Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

sorry I havent posted..I have been lurking though..I was diagnosed at 7 weeks and am now anatomy scan at 21 weeks showed no sign of the they concluded that it had either absorbed or become so small it no longer showed on the scan..I have been warned to look out for symptoms of placental abruption am rather obsessive about baby's movements etc..I feel I wont breathe until she is here.

Bobdavie..Im so sorry to hear of your loss
Hi renee23 - my midwife hasn't been very helpful regarding the previa yet - she's only said to keep walking to a minimum. She said that if all goes well I will have another scan at 32 weeks to see if it has moved, but I may start bleeding before that and possibly end up on hospital bedrest - not very helpful with two toddlers and hubby working full time! If all stays ok and it doesn't move, the earliest they will do a planned C-Section is 39 weeks, but if I go into labour before that it will be an emergeny CS. I'm not best pleased at that as my son was born at 36+1 at 9lbs 6.5oz and labour was only 5 hours from first twinge to delivery! I was hoping for a 37-38 week planned CS if it was needed to be on the safer side to try to avoid an emergency one. I'm hoping when I see my midwife next week I can get some more useful info as I just seem to scare myself googling it. I hope you've not had any more bleeds and all is well.

Bella'smummy - I hope your bleeding is slowing and pains are lessening. It is such a shame we have to feel like these are our last pregnancy's due to all the problems and not wanting to put ourselves and families through this again, rather than they are our last bcause we feel our families are complete.

kaleidoscope - so glad to hear your SCH has also gone. I wonder why you were warned to still look for the signs of placental abrubption if it is gone? I know I was warned it was a possibility if the SCH didn't go, but I was told if it did go then the rest of my pregnancy would have been treated just like it had never been there. It's never that simple for me though with one problem replacing another! I know what you mean about feeling you won't breathe until they are here though...
NZbeth- No things aren't any better in fact the bleeding is constantly bright red now and the pains are coming daily... really really worried, got a midwife appt on wednesday so will talk to her about it then.

I was convinced things were getting better I went abourt a week with just dark blood and not much of it but now I am back to clots and red blood:nope:

Strangely I have been told that if i am still bleeding and my placenta is still cover the cervix they will do a c section at 36 weeks.

I am so so scared at the moment...
bella'smummy - give the out-of-hours midwife a call? they usually have one... the number should be on the inside cover page of your notes - should be written in by your midwife... also are they doing blood counts on you regularly just in case the blood loss results in anaemia? hope you're taking it very easy at home at mo. fingers crossed for you babes.

NZbeth - i would push for an earlier planned section... but from what i've read about previa there's still a good chance for it to move... alot of ppl have previa at 20 weeks but by delivery only 5% of these still have the previa. why was she convinced it wouldn't move?

had another tiny bleed today (last one was on Thurs) after a hectic day yesterday putting up my daughter's play kitchen (4 hours of DIY for hubby and me) and then in laws descending upon us in the afternoon. just felt like sitting down in the middle of sainsburys, uterus felt all period-y and then i went to the loo there was the blood as i thought there would be. hoping that this is the clot coming off little bit by little bit. wish there was some ultra high tech uninvasive camera that can show an actual video of what's going on inside every moment...i just want to know what's happening, whether it's bad or good... (ok just sounding stupid now i guess)
Well I spent yesterday in Christchurch Women's Hospital after I woke up at 3:30am Monday for a pee and found I had had a big red bleed. As soon as I sat on the loo (sorry if TMI) I passed a pingpong ball sized clot and some more blood. Luckily after that it stopped, but I was shaking so much I couldn't even type the numbers in the phone to page my midwife, hubby had to do it and she got me referred to the hospital first thing in the morning. They did another scan, bloods, urine test etc. Bloods and urine ok, and they couldn't see anywhere obvious on the scan where the blood was coming from (they said that was a good thing), though they did find the remains of my SCH hidden at the edge of my placenta - she said that it wasn't surprising that it had been missed at the last scan, but it was very small now and not to worry about it. I've been told to expect more bleeding and put on iron tablets and told to take it as easy as I can (with two toddlers!), so now I need to see about getting my daughter into preschool at least a day or two a week and find out what else I can do to ease the load. I had no more bleeding yesterday, but at 5:30 this morning I had a bit more red and again just from walking around trying to sort out the children this morning. Hubby is now at work trying to sort out if he can do as much as possible from home for the next week or two while we sort out alternative childcare arrangements.

