Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Glad to hear there's a little good news and you know what is happening.

I'm still bleeding like a normal period so have put myself on bed rest til it slows or stops... Kinda bored already, but I'll deal with it
There still is a bleed but it's not causing further damage and I don't have any spotting. I was told to continue to take it easy but to try to do some small activity about the house. At least now I can get something from the fridge for myself and not wait for dh to have time to to it.

imperfected, sorry you're having so much bleeding. Take it easy.
I'm doing another day of bed rest today, I really want the bright red bleeding to stop (day 4 of it now) and will probably try doing a little tomorrow to see if it'll start up heavy again...
I'm doing another day of bed rest today, I really want the bright red bleeding to stop (day 4 of it now) and will probably try doing a little tomorrow to see if it'll start up heavy again...

Ugh, I freak out with the brown spotting, I hate it everytime I check my pad and I see a new stain :p I am dead bored after 13 days in bed, but I feel safer this way. If I was you Inperfected, I would stay in bed for the weekend, and if you are willing to get up and see what happens, at least wait for the bleeding to turn brownish. Did you ask the last time you got checked if it was the same to stay in bed or not? Did the give you any advice?
Yeah, I was given no advice at all, I don't have a Good midwife and am looking for another tomorrow. Its gone brown today thankfully and has slowed hugely, so that's good. I'll stay resting tomorrow and do only a tiny amount more than I have today and see how I go...
So I really tried doing the bed rest thing today. My kids and husband were freaking out without me there helping them with everything. Its frustrating because they get frustrated with me. My Dr. Doesnt know much about SCH. I mean he just knows Im bleeding and goes off that and says this will heal or it wont. I asked about bed rest and he said If you miscarry you will whether you are on bed rest or not. But having a SCH doesnt mean you are miscarrying at all!! But I know from reading that bed rest helps. But, my husband on the other hand wants to listen to my Dr. He gets mad when I try to tell him about what I have read online. He says,"You think they know more than your Dr!" Omg, I am so frustrated right now! For those of you who dont know I first started bleeding at 7 weeks, I had 1 day of period like bleeding, followed by 4 or 5 days of spotting that eventually turned brown. I then had nothing for about 10 days then started with very light brown spotting which the next day turned into period like bleeding for one day(this at 9w2d). It then went to very dark red almost blackish heavy spotting for a couple days, then went to a bit heavier again. More than spotting, but not heavy bleed.(kinda like a light period) and what was coming out that was was still very dark red, blackish blood. It almost looked like it was concentrated and thicker than normal. Also it has kinda stringy stuff like tissue in it. I felt it and it was like tissue. Anyways this type has been happening 3 days now, though today Im back to spotting. So I thought to myself bed rest, because I really really hope this heals by the end of the first trimester. Now, I havent been doing much anyway. I have had bad MS so I literally sit around almost all day and hardly ever get out. I also sleep a ton like 12 hrs a day, and would probably sleep longer if my kids allowed it!! So in no way am I close to being active, but still I thought I'd give the bed rest thing a try, but now I just think it will cause huge problems here in the home. Should I even be on bed rest? Is what I am doing enough with the sitting around? I really am a bit lost. How long should I be on bed rest if I do it?
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure... I have found that going on reasonably strict rest to stop the heavy/red bleeding works, and then light duties til the spotting stops (well, that's what I am doing). To be honest though, I've only had 3 days in the past 5 weeks where I've not spotted or had heavier bleeding though, and only trying bed rest now. I've so far decided to pretty much stop uni til baby is here and give up most activities til this stops.

My hubby is not finding it easy either, ESP with no sex in5 weeks now, and a minimum of 2-3 weeks before I'll consider it (after 12 week scan if this has gone). He's also sick of the Internet thing, but also knows I've diagnosed myself with two medical conditions via the Internet (both medically proven - including two surgeries for one of them) and a friend with a rare condition, so he knows I can research accurately...:( it's definitely not an easy journey though :(
Inperfected: Glad to hear you are seeing brown stuff now :) hope it stays like that and it goes away eventually or that at least you see no more red bllod.

ashley2pink: Sorry to hear your DH is not being very supportive with bedrest. i have researched online and there are scientific studies that support the fact that it helps, then again you have to balance things out becasue if they are bit...g at you you are going to be all stressed out then that is not good either. I asked specifically my Dr if sitting was ok, and he said that the thing is to lay down to keep pressure off your uterus, so if you cannot do the whole bedrest, make sure you lay down on the sofa, etc, not just sit. I will post some scientific papers in a while.

