Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Good chance she's too exhausted to lig on. Did she say how ling jesiah would be in hospital for? X
So just a quick question for the ladies who have had their hematomas heal themselves... how long did you wait until you had sex? I asked my dr. and he basically told me whenever I was comfortable, but I'm just scared... It's been like 6 weeks, poor hubby:(
The specialist I saw said to wait until you haven't had any bleeding (new or old blood) for 10-14 days. His reasoning was because of the risk of infection (if blood can come out, infection can get in), not making the SCH bigger or anything. I bled old blood for a month and I will be honest, we still had sex 3 or 4 times although more gently (not deep penetration).
we still aren't having sex! Mine has been gone since 15 weeks and I still dont dare go there!
We have only had sex once since it was gone, and that was a loooong time ago :p But that is cos DH is freaked out about it nothing to do with SCH
I've been reading the thread for a few days...
I am almost 11 wks pregnant and was diagnosed with at 8 wks. It started at 1.4x0.7 and is now 3.9x1.4. I've never gotten the 3rd measurement though.
My sch is located high in the uterus, right above the placenta. I was put on moderate bedrest 20 days ago, and on total bedrest 12 days ago.

I did have 2 different sch's with DD's pregnancy, but the disappeared fairly quickly, after maybe a week or two of moderate bedrest.

Any pointers?
Hi ladies, hope everyone experiencing a SCH is getting along fine. :) just a quick question if anyone can help.... I had my big bleed with clots 2 1/2 weeks ago now when we rushed to hospital and got diagnosed with SCH but doc said it's small at 2 cm. From that, I thought I would stop bleeding quickly, but 2 1/2 weeks later I am still spotting and having to wear a pad - not nice :-(
Can anyone shed any light as to how long it was before you had no blood at all as I'm REALLY looking forward to that day! Thanks
How is everyone doing in the SCH group? I see Starry finally had her little bundle of joy, a super fat congrats to her!!! Everyone must be doing well as it's been quiet on here:)

Bal- How's it going, any more ultrasounds? Sounds like you know what you are doing as you have unfortunately been through this before. You've probably read this by now but it seems common for the SCH to grow initially, but then it starts going down. Hope yours has made progress, most do by 20 weeks or not long after that. My only "pointer" would be to do what you've been doing and take it easy, and just try to stay positive because as you know most of these stubborn SCHs resolve just fine.
Hi blonde-

When you say spotting is it new blood (bright red)? Some of the girls on here could maybe tell you more about that if so. I lost old (brown) blood for an entire month at least, but my bleed was bigger. If you are bleeding new blood just make sure your doc knows this and that you are taking it easy especially while you are bleeding.
Hi PAgal, thanks for your reply. It's dark, old blood so do you think that's ok? I'm def taking it easy as I'm on holiday from work at the mo. So you bled for a month - did it just stop one day? Sorry for all questions, I just really want to stop bleeding totally! X
I considered losing old blood a good thing because it meant the SCH was getting smaller, so I liked seeing it as crazy as that sounds:) But mine was pretty heavy somedays, other days just spotting, and then toward the end I just saw some old blood every couple days. So basically it just started fading off until there was none. Hope yours dries up soon!
Hi ladies, hope everyone experiencing a SCH is getting along fine. :) just a quick question if anyone can help.... I had my big bleed with clots 2 1/2 weeks ago now when we rushed to hospital and got diagnosed with SCH but doc said it's small at 2 cm. From that, I thought I would stop bleeding quickly, but 2 1/2 weeks later I am still spotting and having to wear a pad - not nice :-(
Can anyone shed any light as to how long it was before you had no blood at all as I'm REALLY looking forward to that day! Thanks
Mine was even a bit smaller than yours and spotted dark blood for at least a couple of weeks after the big gush
Hi girls.
Blonde- I agree with PA Gal. I think dark red blood is a good thing - to me it was the clot breaking up and coming out. I personally didnt have much spotting. When i beld I bled! and then not much in between. I had some dark red spotting at 14 weeks and when I was re scanned at 20 weeks the SCH had gone down so must be ok!

Hi ladies,

Hope you're all doing ok and not suffering too much from your sch?

I just had a quick question to ask but first I will give my history...

Firstly I never had bleeding at any point with my SCH.
I had a scan at 6 weeks that showed a sch of 12mm x 8mm x14mm.
At 12 weeks it was measuring 26mm x 12mm x 22mm and 'adjacent to the sac'.
At 16 weeks I had a private scan because the nhs refused to scan me, they said they couldn't see evidence of it but in my opinion didn't look very hard. Everything else looked great though.
I have my 20 week scan on Thursday so will get them to check then.