Bella'smummy - I'm so sorry things are no better. I'm not surprised you are scared, even the much smaller bleed I had this morning had me shaking again. How many weeks are you now?
I hope your midwife is more helplful than mine. I'm just so glad I am under the hospital's care now too. I will still see my midwife, but can call the hospital and talk to a Dr if I am worried at all or have any questions, or even just turn up if I have a big bleed and they will look after me. I've also been warned that it is likely that I will end up hospitalised at some point if I do get a big bleed, so another reason to get alternative childcare plans in place.

renee23 - turns out my midwife didn't know what she was talking about regarding the planned CS - I told the Dr my worries about that yesterday and she said what I was told about 39 weeks was absolutely not true and every case was judged individually. I will have a growth scan at 28 weeks and another appointment with the Dr to discuss where things are. Oh, I just realised my typo in my last message - my son was born at 39+1, not 36+1!
The sonographer yesterday also seems quite convinced my placenta wasn't going to move either, I'm not entirely sure why, but both have seemed to think it is firmly in position - not very reassuring.
Hi my name is jo I was told at my 8 week scan that i had a sch, this dissolved and was nearly gone by 12w at 14w i had a big bleed and they found 2 sch around baby sac. 17w i had contractions and passed clots and scan showed that 1 haematoma was gone and the other did not look like it was attached to placenta any more it measure 7 by 5 by 5. My questions are?
I have brown/yellow spotting now is that normal?
My tummy low down hurts if i do to much?
I get a cramping/ hardening on the right side of my uturus is this normal?
I have my 20w scan in 2 weeks so its a wait and see game. what do you think my chances are?
please help i feel so alone xxxx
Hi my name is jo I was told at my 8 week scan that i had a sch, this dissolved and was nearly gone by 12w at 14w i had a big bleed and they found 2 sch around baby sac. 17w i had contractions and passed clots and scan showed that 1 haematoma was gone and the other did not look like it was attached to placenta any more it measure 7 by 5 by 5. My questions are?
I have brown/yellow spotting now is that normal?
My tummy low down hurts if i do to much?
I get a cramping/ hardening on the right side of my uturus is this normal?
I have my 20w scan in 2 weeks so its a wait and see game. what do you think my chances are?
please help i feel so alone xxxx

So sorry you are having to go through this. As you can see, you are totally not alone. I think your brown spotting is pretty normal as long as you still have a hematoma. Some women's do not go away until they are in their 20's weeks if even then. I would take it easy if I were you and stay rested as much as possible. Drink lots of water to keep hydrated.

I also believe that the cramping CAN be normal, but can also signify contractions, so I would keep an eye on it. It COULD also be Braxton Hicks which make your belly harden up and then soften up...i get those from time to time too.

I have been dealing with an SCH since I found out at 6wks and have had red spotting/small bleeds since then. I am praying at my scan on Monday, that it has healed now!!! Good luck for your next scan!! Stay rested until then!! :hugs:
Hi everyone

I thought Id post a photo of Christina a SCH baby that was delivered safely 3 months ago. I had to spend my whole pregnancy in bed rest and had my waters broken early but i have my amazing girl and none of that matters anymore.

Here is my angel

Good luck to all, hope you all have wonderful pregnancies xx
Hi my name is jo I was told at my 8 week scan that i had a sch, this dissolved and was nearly gone by 12w at 14w i had a big bleed and they found 2 sch around baby sac. 17w i had contractions and passed clots and scan showed that 1 haematoma was gone and the other did not look like it was attached to placenta any more it measure 7 by 5 by 5. My questions are?
I have brown/yellow spotting now is that normal?
My tummy low down hurts if i do to much?
I get a cramping/ hardening on the right side of my uturus is this normal?
I have my 20w scan in 2 weeks so its a wait and see game. what do you think my chances are?
please help i feel so alone xxxx

I had brown and yelloow streakly spotting for weeks on weeks, it was never ending, even when the SCH was not visible I was still spotting! I also had contractions early, exactly the feeling you are describing and my doctor put me on complete bedrest and lots of water is recommended to stop the contractions. The blood is what is causing thisand must be avoided. My tummy hurt pretty much non stop from week 16 onwards, it was the contractions again, I would suggest you speak with your GP/doctor and they may be able to give you meds to stop this from happening.

You are a lot of chances, believe in your pregnancy and your baby, you are not alone
-brown is always good, its old blood (I bled/spotted for 7 weeks)
-I had alot of cramps and braxton hicks between 16-20 ob told me to lie on my left side and drink alot of water when it would happen
-best of luck to you!!:hugs:
hi everyone, i was diagnosed with a sch yesterday. i am 6 weeks 4 days and the clot is right beside the baby sac and making the sac slightly abnormal shape, baby fine with heratbeat. the sono said she thinks its making it abnormal shape cos the pressure of the clot, it measures 3cm and not as wide. i have been bleeding on and off red blood sometimes dark red i cramp to. i am so scared about it putting pressure on my baby already i want it all to be ok. i had this with my last daughter and it had gone completely by 12 weeks. i am hoping at my scan next week that its either started to shrink or its not got any bigger and baby is ok. this is such a worrying time i am so scared, i am on bed rest and drinking lots of water. trying to do everything to keep this dear little baby. all the posts on here keep me going most of you have gone on to have healthy babies or sch has resolved its self. fingers crossed. would like to hear from others that have had it or have got it please xxx
hi everyone, i was diagnosed with a sch yesterday. i am 6 weeks 4 days and the clot is right beside the baby sac and making the sac slightly abnormal shape, baby fine with heratbeat. the sono said she thinks its making it abnormal shape cos the pressure of the clot, it measures 3cm and not as wide. i have been bleeding on and off red blood sometimes dark red i cramp to. i am so scared about it putting pressure on my baby already i want it all to be ok. i had this with my last daughter and it had gone completely by 12 weeks. i am hoping at my scan next week that its either started to shrink or its not got any bigger and baby is ok. this is such a worrying time i am so scared, i am on bed rest and drinking lots of water. trying to do everything to keep this dear little baby. all the posts on here keep me going most of you have gone on to have healthy babies or sch has resolved its self. fingers crossed. would like to hear from others that have had it or have got it please xxx

