Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Just had my detailed 21wk scan and the baby is fine and developing well which is a huge relief.

The bad news is the hematoma is much larger 4 cm bigger then 2 weeks ago and my placenta is completely covering my cervix... so because I am still bleeding they are worried that I am at a higher risk now of miscarrying!!!!

If I get to 28 weeks I have to be admitted to hospital and go on bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy, If I get to 36 weeks and still bleeding i have to have a c/section.

Got another scan in 4 weeks but I have been told I must concentrate more now on the babies movements and make a note of her pattern and if they decrease at all to call them or go straight in as the placenta may stop working!!

My god this is just getting worse I feel like I don't want to get attached in case the worst happens, everything felt so negative today.. I think they expect me to m/c but are just trying to be nice.

Please all pray that the baby will be ok and that the bleeding stops.

Oh re the really bad pains it's my body passing clots through my closed cervixs thats why it hurts so much!!
bella's mummy

sorry to hear about the SCH getting bigger... i know it all feels like the hospital folks just think the worse (they're bound to, it's a health professional thing and they will always want to tell you the worst case scenario so as to prepare you mentally), but at least they are keeping a close eye on you *and* your baby sounds like a real fighter! did they do any blood tests for clotting disorders etc? (as suggested in one of the posts).

hope you get to take it very easy from now on. will be rooting for you! every day that passes is a small victory...
Please don't take this as any sort of disrespect at all, I am not a medical professional, but am very curious. How could it cause a SCH. I could understand baby aspirin making the hematoma disolve faster IF someone did have this disorder but all bleeds SHOULD clot, right, that is part of the healing. If this doesn't happen, wouldn't you hemorrhage.

This is my fifth pregnancy and I have never had a bleed or miscarriage or any other complication until this pregnancy so if you are right and this disorder CAUSED a SCH then wouldn't women who have a SCH with one pregnancy have them with each pregnancy or at least most pregnancies? Since this sort of disorder would be a persistent thing.

It is definitely worth checking out but it doesn't make any sense (to me) that it would CAUSE a SCH as a SCH is a result of blood pooling from a tear in the uterus or placenta.

In a traditional hematoma I could see how it could help ONCE THE ORIGINAL BLEED HAS STOPPED because it would help dissolve the hematoma and it would be reabsorbed into the surrounding tissues. But with an SCH you have a different dynamic because the uterine wall is constantly growing so it is difficult for the tear to heal (which is why bed rest and good nutrition can help). I would think that any form of blood thinners would be very dangerous in our situation until the wound is healed. The hematoma really is not the only enemy here. It is dangerous to the placenta but continual loss of blood and deterioration of the amniotic sac also have to be considered as well as the risk of early delivery. You don't want to have a birth (especially an emergency C-section in the case of placental abruption) while on blood thinners!

If I am wrong please help me understand how reducing clotting would cause the bleed to stop. I could see how it might cause the hematoma to reduce faster reducing the chance of placental abruption but it would also CAUSE THE ORIGINAL TEAR TO BLEED MORE and in our case this is NOT what we need to happen.

Ladies please don't take anyone's advice until you have consulted your OB or midwife.
This sounds dangerous to me... I may be wrong and I would really welcome someone helping me understand if I am.
Respectfully- Robin

PS- I have my 23 week visit today and we are praying to see that the hematoma is getting smaller so that I don't have to be transferred to the hospital! All of the bleeding has been dark lately!!!:happydance:
If you are passing clots through your cervix (they do HURT! Had lots of them last night) then it is unlikely that your placenta could be covering your cervix completely unless the tear is underneath a portion of your placenta directly over the cervix. Ask them to check again. Sometimes they are wrong. I had that happen with a sonogram tech two weeks ago, they can get "disoriented".
Please, if there is any way possible, hire help, ask family or friends to help and lie down as much as possible. Tell them that the doctor is expecting you to miscarry, for the life of your baby you need to make use of all the help you can get. Exerting the least amount of energy possible will leave that energy to be used by your body to heal the tear.
And remember passing clots and dark blood is good! You want that stuff out. The bright red blood is what would tell you that the original wound is still bleeding. Having your hemoglobin checked might also be able let you know if you are still bleeding internally or if you are just losing the dissolved clot (dark blood).
Also, placentas can "move" upward as the pregnancy progresses, I will be praying that this happens for you!- Robin
Please don't take this as any sort of disrespect at all, I am not a medical professional, but am very curious. How could it cause a SCH. I could understand baby aspirin making the hematoma disolve faster IF someone did have this disorder but all bleeds SHOULD clot, right, that is part of the healing. If this doesn't happen, wouldn't you hemorrhage.

