Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Lockzie, I am in the United States .. The first ultrasound technician and dr who reviewed our initial SCH were much better informing us about it. They were re-asuring and told it us it will go away with care and time. The second one was a whole different story. The first word that came out of her mind was ms which shocked us, she was just not cheerful. Thank God we have the doppler for sure. We bought ours as well and plan to keep it for future pregnancies :).
Goodluckbear thanks for your positive support. I hope your SCH will go away :). The nurse told us as long as we get brown, we are good. I think it just we are ready for it to be over with lol. Just need a break lol. Also, I have to learn to be patient as well and let nature take its course. The nurse also told us to call them anytime we get any blood spotting.The told us to just take it easy, pelvic rest for now and my wife can continue going to work unless she bleeds again. On the weekend, my wife will be on bed rest for sure. Hopefully by the time our next appointment on April 5th, it will shrink and we will get good news :)
So after experiencing more pain & spotting yesterday i decided to go back to the ER as my GP had assured me they would definatley scan to check baby was ok. When i eventually got through to see a doctor they refused to give me a scan or check the heartbeat (i got the impression this was because i'd had a scan there 2 1/2 wks ago for different bleed)

I was asked alot of questions & she said she would do a speculum exam to check cervix, & they would get a urine sample etc. I told her i really needed to pee so could i do urine test first, she told me they would put a drip in first, so she put the needle thing in my arm (no drip tho) and still wouldn't let me use toilet, she left came back quite a while later & told me she had spoken to a consultant and they wouldnt be taking ANY action at this point. She said it sounds like a misscariage, but if bleeding stopped it might not be, but the bleed was definatley not from the sch & if i wanted a scan to get a referal from my gp, but there was no rush! I then had the needle thing taken out & told to go home - I was sooo angry!:growlmad: They liteteraly refused tp check me or bubs out :growlmad:

I imediatly got an aptmnt with a GP, who was surprised they wouldnt scan me & straight away gave me the referal for emergency scan to make sure baby was still alive. Had another big bleed this morning a few hours before scan :cry:

At the scan however it turns out my baby was COMPLETLY FINE!!!!!! I have never. Been so relieved and grateful in my whole life, after being told for the last 2 days my baby was probably dead. It was in fact th sch thats been bleeding!

Lockzie- I live in Australia, we dont even get our first hospital checkup here till 20 weeks.

Goodluckbear- I dont have private health insurance and as a public patient you really don't get much say in anything, & get treated like a seconed rate citizen when it comes to healthcare, in my experience. The hospital ive been going to also has a bad reputation, and the highest newborn mortality rate in my city. I was told thats where ill be having my baby as I'm a public patient & its the closest to me but after this im refusing to give birth there!!
Goodluckbear - So glad to hear you have stopped bleeding and the hematoma is reducing. I too can feel little one moving around, I thought it was muscle twitching to begin with. My bleeding has stopped now, but I am more concerned about leaking amniotic fluid. Gosh...... I have never had such a stressful time other than in these past 10 weeks or so!!!!

:hugs:to all xx
curiouser5 - So pleased to hear all is well with you and your little one. That is the frightening thing with sch, most people assume that the bleeding is a sign of a mc. Medical people will paint a doom and gloom picture, I guess they do have to mentally prepare you for the worst outcome.
I have had several mc's and there is quite a difference between a sch bleed and a mc. I would say when I have a sch bleed, I dont have any pain, although felt a bit odd a few hours before. With a mc, I felt "off colour" about 12 hours before bleeding started and I had pain and contractions which hurt.
I would recommend that you invest in a doppler, for your own peace of mind.
Overall, I have found the care and support from the hospital in the UK, especially over the last week, very good. It was ok with the sch, but my route was always through A&E (ER) When my membrane ruptured after the amnio, I contacted the labour ward as instructed if I had any problems.

Keep strong and remember that the bleeding will probably be from the sch rather than a mc :hugs:

NewDad39 - After all the complications with this pregnancy, I dont plan to have anymore babies, too old now!! x
Lockzie- thanx for your support, I'm glad to hear you are getting good care, especially with your added complications from the amnio :flower:

Newdad39- I know what you mean when you say you just need a break! It's such a scary time & an emotional rollercoaster. Fx all our sch's resolve themselves as quickly as possible! :flower:
Curioser5, I am sorry you had to go through all that stuff with the hospital. I am glad your baby is doing great. We just have to keep the faith that everything is going to turn out great and I am sure it will for all of us.

