Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hiya Goodluckbear,

Thanks for your reply and good luck with your appointment tomorrow, Fingers crossed that the heamtoma has reduced in size or gone altogether.

The NT scan measurements were good, 1.2mm, it was my bloods that brought the risk to 1:110, as well as my age. When I had my NT scan(11+5) the sonographer said she couldnt see a hematoma.
When I went to see my consultant a week later (12+5), I mentioned that I was had been bleeding since week 7 and was feeling a bit crampy, he scanned me and said I had a hematoma which was a teardrop shape. I wish that I could stop bleeding, I am soooooo fed up of it :(

Will be thinking of you tomorrow and so hope you get some good news :thumbup:
The scan showed that the hematoma is still there... But slightly smaller... It's now 5.5x1.8x? Cm They didnt get the width. Going back again in 3 weeks... Guess the important thing is that baby is fine. But gah! Stupid clot is still there! Oh, this time they weren't sure if it's going to be a boy or girl. One moment if looked like boy but the legs closed up before it could be confirmed. Looks like we got a shy one here :)

1.2mm is a very good result. Fx is just a false alarm. It probably is with all the bleeding. Did you manage to ask your dr if it affects the result? I asked the 2 doctors I saw. One was convinced that it would not affect the test, the other was mixed about it. Think the argument was that they were not measuring the hormones that could change if we bleed. But the 2nd dr said that no one can be sure.

I'm told to expect more brown stuff. And that's ok as long as it doesn't get exceedingly heavy, be accompanied by bad cramps or turns red...
I'm sorry you could still see the hematoma, but on a positive note, it is smaller :thumbup: so that is a good thing..............let hope it continues to decrease
Awww..... what a shame they could see if it was a boy or a girl, fingers crossed you will find out in 3 weeks. I guess the only good thing about a hematoma is all the scans ( I would rather not have a hematome tho!!)

When I had my NT scan and bloods the hematoma didnt show up on the scan so I guessed it had gone, I saw the consultant the following week where he scanned me and showed me the hematoma. It wasnt until I got a copy of the letter the other day where it stated "The risk in reality is probably less because she has quite a large bleeds in early pregnancy ....." so I am not sure the risk is now the less that 1:110 or I have less risk of having a baby with DS. I didnt really know to ask him at the time. I will ask him next week when I see him.

I was also told to expect a "brown trickle" throughout this pregnancy. I havent seen any red blood since 9th February and hope I dont!.

I bought myself a hi-bebe dopler from ebay which has reasured me greatly. I couldnt do without it.

Are you in the uk?

Hi i was diagnosed with a hematoma at 5w5d and it measured 50%. I went back 2weeks later and it had grew to 70%. I had my third scan another 2 weeks later where I found it had shrunk to 50%. this Saturday I had a massive bleed and was admitted to hospital where I was told I might need a blood transfusion, after doing tests and a scan they discovered it was my hematoma bleeding away, I'm now left with around 25%. got another scan tomorrow and I'm hoping it's absorbing. I'm currently 12w1d and baby's fine.
Lockzie - All the best for your amnio on Thursday! Hope they find that the sch us gone/ greatly reduced and that your amnio results show that baby is ok!

Mumtotwinnies - fx your scan goes well tomorrow!

I'm getting cramps. Mild ones. Low down in the abdomen. Can't tell if they are normal round ligament pains or sch stuff. How to tell the difference?
Goodluckbear: I am having small cramps too. I am figuring it's normal due to the fact I do have a large hemorrhage in the area. Sneezing especially hurts these days!

I have my 2 week ultrasound tomorrow. So anxious! Last time my hemorrhage was measuring at 9cm and the ob specialist was not making the outcome sound good. I have been spotting and had small, stringy clots. I think this is good since it is dark blood, hoping this is my clot bleeding out!!
Heather - fx the scan shows the much smaller! I am convinced that the brown/dark stuff is the clot coming out.

My cramps are on the left. But the clot is to the right. Sometimes I wonder if it's just gas or constipation...
Mumtotwinnies and 49heather - Hope all goes well with your scans today..... FX that the hematoma's have reduced in size or disappeared all together, let us know your news

Goodluckbear - Thanks for your wishes......... I am starting to get a bit anxious now, I dont know if the the hematoma will cause any problems with the amnio.
This past 24 hours I have noticed that my bleeding has slowed down a lot, to virtually just when I wipe. I hope that it has bled itself out and gone for good. I will find out on Thursday!!
I have also been having mild cramps and the odd twinge here and there, I have put it down to the uterus moving up as I am starting to "sprout" a little bump

Good luck ladies, I am wishing us all rapidly disappearing hematomas :hugs:
Have you called your dr with your concerns? You don't have to get the amnio now if you are planning to keep the baby anyway. After the 20 week scan and quad screening, maybe you would find that you won't need an amnio anyway? From your report, it sounds like they have doubts about the test being accurate too.

