Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Andrianna- Of course you are welcome to join in! I haven't been here very long but have found it very helpful and encouraging. Congratulations on your twin pregnancy. My twins will turn 8 this week! It's lots of fun:happydance: ! I hope your hematoma goes away soon... Just be warned that more than likely the way it will "go away" will be to bleed out. So don't let is scare you if it happens. The darker the blood the better! Try to rest lots and drink lots of fluid to keep your blood pressure up to a good level if it gets low. Lots of rest will help your body use the energy you have to heal the wound! I'll be praying for you and your little ones! - Robin
Thanks for your warm welcome Robin.
I truly hope there is a happy ending for me too!
I see that you are 21weeks pregnant. Do you still have the hematoma? How large is it?
Do you still have bleeding and cramping symptoms?
I had some this morning. I thought it had nearly stoped but this morning I had a good 1/4 cup of dark red blood and some cramps.
I am trying to keep calm and positive although its easier said than done...


Andrianna x
Yes, I do still have it unfortunately. From what I have read, most disappear by this point but mine is still growing. It was 14cm at the last sonogram even after passing large clots all night.
I have had very little bleeding for a few days now and my hopes were high but last night I had a dream that startled me awake and my abdominal muscles jerked really hard. I began to bleed again a few minutes later.:sad2: I was really down this morning but I keep reminding myself that this is just another bump in the road. I'm not giving up...
Oh Robin,
I am so sorry for your scary experience this morning. I admire you for your courage though! :flower:
How often are you being monitored? Do you see a perinatologist?
What a rolercoaster is this! At least you a approaching the end of the tunnel. :happydance:
As for me, I have a loooong way to go. Every week is an achievement.
Its sooo tiring and frustrating. I keep having dreams about bleeding and miscarriage.
Unfortunately there is no "treatment" out there. Gynaecologists and midwifes seem not to know much about this condition. The general attitude is "wait and see". I hate being just a number in their statistics board that will fill the box foe either "adverse" or "favorable" outcome. I wish there was something more solid I could do to help heal the wound and absorb the clot. Apparently bedrest- as the only treatment option- is also questionable in terms of potential benefits.
Oh well, let's try and keep positive. Our babies need it :hugs:

Andrianna x
Oh Robin- I am so sorry about the nightmare that caused the bleeding that is terrible, but don't be disheartened the bleeding is still slowing down which is a good sign- big hugs and pray for you .
Did you bleed everyday?

Andrianna- You got the same responce from doctors that I got which doesn't help - mine said that "what will be will be" I hope that the bleeding stops and your little ones are ok.

I have bled every single day now and last night I had a really bad scare my stomach went solid and I had intense pain at the bottom of my stomach like labour pains I was crying it kept coming and going... I was really panicking so took paracetomol and decided to wait it out- I bled so much during this time as well which freaked me out.

I couldn't even sit down or lay down as the pain was so bad, but 20 mins later the pain had faded so I went to bed and that helped by the morning I was fine:shrug:
Oh Bella,
What a nightmare for you too! I hope your bleeding stops and you wont get any more scary cramps as the ones you had last night :hugs:

You ladies are approaching 24w wich is an amazing milestone!
I am only 9w5d today. My bleeding got slightly better this afternoon. After an early morning dark brown gushing blood (approx 1/4 of a cup- same as yesterday), the rest of the day I was only spotting.
My next scan is scheduled for tomorrow 1.35 pm.
I really hope to see my babies doing ok and the horrible hematoma being reduced [-o<

Wishing you all a good week (and as much blood free as possible :flower:)

