Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Update from my last post... with no happy ending. I do not recommend reading for those with a soft heart.

I don't know where the original post is.. it's been a while.

I started spotting at 5 weeks and was diagnosed with large SCH at 7 weeks. I had 3 dripping down my leg bloody episodes at 7, 8, and 9 weeks. SCH kept growing larger... at one point it was 5cm x 7cm x 3cm, which was about the same size as my gestational sac. But pregnancy continued with weekly progesterone injections. Baby grew on track and appeared perfectly normal and active. I continued to spotting brown on panty liner every day.

I stopped the injections after 13 weeks because there was not enough research to suggest if it would support or hinder the pregnancy and it appeared the SCH was resolving and baby was fine.

Once I stopped the progesterone, I had constant but random contractions through out the day... and more brown bleeding. Doctor said they were harmless and caused by progesterone withdrawals, so I ignored them.

15 weeks, I had another major bleeding episode after experiencing several really hard contractions in a row, the blood was brown but appeared really watery. I was aware of the major risk for SCH to cause membranes to rupture (water breaking)... so I went to the ER to get checked out.

ER sent me home after doing pelvic check and an ultrasound that revealed no imminent labor signs... and water level seemed fine. But they did NOT check my pelvis for amniotic fluid. Saw my doctor next day and he pretty much brushed me off the same.

I continued to spot brown ...but very very watery discharge. Everytime I mentioned to my doctor, he brushed me off saying sometimes discharge can be watery. Some time later, I experienced a huge gush of burnt yellowish mucus discharge... and ignored it thinking it's just the SCH evacuating. After this, I continued brown watery discharge with contractions randomly throughout the day, daily.

I forgot to mention I opted to NOT go on bedrest because my doctor said there are no studies suggesting it would help with SCH pregnancies, and since he was so baffled by my condition (they were all expecting me to miscarry and did not think the pregnancy would continue as it did), that he had no idea how to treat me... and really left me to decide my fate.

At 20 weeks, I took my family to the aquarium and walked around for 2 hours with no rest. That night, I filled 3 pads full of clear/yellowish water. No brown blood, nothing. I went to another ER and they ran a few tests on me which all came out negative for fluid leakage. But they didn't give up and decided to send me to a really high frequency ultrasound machine where they discovered that I had basically no water left in my womb. They ran the tests again... all came out positive. At first the swab test came out negative... because I was leaking intermittently... not constantly. They caught me at the right time this time.

My water broke at 15 weeks and NO ONE caught it until 20 weeks. The yellowish brown mucusy discharge was probably part of my mucus plug. I need to add too, that after 17 weeks, my belly had stopped growing. I didn't feel my baby move until 19 weeks... which is a big delay since I felt my first at 15 weeks. I thought it was all pretty odd but didn't want to be a hypochondriac, so ignored it best I could. Turns out, I was already 5 weeks gone without adequate water for baby's organs to develop. We took 2 weeks to talk to many different specialists and be on strict bedrest to wait it out. I would retain my water for 4 days at a time, then would all leak out the 5th night. All the specialists said there was zero chance of a positive outcome so we induced labor at 22 weeks. My son was born alive and beautiful. He passed away in my arms 30 mins later. He is now cremated and in my memory forever.
Update from my last post... with no happy ending. I do not recommend reading for those with a soft heart.

I don't know where the original post is.. it's been a while.

I started spotting at 5 weeks and was diagnosed with large SCH at 7 weeks. I had 3 dripping down my leg bloody episodes at 7, 8, and 9 weeks. SCH kept growing larger... at one point it was 5cm x 7cm x 3cm, which was about the same size as my gestational sac. But pregnancy continued with weekly progesterone injections. Baby grew on track and appeared perfectly normal and active. I continued to spotting brown on panty liner every day.

I stopped the injections after 13 weeks because there was not enough research to suggest if it would support or hinder the pregnancy and it appeared the SCH was resolving and baby was fine.

