Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)


Congratulations!!! :happydance:

Thank you so very much for sharing your journey with us!! You've truly been an inspiration!!

And what a gorgeous little boy!! Please keep in touch!!

All the best!! :flower:

oh wow Jennifer Im so thrilled for you! huge congratulations, your little boy is adorable
Hello everyone:

Just wanted to pop in & see if anyone was still lingering in these parts! I feel so blessed that my SCH seems to have virtually resolved itself (knock wood!).:happydance:

I've spent the past couple weeks just trying to enjoy my pregnancy for really the first time since finding out I was pregnant! It helps that little miss is very active, so that's always reassuring! :cloud9:

Hope everyone else is well & look forward to updates!

thats awesome shelly!! Im doing great,just spending my day snuggling with my little man...I just stare at him and cant believe he is really here:)
Heres a pic from today at 8 days old:
Its lovely to get some explanation as to what I have been suffering.
Hospital staff do not wish to express any negative outcomes understandibly so, but sometimes you need to be told outright what is happening to you.

I suffered a massive heamorrage a couple of weeks ago and had to wait 4 days for confirmation that my baby is still alive.

Since then some dark bleeding.

My sonogropher said I have a bloodclot but didn't want to discuss what it was or what can be done about it.

So thankyou for sharing your experiences, they have explained much and truely comforted me x
Hi All, I'm so glad I found this thread and have spent a couple of hours reading all of the posts. I had a huge bleed last Thursday night/Friday morning at 11 weeks. My midwife sent me for an immediate scan Friday morning and baby was happily wriggling away but they found a large SCH - I don't know the dimensions but it was the full length on the sac over the top of it like a crescent shape. No-one is being particularly helpful (as seems to be the case with most of the stories I've read here) and just telling me I only have a 50% chance of keeping this baby.

I have been told no lifting and minimal walking, but have not been put on bedrest - I have a 3yr old and a 23mo old so very difficult anyway, but hubby has shortened his work hours to do most of what needs doing with the kids and I have not had to lift them at all which is great and I spend most of my time sat on the sofa watching him run around after them. She also suggested low dose aspirin as a blood thinner to prevent any more clots - she also said this may or may not do any good at all but it won't do any harm so I am taking it. We are also checking my HCG levels regularly, as they won't be rising any more and may even be dropping a bit, but as long as they stay relatively high we know baby is doing ok.

I have booked another scan in a 1.5 weeks just for my own reassurance to see if it is shrinking any. I have just been having brown spotting on and off since with the occassional dark red bit of blood, but no bright red, though like most of you I must check 50 times a day!

Sorry for waffling, this is our third attempt at number 3 as I miscarried twins in Feb and another one in Aug and we are so scared of losing another one. It seems most of the original members of this thread have had good outcomes which is very reassurring to those newbies of us and I hope we can support each other throughout our pregnancies.
Wishing you all the luck in the world! :hugs:

I think that the best thing that you can do is rest. Its the only thing that worked for all of us. It sounds like you are doing everything right as you are - must be very difficult with two such little ones around the house but your husband sounds like a trooper! :thumbup:

Are you cramping with the bleeding? My one tip is if you care in pain dont be afraid of taking paracetamol. I was cramping very badly and in lots of pain but didnt want to take pills but I was then told it is actually very beneficial in that predicament to take paracetamol - that and drink lots of water :)

Keep us update on how you are, hun :hugs:
Hi Angelmarie, thank-you very much for your reply. I haven't had any pain or cramping yet, hoping it stays that way! I've read in several places about staying hydrated so have been making a point of drinking lots of water - I was pretty bad about it before this, but am having lots of cups of water now throughout the day. I just wish that the medical professionals were a bit more clued up on this as it seems quite common and the drinking water thing has never been mentioned to me by them. They just seem to be pretty pessimistic and tell me there is nothing that can be done to save my baby - the pregnancy will either continue or it won't :cry:. I asked at what point my odds might become better than 50/50 and my midwife said at 24 weeks when the baby becomes viable - not much help really...

