Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

This is my second SCH I had one with my son. I carried him to full term. I'm still bleeding with this one and hoping for the best. I am so very sorry for your loss. :hugs:
Thanks for the reply. My family and I will pray that you have another success!!
By the way, I was often called "Lossie" growing up because my cousin couldn't pronounce my name correctly. My name choice has nothing to do with our loss. :winkwink:
Lossiemommie - I was told by my ob that sch is a completely random occurrence. It could happen with trauma though. I'm so sorry for your loss. I also had a miscarriage in sep 11 at 7 weeks...

I started to bleed again today. I felt a small gush and saw lots of dark brown blood on my pad...that after 3 weeks of no spotting and bleeding...I'm going to hold onto my ob's word that it's the clot liquifying and working his way out. He predicted it would happen. But it's still so scary!

Sunshine - our Edds are similar! I'm just one day ahead due on 18 aug.
Oh wow we are right there together :) I am still spotting but hoping it stops. My Dr doesn't have me on bed rest only pelvic rest. They told me they will either heal or they won't. I was like gee thanks :(
Lossiemommie - I was told by my ob that sch is a completely random occurrence. It could happen with trauma though. I'm so sorry for your loss. I also had a miscarriage in sep 11 at 7 weeks...

I started to bleed again today. I felt a small gush and saw lots of dark brown blood on my pad...that after 3 weeks of no spotting and bleeding...I'm going to hold onto my ob's word that it's the clot liquifying and working his way out. He predicted it would happen. But it's still so scary!

Sunshine - our Edds are similar! I'm just one day ahead due on 18 aug.

Thanks for your info. So sorry to hear of your loss and will pray that this pregnancy will be your success - just take it easy and as much as possible don't stress! :winkwink:
Hi all. I'm new to this site. I am 16 wks pregnant have have a large SCH. My ob specialist said most cases this results in very preterm labor. Anyone go through this, this far along in their pregnancy and have any advice or encouragement? The doctor did not make this sound good.
Charlottee, Jenny - that's great news! Congrats!

Heather - sorry u have to go through this with us. My ob said that pre term labour could happen but it is quite an uncommon occurrence even with a large sch. The prognosis depends on the location of the clot wrt placenta and size of clot relative to baby. He said if the wound that caused the bleeding heals, most clots will start to resolve in 4-5 weeks. Big clots (like mine) may take 8-10 weeks to start getting significantly smaller. He gave a 90% success rate and told me not to worry about it. But of course not worrying is impossible to do...anyway I realized that it depends on the dr. My original ob gave me a 50-50 chance. But she sees a lot less of these cases.

I'm still bleeding brown gunk today but lesser...
I am so glad I came across this forum. I am currently 15 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I was unfortunate to experience subchorionic hematomas twice! The first one was at 8 weeks and was huge- twice the size of the sac and it got healed completely by week 13. I started running around and doing too much stuff and at week 15 I started gushing blood. It turns out I have a new small/moderate size hematoma near the cervix , on US the baby was doing fine. I cannot forgive myself for causing this one... Have you heard of early second trimester hematomas healing themselves? I only had blood for three days and am not spotting at all right.
Jenny- thank you so much for responding. Already I feel better about what I am going through. The OB Specialist kept referring to my hemorrhage as "huge" (not the choice of adjectives I would have used with a patient). He really scared me that I would be delivering a premature baby and also gave me the option to end the pregnancy, which I will not do.

I have had two major bleeds, the hemorrhage started small and in the 1.5 month since my first bleed has quadrupled in size. This last US it has not grown, which is a relief, but since I am 16 wk 5 dy along the doctor made it sound serious.

Does anyone know if the hemorrhage can last the entire pregnancy? From what I've been reading it seems they usually go away by 20 weeks.
"Huge" is a word I keep hearing about mine too. My original ob (whom I love but probably won't see again because she scares me) keeps saying that I've got the biggest clot she has ever seen. But look for the stories online. There are many women with huge clots that have gone on to carry babies to full term. There are bad outcomes but there are more successful ones that are reported. I dunno, but even if the odds are really 50-50, we will fight this! My current ob only said that bigger ones take a longer time to heal...but no matter the size they all do get smaller eventually.

