Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hey ladies
Good news :)
The blood clot has gone :)
I'm so relieved, i wish you all the best :)
P.s someone asked if you can have a hematoma in anotherpregnancy and well i was. Thinking about it and with my daughter i bled heavy before i knew i was pregnant and just asumed I wasnt pregnant. So maybe i had a hemtoma with her too but just didnt have a need or thought to get it checked out. My daughter is now a healthy 2 year old :) Xx
Hello Ladies, I am new to this group I am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant. At 4 weeks I had some light spotting got a scan and showed a sac, nothing out of norm. I had some cramping two days ago and had another scan. Scan showed 5 week 3 day pregnancy. Heartbeat of 110 bpm!! It also showed a hematoma to the left of the sac. This morning I woke up to use the restroom at 430am and I had bright red blood dripping. It literally look like I cut myself. I wiped a few times and it gradually slowed. It is now pink spotting, and I have cramped most of the day. Does this sound like the end?
My turn for a great outcome!! My baby girl, Lilah, was born 2 weeks early on Aug.26, 5 lbs. 15 oz., 18 in. long. She is perfect and doing perfectly!!
Hello Ladies... I was wondering if any of you could help me.. I was diagnosed with a SCH at 13weeks after a trip to the ER.... I was sure I miscarried my twins but like the rest of you I was thrilled to see my peanuts on the screen. It measured 8x5x5cm...So its large. I aw not 16.5weeks... I saw my OB yesterday and he said it looks like it was resolving..and looked somewhat smaller but wasnt active. Now here comes the TMI question.. When I wipe I have those gross little black sticky things along with watery rusty colored liquid on the paper...almost like urine but its brownish red... My fluids are good as of yesterday, its just very watery. I hate it. Any imput is greatly appreciated!
Oh, congrats Ashley, what wonderful news!! Enjoy your precious LO!

Kiwi, congrats to you as well on the clot-no-more! :)
Hello Ladies, I am new to this group I am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant. At 4 weeks I had some light spotting got a scan and showed a sac, nothing out of norm. I had some cramping two days ago and had another scan. Scan showed 5 week 3 day pregnancy. Heartbeat of 110 bpm!! It also showed a hematoma to the left of the sac. This morning I woke up to use the restroom at 430am and I had bright red blood dripping. It literally look like I cut myself. I wiped a few times and it gradually slowed. It is now pink spotting, and I have cramped most of the day. Does this sound like the end?

Hi Shae, did you find out anything since posting here? I would suggest going in for a check since it's red blood, but no that doesn't mean it's the end--many ladies on here had red blood off and on throughout the entire SCH experience. Hope your little bean is good!
Hello Ladies... I was wondering if any of you could help me.. I was diagnosed with a SCH at 13weeks after a trip to the ER.... I was sure I miscarried my twins but like the rest of you I was thrilled to see my peanuts on the screen. It measured 8x5x5cm...So its large. I aw not 16.5weeks... I saw my OB yesterday and he said it looks like it was resolving..and looked somewhat smaller but wasnt active. Now here comes the TMI question.. When I wipe I have those gross little black sticky things along with watery rusty colored liquid on the paper...almost like urine but its brownish red... My fluids are good as of yesterday, its just very watery. I hate it. Any imput is greatly appreciated!

Hi Sherc, congrats on the twins! So glad to hear it looks like your SCH is resolving, that's great. I wish I could help with the watery discharge but I have no experience with that so I would ask the doc. The rusty liquid sounds of course like old blood which is normal. Hope you get some answers on here soon, a few of the ladies that I know could give you better info. are busy at home with healthy babies now! :)
Hi i am 16 weeks pregnant i was bleeding at 8weeks till now red and brown on and off and last week came out big clot of blood i thought that i lose the baby but he was ok they told me its SCH 10cm *3.5cm they put me at bedrest but i cant cause i have two littel children 2.6years and 10 month they give me cyclogest400 mg twice aday hows like me and what to doing?
Just thought I'd mention shae. I had the exact same thing happen to me during the night and then it stopped completely then had some brown.blood a week later and now its gone :) just stay positive xx
Hello haven't posted for a while (been busy with work etc since I was told by a consultant at 18 weeks that it was ok to go back to work, despite the hem) but I have just caught up with the posts. Glad new ladies have found this site, I have found it really supportive and informative when I've needed it and inperfected really happy your baby is ok after your recent bleed!

Just wanted to share some good news and give others encouragement..I had a scan today (was moved from friday) and the baby is 21 weeks, super healthy, measuring nearer 22 weeks and.....

