Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi All,

I'm lying on the couch today after a massive haemorrhage yesterday. I had extreme pain at 3pm (which I didn't know at the time was the haemorrhage bursting) followed by about 4 pads worth of bright red blood but no clots.

Went to the ER and they sent me home after blood test and told me to come back in the morning for a scan. I stopped bleeding by around 11:30pm and then passed some clots in the morning. I was sure I was miscarrying.

Scan showed a big healthy baby with a strong heart beat and everything fine but a Posterior SCH measuring around 7cmx7cmx2cm (post bleed).

I'm on modified bedrest (allowed to work as a photographer part time and do light things around the house but no cleaning, exercise, sex or lifting) and overjoyed my baby is ok but very very scared for the future. The midwives seemed pretty positive though. They told me that in my case it will only be bad or the baby if it gets much much larger or i bleed a lot lot more. I'm having scans every 2 weeks.

Lots of message boards all talk about loss and seem very scary but this one seemed to have a few people with positive experiences. I hope my baby will be ok too.

Just to let you know, I was admitted in to hospital yesterday afternoon as I started to lose fluid, quite a lot of it too. Just had a scan this morning, Baby alive and moving, there is quite a loss of fluid in the sac tho, waiting for the doctor to come round now, I feel distraught :'-(
Katie - How far along are you? Most of us here have been through the scary big bleed. I bled bright red at 10 weeks for 6 hours which left me with a huge sch. From what I understand, these things take a long time to heal. My dr said that no matter how big, they usually resolve themselves within 10 weeks. The advise is bed rest and plenty of fluids. When actively bleeding or spotting, don't sit up. That will reduce pressure on the uterus and let it heal.

Lockzie - Make sure they put you on bed rest and drink lots of fluid. Will pray for you!
Goodluckbear- Yes I am now 14 weeks... the baby was big and healthy and active with a strong heartbeat but I know all that can change so quickly and everytime I see more blood I get so scared for the baby's safety.

I think my Haemotoma is quite large but I'm not sure because I can't find a measurement of the sac on my scan... but it's 73x74x21mm so that seems really large.

The baby is CRL 77.2 so it's a bit smaller than the baby... and there was 'normal' fluid levels and I haven't lost any fluid or mucous.

I think I will be doing a bit more lying down and a bit less sitting up and walking/standing. I'm just so scared of losing my baby especially when I've made it to 2nd tri!!

Placenta is anterior and haemorrhage is posterior so heres hoping this means baby is safer...
Lockzie - I found this on the Internet. it's a study about the outcome of ruptures after an amnio. The results are pretty promising. Despite the complications, there is still lots of hope! This is a difficult time. Be strong for baby. Pull through.

Katie - mine started at 10cm, close to 11cm. It was a crescent wrapped around the gestational sac and over my cervix. I bled red for 4 days. Heavy on the first and spotting the last 3 days. Then absolutely nothing for 3.5 weeks before I bled brown gunk. The brown has stopped abruptly after bleeding for 2 weeks. I know my clot is still there and at last measurement at 14w6d was 5.5cm, so I have no idea what is happening now. Fx it reabsorbs. But my dr did say that if it's not active (not bleeding red or growing) it's not a problem. He also said that if baby is strong and healthy, then things are definitely looking good!
Hi all

Just a quick update.....
I was able to come home yesterday after spendning one night in hospital, I am on total bedrest, other than going to the loo. I am also on erythromycin. I go back to hospital on Monday morning for a scan and bloods etc. The fluid was very low and the doctors said it didnt look good on Friday.
I have to go back to hospital if I start contracting, bleeding or develop a fever.
Since this morning I am no longer losing any fluid, I guess, either I have no fluid left to lose or what I am hoping is that the membrane has resealed

I am wondering what I did in a previous life that must have been so bad!!!!!!

