Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hello all. I went for my 12 week scan today, i was very worried about it. My heart beating fast and at first i was unable to look at the screen. The lady was very good and gentle and not pushing hard on my sch like the other scans have been.

Well the sch measures 5.5 x 1.9 x 3.7 cm, shock, horror .... its got smaller. Im worried shes not measured it right and its bigger than that. Its been 6 days since my last scan when it measured 5.4 x 4.3 x 4cm. I have been bleeding all week but its not heavy but blood colour goes from dark red - brown. I also was told today the sch is no where near the placenta which made me feel better. I was also informed that the sch could of been started by a twin pregnancy and i have lost the other one at an early stage.

So shocked about it getting smaller and i had just told myself that it would get bigger.
I do think that resting has helped things slow down, so i would say rest up.

hope your all ok and take care.xx
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with a SCH this past Tuesday (10/25). I was at work conducting a training session and starting bleeding everywhere. It was so scary! I work about an hour away from home and my OB's office, so I called my OB and they told me to head straight to the closest ER. I drove myself there and don't even remember the drive. My husband was at home so I had to check myself into the ER before he got there. They took me back for blood work and then put me in a room and had me change and then take me straight for a sonogram. I thought for sure that was it. The ultrasound tech was so nice... she found the baby right away and the heartbeat was strong (188/min). She assured me that this was something that happens more often than you think and that the baby looked good. My bleed is approximately 4cm x 4cm x 1cm, and said that was relatively small, especially considering my baby is measuring 12 weeks at 5.5cm! I was relieved and they sent me back to my room where the ER doctor did a vaginal exam and confirmed that my cervix was indeed 100% closed (another relief). He said they were waiting on my blood work to come back and they would discharge me then, but he wanted me to follow up with my OB's office the next day. I called the first thing the next morning and unfortunately my OB was out of the office that day, so I made an appointment with a mid-wife I haven't dealt with before. I walked in feeling pretty confident but left even more worried than I was on my way to the hospital the day before! She told me I had a "BIG bleed" and that "things could go either way" - when the day before, the ER doctor and the tech both said that my body will absorb the bleed or it will bleed out and go away, which normally happens before the 2nd trimester. She didn't even do an exam on me - only pulled out the doppler and found the baby's heart beat right away, which was around 180/minute. I have been a nervous wreck ever since! I have a follow-up appointment on Tuesday with a mid-wife I am more comfortable with and they are also doing a sonogram them to check on the size of the bleed. The mid-wife I saw on Wednesday told me that if it hadn't shrunk then we would need to worry... but based on what I have read, a lot of times it gets a little bigger before going away. I have been spotting ever since off and on (brownish color, no clots)... but I am still so worried. I'm so happy to find this community. I have never heard of SCH before and reading so many different success stories makes me feel more comfortable. I saw another post from a woman who said she bought a doppler herself so she can check the heart beat everyday... and I am totally making my hubby go out and buy one tomorrow to help ease my nerves. The next day and a half is going to go by so slow - I can't wait to have my sonogram and hear what the status of my bleed is!
Hi Glitter,

Sorry to hear you are going through this. It really is the most horrendous and frightening experience. My second bleed I was at work and just had blood pouring out of me! Took me an hour to get to the hospital and was absolutely convinced I'd miscarried but the LO was kicking away happily.

It's a very frightening time - not because of the risk as most SCHs are harmless. But because it's not ' normal ' to see blood and when you love and want something do much it'd so frightening to then bleed. Your SCH sounds very typical and I'm sure you will be fine. Just rest as much as you can & try not to worry. Best thing is to accept you have an SCH, they don't go away over night and there's a good chance you will have some more bleeding. But remember this isn't harming the baby.

I bought a Doppler from Amazon. Just a cheap Angel Sounds one and it was brilliant for keeping me calm. I would recommend this as until the baby starts moving it let's you know all is ok. A few times it took me a while to locate the heartbeat but don't panic if this happens. That's normal.