Once I stopped the progesterone, I had constant but random contractions through out the day... and more brown bleeding. Doctor said they were harmless and caused by progesterone withdrawals, so I ignored them.

15 weeks, I had another major bleeding episode after experiencing several really hard contractions in a row, the blood was brown but appeared really watery. I was aware of the major risk for SCH to cause membranes to rupture (water breaking)... so I went to the ER to get checked out.

ER sent me home after doing pelvic check and an ultrasound that revealed no imminent labor signs... and water level seemed fine. But they did NOT check my pelvis for amniotic fluid. Saw my doctor next day and he pretty much brushed me off the same.

I continued to spot brown ...but very very watery discharge. Everytime I mentioned to my doctor, he brushed me off saying sometimes discharge can be watery. Some time later, I experienced a huge gush of burnt yellowish mucus discharge... and ignored it thinking it's just the SCH evacuating. After this, I continued brown watery discharge with contractions randomly throughout the day, daily.

I forgot to mention I opted to NOT go on bedrest because my doctor said there are no studies suggesting it would help with SCH pregnancies, and since he was so baffled by my condition (they were all expecting me to miscarry and did not think the pregnancy would continue as it did), that he had no idea how to treat me... and really left me to decide my fate.

At 20 weeks, I took my family to the aquarium and walked around for 2 hours with no rest. That night, I filled 3 pads full of clear/yellowish water. No brown blood, nothing. I went to another ER and they ran a few tests on me which all came out negative for fluid leakage. But they didn't give up and decided to send me to a really high frequency ultrasound machine where they discovered that I had basically no water left in my womb. They ran the tests again... all came out positive. At first the swab test came out negative... because I was leaking intermittently... not constantly. They caught me at the right time this time.

My water broke at 15 weeks and NO ONE caught it until 20 weeks. The yellowish brown mucusy discharge was probably part of my mucus plug. I need to add too, that after 17 weeks, my belly had stopped growing. I didn't feel my baby move until 19 weeks... which is a big delay since I felt my first at 15 weeks. I thought it was all pretty odd but didn't want to be a hypochondriac, so ignored it best I could. Turns out, I was already 5 weeks gone without adequate water for baby's organs to develop. We took 2 weeks to talk to many different specialists and be on strict bedrest to wait it out. I would retain my water for 4 days at a time, then would all leak out the 5th night. All the specialists said there was zero chance of a positive outcome so we induced labor at 22 weeks. My son was born alive and beautiful. He passed away in my arms 30 mins later. He is now cremated and in my memory forever.

charliesmom, im very very sorry to hear what you have gone through. All of your story rings very close to my heart. The things you have mentioned are like my story.:hugs:

Ive not posted on here for a while ... I had spotting at 5 weeks and was informed it was a Sch. Then i had a big bleed at 9 weeks, the sch was as big as the baby. I then bleed from 9 weeks mainly brown but it never stopped. The sch got bigger then started to go down. 15 Weeks i then started to bleed red again and passed the sch i was having contractions. I couldnt believe the size of the sch i passed. I didnt have bed rest as i was never told to have any, however i took things easier.
Everything seemed to be ok, i was still spotting brown but often had aches and twinges. When i was 18.5 i was in the kitchen and i felt something wet come out and my first thought it was red blood again. When i looked it was like brown water. I sorted myself out then a few hours later went to get in bed and it happened again. Went to the ER and they took a swab when they took everything out i felt a gush. They informed me it was my waters breaking. They did a scan the following morning the baby was alive but there was hardly any water left about 1 cm. They told me the water could build back up but they were worried about the baby not growing with such a small amount of water, as this can cause many problems. I may not know about the problems until later in my pregnancy. I felt fine and had stopped bleeding but i was loosing creamy water. The next day they listened to the hb which was fine and they sent me home. I had a doppler at home and i listened at night as was unable to find the babies hb. I informed the hospital and they listened as well and they couldnt find it however they told me with such little water that was normal.
The next morning the dr did a scan and informed me there was no water and the baby had died. I had to have another scan to confirm all of this. I had to take one tablet and come back two days later for the rest of my medication. However i didnt need my second lot of medication it happened naturaly. I had a son on the 14 Dec he was 23 cm long. I named him Samuel Joseph.:cry:

