Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Starry! Congratulations. Im so happy for you and to hear Daniel is doing well.

Im sure an emergency c section is a bt scary?! But they seem so common these days. Somehting so creul about going through hours of labour and then ending up with a c section! I hope the first few days of motherhood are going well!

Love Sx
Congrats, Starry, so glad you and Daniel are doing well!
Hi I'm new but thanking my lucky stars that I have found people with similar stories to mine.

This is a twin IVF pregnancy and I am 11 weeks. I spotted lightly (brown) at 4 and 8 weeks but it passed really quickly each time. Scans after each occurance at my clinic showed no cause for concern.

2 days ago woke up thinking I had wet myself, when in fact had suffered a massive red gush of blood. Went to A&E where the bleeding slowed and after re-scanning saw both babies who were fine and waving. The scan did show a bleed of around 3cm. They only described it as this and nothing further. We had to speak to the twin consultant after and she said that she was more than happy with the results but did expect me to bleed again and wouldn't be suprised if it was clots. The bleed either had to be absored or bled out. She assured me that there was nothing to worry about and they would re-check it next week at my 12 week scan. No rest or anything else mentioned and I was only to go back if the cramps had me doubled over or the bleed was uncontrolable.

Since then I have spotted brown quite heavily, but this morning there was red blood not as heavy as before though. Also feeling slightly crampy/tender on my lower left hand side..

Just looking for people to share stories with who are suffering from similar stories, as it's all so scary...