The only thing is apart from being in denial about it being healed I am still terrified and convinced I will go into preterm labour. I think the stress of the SCH has really got to me and I just can't relax and enjoy.
So my question there a high chance of preterm labour or PROM even though my SCH resolved around 15 weeks?

Any replies appreciated!!!

Love and baby dust to you all x
Hi zoe- The chance of a preterm labor with a resolved SCH is very slight--my specialist said it was only a very slightly increased chance. After my SCH cleared up my doc hasn't treated my pregnancy any differently than any other normal pregnancy--no ultrasounds, nothing. Once the SCH resolved, the docs said to go about like a normal pregnant lady so I have! I can totally understand your hesitation to consider your SCH history, and that's probably safe until your next ultrasound anyway. Mine was undetectable at a glance but a tiny bit still lingered for a few weeks before it disappeared 100%. So if they can't see it, that's awesome and sounds like you are pretty much in the clear either way. So glad to hear it cleared up so fast!!
Bal- How's it going, any more ultrasounds? Sounds like you know what you are doing as you have unfortunately been through this before. You've probably read this by now but it seems common for the SCH to grow initially, but then it starts going down. Hope yours has made progress, most do by 20 weeks or not long after that. My only "pointer" would be to do what you've been doing and take it easy, and just try to stay positive because as you know most of these stubborn SCHs resolve just fine.

PAgal - Hi, I had an u/s yesterday morning and the clot is gone! I had a scary bleed on Friday and expelled a clot about the same size as mine was supposed to be. I guess that was it! I'm so happy and relieved. :)
Hi ladies, I was told I had a small sch at 6 weeks I had only very light beeding that only lasted a day and then nothing. I am now 10 weeks and have not bled since. The doc had me book an ultrasound for the 8th of august to check on the babies. If I have not had any bleeding since 6 weeks can I feel safe? do you think it resolved itself?
I put myself on bedrest while I was actively bleeding, brown or red. My 1st bleed was at 7 weeks and I bled red 2 days then spotted brown for about 3 days. I had nothing for about 1.5 weeks then started bleeding again. I was taking it easy this whole time, but the 2nd time my red bleeding continued for about a week and although it wasnt heavy it made me nervous so I put myself on bed rest-the next day it was brown blood, but I continued to spot brownish blood for about 5 weeks. I stayed on bed rest the entire time though. My SCH healed during that bed rest (I got off bed rest at 15 weeks) and I have had no problems with it since. I still dont over exert myself, and I take it easy right now, but its not due to to my previous SCH, but due to frequent braxton hicks I get when I'm up, but I also had frequent braxton hicks during my 2nd pregnancy that didnt have an SCH. I actually have had considerably less BH this pregnancy than my last one.
Onemoretime5-it may very possibly be healed. Some women have very small ones that bleed once, if at all, and then heal.
Its up to you how you handle it, but for me I feel its really beneficial to take it easy while you arent bleeding, and bed rest while actively bleeding. Then once its healed you can resume normal activities if your Dr, says its fine. Just go with how your body feels after its gone. I was still too scared to be too active even after it was gone, but I'm sure most women just go back to normal
Bal- How's it going, any more ultrasounds? Sounds like you know what you are doing as you have unfortunately been through this before. You've probably read this by now but it seems common for the SCH to grow initially, but then it starts going down. Hope yours has made progress, most do by 20 weeks or not long after that. My only "pointer" would be to do what you've been doing and take it easy, and just try to stay positive because as you know most of these stubborn SCHs resolve just fine.

PAgal - Hi, I had an u/s yesterday morning and the clot is gone! I had a scary bleed on Friday and expelled a clot about the same size as mine was supposed to be. I guess that was it! I'm so happy and relieved. :)

That's wonderful news!! Congrats!
Congrats to all the ladies whose SCH's have resolved! Mine resolved around 22 weeks or so (it was still there on the 20 week scan but was gone 3 weeks later). I stopped bleeding at 14 weeks so it's possible for the clot to still be there but not actively bleed. I was on bedrest for pretty much 5 months but I also had unrelated complications with the placenta (a slight tear) and the blood flow to the placenta wasn't the best.

Anyways, I just wanted to update everyone that I have finally had my baby at 40+4 days. He ended up being delivered by emergency C-section but that had nothing to do with the SCH. For some reason his heartbeat would drop with each contraction and by the time I got to 10cm dilated his heartrate crashed and stayed there. Thankfully, my Daniel was kicking and screaming when they pulled him out and he's a very healthy baby. He was 6 pounds and 14 ounces which is was shocking because I got so huge.

So please take my story as a success. I had a sch and other complications and still got a full-term, healthy baby.

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