Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Jessican-I know you are at higher risk of an SCH if you had one in a previous pregnancy. I dont know how high the chance is though or if its okay to fly. I havent heard that one before. How bad was your previous SCH??
Inperfected-I really want to see some new pics of your cute little boy!
Hello all!! I am currently 10 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma at week 5 due to bright red vaginal bleeding. I bled again at 7 weeks, 9 weeks and today...all with spotting in between. I have had 3 vag sonograms and all looks well, but I am just really getting frustrated due to bleeding for 5 weeks straight now. As soon as I think it's resolving...I start bleeding all over again. I know that everyone is different and that these usually resolve but I just want to vent and need support from other women in my same position. Thanks!!
Good Luck pdhicks79. Just take it super easy!!! And if its possible, bed rest while you are actively bleeding. I had active bleeding for a few days that stopped(between 7-8weeks), then started bleeding again at 9 weeks or so and it wasnt letting up too much so I went on bedrest at 10 weeks and it turned brown right away, but it didnt stop until I was 15 weeks, but it had healed by then and I havent seen a drop of blood since and all ultrasounds showed it to be gone. Most are gone by 20 weeks
Hello all!! I am currently 10 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma at week 5 due to bright red vaginal bleeding. I bled again at 7 weeks, 9 weeks and today...all with spotting in between. I have had 3 vag sonograms and all looks well, but I am just really getting frustrated due to bleeding for 5 weeks straight now. As soon as I think it's resolving...I start bleeding all over again. I know that everyone is different and that these usually resolve but I just want to vent and need support from other women in my same position. Thanks!!

I have bled for 2 months so far
ashley2pink - My last SCH was very small from what I know, hardly any bleeding. So you haven't heard of no flying with a SCH? That is a step in the right direction for me :)
Aw, inperfected, your wee little man is so precious!!

Big hugs to all the ladies here!

Just to let you know that Daniel and I are still doing well and I'm finally starting to feel recovered from my c-section. I have heard that bed rest can make recovery take longer and I have certainly felt it. But after over a year (had issues following my miscarriage last spring) I am ready to have a functioning body again.
Aw, inperfected, your wee little man is so precious!!

Big hugs to all the ladies here!

Just to let you know that Daniel and I are still doing well and I'm finally starting to feel recovered from my c-section. I have heard that bed rest can make recovery take longer and I have certainly felt it. But after over a year (had issues following my miscarriage last spring) I am ready to have a functioning body again.
I wasnt on bed rest with my 2nd baby, but I was taking it very easy from 30-37 weeks because I had started dilating a little and I was having very frequent BH. I ended up with a c-section at 39+2 and my recovery was very hard. I am betting losing muscle tone makes it harder to recover. I know I will struggle this time too as I have been taking it easy even longer this pregnancy! But I have just 14 days until my c-section. I am hoping for it to be easier this time though. I hear each one gets easier.
ashley2pink - My last SCH was very small from what I know, hardly any bleeding. So you haven't heard of no flying with a SCH? That is a step in the right direction for me :)

Well, thats good it was small. I think the bigger your last SCH, the higher chance of getting it in another pregnancy. No, I have never heard of flying being a no-no with a SCH. I have no idea though! It may depend on the size of it too whether or not its okay
Hey everybody I had to go to the hospital again last night and now on top of my sch and kidney infection i was found to have strep b i can't get a break this pregnancy i am on pain medicine now for everything but i hate taking it i feel so helpless today
So sorry KelseyMom...keep strong!!

Do you go to the hospital or your doctor with each large bleed? I had my third big bleed (I say "big" as in a small gush of bright red blood) this past Wednesday and called my OB/GYN office and they said to just take it easy. I have another appointment and sono next Monday.
Jessica- not first hand experience but everyone I know who has had an sch in the past has gone on to have healthy 2nd pregnancys.

I'm 26 weeks and been told it's ok to fly so long as u are not bleeding at that time. I took a 1 hr flight at 22 weeks and am due to fly at 28 weeks but will need a doctors note for that one.

Anyone heard from PAGal??
So sorry KelseyMom...keep strong!!

Do you go to the hospital or your doctor with each large bleed? I had my third big bleed (I say "big" as in a small gush of bright red blood) this past Wednesday and called my OB/GYN office and they said to just take it easy. I have another appointment and sono next Monday.

I call my doctor and they tell me to go to the hostpital cause when i lost christopher i almost bled to death so they no longer take any chances but if you think you should go to the hospital i say ignore your doctor and go it could cost you everything to wait.
Jessica- not first hand experience but everyone I know who has had an sch in the past has gone on to have healthy 2nd pregnancys.

I'm 26 weeks and been told it's ok to fly so long as u are not bleeding at that time. I took a 1 hr flight at 22 weeks and am due to fly at 28 weeks but will need a doctors note for that one.

Anyone heard from PAGal??

Hi ladies!!

Just wanted to let you know we have another success story in the SCH group!!--my precious, perfect little girl was born Aug. 7th, a day before her due date, at 7 lbs. 7 oz., 19 inches long. She is an absolute joy and just couldn't be more perfect:)

Just a brief history-- I found out about my SCH at around 14 weeks, it didn't look too big then doubled in size by the next scan. But it went down gradually after that and wasn't even detectable at my 28 week scan. No complications at all after that and my docs treated my pregnancy as a normal healthy one after the last scan, no more scans or special treatment for us. I had only bled once at 14 weeks then lost brown blood for about a month starting a week later (my SCH was just above the cervix though so it drained out mostly).