I know a sch can weaken your waters. As ive read in a few places that this can happen and be a cause for an early loss. I did ask at the hospital if this was the issue with me, however they are not sure. Even at the scan i asked and was told that in my case they didnt think so. It could be that i had an infection due to passing my sch and the infection caused my waters to break. Swabs that were taken show no infection, the baby looked normal. Im waiting on more test results but they wont get back to me if everything normal. They only get back if they have found a problem.

Mum & dad love you very much Samuel and were sending you all our love:sadangel::sadangel:
Oh Charliesmum and Majored, Im so sorry for your losses. Your stories are heartbreaking. There are no words to help but please know that our hearts go out to you both and wish you both the very best of luck next time round. Thank you for sharing your stories. I would never have known that the waters can break so early so if it happens, I least I will know to get to the hospital. Please god 2012 will bring you both some happiness. xx
I had a SCH with my son. I started bleeding heavily at 8 1/2 weeks. I have started brown spotting for the last week and come to find out I have a SCH with this pregnancy as well. I am really scared about losing the baby. My Dr won't reopen until tomorrow and she won't do much for me. She just tells me to do pelvic rest, no sex or heavy lifting. Well that's kindof hard to do when I have an 18 month old and my husband works all the time so I care for him alot by myself. I am just devastated. I was hoping I wouldn't be battling it again with this pregnancy.
Anyone started out with just brown spotting and it got worse?? This time it is just brown. With my son, it was red and heavy.
Anyone started out with just brown spotting and it got worse?? This time it is just brown. With my son, it was red and heavy.

Hi Sunshine, please try not to worry. Most sch end up going in the end. Not all end up in loss. I know it happens and it happened to me but its not common.

The size of my sch started to get smaller after 12 weeks. I felt like i was bleeding forever. Mine started at 5 weeks brown and turned red once. Then i had a very big bleed at 9 weeks when i was told it had got bigger. It was red and first and then a few days later it turned brown . i continued to bleed brown when i was 15 weeks it turned bright red and i lost the sch which was about the size of my palm. Then it started to slow down and was brown and i thought it would of stopped. I didnt have a lot of pain but i used to have quite a big belly and i often felt pinching/twisting/niggles inside of me.

I think everything the doctor has told you is good advise. Please remember to drink plenty as this can also help.

Even though im a woman in the older age group. I would like to try again but i would be very worried about it happening again. Knowing what has just happened to me. There are many good out comes of women getting through this. Worrying does not help..... Please take care:flower:

Sarah xx
Thank you so much. I am so sorry for what happened. I don't know why these tears happen but I have had them with both pregnancies. I didn't know about drinking more I will definitely increase my fluid intake. I hate these tears and I wish noone had to deal with them :(

I've heard the Dr say tear and blood clot so I'm not sure what to really call them but I know I hate them! :(
Also, can you girls tell me if your risk of miscarriage goes up if the SCH is diagnosed earlier in the pregnancy. I read somewhere online that if it is diagnosed before 8 weeks, your risk goes up? Please tell me that isn't true. The ER said it was a a small SCH but wouldn't tell me the measurements. I spoke with My OB today and I am scheduled for an ultrasound next Tuesday. Please God, I pray this heals.. I fear I am not out of the woods and the bleeding may only get worse.
Thank you so much. I am so sorry for what happened. I don't know why these tears happen but I have had them with both pregnancies. I didn't know about drinking more I will definitely increase my fluid intake. I hate these tears and I wish noone had to deal with them :(

I've heard the Dr say tear and blood clot so I'm not sure what to really call them but I know I hate them! :(

Sunshine ... I cried alot when i found i had a sch, i ended up crying everyday. I worried about it all the time, often people would tell me not to worry but i still did.