Big hugs & stay strong. All is fine!

S x
I went to the dr today for my follow up scan after going on the 17th and finding out that I had a hematoma that measured 3.2cm.

Today, we saw a bouncing bean with a heartbeat of 171 BUT the hematoma has grown to 3.7cm. They recommended bed rest with the exception of work and will have me come back in another two weeks to follow up again.

To say the least, I am happy that the baby is growing fine and at its expected rate but I am sad that this "thing" is not going away. I have had no bleeding, spotting or anything of the sort so I am praying that my body just absorbs it and its done with.

I ask all to pray for my family and I that things continue to progress and this "thing" goes away without causing any complications.

Any and ALL positive SCH stories/survivors are welcome to comment and share. I could definitely use it!
I went to the dr today for my follow up scan after going on the 17th and finding out that I had a hematoma that measured 3.2cm.

Today, we saw a bouncing bean with a heartbeat of 171 BUT the hematoma has grown to 3.7cm. They recommended bed rest with the exception of work and will have me come back in another two weeks to follow up again.

To say the least, I am happy that the baby is growing fine and at its expected rate but I am sad that this "thing" is not going away. I have had no bleeding, spotting or anything of the sort so I am praying that my body just absorbs it and its done with.

I ask all to pray for my family and I that things continue to progress and this "thing" goes away without causing any complications.

Any and ALL positive SCH stories/survivors are welcome to comment and share. I could definitely use it!

I had the same thing where my hematoma had gotten bigger before it got smaller, don't lose hope just yet. I as well had no bleeding so i really didnt believe it was getting smaller but by my 22 week scan the sonographer couldn't find it and I now have a 10 day old baby girl at home with me who is as healthy as could be. She weighed 6lbs 1oz, they did say she may be smaller because of the problems with the bleed at the placenta and sent my placenta off to a lab to be tested!!!
I will be 7 weeks tomorrow, I bled yesterday and went in for u/s that revealed sch. I have no idea how big it was, I guess all the trick or treating with my daughter disturbed it somehow. It was bright red in morning, stopped, then began again in the afternoon and was almost purple in color. This morning it is brown. I hear this is a good sign, but just wondered what experience any of you may have had with blood color. I had an u/s that showed it along with a heart beating at 142, such relief! Then the dr said "we are not out of the woods yet". Ugh, from up to down in mere seconds.
Also, she put me on baby aspirin. I see conflicting thoughts on this, whether it helps to bleed it out or if it causes too much bleeding. within 2 hours of the aspirin I had the dark red bleed for about an hour. It never soaked a pad only tp.
Thanks for any input girls!
Like repo girl mine grew before it shrunk. Infect it tripled By 12 weeks & went from 2cm to 7cm! I was gutted. Had no further big bleeds after 12 weeks but at 20 week scan it had shrunk to 2cm & at 26 weeks couldn't be seen!
The last few days ive been having mild period type pains. As well as pains at the tops of my legs which then spread down my legs then to my knees. When my OH was at the doctors today i did quickly ask his doctor about my pains. He said because of my sch my uterus is still contracting to get rid of it. So thats what the period pains are and im getting refered pain down my legs because of my uterus contracting. He said try to rest and when i sit down put my feet up, which i have been doing.

Also today i have been passing brown/black slimy clot, they are not huge. I would say measuring between 2cm -4cm and they are also thin. I also spoke to the EPAU as i was still bleeding a month on and now i have these pains. I was informed as long as its not red things should be ok and told once again my uterus is contracting to get rid of the sch. So unless im in real bad pain or bleeding is red they are not worried.

I have had another weird feeling on Sat and on Tue. The bottom part of my uterus on the left i felt a dragging almost like someone was scopping something out of me. It would move from the bottom of my uterus to my cervix into my vagina. Then start to throb like a contraction but only on the one side, which is the side of my sch. I was informed this could be my uterus stretching and pulling on things but im not so sure about that.

As the evening as gone on my blood colour has changed from a watery black to a cloudy brown.