Hi Mischief- Glad to hear your babies are doing so well despite the SCH. Bleeding is always a dreadful scary thing during pregnancy but it sounds like you are getting good care and plenty scans so that is great. Please keep us posted and feel free to ask us anything, we are all happy to share our experiences.
Hello my name is Kelsey. I am 24 years old. I have a beautiful seven year old daughter named Kaidence. I have been engaged for almost four years to a wonderful man named Wayne. I tried to conceive 2 years after my daughter was born but with after no success in the next 2 years I consulted a fertility expert. The specialist said I was infertile, a hard pill to swallow at 21, but I dealt with it none the less. That Doctor was wrong, in September 2010 became pregnant, although I did not find out til December because I did not believe I could get pregnant. It was an exciting yet unexpected time in our lives, we were in disbelief. A later ultrasound at the hospital due to some cramping let me know it wasn't a dream as I saw my baby for the first time in an ultrasound. We were planning for our first doctors appointment, when the unbelievable happened, I started to gush blood after a friend we kept from being homeless began to yell at me about how disgusting pregnant women were. It was a week before my appointment, and I was on the way to the hospital. On the drive to the hospital I bled through a towel folded over 8 times, at the hospital I continued to gush blood, we were in hysterics we did not see how it would be possible to lose so much blood and the baby still be alive. They rushed us through the ER straight to a room, where they did an ultrasound but by miracle the baby was alive and well. The hospital that was closest had no maternity doctors so they were unable to provide us with much information they said it was a threatened abortion and there was nothing we could do but take it easy til the bleeding seized and follow up with an OBGYN. I bled badly for the next week none of the doctors could explain how my baby was still alive. The next Sunday I had another bad spell bleeding through towels faster then we could get a new one so we went to the hospital my new doctor worked out of, it was the longest and most anxiety filled car ride of my life. They checked my cervix the ER doctor told me that my cervix was dilating and my baby was going to die. I fell to pieces, they ordered for an ultrasound there was my sweet baby alive as can be, kicking around, a healthy heart rate, no signs of distress at all. I got back to the room where the doctor was already waiting to correct her mistake, my baby was fine, they didn't know how or why with the amount of blood I was losing but my baby was alive. I was told I had a SCH and a threatened abortion and I would have to wait and see, but for now my baby was fine. I followed up with my new doctor the next day, he looked at the ultrasound said that the odds of losing my baby so far in the pregnancy were unlikely but we would have to wait and see, my placenta had detached some, however babies have lived with only a half of a placenta before, I also found out on top of everything else I had placenta previa, the news was all so crushing. For the next two weeks I was in an out of the hospital always told the same information, I was so disgusted with the waiting game. It feels so helpless when we can replace the valve in someones heart but we can't save our children. Then the worst day of my life happened on February 7th, I woke up at four in the morning covered in blood, the clots were no longer the size of a deck of cards like they had been but the size of CD's. We had to wake up my daughter who at this point already knew of the pregnancy, after all I was out of the first trimester I was 18 weeks and 5 days, I was supposed to be safe. We carted my daughter to my mothers house and went straight to the hospital the pain was unbearable I felt I was in labor, but the doctors wouldn't listen they took me in for an ultrasound, I begged the tech to tell me what I was having, he took pity on my story and did it was my first boy. The doctors just told me it was the same, to follow up with my doctor, luckily by the time they released me my OBGYN was already opened, his building was right next door to the hospital so Wayne rushed me over there. We went upstairs they saw us immediately they said it was the same there was nothing they could do I told them I was in horrible pain and it had to be labor, they said it was the blood in my uterus causing the pain and sent me home back to bed-rest, but I didn't make it home, we made it down the hall and onto the elevator, the door closed and I shouted out for Wayne. I was soaked in blood in less then a second from my crotch to my ankles, I knew it wasn't right, he started pressing all the buttons on the elevator I told him to calm down and hit 3. The door reopened and I walked into the nearest office int the building for heart care and asked for a wheelchair, Wayne ran down the hall to get the doctor. They rushed me in the wheelchair back into the hospital where I was given another ultrasound, I had a placental abruption and my water had broke, they could not save my precious baby boy. The ER doctor came into the room and told me they were going to D&C me, however five minutes earlier I had seen my baby he was alive and kicking he had a normal heart rate and showed no signs of distress. I said NO, I was aware that my baby would die with no amniotic fluid but I would not kill him, I wanted to give birth. She got snide with me but my doctor had me brought up to maternity where I spent the rest of the day in labor, the ER nurses would snatch the pads full of blood and clots away quicker then I could see if my baby was there but not in maternity. They let me see everything, because I wanted to see my baby boy. My nurse was incredible, by night fall I was unaware that I had lost all my color and become swollen with the saline they used to try to make up for the loss of blood volume I had. My fiance' says he could look at me and tell I was dying but I was so doped up on the pain medicine I had no idea. My doctor came in and told me that by now the baby was likely dead and I had an hour to decide if I wanted the surgery before I bled to death. I told him I wanted to see my baby so much but not to let me kill myself, so he sent for the paperwork they did one last ultrasound to show me Christopher Jaiden had passed away and they put me under, the last thing I remember as they were putting me to sleep was my doctor rubbing my hair telling me I was going to be okay that he wouldn't leave my side. I woke up convulsing, because I was so cold my body couldn't just shiver, I felt something come out between my legs I freaked out and yanked the blankets of myself, I looked down There was something flesh colored about the size of the palm of my hand, with two dark black spots (eyes), it was filled with little veins, then I saw the hand, and the curve of the back, I flipped out it was my baby I thought they had already got my baby, they missed my baby! I screamed in shock, I didn't know what to think it took a minute to process by then the OR nurse had already whisked it away, she tried to say it was a piece of my placenta, but I have had a child before and a placenta looks nothing like a fleshy mass, and it certainly doesn't have hands or eyes. I am sure she was trying to save my sanity, but at the end of the day I know I got to see my baby, and no one is ever going to convince me otherwise. I got back to the room,and told Wayne and a friend that was there. I was able to hold it together pretty well even though everything that happened has had a deep impact on who I am today. The next day, I was left with only 6 units of blood, the average female has 12-15 the average pregnant female has 24-30, I crashed around noon and had to have 4 blood transfusions, which are painful when your veins have shrunk from the lack of blood, turns out saline only fools your system for so long. I still think of Christopher and we had a memorial for him a month later under a weeping willow one of the hardest and fulfilling days of my life. I didn't want my fiance' to touch me, I could stand the thought of going through that all over again, however late in March I felt bad that he hadn't received any affection from me so we made love, and three weeks later I found out I have conceived again. This pregnancy was going well until late in week 14 when I started bleeding again, I once again have a SCH. I have been bleeding for 3 weeks now, I will be 18 weeks tomorrow. It is a boy again, but this time is different, I have not had a fresh bleed in 2 weeks until today and even today it wasn't like the last pregnancy. I am on bed-rest, and I have hope, I don't know if I should but I do, I believe that there is a God and he wouldn't put me through all that again. This baby is huge, and my placenta is barely detached, that has to be a good sign. The opening letter said you wanted to hear the sad endings as well as the happy ones, February 7th was a very sad ending for me, but I hope when it is all said and done, Jan.1st 2012 I will be providing you with another happy one. Thank you for letting me finally share my story.
Just wondering if any of you ladies got the quad test done for down syndrome and if you came out high risk because of your SCH??? I got a 1/96 and then I got a level II ultrasound done and now I'm even more high risk because I guess the femur and head were just slightly smaller from the norm, but that didn't really concern me. Also they said that I had a echogenic bowel, but that is most likely from the SCH and the baby swallowed some of the blood in the amniotic fluid.