My brown is slowing down too. Hope it is a good thing. Well one good news I got today wad a call from my boss. They aren't expecting me back to work till next year. At least I don't have to worry about work for now.
I will speak to the consultant tomorrow when I see him, I will make my mind up if the hematoma is gone or not. I guess I am just getting anxious about it all

My bleeding is a little heavier this morning, and has very very fine bits in it like tiny sand grains, hoping it is the tail end of it all :)
I had my scan, baby's fine and I'm due 9th September. I was really shocked to see that the hematoma is practically gone, they say it should have vanished completely by my 20week scan. I'm still shocked that it was able to reduce from a massive 70% to a tiny 5%. someone must be looking over us =D
MumToTwinnies - So pleased for you to hear your hematoma has nearly gone, you must be thrilled :thumbup: I am hoping I can hear that news as well tomorrow :hugs:
Hi ladies... I had my 18 week scan yesterday. The hemorrhage is still at 9cm, same it has been for over a month now. The doctor's are saying this is pretty big. I am still on moderate bedrest until this hopefully resolves. Not the best of news.

I do have a question, have any of your babies had blood in their stomach or intestines that you've seen in your scans? My doctor said my babies organs were brighter white, which means she is swallowing blood. One thing this could mean is down syndrome, but the doctor highly ruled this out due to my age and the fact that I have such a large hematoma right next to the baby. He said swallowing blood is not harmful to the baby, but still sounds kind of scary.
MumToTwinnies - That is great! A tiny sch won't be a bother at all. Hope it goes away completely at your next scan.

Heather - it's easy to fall into the trap of being super worried. I'm guilty of that too and if anything I am quite obsessed by this whole sch business. But bear in mind that these things do take a long time to heal. I don't know much about echogenic bowels (I think that's what it's called) except that I've read that it's harmless to the baby and will go away with the clot. I know you are concerned about having an Sch at 18 weeks. I'm not quite there yet, though I know this thing will probably still be there at my 18 week scan. I found this post on another site with women going through a similar experience : You are not alone in this and if you track back to the really older posts of a similar nature, you will find that the mums do end up with a healthy baby. Also, you might want to get the other two dimensions. Maybe it is decreasing in width? Btw, are you planning to get referral to a peri? They see a lot more of these cases and would be able to give you more insights? Usually, they are more optimistic I think. Mine sees all sorts of funny cases that an sch just doesn't seem like a big deal to him, whereas my ob is all doom and gloom. It helped me a lot to hear someone see my condition and give positive vibes.

Lockzie - fx for your scan today!

My brown has stopped abruptly. Strange that it did because I know my clot is still there. It's so frustrating not knowing what's going on inside...
Goodluckbear- thanks for the link to the baby center group. The one post is just like what I'm going through. I am being as optimistic and positive about the entire thing as I can. There is nothing more I can do than stay calm and still and hope this SCH goes away. They did a scan of my cervix and it is still very long and closed, so I don't go for another u/s for a month. This is going to one VERY long month!
Heather - sorry to hear your hematoma is still with you, my fingers are crossed that it will disappear very soon.
It is such a difficult time, especially being told information at an appointment but not having the knowledge to understand what it really means. I have been left feeling like that too at times and it is awful.
We all have something in us that guides and gets us through these tough times. I think it is the waiting that is the difficult bit, it never seems to end in pregnancy, from ttc, to the 2ww, to the first scan etc. We just have a few more waits than most!!
We are all here to support each other and hopefully make the wait go a bit quicker :flower: :hugs:
Thanks Goodluckbear

lets hope that your hematoma has gone as the bleeding has stopped.
I had some bleeding yesterday during the day, but it appears to stop during the evening and night. I dont really have much for far this morning.

I feel very calm this morning, 3 hours to go........ Ahhhhhhhh!!
Im back and all done....... phew!! It didnt really hurt thank goodness. I didnt look at the screen while it was being done, I had my eyes closed all the time lol.
I will have to wait for about 2+ weeks fort he results as the hematoma has bled into the sac and the consultant thinks it is highly unlikely that I will get the quick results on Monday...........Doh, more waiting!! He said the fluid was like pea and ham soup, but wouldnt affect / harm the baby
Anyway, the hematoma has got smaller by about 50% The consultant didnt seem to bothered about the hematoma.
Lockzie- that is great news to hear your hematoma has decreased in size by 50%! I also want to thank you for the support. I am holding on, as we all are. I guess the hardest part about this is that I feel perfectly fine and it's so hard to stay still when I feel so good. I almost wish I felt sick or something so that I wanted to stay put all day.
Lockzie - a shrinking hematoma is fantastic news! Sounds like it really wouldn't be a bother anymore. Rest up well!

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