Love and hugs

Andrianna x
Man, I just can't seem to shake this red spotting!! I was so excited as I had gone nearly a whole week with nothing. And that was during my work week. I do have a desk job, but still get up quite a bit. Friday I got home and used the toilet only to find more red spotting!! CRAP!!! then it continued through the weekend and subsided by Sunday afternoon. Just went to the toilet before heading out for lunch and MORE SPOTTING!!! UGH!!! Will it ever end?!?!? I go back to the Dr. on the 18th (no U/S scheduled) but I may see if they can squeeze me in. I am soo soo frustrated!!!
Hey everyone! I am officially 19w5d today according to my "20" week scan last Thursday. I'm sorry it's took me several days to post again. It was a very busy weekend. The outcome of the doc appointment was extremely well :thumbup: Baby Madison is definetly a GIRL :cloud9: and she is healthy as can be. The US Tech did the full fetal scan, checking her heart, spine, brain, cord, placenta & everything else and all looked wonderful, PRAISE GOD! As for the SCH, it has definetly gotten alot smaller & isn't active. The US Tech said it is reabsorbing & that I shouldn't have anything more to worry about regarding the SCH, I couldn't be more pleased! God has truly been taking care of us & Im so thankful! Madison was kicking & moving like crazy. After all that I have been through with this, it was SUCH a relieving feeling to finally get some outstanding news! :happydance: I am planning to continue to take it kind of easy considering that SCH isn't totally gone just to be on the safe side. Thank you for all of your prayers & concerns, please continue to pray for us. I will continue to post with you all. Attached are some US pics of Madison...check out those fingers, feet & everything!

For all of you who are facing this. I know what you are going through is so hard & frusterating. Hang in there, take it easy, drink plenty of water & try not to do anything strenuous. You all will be in my thoughts & prayers. Remember, God is in control, just trust him. Wishing you all the BEST! :hugs:


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Tomorrow is our 2nd u/s and we are praying for great news. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that our little baby is growing, we see a good h/b and the SCH is resolving or at least not getting any bigger. I'm 7w4d today.
We went in for our OB visit today and my hemoglobin count didn't drop any further (steady at 8.7) and the hematoma had gotten smaller!!! This is our first visit that didn't show any growth of the hematoma!

Just for those of you who are looking for some reassurance that just because you are bleeding constantly does not mean that all hope is lost...
Every week this thing has grown- all the way up to 14 x 8 x 7cm at 21 weeks!
But today, after tons of supplements, 4 units of blood, weeks of bedrest, and lots of prayer- it is shrinking!

I know that this is not a guarantee that things will go the way I want them to but I feel so encouraged! Baby is still growing well and kicking lots. I am going to remain on bedrest and continue what we have been doing until we are sure this thing is well healed!
I'm praying for good news for each of you guys this week! - Robin:cloud9:
Bella'smummy- I had a couple of rounds with those kinds of contractions. They are terrifying! I always felt so much better after feeling the baby kick again the next day. I am thinking that each of those "events" were right before passing a largish amount of blood or a piece of the hematoma. I guess that is just what it takes for our bodies to get out what it wants out! Sort of a uterine eviction notice, I guess!:winkwink:
Praying that you don't have anymore unless it's a necessary part of getting that hematoma gone! - Robin
Hi everybody

found this thread whilst incessantly googling for info on SCH. have got some questions, hopefully you guys might have some answers. or opinions!

currently 10w 3d, been having intermittent brown spotting since 6w3d, and 3 episodes of red blood (no clots, diluted looking like say red wine or something, and not alot, the biggest episode covered only 1/4 of the pad i was wearing)

have had 3 scans so far, the first two didn't turn up any bleeding whatsoever. the 3rd scan (2 days ago) found a SCH 6.4cm x 6.6cm x 0.6cm, which according to the sonographer was 'only a slither'! it's on the anterior wall of the uterus, which i imagine is the front.

when i asked where the placenta was, she said it was 'high up where it should be', which i'm hoping is not to near the SCH. but stupid me didn't think to ask then where the SCH was in relation to the placenta :(

anyway after the scan, the midwife said to expect some more bleeding in the week ahead, and to contact the dr if the bleeding persisted for a fortnight. she recommended taking time off work (my job involves being on my feet 8.5 hours a day which 0.5 hours for lunch!) for the rest of the week (which i have). i saw my GP yesterday for a sick note, which she gave me, but then she said that i was perfectly fine to go back to work! and that most things would be fine except horseriding and skiing (duh!!!). she seem to think that