Just wondering if anyone got high risks because of the SCH or any advice??
I was told the quad would be unr reliable because of the SCH so they didn't offer it, so I just had the 1st tri screening which they say is more reliarble anyway. Did you have the 1st tri one already?
Yes I've had the 1st and 2nd tri one and also the level II ultrasound. With the first draw my results were 1/740 and now they went to 1/96 with the 2nd draw. Then I had the ultrasound and I'm sure I'm even ore high risk since they found those very, very soft markers.
KelseyMom-I'm sorry, what a horrible experience. Sounds like you had the worst of the worst when it comes to hematomas.
This time sounds better, less bleeding is always a good sign. Bed rest is all you can do, and I feel that it helped my SCH heal faster than if I wouldnt have gone on bedrest. Praying for you and your baby and hope January brings you a healthy baby boy!
So very sorry about your loss, Kelsey, but thank you for sharing your story. I wish you all the very best this time around.
Heya ladies, I'm looking for some advice.

I woke in the night at 13 weeks with a gush of blood-stained fluid which led to a severe bleed. They checked and my cervix was closed, had a scan and the baby was fine, although they didn't know what caused it.
I went to Antenatal at 14 weeks and they found a hematoma on the scan. Bleeding started again at 15 weeks, I had another scan, and they said that the bleed has turned into a clot, opposite the placenta. It has tailed off from fresh blood to brown blood, but there has been absolute tons of it and a lot of small clots.

I was wondering if it is normal with an SCH to pass brown mucus-y stuff as well as old blood? I really apologise for TMI, but it floats on top of the water in the toilet and can be very stringy. I was expecting blood and clots, but this has scared me.

Sorry for the essay, has anyone experienced this?
KelseyMom-I'm sorry, what a horrible experience. Sounds like you had the worst of the worst when it comes to hematomas.
This time sounds better, less bleeding is always a good sign. Bed rest is all you can do, and I feel that it helped my SCH heal faster than if I wouldnt have gone on bedrest. Praying for you and your baby and hope January brings you a healthy baby boy!

Thank you it's nice i finally found some people whom actually talk on one of these sites, I think it is getting better I have only spotted the past two days. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday but I might go crazy before then, He hasn't moved in four days now and I am really flipping out. Plus the few people surrounding me are stressing me out and today my car broke down, trying to keep my chin up. May god grant me some sanity.
So very sorry about your loss, Kelsey, but thank you for sharing your story. I wish you all the very best this time around.

thank you I am choosing to believe in the best because I don't feel there are a whole bunch of other options. I must admit I feel kinda detached this time it is hard to just trust everything again.
Heya ladies, I'm looking for some advice.

I woke in the night at 13 weeks with a gush of blood-stained fluid which led to a severe bleed. They checked and my cervix was closed, had a scan and the baby was fine, although they didn't know what caused it.
I went to Antenatal at 14 weeks and they found a hematoma on the scan. Bleeding started again at 15 weeks, I had another scan, and they said that the bleed has turned into a clot, opposite the placenta. It has tailed off from fresh blood to brown blood, but there has been absolute tons of it and a lot of small clots.

I was wondering if it is normal with an SCH to pass brown mucus-y stuff as well as old blood? I really apologise for TMI, but it floats on top of the water in the toilet and can be very stringy. I was expecting blood and clots, but this has scared me.

Sorry for the essay, has anyone experienced this?

This is completely normal it looks horrible and feels disgusting unfortunately as long as it stays like that you should be improving.
Miss devine, that is completely normal - annoyingly!

Hey everyone, we are all going well here. Jesiah is still in NICU at 5+2 weeks now! He's been really good, with only one small infection and a blood transfusion... I'm now battling oversupply and blocked ducts (had mastitis and an infection in my c-section cut) but getting through it.. Just can't wait to have my boy home. If we are lucky, that might even be in about 4 weeks!
Miss devine, that is completely normal - annoyingly!

Hey everyone, we are all going well here. Jesiah is still in NICU at 5+2 weeks now! He's been really good, with only one small infection and a blood transfusion... I'm now battling oversupply and blocked ducts (had mastitis and an infection in my c-section cut) but getting through it.. Just can't wait to have my boy home. If we are lucky, that might even be in about 4 weeks!

He is sooooo cute!!!
Miss devine, that is completely normal - annoyingly!

Hey everyone, we are all going well here. Jesiah is still in NICU at 5+2 weeks now! He's been really good, with only one small infection and a blood transfusion... I'm now battling oversupply and blocked ducts (had mastitis and an infection in my c-section cut) but getting through it.. Just can't wait to have my boy home. If we are lucky, that might even be in about 4 weeks!

I am so glad to hear from you, I have been thinking about you and LO and wondering how you both are holding up! Sounds like a trying time but soon it will all be history and you will be a happy little family at home again:)
Imperfected- such a gorgeous pic! So happy to hear his is doing well. How are you in yourself? Imagine you feel drained.

Kelseysmum- what an emotional journey you've been on. Heres hoping things ease up from here on.

I've had the nod to start swimming again- did 40 lengths this morning- slowly. Went straight home and put Doppler on!

And moving home tomorrow! Ergh!

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