Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Mm I have about a 3-4 week wait unless bleeding gets worse again. I went to my gp who said to take it a little easier but that once I stop bleeding I should be ok.. She also said she's really worried (had extremely slow rising hcg at one point), but baby is the right size and has right heartbeat exactly for my dates (that I kno are 100% correct) so I'm happy enough though just wanting it to be more restful emotionally.
That's a long wait..but no blood is good news! It is so rough emotionally and impossible not to think of every scenerio. Also it's not as if we can go for a run and unwind, ha! Very tough times!
My OB is only seeing me the standard once every 4 weeks as he says there is nothing that they can do. Whenever I have had a bleeding episode I just go to the ER. I would appreciate being seen by my OB maybe once in between regular visits just to make sure the heart beat is OK or have a scan for reassurance. But I have had alot of scans already. I'm having one next week as my blood work came back as testing high risk for spina bifida. Then my 20 week scan is coming 2 weeks after that.

hope, sorry that the clot seems to have gotten bigger. Hopefully, that's the end of it and it will start to shrink from here on out.
My Dr too never told me to take it easy or anything. But when I first had the bleed the Dr in the ER told me to just take it easy, and no lifting over 10 pounds. So that is what I have been doing. I havent been doing much anyway because of my bad morning sickness. I literally lay around or sit around most of the time. I have 2 kids so I cant exactly be on bedrest, but I really dont feel I need it. I spotted 1 day at 7w2d, bled pretty heavily the next day, then spotted for about 3-4 days after that. For the past 4 days or so I have had no spotting..I had another ultrasound today and you can still see the pocket of blood, not sure if its smaller as my Dr isnt comparing them or measuring. He did say from what he saw on ultrsound its about a tsp-tsp and half of blood. So is the blood what they measure? I am confused!! what is the actual hematoma?? The entire pocket of blood? Anyway not sure if I will end up bleeding it out or if it will absorb.
I pray we all have healthy babies!!
My little baby is growing well with a good heartbeat, makes me sad to think of this hematoma threatening him/her! But I am reasurred of the chance of a healthy pregnancy which is very high! I easily forget that, and need to remind myself that most likely everything will be fine!
Hello! I just found this forum, I too have been diagnosed a SCH, small 14mm, I am six weeks pregnant with my second child and am 36 yo. I woke up some five days ago bleeding, freaked out in the bathroom when saw abundant bright red blood and a small clot when I wiped. I thought I had had a miscarriage adn rushed with my husband to the ER, it was my first US then. I am totally freaked out. Dr. told me to keep bedrest and gave me progesterone. Told me to keep him updated and said I might bleed some more. So far that hasn´t happened, only very dark brown tiny spotting. I am going nuts in bed, luckily my first child is 16! I am very anxious as to what the next scan will show. Apart from the hematome evrth looked fine: baby 3.3mm with healthy heartbeat. I have all sorts of pains cos of this bedrest, and everytime I feel pain in my lower back or tummy I get very nervous. I had been having persisten lower back pain days before the bleeding, but at the time of leeding no pain at all. I only hope this thing gets reabsorbed asap. I am so scared of falling asleep and waking up bleeding again, that I have not been able to take a decent sleep in days now :p Reading you all makes me feel I am not alone. :)
I haven't had a decent night's sleep since the bleeding began over 12 weeks ago (has it really been that long???) The first night I dreamed that I was at my 13 week scan and it showed the baby swimming in a uterus full of blood. I know it's a gross image but I was terrified. And pregnancy hormones already give you bad dreams so I'm always dreaming something terrible about the baby. The only time I dreamed I actually had the baby I went on to drop it on its head.
I haven't had a decent night's sleep since the bleeding began over 12 weeks ago (has it really been that long???) The first night I dreamed that I was at my 13 week scan and it showed the baby swimming in a uterus full of blood. I know it's a gross image but I was terrified. And pregnancy hormones already give you bad dreams so I'm always dreaming something terrible about the baby. The only time I dreamed I actually had the baby I went on to drop it on its head.
Ouch! well, I guess I will have to have loads of patience then... If the SCH gets reabsorbed, all the risk is gone or you are prone to have other complications like preterm labor, etc? Is it possible to get geneticl testing or it is riskier with SCH? Hoping for a good nap for me and StarryNight withut any dreams! :flower:
Starry - thanks, I hope it gets smaller now too!

And dreams, it's awful isn't it when you don't even get a break at night!! I had a dream I was trying to look at my scan report and they had rubbed out how many weeks I was and had scrawled instead - you don't need those dates as you're going to lose the baby. Yikes!!

