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Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I was told that my sch could be life threatening, and if I hemorrhaged and they couldnt get the bleeding to stop that they would have to end the pregnancy to save my life. I know a woman who just lost her little boy at 23 weeks because she wouldnt stop hemorrhaging and after 2 blood transfusions they thought they were gonna lose her. Luckily, this is the eception to the rule and most sch pregnancies continue to term:)
I think alot of us have been told that they are life threatening but we are remaining postitive, im sorry to hear yours is so big do you know where your sch is? Theres a group on yahoo for sch alot of us are joined on that as well, have they spoke to you about having regular scans to check on the sch? Mine had got bigger on my last scan but im also high risk for placenta abruption as had 3 already so im counting and willing the weeks away so my little man gets bigger. sending you :hugs: xx
I was told that my sch could be life threatening, and if I hemorrhaged and they couldnt get the bleeding to stop that they would have to end the pregnancy to save my life. I know a woman who just lost her little boy at 23 weeks because she wouldnt stop hemorrhaging and after 2 blood transfusions they thought they were gonna lose her. Luckily, this is the eception to the rule and most sch pregnancies continue to term:)

Wow 20 weeks today :happydance::happydance::happydance: congrats hun xx
I haven't had any symptoms of miscarriage other than the bleeding, the first nurse I spoke to stated it probably was a miscarriage which stressed me out quite a bit, however the second was more reassuring, I hadn't met with her and didn't know I had a small haematoma until speaking to her and her checking my notes, the nurse I had seen after my scan didn't mention it. I guess the bigger concern is probably the size of the foetus for my dates. 6 days until the follow up scan and every second feels like a minute! My other worry is my lack of overall symptoms, nothing that has disappeared, just a lack of anything, my breasts are a little sore but no nausea, no tiredness, my stomach feels like it is getting firmer but I guess this could be the case even if I have miscarried. Fingers crossed for everyone else that it all turns out ok.
woohoo!!! My first milestone...20 weeks:) I didnt know if I would make it here or not but thank God here it is:):)
Just found this so get drinking ladies Is there anything else I can do?
Drink lots of water! It?s a good idea to consume at least a half a gallon a day (8 8-oz. glasses). You?ve probably heard that people are often dehydrated and don?t realize it. (This is a common cause of headaches.) Not getting enough water may cause mild contractions in the uterus, which can be dangerous. So keep yourself well-hydrated!
I haven't had any symptoms of miscarriage other than the bleeding, the first nurse I spoke to stated it probably was a miscarriage which stressed me out quite a bit, however the second was more reassuring, I hadn't met with her and didn't know I had a small haematoma until speaking to her and her checking my notes, the nurse I had seen after my scan didn't mention it. I guess the bigger concern is probably the size of the foetus for my dates. 6 days until the follow up scan and every second feels like a minute! My other worry is my lack of overall symptoms, nothing that has disappeared, just a lack of anything, my breasts are a little sore but no nausea, no tiredness, my stomach feels like it is getting firmer but I guess this could be the case even if I have miscarried. Fingers crossed for everyone else that it all turns out ok.

Lack of symptoms is not a definite sign of miscarriage, the only real way to know is by ultrasound I am afraid. I've had a missed miscarriage in the past and had more pregnancy symptoms than what I do now that the baby is OK.

Dont stress yourself about things that dont exist they really dont mean a lot at all.

Good luck with your scan, its a long wait I know but I am hoping that the days will pass quicker for you XX
Jennifer34RN- they said it's between the uterus and the placents, which isn't good.

I aslo was wondering if any of you ladies doctors have said anything about delivering early? From what I've read a baby born at 32 weeks has a 90% of living. To me a 90% over a 50% of living is way better odds. Plus have any of your doctors said whether you can have the baby naturally? I know my hematoma is bigger than most. I would think having the baby would rupture it, and dumping 3 or more cups of blood on a baby can't be good. I would save all these questions for the specialist, but I don't go back for 2 weeks. Plus last time he didn't let me ask ANY questions. He just walked in, told me my baby had a 50% chance of living, and if I wanted to keep those odds to be on bed rest and then walked out. I was not impressed to say the least. Unfortunately that is the only office that has dealt with hematomas, and I still have to drive an hour to go there. Anyways, info would be appreciated.
Jennifer34RN- they said it's between the uterus and the placents, which isn't good.

I aslo was wondering if any of you ladies doctors have said anything about delivering early? From what I've read a baby born at 32 weeks has a 90% of living. To me a 90% over a 50% of living is way better odds. Plus have any of your doctors said whether you can have the baby naturally? I know my hematoma is bigger than most. I would think having the baby would rupture it, and dumping 3 or more cups of blood on a baby can't be good. I would save all these questions for the specialist, but I don't go back for 2 weeks. Plus last time he didn't let me ask ANY questions. He just walked in, told me my baby had a 50% chance of living, and if I wanted to keep those odds to be on bed rest and then walked out. I was not impressed to say the least. Unfortunately that is the only office that has dealt with hematomas, and I still have to drive an hour to go there. Anyways, info would be appreciated.


Ive been told my chances of having an early delivery are very high they wont even say how far in the pregnancy i am going to go so i take a week at a time, i have had 3 abruptions already and ive got an sch with this pregnancy, blood clotting problems,complete placenta previa every week i get through is a bonus to me cause i know my baby will be stronger. If your baby was born at 32 weeks your baby has a very good chance of survival 2 even if baby arrived early they have a good chance ive had 28 weeker and two 32 weekers and yes they were ill but you wouldnt think they were premature now looking at them.
Its not saying your sch is going to rupture when you give birth if you end up having your baby early theres a high chance you will have a c-section.

Hope this helps you a little xx:hugs:
Im sooooo fed up :( just when i think things are getting better they get worse :cry: Ive had clots monday and today :( not really much bleeding but clots ranging from 20p size to 50p if not a bit bigger.
really praying baby is fine and all bleeding and clots stop!
feeling a bit :(
thought all this would have stopped by now :( xxx
I have my fingers crossed for you that everything is ok, I have had some old blood passing over the past few days, that has been enough to send me into a frenzy, roll on fridays scan. I have read up on many cases where bleeding, clots and discharge have continued until the end of the second trimester but the pregnancy has been ok despite the Mum going insane with worry and frustration and every day that passes is another day stronger. Hope it all works out

Im sooooo fed up :( just when i think things are getting better they get worse :cry: Ive had clots monday and today :( not really much bleeding but clots ranging from 20p size to 50p if not a bit bigger.
really praying baby is fine and all bleeding and clots stop!
feeling a bit :(
thought all this would have stopped by now :( xxx

:hugs:hang in there sweetie..i read on your journal that you can hear baby heart beats..its a good sign..maybe the hematoma it's just evacuating...:hugs:
Emma Hope everything goes ok at the hospital please keep us informed when you can sending you massive hugs :hugs:
(Thread over in 2nd tri)
Emma my sweet, I hpe everything went OK at the A&E.

I am so worried and looking forward hearing news from you, hope they are positive!

Big hugs and PMA your way sweetie

Thanks everyone,turned out to be the darn blood clot again!thankfully not the baby or placenta!Ive started a new thread 2nd tri.
Thanks for all your support,looks like this bleeding is going to drag on longer than expected,Im kid of prepared for that now after seeing a wonderful reassuring consultant today.
Hope everyone else is doing good :) :hugs:

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