When i went for my 12 week scan the hospital informed me that in her opinion my sch looked like it was a twin sac. Others may be caused by an implantation bleed. There is an increased risk of having another if you have had one. I didnt enjoy being pregnant as i couldnt relax and it wasnt nice bleeding from week 9 - 19 as i couldnt go out much or do to much.

I hate reading stories of ladies pain & upset with a sch. i just wish there was more information on sch what causes them and how to get rid of them.

take care xx
Thank you :) It's miserable. I'm so scared to tell anyone I'm pregnant again because im scared of losing the baby
Hi all. I just found this group this morning and have loved reading all your stories.

I am currently 24.5 weeks pregnant with my third child (a boy) and in the hospital on bedrest.

I started having bleeding around 19 weeks . . .brownish red when I wiped. I went to the dr and he did an exam and said everything looked fine and it was probably due to sex. I had just had my big level 2 u/s done less than a week earlier and everything looked fine.

I started bleeding a little heavier that night and bright red. Called the next day and he said he was confident it was from the exam. A week later and I was still bleeding, so I called again and was told not to worry about it unless it changed.

2.5 weeks afte that, I finally saw my regular ob and I was still bleeding. She sent me for an u/s and everything looked okay.

The bleeding changed a little and seemed to lessen . . Went from bleeding off an on throughout the day to one bleed in the morning when I wiped (2-3 wipes of red blood).

At 23 weeks I had a couple small gushes of bright red blood at night and when I saw the dr in the morning, he said that it wasn't good, he was admitting me to the hospital immediately, that there is a very good chance I will deliver this baby early and to prepare for a very long hospital stay. I was shocked, to say the least. Especially after two very normal pregnancies that resulted in going over my due date with 8lb babies! My last pregnancy I was 1.5 weeks late and my son was 8lb 13oz!

In the hospital, they discovered a small placenta abruption (about 2-3 cm) and the bleeding was causing some contractions. I stayed overnight and then they gave me the option of going home on bedrest, which I took. I was home for a couple days and then had another episode of some small gushes, so back I went.

Yesterday at my u/s, they discovered that the tear they saw 5 days ago seems to have healed, but now I have a hematoma about 3cm in diameter. I will be 25 weeks on Friday. They decided to transfer me to a hospital with a higher level nicu just in case I deliver early.

It's scary but reading so many success stories has me very optomistic!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! They are very scary but most of them do heal from what I read. I think you and your baby will be just fine :) Please keep us posted
All those fears that you have at the moment i felt the same. Reading your stories still makes me worry and yet im not expecting anymore. Only a select few people knew i was expecting as i live a few hours drive from where i was born and grew up. My close family knew but as for other friends they didnt even know as i wanted to see them face to face. Then tell them that i hadnt been out because of the sch, as it kept me in a lot.

Some babies are born and the mother still has her sch. My friend had problems with her placenta which was low/ torn and coming away. Plus she had 2 sch at the moment shes 28weeks. The hospital dont seem to care about her sch and one of them were under the placenta. They dont measure them anymore, the main concern is the placenta. She bleed for over 12 weeks and now everything seems fine. From what i can remember as the baby gets bigger its harder to measure the sch and its of less risk as the baby ends up squashes the sch. Sch presents more problems in early pregnancy, however just because you have one dont mean your have problems. Many women go on to deliver a healthy baby. I know i have lost my son but im in the minority of women who loose a baby and have had a sch.

