Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I guess I freak out a bit because my miscarriage started as two days of mild spotting but once the gush started to come it didn't stop and the ER still makes you sit and wait for hours and hours unless you're passing out. So I just go right away.

I know how you feel, I lost a baby last August so you can't help but have extra concern and worry. That little baby would have been due on March 4th, same day as my next scan.

How did you find the day which would have been your due date? I'm worrying I'm going to be in tears..:cry:
I guess I freak out a bit because my miscarriage started as two days of mild spotting but once the gush started to come it didn't stop and the ER still makes you sit and wait for hours and hours unless you're passing out. So I just go right away.

I know how you feel, I lost a baby last August so you can't help but have extra concern and worry. That little baby would have been due on March 4th, same day as my next scan.

How did you find the day which would have been your due date? I'm worrying I'm going to be in tears..:cry:

It wasn't quite as hard as I would have imagined. My original plan was to distract myself all day and end it with a special date with DH but then I got a sch with this little guy so I was stuck at home. In the morning I took some time to reflect on my lost "lil Peanut", played some songs that had been meaningful to me just after the loss and put a memorial to him/her on my Facebook status. I had a good cry and then I actually felt pretty OK.

I still cry for my lost baby and I probably always will. My baby had been due December 10 so Christmas was hard (hey, just realized both my babies are due on the 10th of the month). Christmas Day, in the morning, I was taking a shower and cried a bit that I should have been introducing my newborn to relatives and celebrating his/her first Christmas. But pity-parties aren't healthy so I made myself stop and accept that my Cuddle Bug is the child I have now. I can't have them both.

Thanks Starry, I think you are right I think I'll spend some time remembering, listening to music and looking at bits and pieces - I have a scan photo and I named a star but then life carries on and I will be having my 20 week scan with this one!
Good luck with your scan! And my thoughts will be with you and your angel on March 4th.
Hi Ladies -

Was hoping I could join your group as I was diagnosed with an SCH recently. I had a small amount of bleeding at 11w2d and went to the ER. I've had two previous miscarriages so I was sure it was happening again. They did an ultrasound and I was thrilled to see the baby moving all around with a strong heartbeat! They diagnosed an SCH measuring 8x14x32mm. I was told to see my doctor asap and bed rest until then. Had a second ultrasound at 12w1d in my doctor's office where they confirmed the SCH and said I should continue the modified bed rest but that I could take short trips out of the house. So I've been hanging out on the couch ever since with a few quick trips out here and there. I am scheduled to have another ultrasound to measure the bleed on Thursday so I'm on pins and needles until then.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has shared their story - it definitely helps to read about all the success stories!
Welcome :) it's nice to have you here, even if I know you'd rather not be :)

I heard babys heart best today with the Doppler!!! It was sO good to hear it as I've still got 1.5 weeks til next ultrasound!
Hello Jordeliz! This place is great to vent all your worries and get support. And you are right all the success stories are very encouraging!

Inperfected it's lovely that you get to hear the baby's heartbeat, it definitely is a wonderful sound!

I am feeling my baby move a lot more now which is very reassuring. Being back at work is fine, but I am v tired even though it's only 2 days a week. It does take my mind off things though. Spotted a tiny bit yesterday but feeling good. :thumbup:
Welcome, Jordeliz! Sorry that you have sch but so glad you found us. We're here to keep one another sane.
Hubby is being great (I think??) at the moment, not letting me do barely anything, but I am so over it! I just want to carry things and that and be normal again!

First day at uni again today, and I have literally done SO little but am so exhausted. I just want to go to sleep!! I have a dentist appt tomorrow and will probably need a filling or "something" it's so so sore and frustrating!
Inperfected - I hear you! I am so bored with laying on the couch all day. Funny how a day of reading or watching movies would normally seem like such an exciting day off but now when it's all you have going on it gets boring so quickly. Hope19 - glad to hear work takes your mind off things. That is one of the other things about being on bed rest - it's hard to think about anything other than this...

I have been amazed at how exhausted I feel when I do even the littlest things. I went out yesterday and was so exhausted after just a couple of hours. And nothing I was doing was the least bit strenuous. When I got back home I noticed that I had started to spot again after almost a week with nothing. So I'm feeling like the resting really does make a difference? At least that makes me feel a bit better about being stuck on the couch.

Here's hoping we're all "normal" again soon!
I cant wait to have a "normal" pregnancy, with no worries of the SCH anymore! I hope it does happen! Its crazy I never knew pregnant women could be on bedrest this early in a pregnancy until now! I keep dreaming of being able to go out and enjoy myself. Im so scared of being on bedrest forever! I hope when it warms up here I can take my kids to the park etc and be able to be just plain happy about the pregnancy and my growing bump. Im just waiting to hear one of you say your SCH is gone!!
I have been on 5 full days of bed rest so far. Not too bad yet, and I cant believe that I can still sleep 12 hrs straight after having laid in bed the other 12!! I am so tired always, so thats the good thing about 1st trimester bed rest. My husband is getting better and better each day with having absolutely no help from me.
Also,I feel like this brown spotting will never go away!!

