Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi lady potter, thank you for your support, I hope things stop for you as well.

I am getting the pink blood, the brown blood, the clots everything..... I had a really really bad bleed last night not sure if it was the stress of being at hospital all day.

Today I just have dark brown bleeding, what do the diffrent colour bleds mean?

How many weeks is everyone now? i'M 19 weeks tomorrow so fingers crossed that things should start to settle down for me I just don't think it wll.
bright red blood is fresh new blood...anything else such as dark red, any shades of brown is good, thats old blood:)
This morning it as dark brown then this evening it was bright red again.... gutted THOUGHT maybe it could be going.

So bright red blood means that its still serious ...::sad2::sad2:
This morning it as dark brown then this evening it was bright red again.... gutted THOUGHT maybe it could be going.

So bright red blood means that its still serious ...::sad2::sad2:

My doctor refers to the red blood as still having an "active" hematoma...the brown usually comes after the red or if it has been sitting a while (hence the old blood). Mine has always been red and worries me too. But Dr. says that until the hematoma has healed itself, I should expect it. I try not to worry, but just call my doctor whenever I feel I need to at least so they can "take note"...I always call and say that too...I'm only calling to let you know so you can put it in my file. That way, I don't look nuts when I go in after 2 or 3 weeks and say well...I've been least they know. :wacko:
red is active bleeding, take it very easy when you have it, sit whenever possible (I was on bedrest) drink alot of water, no lifting! I hope it stops for you *hugs*
Hello ladies. I am 18 weeks 3 days today, and THANK GOD, haven't bled in nearly two weeks! I have my "20 week" ultrasound tomorrow, Im very nervous, anxious & excited :wacko: ! I just wanted to get on today to let everyone know that I am praying for you all & it would mean the world to me, if you all could please pray for our doc appointment tomorrow. Tomorrow is DH's birthday also, so GOOD news would be very good news! I wish you all the best, take it easy!! :hugs:
Thecarrols, good luck tomorrow hunny hope all goes well, which i'm sure it will, also really pleased that your bleeding has stopped.

My bleeding is still really heavy my OH is stuck in the isle of wight due to snow.. so I have to get up in the night with a teething toddler!!! which isn't helping the bleeding.

I've had 9 weeks of bleeding now I reallt thought it would stop by now.

Hope everyone else is feeling ok today xx
Hello ladies. I am 18 weeks 3 days today, and THANK GOD, haven't bled in nearly two weeks! I have my "20 week" ultrasound tomorrow, Im very nervous, anxious & excited :wacko: ! I just wanted to get on today to let everyone know that I am praying for you all & it would mean the world to me, if you all could please pray for our doc appointment tomorrow. Tomorrow is DH's birthday also, so GOOD news would be very good news! I wish you all the best, take it easy!! :hugs:

GOOD LUCK!!! Fingers Crossed and praying for you for sure!! I have my 18wk scan (anatomy scan) on Feb 8th!!! YAY for NO BLEEDING!!! :happydance:
I passed about 10cm of the hematoma last Sunday, went in Monday morning and they said I still had 14cm LEFT!:cry:
My hemaglobin was at 7 so they also admitted me and gave me 4 units of blood. My OB said that as soon as I reach 23 weeks they will send me to Dallas (2 and 1/2 hours away) and admit me to begin steriods for the babies lungs... I will remain there until I deliver or reach 32 weeks when they will hopefully let me return to Longview's hospital which is only 1/2 hour from home until I deliver.
I have been bleeding lots (like 1/4 cup every time I go to the toilet) of red and dark red blood every day for over two weeks and passing large clots but we are not giving up!
The OB said on Monday that the baby was still growing on schedule and looked very healthy in spite of all this!
I love this little one to much to give up and I believe in a God who is bigger than any of this! This little one is in His hands and I will trust that He knows what is best!
This is a hard road but it has taught me so much already about life and hope and dealing with fear... whatever the outcome I feel blessed to be this little ones Momma!
- Robin
Yesterday was my 1st u/s and I am 6+5. We saw the sac and slight hb & measured 6+1. The dr. was concrned when he saw the fluid next to the sac and said I had a sch and that it put me up to a 30% chance to m/c. I have already suffered from 2 m/c and will be devestated to have another loss. I have had no cramping or bleeding until about 10min ago when I wiped there was a streak of red blood like I cut myself. I stayed up most the night & early this morning googling then came across this site and read all 45 pages. I was happy to see positive outcomes, but also wondered why some quit posting. My dr. put me on 100mg. progeterone 3x day. I have a 20month DD and it's hard to do bedrest and not lift her but dh is helping out. I am wanting to gather all possible information from you ladies to know what to expect. Thanks so muc and good luck too all of you who have apt. today.
Robin: I hope everything turns out good for us. I have you in my prayers. When did your bleeding start, how many weeks?
Hi, turns out I also have SCH and have been bleeding for almost 3 weeks now. Aside from one rather heavy bleed, it's mostly been spotting throughout. It is beginning to drive me insane as i've more or less bled (on and off) since I was 5 weeks. Is is normally this prolonged?? I'm finding it so hard enjoying being pregnant and when people ask about when the baby is due (for example), i can't help but finish the sentence with "providing everything works out ok". I really pleased this group exists, as it's nice to know i'm not alone however I'm also finding it really difficult :(
Bobdavie- You poor thing that must be so scary all the bleeding and clots I know it is stresssing the hell out of me.