NO SIGN OF THE HEMORRHAGE!!!!! IT'S GONE!!!!:happydance:

For those that don't know and are interested:- I started bleeding at 14 weeks, two big red gushes then bleed red for about a week then bleed brown for about 2 weeks, had severe pain one night that lasted 30 mins and then the bleeding stopped.

Then hem got twice as big by 16 weeks - 9.8cmx3cm then reduced by half and split into 2 parts at 18 weeks. Since I had no bleeding from 18 weeks and now I have no hemorrhage the rest must have been reabsorbed by my body.

So good luck to everybody, I'll check back in every now and again and see how everyone's doing!!

Lots of love :kiss:

Just updating with my happy baby boy is now 6 weeks old, incredibly healthy, was born 40 weeks with no problems!!!! My heart goes out to everyone still in the situation, stay strong and positive xx
Hi Ladies,
Thank god i found you all!! :hugs:
im 21 years old n this is my 2nd pregnancy, at 6 weeks i was told i had a SCH measuring 5cm in length n 4cm in width the u/s tech told me that it was nothing to worry about and that it would resolve itself by 12 weeks. At 9 weeks i started experiencing some cramping pain and fresh red blood, my fiancee and i went to the hospital as i was sure i was loosing my baby to later find out that my placenta was starting to tear from the uterine wall and that i am high risk of miscarrying and was put on strict bed rest. i am not 12 weeks and have had routine u/s every week since then and nothing seems to be changing, i havent had any red bleeds since but am still getting a brownish blood/discharge on a daily basis and still a fair few cramps.

i am due to see my doctor again this Thurday but im worried that hes just going to tell me to keep up with the bed rest i have a 17 month old at home n it is really hard to be on strict bed rest when you have other children which im sure some of you can relate to. My doctor had told me that the SCH would be gone by 12-13 weeks but now im reading that some of you had it there entire pregnancy! my heart goes out to you all.

Just a question for those of you who had the SCH for extended periods of time eg,20+ weeks were you put on bed rest? and if so did you find it helped??

im so glad to have found you all as ive felt so alone at times!
Hugs to everyone going through this at the moment... My baby is now 39+5 and doing really well. He came home about 11 days ago after 9 weeks in hospital.

Hello Ladies... I was wondering if any of you could help me.. I was diagnosed with a SCH at 13weeks after a trip to the ER.... I was sure I miscarried my twins but like the rest of you I was thrilled to see my peanuts on the screen. It measured 8x5x5cm...So its large. I aw not 16.5weeks... I saw my OB yesterday and he said it looks like it was resolving..and looked somewhat smaller but wasnt active. Now here comes the TMI question.. When I wipe I have those gross little black sticky things along with watery rusty colored liquid on the paper...almost like urine but its brownish red... My fluids are good as of yesterday, its just very watery. I hate it. Any imput is greatly appreciated!
It's not easy I know, but it's a good sign so don't worry too much about that ;( Looking smaller is really good news though! :)

8 weeks: again, gushing red blood with cramps. And 2 days later, even heavier gushing red blood soaking two heavy absorbent pads in 2 hours with lots of cramps. Next morning, on my way to the doctor’s office for my weekly scan, blood leaked through my heavy pad and pants and on to the car seat. I was pretty much hemorrhaging for 30 mins. Scan showed growing baby with a much larger sized blood clot.

The doctor sent me to get a blood count as he was worried about anemia, but results showed nothing worthy of concern. He did say that this looked ominous and that he was worried. Didn’t give me any special instructions beside pelvic rest. I’m going on living trying to hide my swelling bump, hoping people will not notice because I’m certain that this will not end well. Of the 100+ pages of stories I read on this forum, none of you have bleed so much in such a short period of time that ended up giving full term birth. This is so frustrating.
Hugs. I wish I could say something to make it feel better :( Resting as much as you can is probably wise, but do carry on hoping even though its hard (I admit I didn't). I was told 6 times I'd lost him, to then see a heart beat beating. I saw my doctor two weeks ago and she said she was amazed as she was convinced he wasn't going to make it. If you do end up having a premmie, It sucks, but they are alive. It's not the end of the world, even though it feels like it for a while. My bubby was born at 29 weeks (nearly 11 weeks ago). When you keep on hemmoraging, it isn't always good news I admit, but having bled that heavy myself (filling overnight pads in 10 mins at my worst), I know that sometimes it will work out on in the end *hugs* I dont' know what else to say, but I am here if you ever need to talk.

