Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Aww, nikad! Maybe you could possibly takesome extra fibre? I know any constipation put in me pain with severe crampz

Luckily one thing I do not have ( yet ) is constipation... i am super gassy though
I know when I was pregnant with my daughters I had alot of pressure and aches and that was normal(especially pregnancy with 2nd daughter). I also had alot of sharp pains in my uterus and vagina starting at 4 weeks on. Its scary but it was normal...I never did get severe cramps though, just mild ones that also had more of an ache to them..especially when I had been on my feet a while. Its just those ligaments strretching, especially when you are up and walking around. At least for me being up seemed to cause those ligaments to stretch even more.. Im already feeling that this time around which I guess really isnt that early compared to last time when I was pregnant with #2. I had the oddest pains when I was pregnant with her. When I was 9 weeks pregnant I got what literally was like contractions just on my left side. My lower left side would contract for about 15 sec then it would go away for a couple minutes, then contract and repeat this for about half hours or so. Defo scary! But it never amounted to anything! She was born healthy and full term. I also got lower back pain with that pregnancy, even early on. With this pregnancy I have had most of the same things that I had with my 2nd. Only difference is I havent had the contracting thing(at least yet) but to add on it I get cramps that are more moderate(really only last sunday night and they woke me up) I do get occasional mild cramping/aches though. I havent though since I have been bed resting better. I do get sharp pains thought like stabbing but they dont worry me.
I know for sure constipation gave me horrid sharp pains in my entire belly and it almost felt like cramps down there. This was when I was on Zofran, so I went off it immediately as I had those constant sharp pains and what felt like diarrhea cramps. I have never really been constipated before and suddenly I was horribly constipated and my entire belly hurt! So yes constiaption can cause cramp like pains as well as sharp pains. I am very gassy now(at least my bowels are regular though) usually just at night but that makes me very uncomfortable. And actually a couple times they felt like diarrhea cramps but then just gas would come out. Pregnancy really makes your body wacko!!
ashley, I agree. Aches and pains are part of the pregnant territory, I'm afraid. My OB had told me that my SCH was just making me more aware of them so a lot of the excess pains can be mental. Not saying to ignore symptoms, but there can be normal explanations for them.

I have IBS so I'm super prone to indigestion and the pains feel alot like menstrual cramps and can be very, very painful. Even when I'm not pregnant they can be so bad that I can't stand up straight. This isn't common but has happened more frequently since becoming pregnant.
I get the fear that comes with the cramps now... I hadn't had any since I started bleeding til today an today have had what I could possibly describe as irregular contractions and cramps. Ugh. I know its normal, but slightly sore, an very frustrating. I am slowly going to attempt getting off the bed again tomorrow and see how I go. Back to bed with the first sign of trouble though!!
I really appreciate you sharing your experiences guys! :) The pain went away yesterday and felt ok during the night. I was around ovulation time ( I used to feel crampy almost with AF symptoms when ovulating before getting pregnant ). So far no spotting or bleeding in 4 days. I have the next ultrasound late next week to see how things are going. Has anybody heard that the 9th week is particularly complicated? Somebody mentioned that somewhere but I did not find any references to such statement. Hope you all have a wonderful spot and pain free day! :)
I never heard that about the 9th week but I think the whole First Trimester can be potentially complicated as the baby is growing so much and developing so many different things at once. Probably explains why miscarriages are the most common at this time. I'm glad the spotting and bleeding seems to have stopped for you and good luck on your scan next week.

My 20 week anomaly scan is next Tuesday. I already know what I'm having and already have it confirmed on a following ultrasound so I'm just looking forward to seeing my baby again. Last time he was sleeping so I hope he's more alert next time. I also have another ultrasound on March 4th to further investigate my placenta abruption and double-check the spina bifida results (just to make sure it's negative)
Hi guys hope you're all ache and bleeding free at the mo!

So I had my scan today and the hemorrhage is still there, boo! It's split into 2 parts now (5x1.4cm and 6x1.5cm) both parts next to amniotic sac. There is also blood in the am sac but I was told it is harmless to the baby.

