Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)


I've started flooding again, and I'm monitoring it overnight, but if I will this pad this hour (been only 20 mins so far, and more than 3rd that's for sure) I will ring midwife and get her to send me in, otherwise, I will be asking for an emergency scan tomorrow morning as I hate this more than anything... I'd still been bleeding, but it was only brown/black colour, but now it's bright red again. I've barely done much all day, but I guess I have been leaning over - if it's not gone in this scan, I'll not do my teaching practice I think (in early childhood centre - starting in 3 weeks)...

Geez inperfected, I am so sorry you are going trhrough this again :( Try to stay calm and think it happened before and everything was fine...I have read on this forum of women that had several of these episodes throughout the whole 9 months and had their babies without problems. Is the bleeding coming up with pain? If i was you I would go to the ER and get checked, this will relieve the stress. Hugs!:hugs::hugs:
I am getting a scan tomorrow... The midwife (yes the only 1 year in practice one!) told me she thinks I"m losing it! :( Thanks for the vote of confidence... Yes, 3 pads in 2 hours (super ones) is alot, but I also know it was close to this last time too... :(

Stick to that last thought! Hang in there and once you feel better please look for a midwife you can trust. Let me know how it went with the scan and everything. I will keep you in my thoughts. :hugs:
Inperfected - I cannot believe your midwife said that to you! She doesn't know unless she's got x-ray vision! Sending positive thoughts, I hope the bleeding stops soon and good luck for your scan! :flower:
Thanks everyone... The bleeding has slowed significantly at least, so think it's probably like last time. Scan sometime today so see then guess
Thanks everyone... The bleeding has slowed significantly at least, so think it's probably like last time. Scan sometime today so see then guess
Hang in there! No bleeding is good :) If scan goes well, etc, you might want to consider joining the bedrest club ;) and try to look for either Drs or midwives that are supportive and that you fully trust. Good luck today! I m sure it will all be fine to your surprise :thumbup:
Nmh... Thank you. I will definitely be considering a LOT more of it after this. It's slightly browner again which is very good. Scan is in 1.5 hours, and I'll know hats happening then
Fingers and toes crossed for u and your little one. Brown is good, no pain is good too. Let us know how it went! Best of luck!
inperfected, how did your scan go? I bled pretty heavy on several occasions and it turned out OK.

Hey ladies, it looks like I still belong here. I was told my last ultrasound was clear but turns out it wasn't. I went to the ER today because I've been in loads of pain but no bleeding. Had an ultrasound and it turns out there is still a bleed in my uterus. The doctor said it looked minimally bigger from last time but he owned that could be from measuring it at a different angle. He didn't give me a prognosis of any kind other than they can't do anything for it. :(

But at least the baby is fine, is growing, the placenta is OK and I found out that I'm having a boy!
My scan went very well babywise. Baby's happy healthy and right size for dates. The hematoma is longer at 7cm (nearly 3 inches long) but only 3.5cm across rather than 5cm (but again that could just be the angle)... I thinks I need more rest And to make a decision about doing my teaching practice asap... Hubby's on night shift so gotto talk with him about it when he's alive again (he'll literally have 3 hours sleep in 48 hours by tomorrow morning.
My scan went very well babywise. Baby's happy healthy and right size for dates. The hematoma is longer at 7cm (nearly 3 inches long) but only 3.5cm across rather than 5cm (but again that could just be the angle)... I thinks I need more rest And to make a decision about doing my teaching practice asap... Hubby's on night shift so gotto talk with him about it when he's alive again (he'll literally have 3 hours sleep in 48 hours by tomorrow morning.
This is great news!!! I am very happhy for you :happydance: If I was you i would go to bed and stay in there for a few weeks a least til your next scan. :thumbup:
inperfected, how did your scan go? I bled pretty heavy on several occasions and it turned out OK.

Hey ladies, it looks like I still belong here. I was told my last ultrasound was clear but turns out it wasn't. I went to the ER today because I've been in loads of pain but no bleeding. Had an ultrasound and it turns out there is still a bleed in my uterus. The doctor said it looked minimally bigger from last time but he owned that could be from measuring it at a different angle. He didn't give me a prognosis of any kind other than they can't do anything for i

But at least the baby is fine, is growing, the placenta is OK and I found out that I'm having a boy!

Congrats on having a baby boy!!! have lots of rest and water I suppose that no bleeding even though you were in pain is good. It might just be the same size it was and slowly healing and there was no bleed. Keep it up!!!
Okay, I am having an US today in the afternoon. I am very anxious. I still have brown spotting, some days I get almost none, others get some especially after peeing. I have been 11 days in total bedrest ( only getting up to go to the bathroom ) I know that it takes much longer to see significant changes in these hematomas, but still hope for a little miracle ;) I will go see the Dr tomorrow so I will post here the outcomes. Originally my hematoma was diagnoses as retrocorial and measuring 14mm x 0.6mm
I read a couple of days ago a post on the first trimester forum by sherry81, I think it is very good, so I figured I would repost it here, might be of help :)

Okay, the thing is this.... My ultrasound tech (who I trust with my life!! He has seriously done about 40 of my ultrasounds in the past 8 years), said this about SCH. Every woman before 12 weeks gestation, maybe 13, will have signs of blood in her uterus. EVERY WOMAN. So... Drs and techs don't really point it out ever, UNLESS there is a significant amount.

