Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I had amass bleed yesterday, but in the morning Before I had the bleed, I had a scan@ 9 wks showing a healthy baby, the hospital said i had a threatened miscarriage ... On my scan photo I see 3 fluid filled pockets one being big is this sch?
The epu said they never saw anything like that
Can anyone help ? The epu will not scan me now till 12 wks, I don't know if I have miscarried or what

Many thanks
It could be. I had a mass bleed at 9 weeks and during the emergency scan you could see a HUGE sac below the baby. It was the same size the baby's sac. the technician told me it was a bleed. I don't fully understand where the bleed actually was but it does sound like you could have a hemmorage.

Has the hospital confirmed you're still pregnant (for example, with beta/hcg levels?). I find it strange they wouldn't check to make sure there was still a living baby after your bleed because if it was a miscarriage it is important to get everything out.

And I had a sch and my baby is now a happy and healty 3 month old. I hope everything works out for you!
Hi girls im very pleased to find this thread.Sorry this is a long one!..... This is my third pregnancy and never had any problems with them but they were both sections.

When i was 4-5 wksi kept having niggles on the left hand side almost like where my ovaries were. I then started spotting and the hosptial took bloods etc and did a scan found an empty sac. They thought i had an eptopic and booked me in for a scan a week later. The spotting was brown and one time turned red but went back to brown, this lasted for approx 5 days. All this time i had niggles to my left side. At the 2nd scan it showed a baby with a heartbeat in the correct place but also a haematoma to the left of the baby which measured 9mm.

Every now and then i got a twinge on the left hand side, however thought nothing of it.
Last Tuesday my mw visited me at home and asked if i had been doing my pelvic floor exercises, if i hadnt i should start them. So i did on and off as the day went on. Then the following day quite a lot of pinching and throbbing on my left hand side, which went in the end. This Sat i went out shopping and i felt something trickle out of me, so i went to the toilet. I had some brown spotting then the blood started to gush out of me (bright red). So at A&E drs felt my stomach and i was not in any pain just had niggles to the left hand side. They said i could go home and to come back if it got worse. Half way across to the carpark i started to bleed quite heavy so i went back into A&E. This time they took blood and admited me to the ward. They had a look at my cervix which was closed and they took swabs just incase i had an infection. I was not in any pain all the time i was there bP and temp was fine, my bloods come back great.
This Tuesday i had a scan which showed me baby moving etc. The haematoma was still there which now measured 53x27x42. It did not show any new bleeding so she said the bleeding should start to slow down, which it did. The nurse said to me that i may notice small clots and this was the haematoma breaking up. Which i have had but there that small they are like grains of salt. Dark red/ Brown/ black blood they dont mind they just dont want me to have bright red.

Today i have had niggles again.... i wish i knew what this means. Does it mean its getting bigger, coming away, healing itself? Im trying to relax about it all but when it starts i put my worry head on. Im due for my 12 week scan in two weeks i just want it to have stopped growing. The hospital dont seem to be that worried about it and i know they can not do anything about it.

I dont know if the pelvic exercise started it all off again.

Many thanks for listening.

Also glad I've found this thread as I'm 5 weeks and have been simply told by the epu that I have 2 small clots on other side to where the sac is and to come back in 2 weeks for another scan!! Can't help but worry xx
I think some "niggles" and cramps and such are just part and parcel of having sch. I don't think it means anything in particular though if the pain is severe is could be something else. I did feel uncomfortable for much of the time but I also had a partial placenta tear. Once that healed I felt a million times better and actually had the most energy in the third trimester (until the final weeks).

It's very common that hospitals don't seem overtly bothered by an sch! I think it's partly because there's nothing they can do and partly because most go on to sort themselves out. Either way it's tough for the parents to be who are petrified!

Just to let you know it's incredibly common for an sch to grow and from experience and being on this site most girls go for their 12 week scan it's alot bigger- which is upsetting as you're hoping to be told it's gone not grown! Mine tripled by 12 weeks and the sch was the same size as baby's sac. About 8*8. But it then started to go down and at 20 weeks was 2*1cm. I had put myself on bed rest and did do much which was tough as I'm normally really sporty. Don't know if it helped but made me feel like I was doing something.

