Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Sometimes you can spot a little scareddad, and there can be no reason for it, or that a tiniest bit of blood is left over from the SCH (a tiny bit of blood in the uterus is normal).

If it starts being red, or a heavier bleed, I'd go to the doctor, but if very light and brown, just monitor it and ring your doctor if you feel like you need to. You should be ok I'm prety sure though *hugs*
Maybe the ultrasound just pressed out whatever little bleed was still there? Sometimes the technicians press down a little hard. My stomach sometimes feels quite tender afterwards. But I really don't think it would cause a new bleed -- just aggravate a pre-existing one.

My bleeding seemed to have stopped at 9 1/2 weeks just after my huge bleed and then I had brown spotting until about 12 weeks. It was actually Christmas Day when I felt brave enough to stop wearing pads. My OB was about to give me the go ahead to return to normal activity when, out of the blue, I got another gusher at 14 weeks. I bled fairly heavily for about 5 or 6 hours and then spotted red for another 4 days and brown for about 1 or 2. So it's possible for the bleeding to stop and start again.

It's a very good sign that baby is measuring good! My baby always seems happy as a clam during the scans and that is so reassuring. And once your wife can feel the movements that will be a big help as well.

If she's just spotting I wouldn't be too concerned. I only went to the ER whenever I had a gush (ie. filled the toilet, etc)
Hello ladies, I have been off the forums for almost a week and have some catching up to do! I made an impulsive move to drive down 400 miles to my nephew's birthday party, then when I got back my internet line was down from a storm!

Welcome to all the new members, and I just saw about Sara's loss, that is just plain terrible. Anybody know where she posted about it so I can look it up?

For some good news, I believe my SCH is gone! It won't be confirmed until tomorrow, but I bled nonstop brown blood (since my SCH was above my cervix) for a month, it slowed last week and now not a drop for several days:). On my last u/s it was very small too. I am slowly starting to build up my strength again but not overdoing it of course. I cannot wait to get back to having a normal healthy pregnancy, as I know you all can relate too.
Hi girls. I hope you are all doing well.

I had an ultrasound on Monday at 14+1. Just got a call from my ob's office saying that the ultrasound showed that my hematoma has completely resolved!! I am so happy.

I hope those of you are are still having spotting/bleeding get some relief of that soon. I never bled that much. One time a large gush, and then part of a day of brown spotting the day after. But having had a previous miscarriage it scared me to death. I know how frightening it can be and you are all in my thoughts.
I am having cramping (pretty bad) and I just had a mostly brown clot. the thickest I've had. How long should I expect the cramps to stick around if it is hematoma related? What are your experiences? TMI, but I also feel gassy, so I am having a hard time distinguishing... Any advice would be great. Thanks Ladies.

Babyhopes, such great news! Wondering what the confusion was tho?
All your success stories give me hope!
I think that while you have any spotting of any color, you might get cramps. I had a hard time telling whether it was the sch or gas, as I was having a lots of gas. I guess as the bump develops it all feels different, for example when you have to go to the bathroom the feeling is different, I now feel it more on my back and not so much my tummy. Chances are that we are ultra alert hence so many feelings. Also you might get round lig pain. It is tricky indeed, but if no red blood I guess it is fine :)
Hi everyone,

Well here's the story. My wife was diagnosed with a SCH at 7w because of a bleed and ultrasound confirmed this. Anyway for the past 10 days she.had finally stopped spotting until yesterday. Yesterday my wife had her 12w ultrasound and everything looked fine as all measurements were good and baby was moving all around.

Last night my wife started spotting again. Could the ultrasound and all the pushing have caused this? Should we call Oh and it was an abdominal ultrasound.

Did you ask the technician about the hematoma? Whether it was visible, size, etc? I know that they are best seen on vaginal U/S. Is the spotting red? If so I would call the doc or go to ER. If it is brown I would stay in bed, with my legs up and drink a lot of water, and see what happens after a few hours. I believe it is possible the pressure moved the clot around hence the spotting.
Hello ladies, I have been off the forums for almost a week and have some catching up to do! I made an impulsive move to drive down 400 miles to my nephew's birthday party, then when I got back my internet line was down from a storm!

Welcome to all the new members, and I just saw about Sara's loss, that is just plain terrible. Anybody know where she posted about it so I can look it up?

For some good news, I believe my SCH is gone! It won't be confirmed until tomorrow, but I bled nonstop brown blood (since my SCH was above my cervix) for a month, it slowed last week and now not a drop for several days:). On my last u/s it was very small too. I am slowly starting to build up my strength again but not overdoing it of course. I cannot wait to get back to having a normal healthy pregnancy, as I know you all can relate too.

Welcome back! I will not congratulate you just yet, will await confirmation, but I am hving a hard time holding it ;) I think Sara posted on the First TRi Forum some 3 days ago.
Hello ladies, i just got my confirmation yesterday and the day before from two doctors that my sch is gone !! they said it was relatively very small at 6mm so it was bound to absorb. i am happy but am not going to be very excited and jinx it either !!

i hope everything heals soon for all of you as well. praying for all of you. xx
Congrats babyhopes!!

