Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I forgot to write my update! I had my 20 week scan today. baby was wriggling away and all measurements were as they should be which is great.

The sonographer went to measure the SCH and to start with couldnt find it which i thought was fab!! Then she said ' maybe its this' and found something which measured 3 x 2.4cm) At y last scan it was 4 X 2.4 cm. But she said she cant tell if thats the SCH or 'placental lake' ( blood in the plcenta which is normal.) Her gut feel was placental lake and if she hadnt known I'd an SCH she would have said it was definitely that. But she cant say for sure what it is....

So now im all confused and frustrated. Ive hardly moved for 14 weeks and im dying to start doing some gentle exercise - jusy pre natal yoga or light swimming. I dont want to take any risks but I dont want to sit on my butt for 5 more months if theres no need....

Jasmine, so sorry for your loss. Glad to hear your other bean is doing well, and that you are getting another u/s again soon. Just take it easy and know that most of these SCH's turn out fine so the odds are in your favor. Keep us posted and we are always here to answer any questions or concerns when we can help.
Sarah, so great to hear that LO is doing so well!! Sorry to hear the sonographer doesn't know for sure about the SCH, but at least it's smaller if it is the SCH so that's great. Did a doc review the scan?? All my scans were reviewed by docs after--a doc should be able to tell you which one it is. Hope you get some answers soon!

I was very frustrated about the no excercise thing too, but if you can, just try to relax about it a little while longer, you will be glad you did just for peace of mind if nothing else. You will have plenty months to get back in shape, I felt exactly the same way you did and looking back it now seems so insignificant.
Sorry about your miscarriage MermaidMom
Nikki-when I first had my bleed at 7 weeks I had an ultrasound which dated me 4 days behind my dates. I knew exactly when I got pregnant so I was worried. But then 2 days later I had another ultrasound and the baby was measuring just right! My Dr. said sometimes the baby is angled weird so it makes the measurement slightly off which is probably what happened at my 1st ultrasound. She has been measuring perfect ever since.
Jasmine - sorry you lost one of your babies. That's so hard. But take heart that the other baby has a nice, strong heartbeat. Babies really are oblivious to the sch. After each major bleed I'd have an emergency scan and I would see my little bean bouncing away, happy as a clam. And do NOT Google this. Please. The internet will make it seem like you stand no chance but as you can see here that the vast majority are facing success stories.

Sarah - I'm so relieved that your sch has gone done. Continue to take it easy but maybe you could try walking around your house/lawn if you're desperate for some excercise. Just be cautious for the next while so you don't reaggravate things.

AFM - looks like I'll be going overdue. My due date is tomorrow and I don't have the slightest cramp or niggle. As of yesterday, my cervix is still high and closed though it is beginning to thin (finally).
Well it's just taken me a few hoursto read back through this forum but every minute has been worth it - what great support/info. Here's my story -
Woke up on Saturday with blood that had soaked through my underwear and pyjamas and seconds later I passed a clot the same length/width as my thumb and gad terrible cramps. Automatically thinking I'd m/c me and hubby went to A+E. We got booked in for an emergency scan fir 10am Sunday and got told to go home and rest.
Bleeding settled but later that night started again and passed two further clots (both very large).
On Sunday morning went to epu for the arranged scan expecting the worst and a miracle happened as baby was there bouncing away with string heartbeat - we burst into tears.
Sonographer confirmed sch and told me to go home and rest.
Sorry for long post but wanted to share as even after passing THREE very LARGE clots - baby is still fine so don't assume worst. Thanks for everyone's previous stories on here - they've been a real comfort to read. X
Congrats blonde, on the great scan, what an amazing, emotional experience that must have been to see the little bean after those clots. Glad you are finding comfort in the forums, and please keep us posted on your progress:)
Hi Blonde,

Good to hear you're story. It really is a wonderful / shocking emotional shock to be told baby is well and healthy isnt it! Ive had 2 bad bleeds and both times just couldnt believe.

have you been told to rest up and take it easy? And drink lots of water.