- nothing i did or didn't do would affect the outcome of this SCH
- that the SCH would more than likely be reabsorbed or bleed out

so. my questions are: (bear with me!)
1) is my GP being overly optimistic? she just didn't seem that worried by it, and said everything should settle by week 12. (seems to be the magic week or something, apparently my tilted uterus is going to untilt at that week as well). anyone have any stats available wrt m/c chances for SCH?
2) will i be ok to go back to work? i will definitely try and sit more but it won't be 100% of the time. what did your docs/obgyns recommend in terms of activity?
3) is my SCH classified huge, big, medium, small??!!
4) why haven't they asked me back for another u/s? i would have thought they'd want to keep an eye on it.
I was put on bedrest when my sch was first diagnosed at 14 weeks (it was alittle bigger than yours at that time) I bled off and on til 21 weeks when my sch reached 10cm x 7cm x 7cm and had u/s every 2-3 weeks...if I were you I would ask for a referral to a perinatologist. I believe resting definately increases your chance of staying pregnant and my peri was adement about me not having sex, not lifting anything, drinking a ton of water, and not working (Im a nurse so its pretty physical)
that's a scary size! it'll be quite impossible for me to go on bedrest - i have a 20 month toddler - without resorting to outside help. we have booked a private scan in 9 days (it's a NT scan and we don't get it on the NHS here unless you're older than 30 or 35, depending on the area you live in). i'll get them to have a peek at the size then and if it's any bigger i'll be bugging the drs then!

just really surprised as to how different the recommendations can be in terms of bedrest. it seems like all the drs in uk seem to think bedrest does nothing! (quote 'mother nature will decide', 'if it's going to happen no amount of resting will prevent it'). sigh :/
renee- You got the same advice I did, that was until my bleeding got so bad that I just couldn't go back to work as I was changing pads about once and hour.

My in the UK my consultants advice was:
1)Def NO SEX
2) Refuse any internals unless absolutely necessary
3)no lifting or heavy house work
4) relax and rest as much as possible- I have a 18 month old so I know that's impossible.
5) drink plenty.

We have done all of that but hasn't made a difference still bleed really heavily.

Regards your sch, yours is small at the moment and may absorb but you also have to brace your self that it may get bigger- FINGERS CROSSED IT WONT.

I'm 20 weeks now and been bleeding since 10 weeks so think positive, I am being checked every 2 weeks but my god I had to really push to be seen and scanned as they just kept saying " what will be will be" and your just one of those women that bleed... great thanks that makes me feel whole lot better!!!

Chin up hun all us ladies are still going strong and i've not seen any bad outcomes of this so we will all be fine! xxxx
renee- You got the same advice I did, that was until my bleeding got so bad that I just couldn't go back to work as I was changing pads about once and hour.

My in the UK my consultants advice was:
1)Def NO SEX
2) Refuse any internals unless absolutely necessary
3)no lifting or heavy house work
4) relax and rest as much as possible- I have a 18 month old so I know that's impossible.
5) drink plenty.

We have done all of that but hasn't made a difference still bleed really heavily.

Regards your sch, yours is small at the moment and may absorb but you also have to brace your self that it may get bigger- FINGERS CROSSED IT WONT.

I'm 20 weeks now and been bleeding since 10 weeks so think positive, I am being checked every 2 weeks but my god I had to really push to be seen and scanned as they just kept saying " what will be will be" and your just one of those women that bleed... great thanks that makes me feel whole lot better!!!

Chin up hun all us ladies are still going strong and i've not seen any bad outcomes of this so we will all be fine! xxxx

Hey! you are in notts too! :) so i guess that's the advice for our area. seems pretty rubbish that even bleeding as much as you did they still had to be bugged to see you. don't think they'll even bother about me seeing as mine's intermittent spotting and occassional small but scary red bleeds. not that i want it to get any worse so they will take more notice!!

we have a private NT scan a week on Saturday (booked a long time ago before all this crap started) so i'll get them to see if it's gone down or up in size. or is it too soon to tell?

my bleeding has stopped for now - bet it'll start when i'm back at work on tues; though i must say looking after a toddler is slightly more stressful as there's the guilt from the fact the toddler doesn't understand why mommy isn't as fun as she used to be. with work i still am concerned they'll think i'm one of those wimpy pregnant women who try and cop out of everything (am seriously on my feet all the time!), but i guess that's the smallest of all the worries eh?

will definitely try and do more fluids though. the only time i actively drink lots of water is for those scans! and i think i have a bladder the size of a pea.

thank you again for taking the time to reply, it makes me feel less alone!! keep us updated!

p.s.: did you still lift your toddler into the car seat (when you weren't bleeding quite as much)? only we have been stuck in the house for the past few days cos of the rubbish weather and on monday i need to take her somewhere... just wondering if i might be able to persuade my little one to climb in herself from the other side.
Where abouts in Notts are you? I'm in Gedling.