Since your clot has not grown - that is good news! Most do clear up by 20 weeks or by then baby would have grown much bigger making the clot insignificant. But my ob said it really is the time that elapsed since the big red bleed. Another I have read about is progesterone supplements to prevent pre term labour. My ob said that if my clot is still significant at 20 weeks, they may start me on that.

Pchelkabee - the big bleeds can happen anytime. Even though I am on bed rest, I just had a major brown bleed 2 days ago... Even lying down, when it bleeds it just does. Like a period I guess. And I don't see any reason why your clot won't heal again. Having the bleed probably resets the timer, but there's really no reason why it wouldn't resolve again. Is the clot at the same site as the previos one?
If any of you ladies don't mind me asking, what size is your hemorrhage? Mine started at 3cm and is now 10cm (which is has stayed at for 3 weeks now. Some places I read this is really big and some I read that this is not that bad. I haven't had a big bleed in about a month now, which seems like good news.

Having the SCH is so confusing since they doctor's can't give us an definite answers.... it's just a waiting game.
I hear you about the waiting game.:wacko: It never seems as though they know enough. I really wish there was someone to really research this frustrating pregnancy issue.

Keep your head up and take care of yourself - stress is your worst enemy!:pop:
Heather - mine started at 10cm. Then it seemed to pool towards the cervix and became a fatter 7cm mass. And now I am bleeding goopy brown stuff so I'm hoping it's the clot making it's way out. Won't get an ultrasound till end next week. The suspense is just awful! No more big red bleeds is definitely a good thing, hope they stay away!
mine is near the cervix, from your understanding is it more or less dangerous?
Goodluckbear- Thanks for your response! Did yours start small, then grow and then shrink? How long between the time it was at it's largest to the time it went down to 7cm?

My hemorrhage is kind of in a upside down L shape. Not sure where it is located, going to call today and see if they can tell me this!
I don't know if it's more or less dangerous, but at least it is not affecting the placenta. I was told that means 2 good things: baby grows properly. And placenta probably won't abrupt and develops properly. But it also means we bleed more since there is a path for the fluid to come out.

I'm still bleeding oodles of yucky rusty brown... Really don't know if this is a good or bad thing...

Heather - the snapshots were taken 2 weeks apart... But I must add that they were done by different people. So part of me wonders if they saw it differently because the scan stick was in different angles. And it did not go down. Just fatter. Total volume actually looked bigger... But I am trying to convince myself that it is the same just different shape.
Good evening Ladies

I'm so glad I have found this SCH group.
I am 14+4 and have had 3 huge bleeds, 2 small bleeds and bleed since 7+3. Thankfully, since the 9th February I havent had any red blood, it is brown blood, many different shade and sometimes very dark. I have also had some tissue type stuff coming away too. I am hoping this is the hematoma breaking down. (sorry tmi)

I had a copy of a letter from my consultant to my doctor yesterday which said I have a extra-chorionic haematoma measuring 6 x 3 x 1.5 cm's.
I dont know what the difference is between a SCH and a extra-chorionic haematoma............. does anyone else?
The letter also stated that the hematoma is lifting up the edge of the placenta, I was quite shocked to learn this as my consultant scanned me and showed me where the hematoma was, but never mentioned this.

Does anyone know if Hematoma's can affect NT results? Mine came back with 1:110 so due to have an amnio on 1 March too

I hope your hematoma's resolve themselves soon :hugs:

Keep in touch, there is some fab info on here :thumbup:
Lockzie - we have the exact same due date! I don't know if these things affect nt results. But I have come across several posts where people were advised against doing the blood test if they had bled recently. Something about hormones going a little haywire while the body repairs itself. And those tests are famous for false positives. Did your scan look ok? If so, then your baby is probably alright.

I am still bleeding that brown stuff too! One liner full once a day and spotting the rest of the day. Nervous about my appointment tomorrow. Really not sure what to expect. I'm so scared of moving around that I am mostly still on bed rest. Heh...

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