This is my fifth pregnancy and I have never had a bleed or miscarriage or any other complication until this pregnancy so if you are right and this disorder CAUSED a SCH then wouldn't women who have a SCH with one pregnancy have them with each pregnancy or at least most pregnancies? Since this sort of disorder would be a persistent thing.

It is definitely worth checking out but it doesn't make any sense (to me) that it would CAUSE a SCH as a SCH is a result of blood pooling from a tear in the uterus or placenta.

In a traditional hematoma I could see how it could help ONCE THE ORIGINAL BLEED HAS STOPPED because it would help dissolve the hematoma and it would be reabsorbed into the surrounding tissues. But with an SCH you have a different dynamic because the uterine wall is constantly growing so it is difficult for the tear to heal (which is why bed rest and good nutrition can help). I would think that any form of blood thinners would be very dangerous in our situation until the wound is healed. The hematoma really is not the only enemy here. It is dangerous to the placenta but continual loss of blood and deterioration of the amniotic sac also have to be considered as well as the risk of early delivery. You don't want to have a birth (especially an emergency C-section in the case of placental abruption) while on blood thinners!

If I am wrong please help me understand how reducing clotting would cause the bleed to stop. I could see how it might cause the hematoma to reduce faster reducing the chance of placental abruption but it would also CAUSE THE ORIGINAL TEAR TO BLEED MORE and in our case this is NOT what we need to happen.

Ladies please don't take anyone's advice until you have consulted your OB or midwife.
This sounds dangerous to me... I may be wrong and I would really welcome someone helping me understand if I am.
Respectfully- Robin

PS- I have my 23 week visit today and we are praying to see that the hematoma is getting smaller so that I don't have to be transferred to the hospital! All of the bleeding has been dark lately!!!:happydance:

I will just say from what I have been told by the doctor and what I have read online, that having this disorder doesn't necessarily CAUSE them, but can make someone more prone to GET one...I have done so much reading on these things since I have been diagnosed and I did come across that same bit of information that she did.

I take asprin as recommended by the doctor to ensure I don't CONTINUE to clot. Just because I have an SCH, doesn't mean I don't run the risk of clotting somewhere else (like in the umbilical cord) which is what they believe caused my other losses....

I don't believe that the asprin has created more bleeding for me. Honestly, although I have continued to spot throughout this pregnancy (since 6wks), there are many women on here that have bled way more than me.

I also believe that there are other reasons that SCH's being (that I have read about many times) is that a small part of the placenta or sac didn't attach properly causing a hemorrhage near or around the baby. this would make sense for someone who has had multiple pregnancies and only experienced this once. For others who have experienced SCH's in multiple pregnancies, it would be wise to see if there is an underlying reason such as a clotting disorder.

I don't think the medical community has 100% definitive information on SCH's which is why we all get different advice from our Dr's. No one can just text book say what is going to happen as each of us experience such different things. Luckily having a place like this for us to read about all of our experiences makes it better to understand from our side.