Interesting what you said about pelvic floor as the day of my second bleed ( which was at 8-9 weeks and was huge!!!) I did some pelvic floors that morning for the first time all pregnancy & then bled 3 hrs later. I really can't say if that was the cause etc but I stayed off them until about 28 weeks as was too scared to do them.

I just didn't want to risk anything & didnt listen to health carers advise as when it comes to sch's so few know anything about it.

Hi, thank you for your replies Sarah12 & starry Night. Its helpful to speak to people that are going through it or have been through it.
I have been having steady bleeding since last week, no niggles as from Thursday. This evening i felt something trickle and ran up stairs, the blood had changed from dark brown/black which is was all day to red/brown. So i sat on the toilet and felt something come out looked down and there was a clot about the size of my little finger. No pain no niggles no gushing of blood.
Last week seing the hospital she did say the clot may brake up and come away from very tiny bits to something as big as the baby itself and i may panic. I did not mind the small clots that i have been having all week. They said the uterus contracts all the time and it will be contracting to get rid of the clot but wont over contract as it knows im pregnant, So it seems its quite clever.
Im not over worried about passing the clot (as they said it could happen)and i will ring the epu tomorrow but in the mean time if thing get worse i will have to go to A&E. I know that is not the whole clot as mine is bigger, so i may have more to come.

Hi, i phoned the EPAU this morning informing them of the clot i passed last night. They did not ask to see me, as i was not passing a lot of blood and i was not in any pain.They have booked me in for a scan on Thursday morning to check on the size of the clot. If the bleeding got too much for me i could go to A&E.

My main worry was the fact the blood had changed from brown back to red meaning fresh blood/bleeding. They told me that inside the clot can be patches of fresh blood, so when a bit brakes off the blood would start to change to red and in time go back to brown. Normally when you bleed fresh blood you get pain.

Since this morning ive only passed blood when i go to the toilet. This morning it was red and now its brown/black. Im also passing very small clots so it looks like it is trying to brake up. My main concern is that it doesnt bring anything with it if the rest of the clot comes away in one lump. I know my clot is to the left hand side of the baby. Anyway i will let you know what the scan says on Thursday.

Take care everyone xx
I'M BACK!!!!!

Another pregnancy, another hematoma! Can you believe it! And in the same spot as well!!

For all the concerned - please try not to be. Hematomas RARELY end in miscarriage. They usually resolve on their own, and quite often within the first trimester!

For example. I had a miscarriage last month, no hematoma.

This month I am pregnant again, with a healthy bean and heartbeat, and a hematoma keeping it company!

I have an 11 month old with mummy separation issues so I am always holding her although I am trying not to pick her up as often.

If you search for my posts, earlier in this thread, like around march 2010, you'll see a whole heap of stuff I wrote about hematomas.

IN SHORT - Stress less, get your partner to do all the heavy lifting and enjoy the time off your feet :)
Majored - If you lost your baby you would pass a HUGE clot. There is no mistaking it. Little bits here and there sound to me like your hematoma is breaking up. If you are having period pain and backache then take it a little more seriously. At my local hospital if you tell them you think you are having a miscarriage they will take bloods straight away and try and get you a scan or at least send you out with a referral to a private one.
I am so glad I found you all! I have been trying to deal with sch alone for almost 3 weeks now!

At 12wks 3 day i began bleeding, enough to soak through my pants and drip onto the floor (sorry) and i was in a public place...:wacko: I went to the ER that day and I was out of town so it was a new place for me. They Dr. said that I had a "slit" in my cervix and they diagnosed me with a threatened abortion. I followed up with my OB the next day and was scheduled for an ultrasound we found a happy healthy baby, very very active with a great heartbeat and no bleeding to be seen. I was told bedrest for 1 week just to be safe.

A few days later I woke up covered in bright red blood it soaked through everything even my pad ( sorry ) I was so scared I went straight to my OB where we did another u/s. She said I had an sch, she didnt tell me how big it was all she said was it looks like the corner of my placenta was peeling away. Now im on bedrest until the 28th. I stopped bleeding the very next day and i feel fine ( other than stretching pains ) at 14 wks 5days now I have another week before I got back to the Doc. Does this sound like it has healed? I have absolutely no discharge, someone please advise!