Positive thoughts and vibes to everyone x
Hello! I just found this forum, I too have been diagnosed a SCH, small 14mm, I am six weeks pregnant with my second child and am 36 yo. I woke up some five days ago bleeding, freaked out in the bathroom when saw abundant bright red blood and a small clot when I wiped. I thought I had had a miscarriage adn rushed with my husband to the ER, it was my first US then. I am totally freaked out. Dr. told me to keep bedrest and gave me progesterone. Told me to keep him updated and said I might bleed some more. So far that hasn´t happened, only very dark brown tiny spotting. I am going nuts in bed, luckily my first child is 16! I am very anxious as to what the next scan will show. Apart from the hematome evrth looked fine: baby 3.3mm with healthy heartbeat. I have all sorts of pains cos of this bedrest, and everytime I feel pain in my lower back or tummy I get very nervous. I had been having persisten lower back pain days before the bleeding, but at the time of leeding no pain at all. I only hope this thing gets reabsorbed asap. I am so scared of falling asleep and waking up bleeding again, that I have not been able to take a decent sleep in days now :p Reading you all makes me feel I am not alone. :)

I agree, finding this forum and being able to see other people's stories - going through the same thing - really does help and makes it feel less of an isolating experience!
I haven't had a decent night's sleep since the bleeding began over 12 weeks ago (has it really been that long???) The first night I dreamed that I was at my 13 week scan and it showed the baby swimming in a uterus full of blood. I know it's a gross image but I was terrified. And pregnancy hormones already give you bad dreams so I'm always dreaming something terrible about the baby. The only time I dreamed I actually had the baby I went on to drop it on its head.
Ouch! well, I guess I will have to have loads of patience then... If the SCH gets reabsorbed, all the risk is gone or you are prone to have other complications like preterm labor, etc? Is it possible to get geneticl testing or it is riskier with SCH? Hoping for a good nap for me and StarryNight withut any dreams! :flower:

I don't know if the complications still are there if everything is reabsorbed. My latest bleed at 14 weeks is unexplained so that is why I am still on bed rest. My OB was uncomfortable saying anything either way until I have my 20 week scan.

Dh and I have decided to skip on the more invasive genetic testing such as amniocentesis as we don't think it's worth the risk. We're going to continue with the pregnancy no matter what.
I believe (from my research) the risk is less, but is still there if you've had a SCH at all, though I believe the larger ones (before they reabsorb) are more risk. If that makes sense?
I believe (from my research) the risk is less, but is still there if you've had a SCH at all, though I believe the larger ones (before they reabsorb) are more risk. If that makes sense?
Ugh, I guess I am just too anxious, i should wait for this to go away and then start thinking about testing, etc. Also I read there are many tests that are not invasive, that will actually tell if it is worth it getting more invasive tests...I had my first when I was 20, but being now 36 I think doctors send you for some gen. testing (?)

Geez, everytime I sneeze or have to go pee I get nervous and scared...on top of that ( might be from laying down ) I am full of gas and I get pinching pains in my tummy and they make me think that are contractions and that I am gonna miscarry... I am truly having a horrible time :( Is it normal to have pains here and there? Also with only 5 days in bed my wholñe body hurts, don´t know what to do about it and everytime I get up to go to the bth I feel ass if I all my muscles were stiff :p anybody can relate? At least I only have a tiny very dark brown spotting when I wipe, I suppose that is a good sign (?):shrug:
I think the increased risk can come if there had been damage to the placenta. That is something that probably wouldn't go away even if the clot and bleeding does.

nikad, I totally sympathize with your fears. Every little ache or twinge gets me into a tailspin and I haven't even had any brown spotting for almost 2 weeks now. I think having a sch does make things hurt more. My OB also said that we're now paying more attention to every little thing so it makes it feel worse than it really is. I've had times where I stand up and it feels like everything will fall out. It totally freaked me out as I got similar feelings just before my miscarriage but my OB says that heavy and stretching feeling you get is totally normal--it's just ligaments stretching and pulling as you get bigger. Also, brown spotting is considered normal if you have been bleeding. I was told to just expect it at this point.