We all just want to keep our babies safe!!! :thumbup:
Hi ladies,
i was the one that raise the first question about SCH in the forum and we decided to open here a group thread...
i will sugest like every one said to follow your doc instruction in the first place...
i had SCH during my into my second trimester ...i bled a lot and past big clots as well (one time i thought i past the baby via the shower drain as the clot was so big :( )...i was only put on bed rest for 15 days but the doctors had told me that i could have jump and down it will not change my blood clot behind the placenta ...i had two option
1 it was going to be reabsorb on it's own or 2 it was going to get bigger ...i was lucky after couples weeks mine did get reabsorb but i remember bleeding for a very long time ...
i finally had my baby boy on December 5th...i wish you all well with a happy ending in your journey :)
I just wanted to let you guys know that I went in to full labor last Wednesday night and our sweet Rebekah was born by emergency C-section early Thursday morning. She was 1lb.2oz. and was just to early and small to resuscitate. Her Daddy and I got to hold her for about 30 minutes. I wish we had longer but that 30 minutes was worth every moment of bed rest and worry and waiting. She was perfect.
I will continue to pray for you guys! Never lose hope!
:hugs::hugs:Oh Robin, I am so so sorry to hear your news., I've been pretty quiet in the group but have been watching your story and really hoping for a good outcome. Thank-you so much for all your kind support to all the ladies in here, you have always been so helpful and positive. Again I'm so sorry. :hugs:
I just wanted to let you guys know that I went in to full labor last Wednesday night and our sweet Rebekah was born by emergency C-section early Thursday morning. She was 1lb.2oz. and was just to early and small to resuscitate. Her Daddy and I got to hold her for about 30 minutes. I wish we had longer but that 30 minutes was worth every moment of bed rest and worry and waiting. She was perfect.
I will continue to pray for you guys! Never lose hope!

awww huni :( im so sorry, i really am. My thoughts are with you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Robin, I'm so so sorry for you and your family- I was heartbroken when I read that- :hugs::hugs::cry:

I'm thoughts are with you all at this sad time, thank you so much for all your wonderful and thoughtful comments.

I haven't posted much, but have been following the group. I'm really sorry to hear of your loss xxxx
A little update from me... I had my 20 weeks scan today and I'm very glad to say that the SCH is totally gone :happydance:! The sonographer said she could see a few bits of debris in the amniotic sac which were probably left over from it but nothing to worry about at all.

On the downside though, I have complete placenta previa, which she was pretty convinced was unlikely to move. It seems like if it's not one thing its another with this pregnancy and I've now scared myself silly googling previa...:dohh:

On the plus side, baby is a totally healthy little boy and kicking very well :thumbup:- he kicked the probe a couple of times and even she felt it! My 3yr old girl is not best pleased at getting another brother though and keeps telling me she wants a sister. Oh well, she has a few months to get used to the idea!

Anyway, hopefully for those of you still with your SCHs this will give you hope that they can and do go away.
So pleased your sch has gone I bet that is a huge wait off your shoulders... i'm praying mine goes as the pains are getting much worse.

Sorry about the complete previa I have that as well as is causing me alot of problems and making my bleeding worse and painful.

I know what you mean about googling some time too much info is dangerous and make you more anxious.

Fingers crossed the pregnancy progresses well with no other complications though xxx:dust:
bobdavie - sorry for your loss. i cried when i read your post.

NZbeth - glad to hear the sch is gone; i hope i'll have the same news at my 20 week scan...

bella'smummy - how're you doing?

we went for our NT scan on the 23rd at a private hospital. consultant said
(and i quote) ' i wish they wouldn't report these things, they only cause unnecessary anxiety' and 'the size isn't predictive of any complications that could follow'.

so we started off the whole consultation on the wrong footing. still waiting for downs' blood results to come back but the NT measurement (1.3mm) looked ok. bubs was 6cm and measuring 12w 4d then even though i was only meant to be 11w6d (based on all previous scans).

consultant said he could see 'a bit of separation' (i'm guessing this is the SCH) and even though i swear i saw him measure it he DIDN'T PUT IT DOWN ON THE REPORT and didn't even tell me where it was in relation to the placenta until i asked (not near, apparently.).

anyways the SCH is on the scan photos and using baby's CRL to give me the idea of the scale i measured it to be 2cm by 1cm. (previous scan - 4.6cm by 4.4cm by 0.6cm) god only knows what the 'depth' of it is, so i'm not any clearer whether it has shrunk or enlarged or changed shape or what! i left the scan in a completely foul mood because the doc was just so dismissive and every question i asked was answered as if it was wasting his time and breath. i didn't dare to ask too many questions in case he got fed up and did a crap job with the NT measurement.