Well, I had a minor gush last week where I lost about 10ml at once then immediately back to spotting, but I though it was a one of... Yesterday and today it's happened again, reddy brown (much redder than usual) and watery, not clotted at all... I've still been resting but not quite as much so I have to get back to resting I guess... I have a midwife appt on Monday so I will ask her if it's possible to be referred for another scan. Maybe not, but hopefully as I'm fed up with constant bleeding. I thought these were supposed to clear up quickish, but obviously not as it's 8 weeks tomorrow since I was diagnosed with 5 extreme bleeds and about 4-5 moderate gushing ones (all different episodes)...
First of all..
Babyhopes & Pagal - Congratulations! It sounds like you both got great news!
Inperfected - I'm sorry you're bleeding again. Hopefully it's just that dumb thing trying to work it's way out!
AFM - Well, I was starting to feel encouraged until today. I have had nonstop brown bleeding for weeks and weeks and weeks. In the last few days it's been much lighter and more clots (I took that to be a good thing). Well then today, when I wiped, along with some brown blood were some tiny spots of bright red. Very very tiny, but there nonetheless. I haven't seen red for over a month, so now I'm feeling very discouraged. This was right after using the restroom (sorry TMI) so I'm wondering if maybe that accounted for the red? I don't know. I'm waiting on a call back from my Dr's office. I was starting to have hopes that this stupid thing was going I'm just frustrated and annoyed.
nfs, have you dabbed a tissue at the opening of your vagina to make sure the bleeding is coming from there and not haemorrhoids? I'm sorry you're still having these scares.

inperfected - I hope this your body's way of resolving the bleed and that it ends/reabsorbs soon! Mine hung around until 20 weeks even though I didn't have any visible bleeding. Hopefully, you get another scan and that you'll get the news it's going down. There is still hope yours will go away completely.

Congrats, babyhopes!!
nfs, I was thinking the same thing, that maybe the tiny red spots weren't you actually bleeding where you think. Sometimes I get tiny spots of red after a hard BM (sorry tmi!), or maybe the hemorrhoids like Starry suggested.

Inperfected, sorry to hear you are having more bleeding, how frustrating!!
Well my u/s today showed the SCH above my cervix completely gone, which the perinatologist said is excellent because that kind carries a higher risk of infection since it's at the cervix. There is still a small clot somewhere else (not behind the placenta), which the doc says is old. He said it is not a worry at all and to go about enjoying a healthy pregnancy!

I am still at risk for pre-term labor because I had an SCH, but that's not even a worry until like 32+ weeks, thank goodness:)
Great news, PAgal! I still have some scar tissue where the abruption used to be.

I didn't know that the risks for pre-term labour were still there after the sch resolved....hmmm....don't want to start worrying but...TOO LATE! lol
Yeah starry, unfortunately the risks are lower but still there for preterm labor (and all the other risks I saw in the studies) even though they disappear. The risk is only 5% higher though from memory in worst case sernario though. Higsand please dint you be worrying too much! The risk is much less if you have it disappear around 20 week though (or even less I think if earlier!)
My concern is I'm moving to a VERY rural area at 28 weeks and the hospital I'll be having my baby at will be well over an hour away. Probably won't even see my new OB until 34 weeks. There is a hospital closer if worst comes to worst. It just doesn't have any of the amenities to take care of a preemie so I'd be sent to the further hospital right away anyways.
Yea I was wondering why I'm still at risk for pre-term too, but he did say that that small clot may take "weeks and weeks and weeks" to completely dissolve, so maybe it's because of that and not just because I had an SCH? I always think of a million questions to ask the guy after I leave!! He may just be being cautious too.
:happydance:Congratulations Pagal!!! :happydance:

Inperfected: i am so sorry to hear you are still seeing blood :( On this forum we all know how scary it is. Hopefully it is the sch bleeding out and your next scan brings good news :)
I'm seeing the specialist again on the 8th. I'll ask him then about the pre-term risks. He's always been confident on giving me a good prognosis and I definitely trust him.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted - I've had some friends and family in town to keep me from going stir crazy on bed rest.

I had an ultrasound earlier this week and a follow up doctors appointment today and they said that my SCH is gone! I am allowed to resume my normal activities but I think I'm going to have to gradually ease into a more normal routine. It's amazing how weeks of mostly sitting on the couch can make even little tasks seem exhausting.

My doctor said I can go back to the regular schedule for visits so my next one will be at 20 weeks. Was hoping they'd be able to tell the gender with this last scan but I guess I'll have to be patient for a few more weeks. They didn't mention anything about a risk for preterm labor - PAgirl, does that apply to everyone who has had an SCH? I'll have to remember to ask at my next appointment.

So glad to hear that others have gotten the same great news recently! Hoping everyone else is hanging in there and gets their own positive news soon.

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