S xx
So I've been told my clot is no longer visible, but this darm brown bleeding just won't stop (it's been 3 weeks). It just makes me so nervous, I wish it would stop!
It's soooooooo true pagal and Sarah - emotional rollercoaster! But totally worth every second of heartache if baby stays healthy in there. I got told to rest as in not bedrest but no lifting, rushing around, etc. Doctor didn't mention drinking lots of water either but I am doing having read it on here. Should be getting an appt. through post for a scan in the next week so it's fingers crossed until then. I'll keep you updated. How's everyone doing with theirs? X
Blonde- Are you in UK? From my expereince the knowledge and advice from doctors over here isnt as advanced as in US.

Im seeing consulatant today follwoing my 20 week scan last week. Im going to ask for another scan in 4 weeks as I want to know if clot is gone or going down. Have a gut feeling they will say no as the consultant wasnt too forthcoming last time. Her commenst were ' no point scanning it as nothing we can do either way,.....'

Hi Sarah, yeah uk and have had pretty much the same response as in they seem quite 'let's just see what happens' sort of thing - not very helpful eh. I rang up the hospital before and was told to come in for my 12 week scan tomo morning (I'll actually be 13 weeks) which is great but then I'm assuming I won't get anything until 20 weeks which is a bit worrying! Good luck with persuading them to give you a scan in 4 weeks Hun - I don't know why they're so stingy with the u/s eh!
Blonde- they'll be able to see the SCH at 13 weeks. Just to warn you from experience and reading on this site they seem to peak at 12-13 weeks and then drop down. Mine had trippled between my 8 week bleed and 12 week scan. I was gutted. I asked the consulatant for another scan - had to beg a bit- and I got one at 17 weeks where the SCH had halfed in size.

I saw the consultant today and she said I can start swimming! Yay! I cant do yoga or pilates but really pleased i can swim. Theyve given me a scan at 28 weeks but wouldnt offer me one sooner. I had to ask though.

I'm so glad to have found the advice on here! I'm also in the UK with a ECH (extra chorionic haemorrhage - not sure of the difference!) and the doctors do seem quite lax about the whole thing. It was 6cm at 12 weeks and is now 15cm. This seems big. What sort of sizes are other people's?!
I'm seeing the consultant for another scan at 22w and will be pushing for monthly scans, as pre-term labour and compromised growth was mentioned. No way am I just sitting on that info terrified for another 18 weeks.
Any advice welcome!
Well, I'm just back from my dating scan, the sonographer said she couldn't see the SCH -great news if this is true however, it was measured as 2cm just last Sunday during my emergency scan so not sure how it can disappear in 3 days!? However, just keeping fingers crossed. She said that's it now until 20 week scan and when asked about extra scans said 'it doesn't stop the bleeding if we scan or not'.....NICE EH!!
Thank god we've got a Doppler - it's the only thing that will reassure me for next 8 weeks!!! Hoping it doesn't grow but will just have to wait and see at 20 week scan.

Laura - good luck getting monthly scans, keep us updated.

No idea what the difference is. Best advice is to rest up as much as you can- nothing strenuous. At my 12 week appointment I pushed for a scan before my 20 week. Took some pushing but I told them for my anxiety and stress I'd really like one- and they gave me one at 17 weeks. I'd do that if I was you. It doesn't change anything but helps you mentally.

Like blonde I really benefitted from my Doppler- gives you the reassurance baby is ok especially if spotting.

Oh - and I had a consultant apt yesterday- I'm 20 weeks and asked for 24 week scan. They refused this as said it wouldnt ahow anything but have booked me in for a growth scan at 28 weeks. X
Apparently though they might need to bring baby early if its growth is compromised, so I think it's important they do check it closely and quite often. I'm glad they at least allowed you a 28 week one. How big is your SCH? Has it changed at all?
This thread was hard to find (or maybe I'm just daft!) - bet there are more out there who'd like to join us! Safety in numbers and that!
Anyone heard from Inperfected?? Thinking about her and LO and wondering how they are doing!
Anyone heard from Inperfected?? Thinking about her and LO and wondering how they are doing!
I was thinking about them yesterday too, she hasn´t posted in several days, hope they are well and adjusting.

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