The reason for this blood is usually implantation. In every pregnant woman, an egg must rip through the lining of your uterus, and it must burrow into the lining of your uterus, in order to link up with you and give you your positive test. Well... when it rips through... it can cause bleeding. Not just 'can' cause bleeding... it WILL cause bleeding.

For some women, this may not be much. It might never come out, and it might eventually get reabsorbed. On a scan, it will just show as a trace amount of blood. But it is there, and they see it. They just don't feel the need to tell you about it.

For some people, there will be a bit more blood. No one knows why really. Maybe you are a bleeder. Maybe the blastocyst didn't like it's first spot, so it detached itself and reattached itself a little ways over. So now you have a bit more blood. Maybe your little one is trying to burrow in deeper than other, so you get more blood. And maybe, the little one pulls away a bit after it attaches, which can cause a build up of blood behind it, as it will bleed like any normal cut in your body. These are all varying reasons for the presence of blood in your uterus before 12-13 weeks.

Now, like I said, alot of times, there won't be much blood at all, so for the sake of the sanity of the patient, no one says a damn thing. And most times, that scant amount of blood will reabsorb without you ever knowing anything. Sometimes it will come out in the form of spotting or light bleeding. Sometimes, if there is more blood, it will be a little more bleeding than you want to see.

Now, if they diagnose a SCH, then they are probably seeing a bit more blood in there than they usually do. But there is scale for this, as there is with anything. Even if you do have a SCH in there, they still might not say anything if its small. They just don't see the need to worry you. Other's will tell you so you can decide what is your best course of action is, IE/ bedrest.

So, if you want to think about it logically, every woman has a type of SCH from implantation. It's just, for some women, it never amounts to a damn thing.

Now when you read reports of SCH's causing miscarriages etc... yes, it is almost, not quite, but almost exclusively as a result of a large hematoma. I forget the scale, but we are talking about bleeds that span many, many centimeters. With those one's, there is no healing taking place, which is bad, and this accumulation of blood can cause further seperation of the placenta, or the sac, from the uterine wall. In some cases, the blood actually starts to take up the room the baby needs to grow, and it will cause fetal growth restriction, which will lead to demise in most instances. But once again, you are usually talking about large bleeds with those cases.

So really, the best thing to do is get another scan to see the size and location of the bleed. You also, obviously, want an assessment on the babies condition. Until you can get this thoug, take it easy. Drink lots of water. Keep your feet up. Don't stand up too long. Don't lift anything too heavy. Think about a cut you have had. When did it keep bleeding, and when did it stop? It kept bleeding as long as your heart was pumping hard and it was being kept open. It started clotting and healing once the load on your heart was decreased, and it was elevated. So do the same thing for your hematoma.
Inperfected - I'm really glad your baby is ok and growing! It must be such a relief!

Starry - I'm sorry to hear the hem is back but congrats on finding out you're having a boy!!

Nikad - good luck for your scan!

No news here really, haven't bled in 4 days though!! Heard baby's heartbeat with the midwife yesterday which has made me feel more relaxed after the pain I had at the weekend..:thumbup:
No news here really, haven't bled in 4 days though!! Heard baby's heartbeat with the midwife yesterday which has made me feel more relaxed after the pain I had at the weekend..:thumbup:

No news is good news ;)
I hope you girls with first tri cases of sch have them resolved very soon! I'm still crossing my fingers that my 20 week scan will show an improvement.
Ok so I got checked today. Hematoma is still the same size, baby grew fro 3.3 mm to 19 mm, got to hear the hearbeat. I feel relieved to know it all looks good, and about the hematoma I think no news is good news :)
For sure. If it stays the same size it means there isn't new bleeding or fresh injury so hopefully it stays away from the baby. I've heard stories of girls having a hematoma throughout their pregnancy and everything was fine.
Just bumping up the thread with a little update:

was at a children's hospital about an hour away today getting baby checked out for spina bifida (which he doesn't have...woo hoo!) and I finally got an answer to my bleed. Turns out I have a moderate placenta abruption. The bleed is not underneath the placenta and is actually moving out and away which minimizes the risk of it getting worse. I'm now being monitored by the children's hospital alongside my regular OB but the doctor thinks there isn't any real reason for the abruption to get worse so I should go on to have a healthy baby. I'm so relieved! And, if things should happen to get worse, I have a hospital full of specialists ready to step in and take care of me. I'm going back in 3 weeks for another ultrasound.
SN, thanks for the update and kudos on the healthy baby and the bleed going away just so you can relax and enjoy the rest of the journey :)

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