i know scans can only tell you what is happening at that specific moment in time and there won't be a thing they can 'do' about the clot but i just wanted to know what's going on inside me, was that too much to ask?! still very mad (at myself for not being more assertive). found out later that this doc's wife is a midwife too, which totally does not explain his behaviour.

ranted to hubby and mum, both think dr would have made more of a fuss if he thought it was important or threatening the pregnancy. this was in response to my cynical thought that perhaps he wasn't interested in the SCH because the NT package only included a NT measurement and blood tests.

anyway. going to book a scan in 4 weeks' with a different place, and perhaps that will give the clot more time to (hopefully please please please) reabsorb and go away.

on the plus side - no bleeding despite being at work and light activities with dd including walking and picking her up only every now and then; slight scare yesterday thought i saw a smudge of brown on the pad but it was only the crappy lighting in crappy work toilet. feel a bit crampy though these days... hope it's just the uterus stretching out.

sorry for the essay guys. just needed somewhere to air my thoughts.
Bella'smummy - thanks, it is a relief it is gone. I was convinced it was still there as I am still spotting brown tinged CM (sorry if TMI!) so thought it was due to the SCH, but the sonographer said it is now due to the placenta previa. My midwife told me not to worry if I get a few spots of red blood every now and then and only to worry if I get a lot of bleeding. I'm really sorry yours is causing you so much pain. How long until your next scan? How many weeks are you now? I really hope it has shrunk significantly or even better totally gone at your next scan - one problem is bad enough to worry about, but two... you definately don't need that! Due to all the problems I've had with this pregnancy, and even getting here after 2 miscarriages last year, we have decided this has to be our last baby.

Renee23 - I'm really sorry you had such a bad experience with the consultant - they can be so unfeeling at times! I hope you have a much better experience at your next scan and you get good news about your SCH. I wouldn't worry too much about a bit of brown bleeding, I had small brown bleeds every couple of days for weeks and every time I though it had stopped I'd get another one. My midwife told me it was just the clot working itself out and it seems that was the case. I just drank loads of water, had a couple of protein shakes a day, rested as much as I could and did minimal lifting, which is hard with a 2yr old and a 3yr old, but they seemed to get used to the fact I couldn't lift them quite quickly.
renee- Sorry you had such a crap experience with the sonographer, we had a sim experience to that make you feel stupid for even asking, to be honest it was probably like you said he was only there to check your NT so wasn't prepared to look any further.. ARSE HOLE.

I hope the next scan goes better and you get the answers your looking for, sorry about the bleed.

Seems i'm the only one who is still bleeding lots everyday, some dark brown blood some fresh red blood, the pains are more frequent and can last a few hours at there worst, plus my sch got bigger at the last scan :dohh:

NZbeth, I don't blame you about this being your last pregnancy you have has a rough couple of years so I pray that this one continues problem free, I think this is our last as I canm't put my self through all this again.
bella'smummy - hang in there.... and yes, what's with these docs having all the expertise and knowledge and absolutely crap bedside manners? having said that, with my dd's NT scan i saw a different consultant at the same hospital and that one was brilliant - he found an ovarian cyst that time and even wrote me a note and gave me a scan photo of the cyst to show to the NHS folks. wish i had gotten that one again but timing was wrong.

NZbeth - i don't know how you manage with 2 kids! here i am with just the one and whingeing on a bit... so what has been their recommendation with regards to the previa and everyday activities?

rang midwife who said that some bleeding wasn't surprising cos the clot was still there. and that unless it got as heavy as a period or i had bad pains they won't be arranging a scan. fair enough. the bleed seemed to be just a one-off 'squirt' of brown (by the time i saw it it was brown on my pants, so not sure if it came out red or brown) (sorry tmi) and that was it the rest of yesterday. dread going to the loo now but yet keep wanting to check... gah!

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