Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hey ladies, I wish you all the best of luck because I'm sure your facing the nerves/anxiety that I am. I'm learning to let go & leave it in God's hands. Good luck to all of you with your upcoming scans. I have another on January 7th, and Im hoping for the best! I too, have a desk job...Thank goodness! At this point, they said it's fine to continue working. I'm scared that if I have another bleeding spell, they will demand bedrest...a huge chunk of mine & DH's income would be gone. I pray that God will keep that from happening. Aside from the SCH, I feel great for 15 weeks! I'm not quite "showing" yet. I can feel my uterus but others can't quite tell yet. It makes me anxious, I know my sweet little girl is in there & I'm ready to see that belly!! Lol. Well, I hope you all have a great day. Hugs to all of u! :hugs:
Hey, Thanks hun. Well, the appointment went well. I still have the SCH & it is still measuring the same. :shrug: They explained things in better detail to me yesterday...finally. From what I gathered, the SCH is at the right edge of my placenta and is still measuring 6cm x 2 cm. She did say that it was better for it to be there then wrapping around behind the placenta, like in the middle behind the placenta or such. I hadn't heard this before, but the U/S Tech said that as my uterus grows, it will squish the SCH, causing the bleeding to taper off and hopefully keep the SCH from growing. Has anyone else been told that before? The Doc also told me to expect the bleeding such as brown spotting, red spotting, pink spotting but to only be alarmed if I have a heavy red bleeding episode (filling a pad). I feel more at ease with the situation because they said a lot of women make it through this and its more common than some think. I am only 15 weeks, but GUESS WHAT....They were able to determine that I am having a GIRL :cloud9: Sooo, that definetly helped brightened the mood some! I just pray that this will clear up over time. Any encouragement & advice is GREATLY appreciated! I wish you all the best & I will keep you all in my prayers.

mine continued to get bigger until 21 weeks, it reached 10cm x 7cm x 7cm, then the bleeding stopped and at 26 weeks it was 7cm x 7cm x 1cm...the baby does get big enough to squish it and stop the bleeding:happydance:
Jennifer, did you continue to have red bleeding until it stopped getting bigger at 21 weeks? I'm curious to know what kind of bleeding everyone else has had throughout there battles with SCH's? I am feeling actually, pretty positive this last couple of days :thumbup: It feels good not to be completely depressed. I think I may be starting to feel some movement in the belly but I'm not positive, it's mostly on my right side, which is where I was told the baby is. Have a good day everyone! btw Jenn, thanks for staying intouch even though you're not facing this anymore...that shows that you truly care to be a help to others :hugs:
I had the big bleed at 14 wks then 3 smaller red bleeds during the next 1-2weeks. from that point on it was dark brownish red with stringy clots til 21 weeks.
Im glad I can help, I was so scared during my pregnancy and I really learned alot,if what Ive been through helps someone else it makes me happy:)
Well, I woke up at 3am to another red blood incident on the Toilet Paper!! ugh! It was a few streaks, not too much, but more than I have had in a while. I have had only very light rusty colored spotting for the last 3 weeks. Then, out of nowhere...this. It seems to come on more at night...maybe just the pressure of laying down or something?? who knows. Of course I freaked out...but when I woke up for good this morning there really wasn't any more. I am going to watch it today and make sure it doesn't come to drink some water!!!
Hey ladies!

Jenn- My bleeding has tappered into light spotting, especially the past week. I've mostly had light orangish/brown spotting. No red bleeding since the last incident at 12 weeks. I'm hoping to continue on this path, when I've bled red, it makes me oh so nervous. I'm hoping the further along I get, the more that aggrivating SCH gets squished & disappears, best case! Out of curiousity, when did you start feeling movement with your first pregnancy? I'm nearly 16 weeks, I'm beginning to feel some things. :happydance:

