Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi mamas, I saw a bunch of posts saying that you don't need bedrest and I just want to say listen to your doctor :(. I had a small SCH at 10 weeks, modified bed rest until bleeding stopped and then just really took it easy. It shrunk and was pretty much gone and I resumed normal activity but still took it easy. This Tuesday at 15 weeks I started gushing blood. I bled steady in the ER all night and they were minutes away from doing a blood transfusion when it started to slow. The placenta is detaching and the whole sack is totally surrounded by blood and I am hemorrhaging all over this time (still considered an SCH) I am on strict bed rest... Today I had to get my own breakfast and I collapsed and my blood pressure crashed from losing so much blood. A car ride along could be enough for me to lose my little girl. I know that most SCH's are minor but they can get very very bad. I don't know how normal my situation but my doc says that baby has a 50 50 shot if she makes it till monday. I also could have died ... Please take this stuff seriously. If your doctor says bed rest... try to do it. I keep wondering if I did too much but we have no clue why this is happening. As soon as I went on strict bed rest though the bleeding subsided and I am getting rid of the old blood.
Hi lokilola, im very sorry to hear what is happening to you and everything that you have gone through. Its strange that everyones sch grows at different speeds and some people do not get effected by them at all. I had a big bleed at 15 weeks and had contractions and thought that was it, however it was the sch coming away. Im sure things will get better for you as they seem to get worse before they get better. Please try to not worry to much and take things easy. Rest as much as you can!

I was never told to have best rest and i tried to keep doing basic things around the house. Mine did get bigger!

After my second big bleed the hospital told me to just take things easy. However not to lay in bed all day or i might have DVT and end off being worse. Also not to take Asprin as this thins the blood and in turn this would make my sch continue to bleed.

At times i felt very tired but my blood count/ iron was always ok, around about 14. I rested when i could and took things easy but still bled. Im 17 weeks tomorrow and i was told at 15 weeks it was gone. However im still bleeding and have been since week 9.

I have got a friend that is a few weeks in front of me . She had 2 sch that were quite big one was at the side and the other was around the baby. Some of her placenta had also come away and has been told 2 times that she was loosing her baby. The two sch have now gone she has a low lying placenta, however the placenta has now re- attached itself. A few weeks later she has a new blood clot under the placenta and the sack is now full of blood and tisue rather than amniotic fluid. This will not effect the baby in anyway, but its just not very nice. They also think the new clot under the placenta will be absorbed. The hospital are not that worried about things as she 23 weeks.

Hope you feel better soon take care of you and your little one!

Sarah x
Hi ladies.

I started bleeding last thursday, and went to emerg. They did a blood test, which showed my HCG was 59,000. The doctor said this number is great for where i am in my pregnancy (according to my LMP i was around 7 weeks and two days.)

He ordered me to come back on saturday for another blood test, to see if my hcg was doubling, and also ordered me to stay on bed rest until saturday.

On saturday, my HCG came back at 64,000. The doctor was not impressed with these numbers, and sent me for an ultrasound.

The ultrasound showed a little heartbeat flickering away at 127 beats/min. But it also showed a subchronic hematoma.

I went to my regular doctor today, and he has taken me off work for a week and put me on bed rest.

This is my first pregnancy, and im so scared. I have no idea how big it is, or why i have it.

Can someone fill me in on what they know, andwhat i should / shouldnt be doing?

Im a train wreck here! Why isnt my HCG doubling? And what caused thks subchronic hematoma??

Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Hi zxcasd,
I had a simular thing happen to me. At 5 weeks i started to spot brown then one time red. They did a scan, which showed a empty sac and sch which measured 9mm.My hcg levels at 5weeks & 5 days were 5???, 48 hours later were 7??? then another 48 hours later were 9???. They thought at one point i had an eptopic. Then after my second scan they could see a fetal pole.

My levels did not double but they did rise, they said this could just be me and how i am. As long as there going up its a good thing.

At the 12 week scan she informed me that my sch may have been a twin that i lost. At first i was told it could be an implantation bleed which happens quite often.

I have bled from 9 weeks and im now 17 weeks and still going.
Red blood is fresh bleeding brown blood is old. To tell you the truth ive had all colours, black watery, dark brown, red brown. I also use to have niggly pains like pinching pains. I was told that pain was bleeding.