Hope you are well xx
Oh Lockzie, rest up well! Fx the membrane re-seals. Fluids do get replenished. Will continue to pray for you. ((hugs))
Im very sorry to hear about everyones problems but it reasuring to feel im not alone. Im suppose to be 7 weeks but after early scan for spotting was put back a week maybe 2! Sunday i wome to a period type bleed that has continued today, doesnt soak pads but is deffinatley pure blood on wiping tmi sorry. I had come to terms as best i could that i was misscarrying until i found this thread. I even went to my booking appointment today and declined having my green notes done to nit waste the midwives time.
Anyway i have the occasional mild pain/cramp maybe could it be a subh? Has anyone else had anything like this? Please be honest i would rather the truth no matter how awful!
Thanks all x
Kittenclare - it's hard to tell with these things. Bleeding with sch is intense but it does taper off after a day or two. If you are still bleeding, do get checked out by a dr asap. I cramped badly when bleeding red. But that lasted only a few hours. I did have an mc prior and that felt very different. In that case, the bleeding and cramping never stopped and got worse over 3 days until I had a d&c when they could not find the hb.
Hi all :flower:
I've been stalking this group for a few weeks, after being diagnosed with an sch at 11& 6. I'm so sorry to hear there are others going through this horrible experience :(
This is my second baby and my first pregnancy went completely by the book, naively I thought this time would be the same. I've. had no morning sickness at all this timeround, but then at 11&6 I woke up to use the toilet at 3am and I had a huge gush of bright red blood. i'd had quite bad cramps/pains for 2 days prior and had been feeling very dizzy the day before it happend, but put it down to round ligament pain, and jst being busy with my 18mnth old daughter.
We went to the ER where I had to wait for 5 hours while I believed that i was having a miscarriage. When I was eventualy seen I was rushed through for a scan, and I honwstly didn't know whether I'd be seeing my baby alive. Fortunately there was bubs stretching & wrigglng without a care in the world! She said Id had quite a substantial bleed, but that the sch was on the opposite side to the placenta which was good :)

Everything settled down & bleeding & pains stopped within a few day. I had more light brown bleeding on a few days last. week, which I thought was to be expected, had my 12wk scan on Saturday (12&5) and although baby didn't move she said it was growing well & we got to hear the heartbeat :) she did say however that the sch had grown slightly, which dissapointed me a bit.

This morning I woke up to use the toilet and again had quite a big bleed, but didnt go to ER as the blood was dark red this time which I was undwr the impression was. old blood. Made an aptmnt with my GP, and was told that this was a new bleed as it had settled down before this, and that dark red means it has somthing to do with a clot? She said it could be a 'missed abortion' meaning baby has already died, and prepared me for that possibility , I feel devestated :cry:

I was told to go home and rest/ do nothing for the next day or 2 & if bleeding or pain dosnt stop, or gets worse go back to the ER for another scan. I just feel so lost and alone with all this & i feel guilty that my body is letting my baby down :cry: I've been trying to stay positive but its hard now when I don't even know if my baby is alive :cry:
Hi all.. just found this board and I thought I'd share our experience with the joys of SCH. On February 22, my wife called me at work telling me she is bleeding heavy at 11w4d. So I drop everything, pick her up from her work and head to the ER. Five hours after waiting in the ER, we finally get seen. They did a pelvic exam which showed the cervix was closed. Blood work came out normal. Finally the ER dr on call comes with a portable ultrasound machine. We got to the see the baby moving and dancing and having no issues. The dr could not measure the heart beat since he could not operate the ultrasound machine:growlmad:. Anyway, they send us home with no explanatiom except that the baby is good and just to call our OB the next day.
We were scheduled for our NT scan on February 27, but we called the OB office the next day and they said to come in and they will do the NT scan and look for what caused the bleeding. The NT scan was normal and no issues there. They were able to find SCH which measured 40mmx8mmx33mm which was causing the bleeding. They were not concerned about the size of it since it is small and just told us to take it easy, no sex, just pelvic rest. They scheduled us for anothe ultrasound at 16 weeks to check on thing.
While we were at the office going over the results, they have asked us if we would like to participate in a survey done by the National Health Institute about baby weight which includes multiple free 3D ultra sounds through out the pregnancy which we accepted.
We had our first session last Monday. We were excited to see the baby in 3D and all that good stuff, then came the shock that SCH had gotten bigger. Now it measured at 72mmx15mmx24mm. The Dr on in charge of the study was really gloomy and told us to kina expect the worse which realy was upsetting.
So since Monday we have been really kinda worried about things. Since the first bleeding on February 22nd, luckily we have not had any bleeding. My wife is still going through the dark brown discharge though which we are ready for it to stop. The OB told us as long as it stays brown, we should not worry. It seems that overnight my wife gets most of the discharge but during the day it is very small.
The OB still thinks we should not worry since the baby is now almost 14 weeks and just we need to monitor the SCH every month until it goes away we hope. No bed rest, just pelvic rest.
Sorry for the long post. Any thoughts or ideas to help get through this will be greatly appreciated
Hello Newdad39 & Curiouser5

SCH can be very scary, it is good that you are being monitored. Apart from that, expect bleeding, lots of different shades!! I had 3 very BIG gushes of red blood, felt like pints of blood and thought I had lost the baby each time, but the scan showed a baby swimming around happily.
My last big bleed was about at 11 weeks and since then I have had 2 smaller red bleeds, the last one at about 13 weeks. I have had a brown blood discharge since my first bleed at 7 weeks. My hematoma double in size within a few weeks, but at 15+5 it had reduced by half and the brown bleeding was minimal.
I carried on with normal activities with my hematoma, I think the longer it is present, it is something that you learn to live with. The bit that is tough, is the waiting and the uncertainty of what the hematoma is doing.