Ladypotter- Hey hun, I'm sorry to hear you've had another bleed. It is good that it was already disappearing that morning! Stay positive & be strong for those precious lil babies. Good idea on drinking water! I usually am disgusted by water, but I feel like a fish these days. It's nearly the only liquid I consume, lol! I'll be praying for you! :hugs:
first pregnancy was probably around 20 weeks,then I felt movement around 15-16 weeks with the next ones:) The one thing I noticed with having the sch this last time was the movements didnt feel as strong,the peri said the sch can sometimes buffer the kicks until the baby gets bigger and stronger
Hi Mommas! I am so glad that I found this forum!
We had a really bad bleed at 9 weeks and discovered the sch. Since then it has grown to 10cm at 17 weeks. I am still bleeding red every evening for the last week or so. My doctor has just sort of taken the approach of "wait and see" with no advice really. When I researched it I found out the risk of miscarriage with a sch this size and my husband and I felt that getting the new bleeding to stop was a priority because of it's frequency and amount so he put me on full bed rest. (We have 5 children who are 7,7,5,3, and 18 months! :rofl:) For the last 4 days it has been stopping during the day but starts again along with braxton-hicks contractions every evening about bed time.:sad2: I am 18 weeks now and praying that God will keep this baby safe and heal this thing!
It has been so encouraging to read every ones stories on here and not feel so alone in this!
Thank you for sharing your stories!- Robin
I talked with my OB today for the first time today. (I had been seeing the CNM in the same office) It was very helpful and encouraging. He told me something that I didn't know about the bleeding I was having. Considering the nature of this board I hope this isn't TMI for anyone. I wish I could have found this information weeks ago!
I told him that I had gone on bedrest because of the severity and color of the bleeds (not bright red but not brown or blackish either). I told him that they were not bright red or continuous but I had been having "rounds of bleeding" every day for a week combined with B/H contractions. He told me that if the blood was a dark brown/black/red color that meant it was old in the sense that it had been outside of the uterus (in the vagina) for a little while BUT that the "port-wine" colored blood was actually coming directly from the cervix out of the uterus and was not "new blood". The "port wine" color is a sign that the clot has done it's job and the tear is healing so the clot is dissolving!!!
He said that with a clot the size of mine (10cm) that it may take a while and quite a few rounds of bleeding to get it all out.
He said there is still a danger that the remaining clot may migrate toward the placenta and cause separation. And there is the risk that the blood may cause some deterioration of the amniotic sac which can (but not likely) cause it to rupture more easily but I read today that eating extra protein helps to strengthen the amniotic sac so I am working on that!
I am still staying on bedrest until after Christmas but am going to get up and walk around for 15 minutes or so every hour to help the dissolved clot to work itself out. It still makes me nervous to see that blood and feel those BH contractions but hopefully when I go back on the 7th for my ultrasound the clot will have gone down some.
I am praying for each of you as well! May God keep our sweet little ones safely in His hands and give us wisdom to care for them the best way possible!- Robin
Thanks ladies for all the updates. Just to let you know, I am still spotting almost daily now. I don't know why and my OB can't really tell me either (outside the normal, that it's due to the SCH). All she said is that hopefully by 16wks, the babies will be big enough to have squeezed it out of me. I don't know if that is a load of waffle, but whatever. I am preparing a list of questions for my Peri as I see him on Monday for my NT scan. So nervous about the outcome of that as well!! I will be trying to see what kinds of things he says about the SCH (or at least how he answers my questions).

I just wish this bleeding would stop, because I worry about the risks of it deterioriating the babies amniotic sacs. I also heard about the protein, but have not done anything to build that up yet. I think I need to start drinking some protein shakes. Gotta find me some!!
Many thanks to Ladypotter for referring me to this group. I've experienced bleeding since I was 5 wks pregnant. My first bleed lasted for 2.5 wks and varied in consistency. At the time they found a bloody area around the gest sac, then assumed this to be implantation bleeding. By 8 wks, this area had disappeared, although i did experience another bleed for a further week.

At exactly 12 wks, i had further spotting and then 3 days later I lost so much blood, I assumed it to be all over. I immediately visited the EPU centre and they confirmed another bloody area around, and in some of the lining (can't specifically remember where) of the gest sac which measured 5cm. I was told it would simply drip away or reabsorb, or worst case scenario continue to clot with the result of MS. The didn't go into details, definitely didn't give it a name and sent me on my merry way until my 20 wk scan.

They told me that my baby was strong, developing as it should and of course this is amazing to hear, however I now don't know what to expect.

I appreciate I need to quiz my doctor, but what questions should i be asking???
The hard part is that when it comes to these hematomas (blood clots) is that they don't have any answers as to why they happen or anything that can be done to fix them. (Good nutrition and rest is really all that can be done!)
I would ask them to clarify if the blood is inside or outside of the chorionic sac and gestational sac. It shouldn't be inside and out? If it is a SCH it should be all outside the sac but inside the uterus.
You could ask if the hematoma is anywhere near the placenta as that is a big concern. You want it to stay as far away as possible.
From what I have read it seems as if the blood needs to clot to stop the bleeding and allow the tear to heal. Then as the tear is healed the clot will dissolve and either be reabsorbed or come out in the form of "port-wine" colored blood.
The clot is a danger to the placenta of course but I don't think that the tear can heal without the initial clot forming.
It does seem like these babies grow, almost oblivious to the clot they are sharing the womb with, unless it affects the placenta. It has been so encouraging to me each time to hear that the baby seems to be growing well and healthy!
My OB said that the only reason to rush to the ER would be if I started bleeding bright red that was like someone turning the faucet on or if I started having labor contractions.
I have had braxton-hicks contractions every night starting at 8pm or so and going steadily every 5-8 minutes for hours with bleeding each time but it has always been that darker blood. He says it is just my body trying to dissolve and get rid of that clot a little at a time.
I hope your bleeding will end soon or at least that you will be able to find the answers that will bring you some peace of mind!- Robin
Thank you! fortunately, my bleeding more or less stopped yesterday morning, which i assume to be a good sign! I think i'll bombard the GP with my questions after christmas and then go from there.