Im sorry you're going through this again:hugs: but you're right,the vast majority of sch's go away by 20 wks and a healthy baby is born:)
i was diognosed at 8 weeks and i am nearly 19 weeks and baby still hanging in there. my first sch disolved and was nearly gone by 12w 15w huge red bleed and a week later another bleed. 2 new sch seen. 17w passed lots of clots and large hematoma gone. still have 1 measuring 7/4/5 but been bleeding brown yellow spotting since. hand in there even though its worrying there are allot of success stories. I have 20w scan in week and half xxx
Hello. I was diagnosed with sch at 6+1, and have been bleeding brown blood pretty much non-stop. I've had one episode of bright red blood and I had another scan last week at 7+3 which has showed it is still there but has not changed size (although I can't be sure as they haven't measured it and seem totally unconcerned). It is all along the top of the sac and down the right hand side of the sac and is clearly visible on ultrasound. Luckily I have seen a strong heartbeat on the last two scans, but I am still really worried especially with it being along the top of the sac as well. I dread going to the toilet everytime incase I have a load of red blood.
new red bleed today. is this ever going to get better. baby ok still x
Hi ladies. Just wondering if anyone has any advice. I too have a SCH, they first found it when I was about 6 weeks when I had a bit of red spotting. At my 12 week scan it was measuring 19x20x12mm and they told me it should resolve pretty quickly. The sonographer said it had been caused by a vanishing twin. I had a bit more bleeding after the scan but then stopped and had nothing more until I was 15 weeks when I started bleeding again and had bad pains with it. They scanned me then and the area had increased to 71x40x80. They left me completely confused because they said the sonographer at the 12 week scan was wrong and that the bleed was the twin sac that was carrying on growing (like a blighted ovum). I wasn't happy with this and got a second opinion when I was told that it was definitely a blood clot and not a twin sac! They pretty much said their was nothing they could do and to just take it easy until my 20 week scan.

So I kept resting and had some more brown bleeding. I started to get awful contraction-like cramps and was called in for another scan at 17 weeks. The SCH had got smaller and she was pretty sure that it would be completley resolved by my 20 week scan. I hadn't had any bleeding since then and the cramps had got a lot better so I thought it definitely would of gone. Then I had my 20 week scan on Tuesday and they told me that the clot had now got bigger again!

Sorry for waffling on and hope this all makes sense. I'm so scared at the moment, I really dont know what to expect. I didn't think it would of grown considering I wasn't bleeding anymore. I'm seeing a consultant next week. Has anyone else's shrunk only to get bigger again when they have got to the 20 week + stage? If i'm not bleeding and its still growing, is that a bad sign?

Thanks for any help xx
Mine reached its biggest at my 21 week 2 day u/ was huge (10cm x7cm x7cm) and I hadnt been actively bleeding red since about 17 weeks, I did have some spotting of old blood til about 19ish weeks. Then at my 26 week u/s it finalle got smaller for the 1st time:) it was 7cm x7cm x1cm. Here is my sch baby today on his 3 mth birthday:)
The little chunk is 17lbs 3ozs
im hoping mine will disappear or have at least shrunk at my 20 week scan, i have brown (old) blood everyday but dont really know what this means, my midwife has now told me i will have a consultant led pregnancy so its good that baby will get best care available! just trying to think positive in this situation and is hard when you cant see whats going on in there!!!! good luck everyone, will update on here after 20 week scan,have not got the date through yet so will probably be 22 weeks or close to that xxx
Just wanted to let you know that on wednesday the 10th Feb, I went in to premature labour after being in hospital for 2 weeks.

At 7.30pm Olivia was born weighing 1lbs 5oz but sadly died during delivery, she could fight no more I was 24 weeks to the day.

I feel lost and angry that his has happend and why me, she was so beautiful and with the angels now and I hope at peace.
Just wanted to let you know that on wednesday the 10th Feb, I went in to premature labour after being in hospital for 2 weeks.

At 7.30pm Olivia was born weighing 1lbs 5oz but sadly died during delivery, she could fight no more I was 24 weeks to the day.

I feel lost and angry that his has happend and why me, she was so beautiful and with the angels now and I hope at peace.

awwww huni.........there are absolutely no words that would make how you feel even remotely better but i just want you to know im thinking of you and feel so sad for you...............xxxxxxxxxx

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