Hi Tellissa, I know starry had a placental abruption (or similar?) as well, and once I gave birth (c-section) they saw i'd had one too. I wasn't put on bed rest but put myself on it. I think it helped, but can't be certain. I still had the sch when I had him at 29 weeks, but even if not resolved by 12 weeks, they rarely last last 20 (I don't think I know someone else on this thread who had one that long other than me)... *hugs*

Just to remind everyone, stress is something you want to avoid... By getting stressed I had 3 huge bleeds in 10 days, as well as many other bleeds. (Due to living in Christchurch NZ during the earthquake). *hugs to you all as I know you will need them right now.
At 11.58 pm, 39 weeks, fast labor, got to hospital 7 cm dilated! Epi did not work well until after birth, but after 6 pushes my baby boy made his entrance to this world weight:3.345 kg, 29cm long. I am in love he stole my heart! Got 3 stitches that hurt like hell right now but it just doesn´t matter, it was all worth it :) :happydance::baby:

To all girls with SCH: keep it up!!

Hi there,

At 7 weeks pregnant I experienced a frieghtening episode of bright red blood. Immediatley I rushed myself to the ER. There they performed an us and disgnosed me with a subchorinic hemorrhage and to follow up with the early pregnancy clinic at the hospital in the am. There they preformed a thorough us and measured the subchorinic hemorrhage at 1.5 x 0.5 x 1.1 cm. Evenutally the red blood turned to brown and eventually came to an end (thankfully). I was told to follow up with antoher us at 9 weeks. At this time I felt confident enought that it went away considering the bleeding had stopped but boy was I ever wrong. It actually increased in size :cry: they measured it at 6.7 x 0.7 x 2.4 cm. This not only put me in tears right away but made me have an anxeity attack. There were a present normal heart beats both times and the baby has also grown in size too. This leaves me super confused! I just pray to the lord above that he answers all our prayers and allows us to go full term with our precious child.

I have researched alot about this and am amazed and forever greatful for groups such as this. It gives me hope in knowing that I am not alone during this rough time. I pray for all of us! I just pray and pray that it will magically disappear and go away once and for all so I can go on with my pregnancy worry free and enjoy the whole process.

If anyone has had a similiar experience where theirs has grown please, please share with me.

Need positive prayers!
Hi ladies,

i had another massive bleed about a week ago, dark brown almost black blood i was TERRIFIED! the next day i went to the doctor and he wanted me to go for and urgent ultrasound, baby was fine, strong heartbeat n growing perfectly and also NO SIGN OF SCH!!! im 13 weeks now it it managed to resolve itself...

there is hope out there ladies and i pray for you all still going through this awful experience! im here if anyone needs to talk xxx goodluck all!
Congrats Nikad!!
Jroxton, it seems most women have had their sch grow even bigger before it began to shrink and disappear
Hugs. I wish I could say something to make it feel better :( Resting as much as you can is probably wise, but do carry on hoping even though its hard (I admit I didn't). I was told 6 times I'd lost him, to then see a heart beat beating. I saw my doctor two weeks ago and she said she was amazed as she was convinced he wasn't going to make it. If you do end up having a premmie, It sucks, but they are alive. It's not the end of the world, even though it feels like it for a while. My bubby was born at 29 weeks (nearly 11 weeks ago). When you keep on hemmoraging, it isn't always good news I admit, but having bled that heavy myself (filling overnight pads in 10 mins at my worst), I know that sometimes it will work out on in the end *hugs* I dont' know what else to say, but I am here if you ever need to talk.

Thanks for your encouragement.

I'm now 13 weeks and baby's still growing, except my blood clot will not resolve and I'm still spotting consistently. No more incredibly heavy red bleeds, but I do have some flowy dark brown bleeds where it requires me to wear a pad every couple of days.

The clot size was 6.9cm x 5cm x 5?? at 8 weeks, so it was pretty large.

For the last 5 weeks, it hasn't shrunk at all... but I keep bleeding externally, so that makes me think that whatever is causing the bleeding won't heal.

Although the doctor won't tell me the real risks, I know I'm highly at risk for placenta abruption and preterm premature rupture of membranes (water breaking). I'm just hoping against all odds that I will at least make it to 30 weeks before any of these scary things happen. Give my baby a fighting chance, please. Please please please.
Congrats to the new moms, and welcome to the new SCH forum joiners. I am not on here much since I had my baby girl, so I just wanted to say feel free to PM me if you have any questions/concerns/etc., I do check my email! I will be thinking about you all:)
charliesmom, please keep a positive mindset about it all. Only wearing a pad every couple of days is awesome! I literally wore one everyday til 22 weeks, then most days after that. At 13 weeks, it was still red and i was badly bleeding often. It is a larger one, but you can get thru it. Do make sure you are resting though please!There are a risk of those things happening, but even with big ones, it doesnt happen that often... I literallly know of one other mum who had an extreme prem because of an sch.

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