Good luck and keep us updated, there are some fabulous supportive ladies on this group, who are happy to help in anyway they can :hugs:
It has been a bit quiet with updates............... how are you ladies getting on? FX that your hematomas are behaving and reducing! :hugs:

An update on my latest complications....... I had another scan this morning and I have 3 pockets of fluid around the baby, I had none on Monday, so this is really good news. The consultant said I am not out of the woods yet, but on the edge of the woods. I am just taking one day at a time, resting and drinking lots of fluid. I have a scan next Thursday, so I hope things improve even more xx
Hi Lockzie..Thanks for your response and supportive thoughts. I agree with you, the hardest part is just waiting for the brown discharge to stop and just waiting till the next ultrasound date. Our next ultrasound date is not till April 5th which seems for ever.
As you have said, it is something we have to learn to live with for sure. I am glad I found this group here. It has been very helpful to read all the positive stories here. I will keep you all updated for sure .
Newdad39- I'm sorry to hear your wife is having the same problem, it really is hard to understand why these things happen, especially when the medical staff dont seem to be able to offer a reasonable explanation, apart from ' it just happens sometimes to some people. Like you I'm finding this msg board is very reasuring so far and I really hope things settle down for you guys, & your next scan goes well :flower:

Lockzie-Thank you so much for your reasuring comment! I have finally got an apointmnt for an emergancy scan tomorrow morning, as I've continued to have pains & bleeding.After being told nothing but to hope for the best but expect the worst sonce this last big bleed, hearing your story has really given me back some hope, I really appreciate it :) I'm so happy to hear it was good news at your apointment fx things keep improving for you :flower:
Thank you Curiouser5. As I was reading your post, seems like we had the same ER experience. I hope all goes well for you in your appointment tomorrow. We do not have an ultrasounbd appointment till April 5th which is really sounding very faaaaaaaar right now. We do have our monthly OB appointment on March 14th but I doubt they will be doing an ultrasound then. What has been comforting to us is that we have a fetal heart doppler which we have been using to listen to the baby heart beat every other day which has been very comforting for sure. Good luck tomorrow and keep thinking positive and hopeful
Newdad39 & Curiouser5

Im not sure where you both are in the world, but my experience in the UK is that the doctors wont really commit to giving much information and paint a gloomy picture. I was told my sch was just a bruise, nothing about what to expect. I was left wondering if I should be bleeding for so long. I have bled from week 7 to 16. Sometimes it tails off and sometimes it is heavier. Sometimes it has bits of fleshy stuff in it, which I think was bits of the hematoma breaking down. Sometimes the colour is brown, other times it has nearly been black, too much info I know, but it is best you know to stop you worring. When I had big bleeds, I passed some whopping big clots, which scared the life out of me.

Try not to panic too much, I know it is easier said than done. What has helped me during this time is a dopler, where I can hear the heartbeat, so I guess it stopped some of the anxiety waiting long periods of time between scans. I bought a Hi-Bebe LCD dopler from eBay. I will sell it on eBay when I have finished it..... renting a dopler seems a waste of money to me.

Just something also to be aware of....... if you are thinking of having invasive genetic testing like a CVS or amnio, talk in depth with your consultant, after my membrane ruptured last Thursday following an amnio, I have done a lot of reading and quite a few pprom (preterm premature rupture of membranes) due to amnio's have have a sch.

Hope this helps :hugs:

PS...... Curiouser5, good luck with your scan tomorrow, I'm sure all will be fine xx
Lockzie - yay for the pockets of fluids!

Curioser5 - it's always a good idea to get checked after each major red bleeding episode. My ob told me to call anytime I see red, regardless if the amount. The colors can be confusing, especially dark red. I got that the day after my big bleed. So even if it's old blood, it still warrants a check as it's not too old. Insist on it. We're paying them afterall!

Newdad - brown is good. I am convinced that it's the clot making it's way out. I bled brown for 2 weeks during which my clot reduced in size. I have mixed feelings about getting checked frequently. Initially my ob wanted to see me weekly. But I got so stressed and freaked out after each scan that I asked to be seen every 2-3 weeks instead. These things take a very long time to heal. Mine was 7x3x2cm at 12w2d. After bleeding a ton of brown, it got down to 5.5x2cm at 14w6d. In the ultrasound, I can see that the parts where the hematoma used to be is greyed out. So the brown must be from the clot.

My brown has stopped. But my clot is still there... The good thing is now at 16w, once in a while I can fell baby move which is so reassuring! I'm still on bedrest though. I think for as long as that clot is there, I don't plan to lift restrictions. Been feeling crampy the past few days, but I think it's mostly from gas rather than clot.

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