How many weeks are you now? the hospital here have just said they will keep a close eye on me that's all!!!

Add05- So sorry about your previous m/c but you have to think positive, saying that I am 19 weeks and haven't brought one thing for the baby as so scared something might happen if I do. Now that they know about the sch they can keep a closer eye on you and make sure they monitor the size... sticky vibes and nop bleeding vibes for you all.

Maisemoo= sorry you have this too, It's so scary and the not know what will happen is the hard part.

I have a 21 week scan on the 18th I cant wait I hope the bleeding settles by then though..
Because of the SCH I actually didn't know I was pregnant (I thought the first bleed was a short period). I was actually 9 weeks before we even found out I was pregnant and that night I had the second big bleed. After that it was just a little here and there with an occasional "big bleed", then it became heavier and more frequent, and recently it has been an everyday, almost all day, bleed. The hard part is not knowing how much of the blood is fresh from the original bleed and how much of it is the hematoma disolving. Both seem to be happening at the same time. The hematoma has been disolving and still growing at the same time. My hope is that the original bleed will heal soon if not already and that I will continue to lose the hematoma a little at a time. It would be awesome to walk in to my next sonogram only to find this thing GONE! I have found lots of wonderful natural things I can do to encourage and aid with healing but most of all I have to and need to trust in God to do what only He can do. I know that the stress and worry that can come with this kind of thing can do more damage than anything else. As I walk through this I am praying for all of you guys as well!- Robin
hello just thought id give an update, had heavy red bleeding yesterday went to a and e and they kept me in epu over night scanned me today, baby is fine thank god but blood clot has increased in size in one week????surely if im bleeding it wil decrease. been a really stressful couple of days.......being re scanned in 2 weeks, hopefully the outcome is good as feeling weak and not sure how much more i can take of the stress........hope everyone is ok xxxx
Robin- Your experiece with this sounds exactly the same as mine, bleeding everyday, I really pray that when you have the next scan they tell you that it's GONE!! My 21 week scan is on the 18th i'm nervous in case they say it's worse.

1babygirl- so sorry that they clot has gotten bigger, you poor thing-(( Big hugs))

I am struggling in the day to even pick my daughter up or bend down without feeling the blood coming.

I Just want it to stop! Robin= How do you know what's the hematoma disolving bleed and the normal bleed?
Bella'smummy- That's the crummy part... I don't really. The OB said that the dark red (or "port-wine" colored) blood is the old blood (or dissolving hematoma) coming out and that the bright red is new blood from the original bleed. But, for me, most of the time it seems to be a mix of both...

The defining issue seems to be the rate at which the hematoma is dissolving vs. the rate at which you are bleeding from the original tear.
If you are bleeding into the uterus and it is clotting (forming a hematoma, kind of like forming a scab. I know, yucky, but it helped me understand) this is good because the purpose of the the hematoma is to help the tear heal (just like a scab on a cut). But sometimes it doesn't because our pregnant uterus is growing to fast for the "scab" to hold the wound closed... so we continue to lose blood into the uterus and the hematoma grows. At the same time parts of the hematoma (clot or "scab") are dissolving and comes out in the form of dark red blood.
If we are bleeding into the uterus faster than the clot is dissolving then the hematoma grows. If the hematoma is dissolving faster than we are bleeding from the wound then that should signal the the tear is healing.
The danger of the hematoma growing is that it can interrupt the placenta keeping the baby from getting all it needs or causing abruption.
The other thing I have read is that the hematoma can irritate and even deteriorate the amniotic sac and cause premature rupture of membranes. From what I have read though the amniotic sac can be strengthened by eating lots of protein!

I know that most of you already know these things but it took me a month to put all of this information together and to start to feel like I understand some of what is happening. I'm posting this in hopes that it may help someone else understand what is happening without having to sort through 20 different sites all directing us to "see our OB for more information".
If anyone would like to correct me about any of this if I'm wrong PLEASE DO! I welcome any other information and would not be the least bit offended to be corrected. This is just my understanding from what I have have found and the bits and pieces my OB has told me. I am not a doctor... just a very interested mom!
Hello ladies,
Can I join please?
I am 9w3d pregnant with twins. I have recently been diagnosed with a large hematoma adjacent to gestational sac of twin 2.
I had very heavy bleeding on Christmas day and been on bed rest since.
According to my most recent scan on 5th January, the hematoma mesures 7cm x 4cm x 4cm.

Any info would be much appreciated

Many thanks

Andrianna x

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