I feel very confined with the bleeding as im worried about going to far just incase something just drops out of me or i end up getting a big bleed that just starts from nowhere.

Hope your all ok x
I went to the dr today for my follow up scan after going on the 17th and finding out that I had a hematoma that measured 3.2cm.

Today, we saw a bouncing bean with a heartbeat of 171 BUT the hematoma has grown to 3.7cm. They recommended bed rest with the exception of work and will have me come back in another two weeks to follow up again.

To say the least, I am happy that the baby is growing fine and at its expected rate but I am sad that this "thing" is not going away. I have had no bleeding, spotting or anything of the sort so I am praying that my body just absorbs it and its done with.

I ask all to pray for my family and I that things continue to progress and this "thing" goes away without causing any complications.

Any and ALL positive SCH stories/survivors are welcome to comment and share. I could definitely use it!

I had the same thing where my hematoma had gotten bigger before it got smaller, don't lose hope just yet. I as well had no bleeding so i really didnt believe it was getting smaller but by my 22 week scan the sonographer couldn't find it and I now have a 10 day old baby girl at home with me who is as healthy as could be. She weighed 6lbs 1oz, they did say she may be smaller because of the problems with the bleed at the placenta and sent my placenta off to a lab to be tested!!!

Thanks for sharing, as this makes me feel SOOOOO much better. I just pray mine is showin regress at the next ultrasound which is two weeks from now. By then I will be almost 12 weeks, close to being out of the 1st trimester and my baby will have more size to it.

Just keep us in prayers and CONGRATULATIONS on your precious baby :kiss:

Audrey !
Just dint be upset if it hasn't shrunk & infact grows by 12 weeks scan. It seems that's what most do & then start to shrink. I'm sure you are going to be fine!
Hi all, well im 15 weeks and today ive been crying alot and getting upset. Ive still been bleeding since week 9 and i have ok days. At 9.30 tonight i got up and felt some blood starting to come out of me, more than normal. I went to the toilet to sort myself out and it was red and watery. I didnt panic nor did i have any clots. After having a wash and coming down stairs i started to have pain on my left side. It was not like period pains or like contractions really. The pain lasted about 20 minutes before it started to go. The pain worked its way around the side and down to the cervix.
You may ask why i didnt go to the hospital.... well i was scared and worried. Also i didnt want another trip to the hospital and waiting around in A&E.( like i had done in the past).When your at home you can roll about and lay down etc.
The pain went but i got niggles around my left ovary like i used to when the sch started to bleed. I now have a feeling that the sch has been bleeding again . I will be ringing the epau in the morning to see what they say. If the pain had continued i would of had to go to A&E.

As the evening has gone on the pain is still around my left ovary and started to go down my left leg, which a dr had informed me before that it was refered pain because the uterus is contracting. The hot water bottle has been helping me get rid of the edge of pain. At the moment the blood is not gushing out of me . I have checked the babies hb and it was 159 so thats ok.

So it could be the sch bleeding again or coming away or something worse, i just do not want to think about it to tell you the truth. Anyway i will let you all know what happens.

Take care and good night xx
nearly 18 weeks now my last bad bleed was just over a week ago and my bubba is still hanging on i am trying to stay hopefull but it is so hard

I hope you are both ok. I really feel all will be fine.

Majored -the fact HB is good and strong is really good sign. I know it's so worrying and so hard to relax. I had the heaviest bleed at 10 weeks- gushing out with clots and pain... But baby was fine & had no idea that next to it was the annoying sch!

Good luck at hospital today. Keep us posted.

S x
Hi all, well i went to bed last night padded myself out and placed a towel under me just in case. I got to sleep about 1.30am and I didnt move all night i just stopped in one position.

I got up as i needed a wee and by time i walked along the landing i could feel it all coming out. There was a clot about 2 x 2 inches long on the pad. I know this seems a strange thing to do but another person told me to do this. Rather than sitting on the toilet i placed myself over the bath, so you can see whats coming out. As well as loosing the blood i lost another clot about 1.5 " followed by one that was as big as my palm. It didnt hurt but i felt strange that i could see all this.