Hubby is doing what he can, but he still has to work. Luckily his work are pretty good about him working shorter hours in the office and doing some work at home in the evenings, so he is getting the kids up in the morning and in the car all ready to go to Playcentre - at least there I have lots of eyes on them and they aren't trying to kill each other with just me watching them. They know the score there and are absolutely brilliant, so I can just sit all morning doing nothing, then someone gets them in the car for me and I just have to get them home, give them a simple lunch and get the little one down to sleep. My eldest is pretty easy on her own in the afternoons until hubby gets home and does dinner and bedtime routine. Not ideal, but the best we can do... not sure how you ladies with little ones manage complete bedrest!

Anyway, waffling again, but so glad I found this group.
HI:) Definately drink alot of water and also increase your protein intake, alot of studies have mentioned that extra protein can strengthen the amniotic sac (and since the blood from the sch can weaken the sac you might as well try) I ate extra protein the whole time and when I delivered my son I was 10cm dilated for an hour before my water broke on its own...It must of worked:)
I had alittle one to chase around also,but I tried to do activities with them on the couch and I tried to lift them as seldom as possible. Remember,out of all the studies the one thing doctors seem to agree on is NO sex until you are full-term. I wish you the very best, and always remember,most sch pregnancies end with the birth of a healthy baby:)
Hello there,
I have been trawling the internet trying to find out more about this sub hematoma. I have been having brown spotting for 2 weeks now since my period was due, I did a test just in case and it was positive but because of the spotting I had HCG done, all came back normal. last week spotting turned bright red but didn't last long and then turned brown again and this has happened a few times now, the majority of the time it is brown slime! I got scanned yesterday and was told I had a hematoma and that was what is bleeding and it was next to the pregnancy sack. They didn't know much more than that and were quite pesemistic really and talked to me like I was stupid in a patronising voice that i probably will miscarry because of this bleed. The thing is I have been reading through your emails and there seems positive stories on here, so maybe it is not all doom and gloom. So, they dont all cause MC then? I would appreciate any advice. I am sue back in a week to check what's going on
Hello there,
I have been trawling the internet trying to find out more about this sub hematoma. I have been having brown spotting for 2 weeks now since my period was due, I did a test just in case and it was positive but because of the spotting I had HCG done, all came back normal. last week spotting turned bright red but didn't last long and then turned brown again and this has happened a few times now, the majority of the time it is brown slime! I got scanned yesterday and was told I had a hematoma and that was what is bleeding and it was next to the pregnancy sack. They didn't know much more than that and were quite pesemistic really and talked to me like I was stupid in a patronising voice that i probably will miscarry because of this bleed. The thing is I have been reading through your emails and there seems positive stories on here, so maybe it is not all doom and gloom. So, they dont all cause MC then? I would appreciate any advice. I am sue back in a week to check what's going on

alot of women have an sch, up to 25% of all pregnancies will have one early on...and no,they all dont cause mc, most resolve by 20 weeks:) From what Ive learned over the last year, most dr.s are very pessimistic, they give you the worst case scenerio...most dont get hopeful or optimistic until 24 weeks is reached. Dont give up hope,odds are in your favor!!:hugs:

Hello everyone. My name is Julie. I found out at my local ER two weeks ago at 12 weeks that my bleeding episodes were being caused by a Subchorionic Hemorrhage measuring at 6cm x 2cm. I have had large bleeds in the past but since my 12 week mark, I have only had brown bleeding/spotting. The brown spotting is pretty much all the time and the brown bleeding is occassional. I have a follow up doc visit tomorrow for an U/S. I feel for every single one of you facing this trial because it is SERIOUSLY the scariest & hardest thing that I have ever faced. I am constantly nervous that something worse is going to happen. I am glad to have found this group, a lot of your posts have kept me going lately. I just pray the Good Lord will bless us with good news tomorrow at the U/S. Please keep us in your prayers, and I will keep everyone updated. I will keep ALL of you in my thoughts & prayers.