I hope everything gets better for you too! xxxx

Hello All!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Well, I have some rather upbeat news today. I haven't bleed/spotted in nearly a week. I am hoping this is a good sign. :shrug: If anyone knows the answer to that, please let me know! As for those of you who have recently joined, I wish you the BEST of luck with your situations & I will be praying for all of us! God Bless! :hugs:
Ugh!! I was going on 4 days with NO spotting / bleeding and then had my NT Scan yesterday which I was thrilled I got positive news, but then later that evening I got the spotting back again!!! DARN IT!!! It seems to be a little lighter this morning, so I am trying to just relax, but man...I was getting excited that I hadn't had anything in several days!

I DID have an internal exam at the NT Scan, so I am just hoping that he hit my cervix and caused it to bleed a bit...what do you think??? He said it looks as though the hematoma is healing itself (has not gotten bigger), so that is good...but dang this red spotting!!! Maybe it is just coming from my cervix?!?!
The doctors havent diagnosed me with SCH but this is what it is. The area has doubled in size since last scan (4 weeks ago) and now she is re scanning me in 2 weeks, perhaps because it is located at the lower edge of the placenta and to the right of the placenta......This is worrying me?!!? so scared and my OH walked out on me today. Baby seems fine , i have had no bleeding. Is it possible i will have a bleed and will the area of bleed increase further, i saw my baby bouncing around today and looked so happy i dont want anything to happen, i dont want to go through it on my own :( any advice ladies?xx
1babygirl- Welcome to our group. I will be praying for you, this is a very hard thing to cope with, I think we've all had some serious struggles dealing with it but A lot of women continue with healthy pregnancys & deliver precious babies. You asked if you will bleed, if it is indeed a SCH...there is a high chance that you will experience a bleed. My Doctor has explained that light activity, bed rest & no sex are the best remedies for this. Also, it is important to drink plenty of water, when dehydrated the uterus can contract & that could cause the SCH trouble. My SCH measures 6cmx2cm. I have had three heavy bright red bleeds since 9 weeks & I am 17 weeks today. My bleeding turned to brown spotting & now at this time, I am having no spotting or bleeding for a solid week. The best way for me to deal with all of this has been to leave it in God's hands. I just pray that he'll keep my baby safe & healthy and help my body to heal. I have another U/S on 7 Jan (next week), I am praying that the SCH has gotten smaller or reabsorbed. My Doctor has explained to me that most SCH's will reabsorb by 20 weeks & most women will continue with a healthy pregnancy. What is the actual size of your SCH? I know it's hard, try to stay positive for the sake of you & baby & take it easy. I will keep you in my prayers! And as far as doing this on your own, remember this one thing....God will never put more on you than you can handle. Everything happens for a reason & it will all work out for the best! :hugs:
Thanks for your response, the measurements are 52x18x53 mm but increased since last scan.....i have had a brown bleed (dark brown). My body has been under an increasing amount of stress due to relationship problems and i am worried this is why.....not realy sure what to do as the bleed was so close to placenta, it worries me and im now worrying i do not feel pregnant any more....(not hungry) and normally i feel faint if i do not eat.but this could be due to stress. not sure what to do or where to turn, thanks again for your kind words and i hope at your scan they have good news for you x
Hi Ladies new to this site so hello all...

I found out today I have a hematoma I have been bleeding heavily since 10 weeks each week I have gone on the bleeding has gotten worse.

I have had about 4 scans and they kept saying everything is fine with the baby the bleeding is "one of those things" and not giving me any idea why.

I was getting so worried I am weeing blood, going through about 6 -8 sanatary towels a day!!! surely thats not normal.

I am 18 weeks now and only found out today after I persisted with my midwife for me to get properly checked out.

To make it worse I also have a low lying placenta .. this pregnancy just gets worse!!

I am so worried and bed rest os not an option as I have a 17 month old but wll try to take it easy if thats possible with a toddler..:baby:

Big hugs to everyone else going through this it is so nerve wracking!
Bella'sMummy...I feel your pain!! I have been spot bleeding since 6wks!! I think you having the low lying placenta at this point is making yours worse for sure. Hopefully it moves up soon and your bleeding will stop. I keep reading/ and being told that these things typically resolve in the 20-25wk range. I just pray that mine has gone away by then.

I too freak out when I see the red blood and my spot bleeding has always been just in a while pink, but never brown or anything else...sigh...I was also told it is something that happens and not much I can do about it right now. Good luck to you as well!!! I was told to drink lots of water and keep up on the protein to help keep the amniotic sac strong.

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