After ringing the EPAU they told me they think this is the sch, My cervix ached because it was contracting to get rid of it. If pain or bleeding get worse then go to the A&E. They can not fit me in for a scan until Thursday morning. If i had gone to A&E last night they would have rang the epau for an apointment. So i wouldnt of gained anything scan wise.

I listened to the hb which was 154 which has made me relax, without my doppler i would be going mad.

After having my breakfast and resting for a bit i started to fill it coming out again. Rushed up stairs and sat on the toilet. I was passing blood as well as loads of clots. To tell you the truth it was like going to poo but from the front (tmi). Looked down the toilet couldnt tell you what or how many was there as the water was just bright red.

I know its better out than in. However when i lost the clots this morning in the bath i thought that was it. Because there seemed to be alot there. Now theres more coming out. Makes me now wonder how long this is going to last.
My stomach now feels tender and delicate but not painful. However i have noticed my stomach seems to be smaller now. Its just amazing how much my uterus had in it as well as the baby.

I hope all is well with everyone. Take care xx
So glad to hear all babies are hanging in. I see my Ob friday and have a scan earlier that day for my 18 week scan hoping the SCH has gotten smaller dealing with alot of BH its driving me nuts. hope all is well keep us updated xox
Hugs and thinking of you all with these at the moment :( I know it's not an easy journey in any way shape or form, but so many (most?) of you will get all the way to the end *hugs*. You can do this, even on the most stressful days.
Hi all, I had my scan this morning and the baby, placenta, sac, fluid was all fine. Cervix is closed and the sch could not been seen. It looks like its gone....... The bleeding has slowed down and now changing from bright red to dark-red/ brown. I dont feel as happy as i thought i would of done. Knowing that from reading other peoples stories that sch goes but you still bleed or weeks later start bleeding again.

I did ask the hospital about this and they said that sometimes it does happen,however she said i am out of the "worry period" if i get another sch. She said its unlikely to happen but they cant rule it out. So at the moment im not jumping about and doing cartwheels. So now i wait for the bleeding to stop and i dont know how long that will last.

I just hope in a few weeks time i will be able to help people on here like they have helped me to cope with things. I can only say thank you to you all that have helped me and given me advice. The forum is a good idea for everyone to tell their story and help each other. I will of course keep an eye on this thread and i hope everyones pregnancy turns out to be ok.

Take care & speak soon
majored, that is wonderful news for you, i wouldn't recommend the cart wheels or anything like that but you atleast deserve taking a nice breath at this time and take a little bit of that weight off of your shoulders.

I can't believe it but Kyleigh will be 4 weeks old this Saturday, though she was a smaller baby at 6 pounds 1 ounce ( they say that was probably from the placenta issues) She is healthy and strong as can be!
Repogirl so glad that everything turned out well for you. i know when you have a sch its hard to think that there will ever be an end to it. Your one of the stories on here that helps others out and shows that good things can come out of this.xx

Hi all, i was just wondering for those of you that have had a scan and told the sch had gone or had bled and lost clots. How long did the bleeding last after your sch had gone. I know that you can not pin point if its days- weeks- months. However if i bleed for a while the sch could be filling back up again, after all she couldnt see anything on the screen but it doesnt mean its gone does it? On the scan they couldnt see any blood pockets but i could of had blood collected around the cervix, which i know can not always be seen.

My other thought is that with all the blood & blood clots small- large. I could of passed my mucas plug, because at times i lost so much blood & clots i may have lost it down the toilet and not known as the toilet water was bright red. The scan did show my cervix had closed but now its got me thinking about it.....

Any thoughts would be of great help. Sorry to ask questions.......

Sarah xx
Hey, I lost my plug a couple of times earlier on and it regenerated (I know becuase I fully lost it at 27+2 when I started going into labour properly..

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