Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Inperfected: So glad to hear you are both doing well :) I think yours was one of the toughest experiences I have read on this forum since I joined. But you are a brave mama and your LO is a strong fighter! Thank God all the crazy bleeds, etc are over and you finally get to hold your bb :)
hi all.... i started bleeding 2 days ago and thought for sure i was miscarrying. i didnt go to the doctor because i knew there wasnt really anything they could do for me anyway except to confirm that id lost the baby and tell me to rest. well... that night i started cramping. threw up, and passed (what looked to me) to be the placenta or a part of the placenta... then, nothing. i thought it was odd that the sac didnt pass first nor did i have any real clots pass. ive just had bleeding like a light period since and i came across this condition called subchorionic hematoma and wondered if maybe thats whats happening. im going today to get an ultrasound but im wondering from you all if any of you passed clots that didnt really look like clots and baby was just fine.
Mermaid, by your ticker it looks like you did end up losing your little baby. I'm so sorry. :hugs:

imperfected, congrats on your LO. Stay healthy and strong and just have fun cuddling your baby.

AFM....still pregnant and not enjoying it anymore. lol
no.. i havent passed the sac yet... the bleeding has turned brown. i didnt go to the doctor yet either. im just going to wait for nature to take its course... either way.
i put the ticker up just because i think that baby isnt alive anymore... but i feel like theres a glimmer of hope left.
MermaidMom- I hope you haven't miscarried hun- I never had clots, but many women on here have-some like tissue, some stringy, some rounder clots. Have you gotten an ultrasound yet? How many weeks are you? Good Luck, hope all is well.
Inperfected- Thanks for your birth story!! I can just imagine he is a sweet little boy. Glad he is doing better with breathing-hope his NICU stay will be minimal and you will bring him home in less time than the Dr's estimate.
Starry-good luck in the upcoming days/maybe weeks with your pregnancy! So nice to see you have made it this far and baby is still hanging in there!
Good Luck to you all of you new girls on here-90% of your SCH's will heal around 20 weeks- even if it doesnt you can still go on just fine! Just take it easy and listen to your body
mermaid mom - i passed a huge, chunky clot the size of my hand at 9 weeks. I also passed some pink tissues that same time. I was getting cramps that were comparable to my miscarriage last spring yet my baby was still there, going strong. Are you sure you don't want to get checked out in a day or two just to know either way? Even if the baby is lost (which I'm hoping it isn't) then it isn't good to leave the sac in there for too long. but you just might get the shock of a lifetime when they find a heartbeat on the scan! My jaw dropped and I asked "are you serious???" when they told me. I was 100% he was gone...
Mermaid - Im really sorry for what you're going through but I strongly urge you to get a scan. If you have sadly miscarried then its no safe for you to have clots inside, you an go into shock and are putting yourself at risk. And if the baby is allive and kicking then you need to know if you have a SCH and then you can manage it accordingly.

Ive had a previous m/c so know how horrible and upsetting it is. I then got pg soon after with this baby and yes I have past clots- at 10 weeks and I was sure i had m/c again. Like Starry said I couldnt belive it when baby was ok. Having been in both camps I know how tough it is but you really do need to get a scan.


S xx
Starry- Just seen you have 5 days til due date!! Wow! how you feeling?

Hiya I don't know if I can help anyone with an sch but I bought I would post here
I fell pregnant after 2 yrs ttc in may 2010
on my first dating scan at 6w I was told I had a medium sized sch.
I was given very little info and the somographer said if I made it to 12w she would see me again. A week later I had a bleed. Only a small amount but I was petrified
I went for another scan and was shaking but reasurred that there was a heartbeat. The sch had shrunk slightly.
At 10w I went on guide camp but took it easy I had some bleeding on the last day. I felt awful the next morning they sent me for a trace and luckily the beat was strong

During my pregnancy I had two more small bleeds on my 20w scan I was told that no sch remained.
I had lots of other probs in pregnancy but this was the scariest.

On the 17th feb emilia was born after a seven day labour
she was jammed so it resulted in an emergency c sec

If anyone wants any advice please pm me xx
So, so sorry about your loss, Mermaid. Please take care of yourself and hope to see you in 1st tri again soon.
Crazyguider, thanks for sharing your story, and congrats on Emilia!! I am sure she has made it all worthwhile:)
Hi everyone,

I posted a couple weeks ago about my sch... I had a huge bleed with clots, baby was still looking fine. Originally my clot was 6 cm, as of last Friday it was down to 3, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I'm still having brown bleeding (it's been two weeks since the original bleed), so I'm hoping that's the clot bleeding itself out. When I went to the Dr. last week he told me that the baby is measuring 2 days behind where it should be, and that he was concerned that the clot might be interferring with the placenta. He's got me really worried! I'm trying to tell myself that 2 days is so little maybe it's nothing. I have to wait until this Friday to go back, I'm so nervous, I can't concentrate, all I do is sit around thinking about the baby. And since it's happening right at the end of the first trimester, I haven't really told many people yet what's going on. I'm a supervisor, my team probably thinks I'm just getting fat and lazy!
Nikki, so glad to hear the clot is going down, that's great!! Yea I'm not sure why 2 days is a big deal, our due dates are just estimates anyway. Even if you knew the exact day you had sex to conceive, fertilization can happen anytime the week following! Weird. I know it's terribly hard not to worry, but it really helps just to keep busy--do some mad cleaning or a house project you've been putting off, it will help. Please keep us posted, I'll be thinking about you.
2 days behind is nothing really. When I saw the specialist at the children's hospital he said as long as the baby is within a week of the dates then everything is fine. Each baby is an individual and grows at its own rate. My baby started out behind, then went nearly a week ahead and at my last scan was right on target.

Mermaid Mom, I'm so sorry.
Starry- Just seen you have 5 days til due date!! Wow! how you feeling?


My hips are absolutely killing me and I can't sleep for the pain but overall I'm healthy and so is the baby. Just waiting for something to happen but it's starting to look like I'm going to go past my due date. Spend the first half of my pregnancy terrified I'm going to lose him and he ends up going mom had the same thing with my sister. Only she had placenta previa. Nearly lost her several times and then she came 2 weeks late. sheesh...
Good luck, Starry, hope things start moving for you soon!!!
first of all, mermaid mom im so sorry about your loss.

greetings everyones!

I have been diagnosed with a 1.5 x 2 cm sch just on Monday after being admitted to the hospital for one week for spotting.
This is our first pregnancy (by IVF) and i started spotting at 6 w 5 days, was on modified bedrest for one week then was admitted for one one week when the spotting continued.
on monday at 8 weeks 1 day, the doctor told me that one of my babies is not viable (no heartbeat) and above the other one (with a good heart beat) is an sch.the doctor discharged me and placed me on strict bed rest and told me to go back on monday or a followup ultrasound.
We have been ttc'ing for 5 years and after being so happy and amazed at getting a bfp, I now am absolutely petrified that i will loose my baby and am still grieving over the one i have just lost.I am so glad i found this forumn, and i have learned so much already.
hugs everyone
HI Jasmine,

Sorry for what you are going through and to hear that you lost one of your babies. i ma sure you must be very upset. with your other baby please take comfort in that a SCH does need mean miscarriage and your baby has a very good chance of kicking on! Seeing blood is very scary but I remember being told the baby is completely unaware and oblivious to the SCH and happy developing away in their sac. Bedrest is good to let the SCH go down and bleeding stop. Big hugs,


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