Sometimes the sch can be absorbed back into your body, it can come away in bits so there may be little clots or sometimes like string. However mine in the end came away in one lot and was quite big.

Try to rest, when you sit down put your feet up. If you feel tired rest dont push yourself to do to much. Drink plenty of water and eat well. I would avoid sex in any shape or form as this can cause problems. If you do start to bleed then speak to someone and if you have pain and loosing blood go straight to A&E.

I know its hard not to worry i still worry about things now. You may NOT have any bleeding or any problems at all and it could just go away.

If they did not mention the size of it at the scan it could just be a small sch. I tend to ask alot of questions so i knew what the size of mine was.

This is a good thread as im sure there are plenty of people on here that can help!

Take care xx
Hugs... if it's any consolation... levels rise slower as they get higher. My levels at 1500-3000 took an averaage of 12 days (barely rose over the 6 days I had them apart) then rose to 8 days on the next test, and then must have stabalised... I also had a huge hematoma and I now have a gorgeous wee man who has fought to stay with me. *hugs*
Also, zxcasd, heres a website:
Look most closely at the progression: during the huge majority of early pregnancies (80-90%), the level will double every couple of days, or 72 hours. As your pregnancy progresses, levels rise and that doubling time increases. The expected doubling time for HCG levels:

Under 1200 mIU/ml: 48-72 hours.
Between 1200 to 6000 mIU/ml: 72-96 hours.
Over 6000 mIU/ml: more than 96 hours


hCG levels double approximately every 48 hours during early normal pregnancy. It reaches a peak at about 10 week of gestation (since last menstrual period). At which time the average hCG levels in samples is around 60,000 mIU/ml. There is a very big variation in individual hCG concentrations. At this time, the extremes of normal levels are approximately 10,000 to 250,000 mIU/ml.
Hi girls,

I just wanted to let you know of another good news story! My darling daughter was born 12 days ago and she's beautiful and healthy. She was 5 days early and tipped the scales at impressive 4.2kg.

For those that don't know I had bad heavy bleeds early on, was on modified bed rest til 20 weeks & was so worried I'd lose my precious baby! My clot grew massively between 8-12 weeks and then started to shrink and by 20 weeks they weren't sure if clot there.

So stay strong ladies... I know it's hard when you love and want something so much but most sch clear up. I've been on this thread 9months and can't remember a sad ending caused by an sch during this time.

Lots of love

Hi ladies, I'm off for another scan tomorrow. Had another bleed today and I wasn't even doing too much... I'm so scared the SCH gas grown! It was 6cm x 4cm 2 weeks ago.
What did you do to rest? I stay in the house and go for small walks but I have a toddler to entertain too! Feeling so down about it all :(
Hi Sarah12, so good to hear from you again. Well done on the birth of your daugher , congrats to you and your family.

So pleased everything has turned out ok for you. Its good to hear stories that turn out well, which also help others on here. It just proves that when at times things can seem so bad there are good things that can happen if we wait.

Take care xx
I'm so confident things will work out well for you girls! I joined this forum in despair and was so scared I'd lost my little one. I spend weeks being petrified.. But all has come good and I know it will for all of you.

Hi ladies.

I started bleeding last thursday, and went to emerg. They did a blood test, which showed my HCG was 59,000. The doctor said this number is great for where i am in my pregnancy (according to my LMP i was around 7 weeks and two days.)

He ordered me to come back on saturday for another blood test, to see if my hcg was doubling, and also ordered me to stay on bed rest until saturday.

On saturday, my HCG came back at 64,000. The doctor was not impressed with these numbers, and sent me for an ultrasound.

The ultrasound showed a little heartbeat flickering away at 127 beats/min. But it also showed a subchronic hematoma.

I went to my regular doctor today, and he has taken me off work for a week and put me on bed rest.

This is my first pregnancy, and im so scared. I have no idea how big it is, or why i have it.

Can someone fill me in on what they know, andwhat i should / shouldnt be doing?

Im a train wreck here! Why isnt my HCG doubling? And what caused thks subchronic hematoma??