Yeah I still put her in the car seat, we actually had to buy a newer car and went from a 3 door clio to a 4x4 which is a million times easier to get her into and I don't have to struggle getting her into the back seat.

I would make sure that your manager understands what is going on with you so that you may need to take extra breaks etc... my manager a man was a complete arsehole until I threatened to take it further.

I try and do everything I normally do but with out the extra heavy work, If your bleeding is slowing down there is a good chance it is going and starting to absorb.. well I hope that is the case for you anyway- FINGERS CROSSED X
argh! i typed an essay out and LO erased it all by lifting up the mouse and clicking on god knows what!

bella's mummy - i'm in nuthall. my line manager knows what is going on and has been pretty sympathetic (i didn't have high expectations in the 1st place considering i phoned in sick the most popular week of the year for annual leave - btwn xmas and new year - we even have to have a ballot for it around april). he's given me some suggestions as to what i *could* do (involving sitting down) but has left me to tell the people i actually work with myself. not the easiest considering i am at different branches sometimes so i don't know anyone particularly well. but i really should stop whining!

hang in there, 24 weeks is just around the corner!

I think I might have help for all of you who are suffering with SCH.......

I never do this ..... However, I just learned about a simple blood test and treatment that can prevent birth defects and miscarriages. The scary part is MOST doctors will not tell you about or give you this test!!!

Its called MHTFR and Factor V. These are genetic disorders that 40% of people have. Its very simple to diagnose and to treat. THIS CAUSES SCH!!!!!!!!!! Your body clots too quickly and does not absorbe folic acid.

The treatment is a baby asprin..... and special vitimans...

Too many Dr just keep their fingers crossed and bed rest..... Keeping your finger crossed in bed until you have a MISCARRIAGE!!!!!?????? Don't let your baby die or have a birth defect.... When all you need is a baby asprin and special vitimans.....

Not all stories of SCH have a happy ending get tested before it is too late!!!! If your dr does not want to hear about these test CHANGE DRS!!!!!!!

Please tell anybody that you know who wants to have a baby (even if they already have children) or has a history of miscarriages about this. This can save a baby's life and can prevent a horrific birth defect.

I just cant believe that this is not a part of routine blood work!!!!!!

Demand this test ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to you all and I hope you all have a happy and healthy baby!!!!!!!!

I think I might have help for all of you who are suffering with SCH.......

I never do this ..... However, I just learned about a simple blood test and treatment that can prevent birth defects and miscarriages. The scary part is MOST doctors will not tell you about or give you this test!!!

Its called MHTFR and Factor V. These are genetic disorders that 40% of people have. Its very simple to diagnose and to treat. THIS CAUSES SCH!!!!!!!!!! Your body clots too quickly and does not absorbe folic acid.

The treatment is a baby asprin..... and special vitimans...

Too many Dr just keep their fingers crossed and bed rest..... Keeping your finger crossed in bed until you have a MISCARRIAGE!!!!!?????? Don't let your baby die or have a birth defect.... When all you need is a baby asprin and special vitimans.....

Not all stories of SCH have a happy ending get tested before it is too late!!!! If your dr does not want to hear about these test CHANGE DRS!!!!!!!

Please tell anybody that you know who wants to have a baby (even if they already have children) or has a history of miscarriages about this. This can save a baby's life and can prevent a horrific birth defect.

I just cant believe that this is not a part of routine blood work!!!!!!

Demand this test ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to you all and I hope you all have a happy and healthy baby!!!!!!!!

I have had these tests done. My MHTFR was fine but my Protein S was low which is also a clotting disorder. I do take Asprin and extra vitamins too..

I was almost put on Heparin, but they decided my level was not low enough for the need. So far, I am hoping my SCH goes away by 20 wks, like the Dr's tend to say...we shall see!!

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