I have had almost no spotting since yesterday, but i am terrified at night and I cannot get to sleep decently.
ashley2pink, here it is
inperfected, as long as you have any spotting (including brown stuff) you definitely should not be having intercourse at all due to the risk of infection. I think it's still OK to do other things though so maybe you and your OH could find other ways of having fun (when you're up to it). Now that I have a placenta abruption I think I'm not allowed to anything at all anymore. *sighs* At least I can still do favours for (Tmi, sorry)

ashley, I'm so sorry your DH isn't being supportive. With a complication of any kind taking it easy is just common sense. But don't feel like you HAVE to stay on strict bed rest to keep baby safe. The specialist I talked to said that strict bed rest actually isn't very good because movement keeps the blood flowing in your legs and the rest of your body. But you should take it easy. Lie down when you can. Is there a way you can compromise with him? Like get him to carry laundry baskets for you or lift the heavier dishes when putting them away? Once he's on your side he can help make the kids see that you will need to rest more and they should help out or at least become a bit more independent.
Thanks for that Starry.. I'm quite nervous of even other "interesting" stuff at the moment because that makes your uterus contract supposedly, and I'm not sure I want that at this stage!
Yeah, I sometimes "o" in my sleep and that hurts. At least when I'm awake I can stop myself before I get to that point and just satisfy myself with build-up. Things are so intense since being pregnant anyways that this is often enough. Though I may quit that too now that I found out about the abruption.
Hmm, well any fun is just not happening now! After 3 days of brown blood it is too nerve racking to see red again!

Also does anyone know, at 10 week scan, we could still see the yolk sac, does this determine where the placenta will attach? I am hoping not being otherwise it's got not hope of not attaching to it...
The placenta starts attaching at 7 or 8 eight weeks and slowly starts to take over. One of my pregnancy books has a few full-colour photos taken from inside the womb and the one from 13 weeks still had a tiny yolk sac (baby looked like it was holding a balloon) but I think the placenta is fully functional by then. But in the First Trimester it's far too early to really pinpoint the placenta's position as it moves a lot. I had asked my OB about the possibility of my having placenta previa but he said that he couldn't really diagnose that until at least 20 weeks as it moves too much before that to be certain.

I now know where my placenta is (posterior to the right) but I was never told where the yolk attached so it's hard to compare. I did steal a peek at one of my early emergency scans at 6 weeks (technicians usually won't let you see baby on an emergency scan at my hospital) and it LOOKED like it was on the lower right side so maybe the yolk sac does determine the placement of the placenta--at least at the beginning. It might be worth asking the doctor out of curiosity.

And no, I didn't see the yolk sac on my 10 week dating scan.
lol @ you guys, I cannot think of anything remotely sexy with this stuff going on :p It totally ruined the sexy hormone revolutiion for me, and to be honest, I doubt much will happen for the rest of this pregnancy... :p
It's been horrible for me! Yeah, when I'm in the midst of a red bleed sexy-time is the last thing on my mind. But in between, my hormones have been shooting through the roof and have me threatening to jump dh every second! (he really likes that) But I can't do anything about it! And now I have to curtail the little I was doing. The specialist said my uterus does not show signs of irritation which is good and I have to keep it that way so no vibrations allowed! ha ha
Mmm... I've been 'slightly' interested, only cos I'd been avoiding it for 5 weeks and wanted hubby to be happy ( who had complained many times)... Then after he said he thought it'd happen and didn't know why I'd said yes!! Men!!
My DH has been very understanding so far, I know that eventually he will go crazy, I guess we will have to figure sth ;)
Thanks girls!! I will definitely be laying down more, rather than sitting.
StarryNight- I too get occasional O's in my sleep!! I really wish I didnt because then I cramp slightly after and I really dont think o's are good for SCH.
So the past couple of days I have been having aches kinda like cramps in my uterus. Not sure if its from SCH or my growing belly. It doesnt seem to be in conjuction with bleeding but I am still bleeding lightly right now, slightly more than spotting. Its been actually more of a slimy blood, like it has a lot of discharge with blood mixed in. I have to wipe several times to get rid of it. Anyway last night I had some pretty bad aches/cramps. This was while sleeping. It actually woke me up at one point. So I've been a bit worried as to why I have been having these pains lately and especially because they were pretty bad last night. I did find my babys HB on the doppler this morning at 163 bpm, so that was reassuring.
Oh also inperfected, I saw the yolk sac(my Dr pointed it out to me and said it will go away in the next few weeks) at my ultrasound last Wed, I was 9w4d. Its usually gone around 13-14 weeks from what I have read. I dont know if the placenta attaches to it. I really doubt it because to me that doesnt make any sense as the placenta is out on the sac between that and the uterus, and the yolk sac is inside the gestational sac.

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