Hope all is well on here, you'll be surprised at how LO will keep you from the internet when s/he arrives!
Pagal! Congratulations! Such wonderful news! What have you called her? Was labour smooth?

Hope you are doing well and not too sleep deprived!

Thank, Sarah! My waters broke on the 6th, pitocin was started at noon, and after 19 hours of labor I just wasn't fully dilating on my own so I ended up with c-section. So maybe not "smooth", lol, but all turned out fine in the end!

And we named her Malena ("malayna") Annelise:)
Congrats Pagal!!
I am happy to be where I am at right now, after a very stressful pregnancy I am full term and have my c-section in 9 days if I make it to then. Hopefully we can all have good outcomes
Good luck, Ashley! I know you are so relieved to finally be almost there!
Adding my story:

I’m 8.5 weeks pregnant. 2nd child, but 4th pregnancy.

At 5 weeks: Bled a touch of red blood that turned into a couple days of brown spots. Then clear for a day.

6 weeks: Dark red blood soaked a panty liner. 3 days later, full on bright red gushing blood with cramps that filled a toilet bowl. Thought I was miscarrying, but bleeding only lasted a couple of hours. Next day, a scan showed baby with heartbeat but discovered a very large blood clot, and placenta had separated slightly from the wall.

7 weeks: full gushing bright red blood again with cramps. Scan showed growing baby with same size blood clot.

8 weeks: again, gushing red blood with cramps. And 2 days later, even heavier gushing red blood soaking two heavy absorbent pads in 2 hours with lots of cramps. Next morning, on my way to the doctor’s office for my weekly scan, blood leaked through my heavy pad and pants and on to the car seat. I was pretty much hemorrhaging for 30 mins. Scan showed growing baby with a much larger sized blood clot.

The doctor sent me to get a blood count as he was worried about anemia, but results showed nothing worthy of concern. He did say that this looked ominous and that he was worried. Didn’t give me any special instructions beside pelvic rest. I’m going on living trying to hide my swelling bump, hoping people will not notice because I’m certain that this will not end well. Of the 100+ pages of stories I read on this forum, none of you have bleed so much in such a short period of time that ended up giving full term birth. This is so frustrating.
Hi there, I'm new, and happy to have found this forum.

Like many of you, I have not had an easy go of things so far in my first trimester. I am 8 weeks and 2 days into it. I've been brown spotting since day one. When I was about 5 weeks 5 days, I had an episode of major red bleeding with cramps. It slowed down over the course of a couple of hours, so I waited things out as I had a doctors appt the next day. Doctor not concerned and gave me a Rogham shot as I'm negative. A few days later, I had an even bigger bleed, felt like it was flowing out of me, and I passed what resembled a decent sized sac. I was certain I was miscarrying. I went to ER immediately. The ultrasound confirmed a fetus measuring about 6 weeks and 2 days with a strong heartbeat! I was shocked.

The brown spotting has continued with intermittent cramping. Hcg levels slowly rising (they are high though). Today, I went for a follow up ultrasound, and I measured 8 weeks 2 days and they also saw a sub-chorionic hematoma. I tried to ask questions, but the doctor just seemed to blow me off as a worry wart and said that she expects to see 12 similar cases today.

I am terrified, and here is why. I am 40 years old in two weeks time. I have a four year old, and my pregnancy with him was not exactly smooth sailing either - but no mention of a sub-chorionic hematoma! With him, I bled heavily at 8 weeks, and thought it was over, but the ultrasound showed him healthy. That was the end of it, aside from a lot of brown spotting. The rest of the pregnancy seemed normal, with the exception of a major, unexplained abdominal pain during the 20 someodd weeks. Then at 36 weeks, during a regular visit, they discovered that my amniotic fluid was dangerously low and they decided that my son would be born right then, by emergency c-section. At that time, they discovered my placenta was emaciated and deterioriated, and they sent it to pathology. To date, I did not ever hear anything further about my placenta, and didn't give it any thought, as I was happy and busy with a healthy baby boy.

I haven't thought about it until today, when I was told about my SCH. I have read about the risks, and I'm wondering if perhaps, I had an SCH while pregnant with my son? And that might have been what caused my problems? I've requested the pathology reports from 4 years ago and am meeting with my doctor in a weeks time.

Pardon me for expressing a thought that may offend some of you - it is not my intention....but, I fear that I am tempting fate at my age, and with this diagnosis, and in light of past complications. I have been blessed with a beautiful boy, and I am scared for my life and the life of my unborn child. I don't know what to do??? I am considering not carrying on with it, as I couldn't bear some of the losses that you brave women have endured. I am sorry if I have offended anyone with my thoughts.

I am just running on fear, as I know the odds may not be in my favor. I have no idea as to the size of the hematoma, but it was a clearly visible black crescent on the ultrasound. It was outside the sac, but between the placenta and the uterus. There is a tear in the placenta.

So scared. Good luck to all of you on your journies.
Well this is your decision. I have a very extensive hematoma... and bleed heavily through pads every week, sometimes twice a week, but I could never voluntarily decide to abort the pregnancy. There will always be a "what if?" in the back of my mind.

Plus, you have one healthy child that bleed during the pregnancy as well, chances are, this one might be fine too.

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