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

When I was diagnosed with a hematoma at 6w6d, my dr had no real explanation for it. She actually told me that 6 out of 8 women that come into the office a day is diagnosed with one. At the time of my u/s mine measured at 3.2cm. When I went back for my followup u/s at 8w6d, it had gotten bigger and measured 3.7cm. From day one they told me strict pelvic rest and when I went back at 11wks1d, it had gotten smaller to the point where its no longer in cm but now measured in mm. Most of the stories that I have read says there's has gotten bigger before shrinking. They can cause miscarriages but the percentage is low. There are more success stories than there are tragedies.

Rest easy, drink lots of water and try not to stress as much. My dr was sure that the reason they saw it was because of such an early u/s because by the 20wk scan, its no longer there so if I would have never gotten that u/s, I wouldnt have known it existed. She told me that women would come in to the er with bleeding (that everyone would assume was implantation bleeding) and it would actually be from the hematoma. Luckily, God must have known that I wouldn't have been able to handle blood and I kid you not, I haven't bled, spot or nothing. I guess my body is just reabsorbing it.

I wish you all the best,

Audrey :hugs:
Hi, im so glad that your sch has now got smaller. Its good to hear another person is now on the better side of pregnancy after dealing with sch. x
hi ladies! i am an SCH "graduate", so to speak, and had my beautiful, PERFECT little angel girl in August. I have an Angelsounds doppler I would love to mail to someone who would really appreciate it so i thought this would be a great place, since having a complication such as an SCH means even MORE worries--I couldn't have kept my sanity through it all without my doppler, it was literally a Godsend.

If you would like it, please email me your address!!

God bless all of you!
Hi ladies

Can I join?? I was diagnosed yesterday with two SCH's at 8+4... luckily both are small and they are hopeful that they will reabsorb (Fx'd). Of course I have been googling and freaking myself out.
Can I join?? I was diagnosed with a "bleed" today at 7 weeks exactly. They said the baby has a 50/50 chance. I'm so scared. I'm attaching a pic of my ultrasound. The bleed is all above the sac. The baby is measuring just fine and has a good heartbeat. I have not had any bleeding other than 2 weeks ago and it was such a little amount and only happened once I almost missed it! I'm a nervous wreck!! They didn't tell me if it was a hematoma or what??


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At my first US they mentioned a bleed in my uterus that the doc said to be old blood that will soon discharge. Around 5 weeks later i went to the toilet and when i wiped i had some Brown mixed with my discharge. I went for an US the next day and had a SCH sized 84x49 mm. I am now 15 weeks not bleeding anything but with a large haematoma. Anyone else have similar sit?
I went to the E.R. on Sunday night with severe cramping and moderate bleeding. They did blood work and and ultrasound. I was told I am 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant and to follow up with my doctor the next day. I went to see my doctor yesterday and he told me that I have a blood clot behind the placenta gave me a shot of progesterone and put me on bed rest. I have to go back to the hospital and have some more blood work done to check my HcG levels again because they are unclear if I am still pregnant or not because I am not far enough along to hear the heartbeat just yet. I am scared and not sure on how to handle all of this or what to really expect. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.
Can I join?? I was diagnosed with a "bleed" today at 7 weeks exactly. They said the baby has a 50/50 chance. I'm so scared. I'm attaching a pic of my ultrasound. The bleed is all above the sac. The baby is measuring just fine and has a good heartbeat. I have not had any bleeding other than 2 weeks ago and it was such a little amount and only happened once I almost missed it! I'm a nervous wreck!! They didn't tell me if it was a hematoma or what??

Hi Lily, Im in a similar position in that I had a bleed yesterday, quite bad, but no clots. Went up to fertility clinic this morning and they did thorough scan. Said it was a hematoma alright. We could see it on the screen. So sorry I wasn't listening harder to the measurements. The bleeding has stopped and Im now just getting brown spotting, old blood which they said not to worry about. I've had 2 m/c's before so I thought the worst of course. The embryo is measuring 7w+1d when it should be 7w+3days. That worried me somewhat although I would allow for one day because it was the crack of dawn this morning when I was there. The heart rate was 148 bpm, up from 120 a week ago but still I dont think that's great. it's all so worrying. I know from last m/c that the heart can keep going but embryo stopped growing and will eventually miscarry. I have to wonder if that's happening again. I can't believe they told you the baby has 50/50 chance. I never seem to get any prognosis out of my consultants for all the dramas I've had. Do keep me posted how you get on. Good luck with it and fingers crossed for the LO.

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