I have been wondering since my Dr hasnt given me much of any info on SCH' the way they measure the SCH, is to measure the blood pocket? So they arent actually measuring the placental seperation or clot itself)my Dr said you cant see it on ultrasound), but in fact measuring the amount of blood that is released from it? Im guesing thats right. And it makes sense since a bad tear would cause more bleeding and a smaller one would cause less bleeding. And why is it worse to have 2 pockets rather than 1? Or is it worse? Im just thinking the blood can pool into more than 1 area,and if the combined total isnt too big, than really isnt as bad as 1 pocket of blood measuring the same size as the 2 pockets combined??
Im not sure how big mine is. 2 weeks ago my Dr was looking for the blood and told me it was 1 cm in size, then he said oh and there is 1 here thats about half cm in size. Im confused!
jordeliz, I'm the same as you. The few outings I have had leave me exhausted and physically sore/strained. Usually I have a good half-hour in me. This Saturday my mom is taking me to register for baby items so I know I need to store up energy for that. If only I could rent a wheelchair for the

I'm getting back into a favourite hobby of mine --- Crosswords. I'm terrible at them so I stick to the books of easy puzzles (easy but still intended for adults). The "easy" are still rather challenging at times so I can't even imagine what a "hard" puzzle would be like. I also watch The Price is Right every morning....I yell at the TV whenever I think someone is doing something wrong. In the evenings I watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.

It does get boring but I'm also getting used to it. I don't know what I'm going to do when the baby is here and I have to return to normal life and work harder than I've ever done! lol I have to relearn how to cook and how to do laundry and keep the house clean....DH is a big help but he is a man so things are in absolute disarray at the moment.
Starry Night - how exciting to be registering! That seems like a great milestone to me. And something positive to focus on instead of the worry. I hope you have a wonderful Saturday! Never mind a wheelchair rental, you need to get one of those electric wheelchair carts that they have in Walmart and Target, lol.

I've gotten back into cross stitching the past week which is something I haven't had much time for lately so I hear you on taking up old hobbies again. I might have to try crossword and sudoku books next, thanks for the suggestion.

Ashley2pink - I think they measure the blood pocket but I am not positive. The measurement that I got was 3 dimensions, so I assumed it was the volume of the blood pocket. I really don't know anything about two pockets vs. one. Maybe you can ask about that the next time you see your doctor? In my past two visits I have found that they answer questions that I have but they don't really volunteer information if I don't ask so maybe if you go in with a list of questions you'll get some better information?
I have asked my Dr some questions, but he doesnt give me info on SCH but rather general bleeding during pregnancy. I had to ask him to measure the blood pockets. I have gotten much more helpful info on here!
So if anybody knows the answer to my above question let me know! I do think it is the blood that is lost that pools in uterus is what they measure, but just want to be sure.
Starry I have been wanting to go to the zoo when it warms up, and I thought the wheelchair thing too! But I think I would just rather not be seen in a wheelchair and just stay home.
Oh I wanted to add my Dr didnt give me dimensions on mine. He didnt even actually measure it, he just looked at it and said this is about a cm so about a tsp worth of blood, and then he saw the other and said its about half cm so about half tsp blood. I have never heard it measured that way, but I dont think he knows much about SCH. He didnt think bed rest would help either.
Also I wonder how can they tell these pockets of blood, to me I just see so many areas that look the same as the SCH, you have to have a trained eye to know!
I know after having many scans for different things I can pick up what is what quite easily. They definitely look more obvious when they are blood or fluid, when you are used to seeing it, though it's harder hen the pocket is small... To be honest, from all I understand a tiny sch like you have isn't a huge concern as they don't often cause issues or last too long at that size (generally). A couple of friends have have had them, and other than spotting for a few days, there's been no issues at all.

I'm quite nervous what will happen at the next scan, but I seriously just want to see that the baby has gotten bigger than the bleed (2x size of sac at the start, 1.5x on last scan of gest sac). I heard my baby with my Doppler yesterday which was a huge relief!! Sounds stupid but it was nice hearing the midwife (new good one!) tell me it was big as I knew that but other had said "oh well" you'll keep it or lose it, just live with it.
I haven't gotten told the measurements of my bleed but the specialist at the children's hospital told me it was "moderate....not small". But yet he wasn't concerned about it. I dunno. I think a lot has to do where the bleed is. The clot was first detected on a 5 week ultrasound as a 1/2cm lesion. I'm pretty sure it's low down and well underneath the baby.
Hello jordeliz! Hope you all guys had a nice weekend! Today is my 22nd day in bed and I am dead bored, however when I get up to shower, etc I feel really tired and agitated ( must be the change in blood circulation ). On a brighter note, I haven´t had any spotting in a whole week, and those cramping pains and lower back pain seem to have gone away, so hopefully things have settled a bit more. I am supposed to get an Us this week, but couldn´t get an appointment until next Monday, so I am kinda frustrated about that! I think I might just show up at the ER and make sth up just so I get scanned...shame on me!
I have been wondering since my Dr hasnt given me much of any info on SCH' the way they measure the SCH, is to measure the blood pocket? So they arent actually measuring the placental seperation or clot itself)my Dr said you cant see it on ultrasound), but in fact measuring the amount of blood that is released from it? Im guesing thats right. And it makes sense since a bad tear would cause more bleeding and a smaller one would cause less bleeding. And why is it worse to have 2 pockets rather than 1? Or is it worse? Im just thinking the blood can pool into more than 1 area,and if the combined total isnt too big, than really isnt as bad as 1 pocket of blood measuring the same size as the 2 pockets combined??
Im not sure how big mine is. 2 weeks ago my Dr was looking for the blood and told me it was 1 cm in size, then he said oh and there is 1 here thats about half cm in size. Im confused!

Hi Ashley2pink what they measured every time with me was the dark fluid blood. One sonographer said she could see older clotted blood but that was not measured. It was very clear what she was measuring as it was very dark compared to everything eles. Mine was one pocket of blood, 2 weeks later it had doubled in size to 9.8cmx3cm and had shifted between the amniotic sac and the placenta. Now 2 weeks later again it has split into two pockets, both next to amniotic sac but looks like total volume of blood has halved in size. (Which makes sense given the amount of brown bleeding I had a while ago).

I was told that it can split in two because of it being a fluid and things growing and moving in uterus. As to the effect of it now being in two I wasn't told anything reallly.

Hope this helps - it is really confusing!

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