We got LO out the same way we got him in there. Lol :sex: :bunny:

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