Thanks guys!:winkwink:
Hi! So, here's my story...This is my 4th pregnancy, 2nd time to have a subchorionic hematoma. With my first two pregnancies, I had no bleeding or complications at all. With my 3rd baby, I had a huge bleed that resulted in a large bloodclot that lasted 17 weeks total, well into my 2nd trimester. But, thankfully and prayerfully, the clot finally disolved and we had a healthy, full-term baby girl, who is doing great. With this pregnancy, I had the same thing happen, huge gush of bleeding, resulting in another subchorionic hematoma. I am 16 weeks pregnant, baby is doing fine, but the clot measures 4.8 X 4.1 cm. I have been bleeding/spotting for 6 weeks now. The bleeding has slowed dramatically, but I still have tinges of spotting. Also, sometimes, I have mucuousy discharge that is tinged with brown spotting. I go in to see the specialist tomorrow afternoon to check on the babe, hoping the clot has dissolved some, hopefully all. Have any of you experienced the mucuousy discharge? This is concerning to me because my specialist said that the subchorionic hematoma can cause me to lose my mucus plug, therefore resulting in pre-term labor. Even though I've been here before, I can't remember if the normal pregnancy discharge looks mucuousy at times? Just wondering if any of you have experienced this? And, wondering how long you all spotted brown before the clot resolved? For the past 2 weeks, the spotting has been very little, so I hope this is good news. =)
Hello all, well i said i would let you know how things were going after the scan.

Ive been bleeding since the 9th oct taken into hospital red/brown/black blood going from heavy to light. Most of the time only coming out when i go to the toilet. I have been trying to keep busy not laying down all day as the hospital have said to me this can make me have more problems. Sleeping when i needed to keeping my mind busy so not to worry or think about things. Yet reading back on this thread alot of people have said that they were told bed rest! So not sure what is best to do.....
I thought the bleeding was begining to get better then the 16th went to the toilet and bleeding went red and i passed a blood clot about the size of your little finger. Bleeding then turned from red /brown/black. Then on the 18th i went to the toilet and thought i oh was that a lot.... I turned to have a look but the water was red again. So now im unsure if i had passed another clot. I have been passing little clots about the size of 2-4 mm bleeding is red -brown at the moment.

I went for my scan today, she couldnt really see the baby and moving alot. They measured the clot and it now is 5.4 x 4.3 x 4 cm and last week it was 5.3 x 2.7 x 4.2 cm. So even after bleeding & loosing clots its got bigger which has made me feel down alot. All this time i have not had any pain but when i woke up this morning my tummy felt different slightly achey but nothing major. At the scan they were pressing hard to see things all of a sudden the baby was moving fast and turning over doing flips etc, so this made me feel better . I told the hospital this is the first time my belly has ached like very slight period pains which last about 2 seconds. The scan couldnt tell me where the blood clot had come from the sch or the placenta.

Im now abit frightened about all this, OH thinks im over worrying as the baby is fine and the right size etc. I keep being told that the sch will go or be absorbed. The trouble is i think on the negative side of things. I feel im in limbo with it all, i just want to enjoy this and i cant i know this will be my last baby for a few reasons.

Sorry to be on a downer with it all. I do have my 12 week scan next week so i guess time will tell if it will still be growing, at the moment its as big as the baby....

Anyway i hope your all keeping well xx
Majored, Its completely normal to be feeling how you are. I was petrified with my bleeds. I onee ad one so bad that there was blood pouring out of me and was all down my legs to my calves! It was awful. Sorry if TMI! I got to the hospital in an absolute state and I was convicned Id miscarried but baby was fine. Its so hard as the hospital especailly in the UK dont really give you alot of advise and dont do much.

One thing i will say is that its fine for it to be growing and most peoples do grow up to 12-14 weeks before they start to shring down. one of the girls on thiss ite told me that but I still hoped that I would be an exception. But when I went for my 12 week scan it was 7*9 I think. Waaaaaay bigger anyway. I insisted on a check up scan and was given one at 17 weeks so Id insist on this if I was you. The consultant had to authorise it so you may need to see him / her.