Hello everyone. My name is Julie. I found out at my local ER two weeks ago at 12 weeks that my bleeding episodes were being caused by a Subchorionic Hemorrhage measuring at 6cm x 2cm. I have had large bleeds in the past but since my 12 week mark, I have only had brown bleeding/spotting. The brown spotting is pretty much all the time and the brown bleeding is occassional. I have a follow up doc visit tomorrow for an U/S. I feel for every single one of you facing this trial because it is SERIOUSLY the scariest & hardest thing that I have ever faced. I am constantly nervous that something worse is going to happen. I am glad to have found this group, a lot of your posts have kept me going lately. I just pray the Good Lord will bless us with good news tomorrow at the U/S. Please keep us in your prayers, and I will keep everyone updated. I will keep ALL of you in my thoughts & prayers.

I hope you got great news at your u/s:)
Hey, Thanks hun. Well, the appointment went well. I still have the SCH & it is still measuring the same. :shrug: They explained things in better detail to me yesterday...finally. From what I gathered, the SCH is at the right edge of my placenta and is still measuring 6cm x 2 cm. She did say that it was better for it to be there then wrapping around behind the placenta, like in the middle behind the placenta or such. I hadn't heard this before, but the U/S Tech said that as my uterus grows, it will squish the SCH, causing the bleeding to taper off and hopefully keep the SCH from growing. Has anyone else been told that before? The Doc also told me to expect the bleeding such as brown spotting, red spotting, pink spotting but to only be alarmed if I have a heavy red bleeding episode (filling a pad). I feel more at ease with the situation because they said a lot of women make it through this and its more common than some think. I am only 15 weeks, but GUESS WHAT....They were able to determine that I am having a GIRL :cloud9: Sooo, that definetly helped brightened the mood some! I just pray that this will clear up over time. Any encouragement & advice is GREATLY appreciated! I wish you all the best & I will keep you all in my prayers.
So glad to hear the scan went well and that the could tell you that it was a girl! This is a very nerve-wracking time for all of us afflicted with an SCH. I have another scan booked for Monday and am hoping to hear that baby is doing well and that the SCH, if nothing else, hasn't grown any. I don't know the size of mine, just that it is large and was encompassing 50% of the embyonic sac at 11 weeks. Last scan I had never heard of an SCH so had no idea what to ask etc, so this time I am going loaded with questions and hope to find out more about the size, position etc. I had my HCG levels done on Wednesday and despite the fact my midwife expected them to be dropping a bit by now (she said as long as they stayed quite high it would indicate the baby was doing ok), they had risen again! She seemed to think this was very good news so I'm happy. Just hoping for good news on Monday now...
sorry to hear that there are more of you with an SCH..I barely did anything for about the first 16 weeks after finding out I had one...Im now 19+ 3 and have had to go back to work..but still avoid lifting anything too heavy..a scan at 15 weeks showed the SCH had got stop, scan at 21 weeks..which Im kind of dreading..
baby is very active now, kicking and squirming plenty.
I have not "introduced" myself here yet, but have been reading. I had been spotting since 6+4 and at 8+1 was diagnosed with a "small" as the Dr. put it Hematoma. I didn't know anything about it until of course I googled it and scared myself to death. Thank God for these boards where I can read of GOOD news associated with it!! I still have the occassional spotting, mostly rusty colored or tanish. More so, when I do more than I should like walk around too much or climb the stairs. So I try to relax as much as possible and am happy I have a desk job.

I have another U/S on Monday and will be asking as many questions as possible about the specifics of the hematoma...location, size etc. I THINK when the Dr. was looking at it on the U/S it was far below the two babies, so hopefully that is a good thing. I don't think it is anywhere NEAR them. I have also been told to expect the spotting, but of course every time I see it I ***sigh**** and worry...I am sure I will continue this until these babies are safely in my arms!!! I just keep praying that God is watching over them and helping keep them safe.

Good luck and :dust: to us all!!!

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