Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma) I feel guilty for making people hunt it up. I don't have a scanner so sorry for the poor quality of the pic.


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Well ladies I have had my scan baby is growing perfectly the little bugger kept rolling it was obviously still tired as it was an early scan and we don't usually get up till at least 11 lol.

Well it looks like my hematoma has vanished, they are now saying that it is my fertility drug CLOMID which is causing my bleeding due to the I'm Imbalance of hormones ? This doesnt make sense to me! I have also got a cycst on one of my ovary and possibly some sort of infection which showed up in my urine sample they are sending that off to see what it is but I think it's because of me still bleeding. TBH I don't think the doctor that spoke to me new what she was talking about she seemed a bit gormless, but they haven't offered me an earlier scan or anything so they are obviously not worried and they said my doctor will ring me if I have an infection xxx

I am currently 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I started bleeding around 5 weeks. In that time I have had 3 gushes of bright red blood, but then mainly brown blood or dark red when I wipe.
They couldn't find anything at first, but then they saw I had a sch in the uterus under where they baby is
The subchorionic hematoma size was 1.7 x 5 cm

Is that considered big? Will it heal on it's own. I have been on bed rest for 3 weeks and it hasn't gotten any better.

Also, is there a certain way I should be laying in bed to help it heal? Is it best to lay on side or back?

The Doctors and nurses don't seem to be to concerned about it and tell me they usually heal on their own, but I am just really scared it will affect the pregnancy and not get better

Has anyone else gone through this? How long did it take to go away? Is there anything I can do to help it heal?
Hi, Rosie. Welcome here though I'm sorry you have to go through the worry of having a sch. I don't know what is considered "big". I didn't get diagnosed with it until I passed the clot at about 8 1/2 weeks.

I know it's scary but try to relax and remember that the majority of pregnancies with sch end up with a healthy baby. I'm not sure which way to lie is better but try to keep your feet elevated as much as possible.
Just updating this thread to say that I'm bleeding again. :( Had a huge bleed last night and had to stay overnight at the hospital. But happy to report that baby is doing just great! Saw it wriggling around on the ultrasound and even got to hear its heartbeat! It's a healthy rate of 163bpm. Saw my OB later this morning and he seems to think baby is healthy and happy. But I've been put on indefinite bed rest. I'm allowed some movement but have to take it easy and stay away from work or any lifting.
Sorry your bleeding has started again hub it's just horrible isn't it, as if pregnancy isn't a worry already throw bleeding into the equation and the worry factor doubles, my midwife has kindley offered to see me every two weeks instead of 4 to listen to the heartbeat so it put my mind at rest well for a day at least!

Rosie sorry you have had to join this thread, Hope you don't have to stay to long xxxx
My doc is still only seeing me the usual every 4 weeks. I think it's because there really isn't anything to be done besides taking it easy. And he knows I'm a good patient who will go to the hospital if there are any problems.
That's the annoying thing isn't it, that there is nothing you can do to make it better I started back to work on Monday but have decided to go sick again and take it easy as I am still bleeding sO I an going to see if they will reduce my hours for me x
Definitely cut back on work if you're still bleeding. I have a "cushy" office job and I know I could not handle it from a purely physical point of view. Never mind the emotional toll of dealing with stress and constantly worrying about the bleeding. I'm glad my doctor has advocated my leave of absence until the baby is here.
I am starting to feel the emotional toll this sch is taking on me. I had my first big bleed 4 weeks ago at 10 weeks. Since then I've mainly just had two small bleeds that were dark brown or wine colored and then resolved after several days of additional spotting. Just today I started noticing some pink/red colored spotting. Now I feel like I'm in a total tailspin again. I try to hard to stay positive but it's so difficult when you see things changing again.
Hun I an having the sane problem I just can't stay positive, I still don't believe I am pregnant and I blame my complete negativity on the bleeding, my midwife is seeing me every 2 weeks so I can hear babys heartbeat and have a chat with her. I just font know what to do anymore, My SCH wasn't even mentioned at my last scan they are now blaming my bleeding on my clomid but I've never heard it doing this to anyone else, I have hit rock bottom now I am so annoye that the hospital arnt bothered x
I know. I had a huge cry this evening. My spotting had started to slow this morning, turned brown and then stopped completely. But then this evening it really picked up again. I had gone about 6 weeks without any red spotting of any kind and now it's back! And sometimes I just feel so heavy down there like things are just going to open up and let loose! I'm only 3 1/2 months pregnant but I feel like this has been my entire life. Whenever I think of how far I have yet to go I get really depressed. It's hard to believe that just 3 days ago I was starting to think things were speeding up. I bought maternity clothes and then, the same day, a huge bleed out of the blue!

I know my baby is OK but in a way that makes it worse. It feels like my own body is betraying me and trying to kill my baby. That I will lose a perfectly healthy baby from my own weakness. I am trying sooo hard to be positive and it would kill dh to hear me talk like this.
Haven't been in here in awhile, just wanted to give you ladies some hope. My last ultrasound showed that my SCH had resolved (22 weeks now). Baby is doing great despite the bleeding I had and the clot itself. I now have scar tissue in the place of the clot but it's not interfering with the baby. Keep your chin up girls.
My bleeding has stopped now but I still am getting pains in my woo-hoo. Sometimes it feels hard and stiff, other times it feels fluttery (which makes me freak out that it's about it open as that's how it felt seconds before my miscarriage), then it can feel heavy like everything will fall out and then other times it feels like it stings. I've had this on and off my entire pregnancy so far and all I can do is lie down and wait for it to stop. Then yesterday I got a gob of cm that was like ewcm. I Googled it and it said it was my mucous plug which FREAKED me out!! But I talked to other ladies here and they got it too....don't know...

I called my OB's office this morning but he wasn't in at the time and I didn't get a call back. I'm calling his office again tomorrow. My next appointment is February 8th but I'm worried enough to not want to wait that long.
iv read through this whole thread and iv been wondering how u were all going, especially u starry. im 9 weeks with a small haemorrhage 8mm*6mm. im resting, no sex. lucky im not working at the moment. although i feel guilty doing nothing. i havnt had any more bleeding since the spotting, so it hasnt been too difficult to let go of what is going to happen. i had a fortune teller in thailand tell me i would have a misscarriage within a yr. somehow i have been able to hold on too some hope after reading the success stories.
luckyme how far along were u when u took that photo?? love your bump!
Welcome, gmh! Sorry that you have to join us but we're all here to support one another. I don't believe in fortune tellers so I'd continue to hold onto hope for your baby.

Not much to report on my end at the moment. I'm panicking over every little twinge and ache but I think most of that is just paranoia. I can't sit up for very long periods of time and can walk for even less. I think some of the heavy and sore feelings I get in my woo-hoo are ways my body is trying to let me know it's time to lie down again. No spotting since Friday but I'm nervous because in the First Trimester I had a major bleed that required a trip to the ER every week. And my last bleed came without warning.

Amazingly, bubs has been fine throughout it all. My bump is finally starting to grow and I wait to feel its first movements. Overall, I have a good feeling about this pregnancy but it definitely has its trials and dark days.
thats great starry! a good feeling is the best sign ever. our instincts are usually spot on!!
Got my latest ultrasound results back and it came back all clear so I have no idea where the bleeding is coming from. Had a bit of pink spotting so I spent a few hours lying completely still. I wouldn't even reach for anything. It seemed to do the trick.
thats awesome!! really happy for u and gives me some hope!

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