Please take things easy xx
hey ladies

Just a quick update (and a recap)... at 5+4 I had an episode of bleeding along with pain very low down in my abdomen.. I had a scan the next day that showed a healthy baby but what the ER doc called a "partial seperation". I was sent home with no real info and nothing about follow up. At 8+3 I again had an episode of severe cramping and bleeding. I was at work at the time (I am an ICU RN) so went down to the ER at the hospital where I work.
They used a portable u/s and couldn't say whether or not there was a heartbeat.... was sent home with a proper u/s booked for the next day. After the proper u/s I was told that once again baby looked good but this time I had TWO SCH's... this time it was actually explained and I was put on modified bedrest.....

I am super happy to report that at my followup u/s there is "no evidence of a subchorionic hematoma". I am now 12+5 and feeling good. I have had no more episodes of bleeding. Good luck to you all and to those who have suffered a loss I am so very sorry.
They are so scary. Glad you are better. My husband works nights sometimes and I have our 18 month old a lot and its hard because I have to try not to lift him but i have to sometimes. I hope i dont make anything worse :(
hi everyone, so glad i founf this group, im currently 11 weeks pregnant with my 5th baby, at 6 weeks i bled so heavy that AnE told me i had miscarried, went for a scan the next day to check and the baby was fine, since then i have had several episodes of heavy bleeding bright red blood, bleeding that is soaking through more than 2 pads an hour and that just pours out of me :( found out yesterday its a SCH have not been told any information about it just that its 3cm -1cm - 1cm so assuming its quite small but im bleeding so so heavy i dont get that :( the other night i bled so heavy it ruined my matress , im so so scared and confused :( xxx
Hi im just popping in here for some help. I havent been diagnose with SCH but think i may have one. im 14+1 now at 6 weeks i had some brown spotting which i put down to intercourse (which hubby has banned me of since until this resolves!!) had the odd day or two of a brown spot here and there but nothing major just ignore it until 13 weeks exactly.

i woke up feeling 'wet' went to loo and noticed the blood on jammas and it began pouring from me. i wore a maxi pad which i soaked in 2 hours then another which took about 4-5 hrs to soak as it seemed to slow right down after the initial bleed. i felt ok and no pain but went to the early unit who scanned me and said they can see no cause for the bleed? ive since been spotting brown when i wipe but sometimes quite heavy and with stringy clotty things ever since.

im so frightened, upset and worried. i just dont know what to do or think. every time i see the brown im afraid and feels like not resolving. do you think this sounds like sch? hospital jsut said ' looks ok right now we dont know what it is carry on as normal'. ive tried to take it easy a bit where i can and just gentle walking form time to time.

hard ot push for more advice in uk as not readily available for specialists as it is in US.........
Hi everyone! I'm new here, so let's hope I'm doing this right. I'm currently 6wks/ 5days. Yesterday I went to the restroom only to discover I had started to bleed. We rushed to the ER and there they did an US and diagnosed me with SCH. They said this may be an impending miscarriage. I am so lost and sad! This will be our 3rd baby. I have two girls ages 9 and 6, and never had any issues during their pregnancies. I was also a lot younger (19 and 22). I'm now 29. It's comforting to see everyones story. I have a lot if hope because my babys heartbeat was visible at 101bpm. This seems like a form of torture to not know what the outcome is going to be. I think the worst part is that I don't know what I'd say if I have to tell my girls. We just told them the good news. They'll be soooo sad! :shrug:
I'm so sorry your going through this. I was diagnosed at 6 weeks 2 days it sucks. just try to take it easy. A lot of women that have a sch go on to have a healthy pregnancy. I did with my son. I had the same thing with him. I hope I'm as lucky this time around. Good luck hun :)
Hi i am 16 weeks pregnant i was bleeding at 8weeks till now red and brown on and off and last week came out big clot of blood i thought that i lose the baby but he was ok they told me its SCH 10cm *3.5cm they put me at bedrest but i cant cause i have two littel children 2.6years and 10 month they give me cyclogest400 mg twice aday hows like me and what to doing?

I give birth of my daughter 31 october at 24weeks and weighing 650 grams sat 55 days in in NICU and died

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