I get lots of "numb bum" from my bed rest. All I can really do is to keep switching sides and positions. Take frequent bathroom breaks or stretch out my legs and flex my ankles as I'm lying down. When I'm in a half-sitting position I have layers of pillows behind my back. And, as I get bigger, sometimes I twist one of my blankets into a sausage shape and sort of use it as a makeshift pregnancy pillow, putting it between my legs and hugging it below my belly.
Oh, and get your OH to give you foot and back rubs. Just ask him to be gentle around your ankles and lower back as these are pregnancy pressure points.
I think the increased risk can come if there had been damage to the placenta. That is something that probably wouldn't go away even if the clot and bleeding does.

nikad, I totally sympathize with your fears. Every little ache or twinge gets me into a tailspin and I haven't even had any brown spotting for almost 2 weeks now. I think having a sch does make things hurt more. My OB also said that we're now paying more attention to every little thing so it makes it feel worse than it really is. I've had times where I stand up and it feels like everything will fall out. It totally freaked me out as I got similar feelings just before my miscarriage but my OB says that heavy and stretching feeling you get is totally normal--it's just ligaments stretching and pulling as you get bigger. Also, brown spotting is considered normal if you have been bleeding. I was told to just expect it at this point.

I get lots of "numb bum" from my bed rest. All I can really do is to keep switching sides and positions. Take frequent bathroom breaks or stretch out my legs and flex my ankles as I'm lying down. When I'm in a half-sitting position I have layers of pillows behind my back. And, as I get bigger, sometimes I twist one of my blankets into a sausage shape and sort of use it as a makeshift pregnancy pillow, putting it between my legs and hugging it below my belly.

Lol at the numb bum! I totally relate heehhe. I try to switch positions as much as possible, i guess also to burn some energies that help me fall asleep at night too. I am stealing everybody else´s pillows little by little ;) I too find it very comfortable ( well if such thing exists when keeping bedrest ) putting a pillow inbetween my knees. I try to strecha little, but I only get up when I really have to go to the justscares me, I feel evrth will fall down or that sth bad will happen in there... I know I am not being rational, but I guess I will get more used to the idea that I am not able to control my body or what happens in my uterus :p i talked to my Dr. yesterday and I will get a new US next week. Spotting was almost gone, but i got a little bit a few mins ago... it didn´t surprise me, me I just want it to go away! Btw I am currently in Buenos Aires, Argentina my DH is American and we have been living here for 9 yrs now. Where are you from? :kiss:
Southern Ontario, Canada. Lived here my entire life. Didn't even go away for school though I've had some minor travels. I would love to go to South America some time as I have family in Brazil.
I sometimes find it really weird listening to you all talk about bed rest, when I'd been told I could literally continue as normal and start a 40 hour a week job soon with moderate actuvity levels!
I sometimes find it really weird listening to you all talk about bed rest, when I'd been told I could literally continue as normal and start a 40 hour a week job soon with moderate actuvity levels!
I have read that some Drs apparently think bedrest is benefitial while others think it doesn´t make a difference... I am not sure if there are any stats published anywhere about the outcomes. So far the information that is available online basically says that the prognosis vary based on size, mother age and whether this happens in the first trimester or later. Some women have it and bleed, others don´t bleed, for some it gets bigger, for others it gets reabsorbed and i do not really see any patterns..
I've said it earlier, but I have noticed that it really does make a difference for me. My OB had told me to start resuming normal activity over Christmas and I quickly ended up back in the ER. I guess some recommend bed rest simply because there isn't anything else that can be done. You've got to do what's right for your body.
I find it fascinating and also a little worrying in the difference in how we seem to be treated re:bedrest, rest or carry on as normal.

I have been told to rest by a nurse and when getting signed off work by my doctor again this morning she said it should really be bed rest. She said in 'her day' they used to hospitalise women as they knew they wouldn't really rest if they had other children (I have a toddler so know what she means!)

You would think that in this day and age one preferred course of action should be agreed upon but I suppose there are differing shades of conditions and other factors they take into consideration.

One attitude that I have read about and heard to some extend from midwives is 'if you are going to miscarry you are going to miscarry not matter what you do' by the same token then if your baby is really going to ok it shouldn't matter what you do. But I find this an extremely simplistic way of looking at things and in reality each person is somewhere on a sliding scale of risk - no one knows exactly where - and there will be people who will be ok, those who won't but somewhere in the middle, or so i believe, must be those on a knife edge for whom the little things may make the difference between their baby making it or not. I may be wrong but just incase I am one of those 'on a knife edge' I want to minimise every risk and it would feel just wrong for me to go to work (I have a tiring and draining job anyway).

I would say I'm on rest/sitting on the sofa rest!

FYI incase you haven't read my previous posts I'm 16 1/2 weeks, hemorrhage is 9.8cm x 3cm and is right next to the baby on the sac wall underneath and to one side. I have had 2 big gushing bleeds and have bled 12 out of the last 18 days. Last 5 bleeds have been brown. It's always about 1/4 -1/3 of a pad.

Here's to everyone is getting the healthcare and advice they need!!xx

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