So I was feeling quite disappointed..Then I saw the consultant who was a crazy guy. 'Mad as a box of frogs' as my husband put it! But his energetic positivity did reassure me. He talked alot about trying to change the way I was thinking about it and to be happy that the baby is healthy and that I am not bleeding at the moment. He did not seem concerned at all! I have been given the all clear to go back to work (I work 2 days a week) and like he said 'it's not as if you are digging gardens for a living!'

His attitude was such a contrast to my worry that I have relaxed a bit. So back to work tomorrow and I'm just going to see how it all goes!:thumbup: And next scan March 4th - same as you starry I think!
Oh I can't be that good at Maths as, looking at my notes again, I have just realised that it has got smaller!

So there's a positive - it doubled in size from 14 to 16 weeks then reduced at 18 weeks to about half the size again!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance:
That's really good hope, well as good as you could have hoped for :) I'm so glad it's reducing, even if it has split.

I'm going to get up today again... It's been 6 days mostly in bed, and I'm spotting again now what is good. My next scan is 3/3 and I cannot wait. I am literally counting the days!!
Yay for some good news for you!
Am I only the only one that is being offered free weekly ultrasounds? I had 1 at 7,8,9 and I decided every 2 weeks is fine. So my next will be in a week from today at 11w5d. Im excited to for my next check up. My baby will actually look like a baby!!
Good Luck girls and here's to our SCH's healing! And you getting good news about your placental abruption Starry!!!
Oh I can't be that good at Maths as, looking at my notes again, I have just realised that it has got smaller!

So there's a positive - it doubled in size from 14 to 16 weeks then reduced at 18 weeks to about half the size again!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance:
Wooohooo this is gr8 news!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Yup, you are I think... I don't get ANY ultrasounds except if I've been bleeding heavily again. Except for the normal 12 and 20 week ones.
I've had 8 ultrasounds at this point but I only got them when I went to the emergency -- besides my nucal fold scan at 13 weeks and the scan I got last week to check for spina bifida. I have two more ultrasounds coming up and hopefully, that's it! I wouldn't mind being more closely monitored due to my abruption but we'll see how it goes.
What counts as heavy bleeding? I figure any bleeding shouldnt really be checked since it comes with the territory of SCH. So at what point should I be seen if I do start to bleed? At the moment I have just dark brown spotting. If it goes back to red should I be seen, or only if its red and very heavy??
I only went to the ER when I filled the toilet with bright red blood. But for me, I either had spotting (just when I wiped) or enough to fill the toilet. After a big gush I would spot red for at least a week and then had weeks of brown afterwards. In the first trimester I had a red gush once a week. Also, passing big clots (I ignored pea-sized) should be worth getting checked out.

Also, I'm very paranoid and need the extra reassurance. It's worth it if you're scared, IMO.
I was ringing the midwife or going to the hospital when I was filling more than a pad an hour - for more than an hour. At that stage, I could feel gushes, and had medium sized clots (inch round). I've bleed "heavier" than normal spotting at times, but would t go to the hospital unless it didn't quieten down quickly
I guess I freak out a bit because my miscarriage started as two days of mild spotting but once the gush started to come it didn't stop and the ER still makes you sit and wait for hours and hours unless you're passing out. So I just go right away.
I got a new midwife today!! :) she's only been practicing 5 years she said (better than my prior one year for the last one!), but has had lots of work with consultants/obs and advises first baby to be had at the hospital, not the birthing centers! Yay, cos I was being pressured the other way! And she actually knows what this hematoma is (and said it was big, as opposed to just fobbing it off). I'm so much more happy with that!!
I'm glad you found a better midwife! I really appreciate honesty from doctors. It actually makes it less scary than a dismissive "we'll see" or "it's nothing".
Inperfected - I'm so glad you got a new midwife sounds like she's clued up! I had to transfer 30 mins in an ambulance from a birthing centre to a hospital mid labour with my not wanting to put anyone else off birthing centres but I have to say I do agree with your midwife!!

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