Like I said in the UK they dont really give you much advise but I took things really easy and put myself on motified rest. I dont know if it made a difference or not. But i basically took it really easy, stopped all exercise ( and I used to be a mad exercise junkie), didnt even really walk anywhere. By my 20 week scan it had shrunk down again to 2cm. Who knows if my resting helped or not but i figured its not worth the risk.

Its hard to be positive but I honestly believe it will all be okay. Just take it easy and sit it out. Time is the only think that will help.

S x
Hi sarah12 i know i was on a downer yesterday i just felt real cross with myself thinking that they would tell me it was smaller, and they didnt. Thank you for your support and i can only go on what information people tell me.

You are right with the fact they dont tell you much. I sat at the hospital yesterday looking at the leaflets and books. They had them on everything else but nothing on sch. I know they cant do anything other than tell me information.
I made myself sit down yesterday, because normally im running about doing things. I seem to sit down when im tired, rather than taking it easy as the day goes on. It seems to have made the blood loss slow down which im happier about. However i did have had more stomach (pinching, niggles & aches)which ive not had for a few weeks.

I want to enjoy this pregnacy but i just cant relax. Right from the start i started to worry about things and this is my 3rd pregnancy and i didnt with them. I know if i wasnt worrying about sch i would be worrying about something else i guess.

The epau said they dont need to see me again unless i was still bleeding when i have my 12 week scan. (which is next week). However reading peoples storries on here most women bleed for weeks. I have been bleeding since the 8th so not much i guess. So my goal is for it to stop getting any bigger by next Wednesday. I know its wishful thinking, i just dont want it to get any bigger i dont expect it to be gone.

Thanks for everyting and take care xx


I knwo what you mean aboout wanting to enjoy the pregancy and it is very hard. I had a miscarriage in Febrruary whoch broke my heart and then unbelievably fell pregant again end of March with my current gorgeous bump! I was SO scared I was going to miscarry again and when i had my first bleed was convinced that I had. I was petrified and just wanted to reach 12 weeks. But even then I was scared and probably didnt really relax under 20 + weeks although as the weeks went by it got easier.

The EPU said the same to me.. They didnt want to see me again and said that even if i was bledding really heavy i dont need to go in!! Which i ignored as theres no way you can cope emotionally with out a check up. I did buy a dopler and that helped me loads as I checked everyday that I could hear bumps heartbeat and it really reassured me that the baby was okay.

At my first midewife appointment at 12 weeks the midwife booked me in to see the consultant so I can find out more about the SCH and it was teh consultant who said I could have a 16/17 week scan but I had to ask and plead!

The thing i was told is that the baby is fine- it has no idea it has this clot next to it and is happy in its own little sac growing away nicely. If the clot grows which it probably will dont let it stress you as thats the normal course. It will then start to shrink down.

:hugs::hugs: I really feel for all of you ladies currently going through the emotional and physical stress of sch. My own baby is now 3 months old and I still shudder whenever I recall my first trimester. That had me going to the hospital about twice a week (I always seemed to get my bleeds at night when the ultrasound clinic was shut down for the day so I would have to return the next morning). I stopped seeing the blood at about 14 weeks but the clot was there until about 24 weeks or so. The scariest day, though, was at 18 weeks when I was starting to get contractions. They remained mild and irregular but they lasted 24 hours.

I had a placenta tear as well but that healed by about 26 weeks or so by turning into scar tissue. There was enough healthy placenta left for me to grow a healthy, full-term baby. I did end up needing an emergency c-section due to issues with his heart beat but that had nothing to do with the sch.

Just keep strong, ladies. Take it one day at a time. I found looking ahead far too overwhelming...that I could never make it to 24 weeks (viability) let alone 40. Set small goals (next scan, the next week, etc) and celebrate each one. And take it easy. Let others help you! I know, it can be hard to be dependent on others...

all the best!:flower::hugs:
kyleigh michelle riegel was born at 901 am this morning 10/22 by emergency c section! Was admitted to hospital for labor and whed doctor came in early this morning to break my water she decided she didnt like having contractions anymore as her heartbeat dropped to 55 and wouldnt come back up!!!! She came into the world weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce and 19 inchs long, but she is beautiful and perfect!!!!

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