Beside the stress of having to deal with SCH, I am having to deal with my wife not taking this as serious as she should. I am having hard time convincing her she needs to drink as much water as possible, keep eating her fruits and veggies. Instead she opts for junk food. Last night she decided to put the laundry up much for pelvic rest ..ugh just needed to vent I guess
Hi Newdad39, I agree its very important to try and have faith that our little ones are strong and things will turn out well in the end, even though it can be hard.

I can understand that you feel the need to protect your wife & bub to be, but i also see where your wife is coming from. After I had my first big bleed i took it easy for a few days then carried on as normal because my 12 wk scan was fine apart from sch and i felt ok. So i continued taking my daughter to swimming lessons, rushing around, getting on & off busses with a heavy pram, lifting & carrying my 15kg daughter! I put the fact that the brown bleeding had come back to the back of my mind, cos i had things to do. The final straw I think was when I went with my OH to a music festival on a a 39degree C day, cos the tickets were expensive & I'd gone in my last pregnancy & was fine. Well in the week since that I've had 2 major bleeds & I have definately learnt my lesson. If I want this sch to heal i need to take it seriously, & realize my new limitations.

I know it must be so frustrating for you, but your wife is probably feeling frustrated with her new limitations too, pregnancy is definatley a time of adjustments, jst try to be patient with her & reasure her this isnt forever and once your baby is here it will all be worth every sacrifice you've both made over the last 9 mnths :)
Hi I have stumbled upon this site and for that I am grateful. I started to bleed at 5wks5d
My dr told me to go home and stay off of my feet and basically pray until my next ultrasound, where they would see if there was a heartbeat. I had my Ultrasound yesterday and thank God there was that beautiful little flicker on the screnn :)! The bleeding had gone from bright red and gushing to occasional brown discharge ( sorry if thats tmi) Then today (7wks 2 days) I have light pink spotting again. While I am trying to be hopeful, especially after seeing so many success stories on here. I am wondering how I am possibly going to make it threw this pregnancy? Also while yes I am on bedrest, I am a single mom to a 3yr old and an 18 mth old. my sch was 2x3x1. does anyone know what that means?
Welcome mommyoftwo84

Take comfort in the other ladies and the odd gent that have posted here. What you have described is typical of a sch. Most bleed themselves out around 16+ weeks, or at least reduce in size. Dont be alarmed if your sch gets bigger before getting smaller.
Try not to panic too much, buy yourself a doppler to reduce anxiety if you are unable to get a scan, Mine has been a godsend since I first heard my little ones heartbeat at just gone 11 weeks. You learn to live with a sch

Post any worries on here, lots of ladies going through the same, so it is good to share experiences :hugs:
Mommyoftw84 - sorry you have to join us here. About size of the sch, it's not so much the absolute size. The concern is how big the clot is in relation to the baby. Being a 3d thing, measurements are hard to get on a us. Right now, the concern is whether if the clot bleeds out, how it will affect the baby. But based on your measurements, it sounds moderate-small in size. Are you able to get help to look after your little ones? My mum is taking care of my 2yo in the day. Really appreciate it or I wouldn't be able to do bed rest properly. When it comes to coping, I find immense comfort on reading through the boards , especially the really old threads. The success stories do outnumber the bad ones. There is lots of hope!

Curiouser5 - I am surprised that the hospital did not take you more seriously. But glad to hear that baby is ok! If baby is healthy, chance of mc is low. I think bedrest does help in healing the wound that caused the sch. They are probably right that the bleeding is not from the sch... If it is bright red, then it's from the wound. Sch bleeds are old blood. I did strict bedrest while bleeding red (was in hospital, bedpan and all). It helped to stop the bleed. I was mostly horizontal during that time so as not to put pressure on the uterus.

Newdad - I suppose there will now be a race over who gets to the laundry first :) there's so much debate over the effectiveness of bed rest. I have one dr that says better do it, and another that says it has no effect. Anyway, I found this very informative thread over at the other board: I think the conclusion is it helps with healing the wound that caused the bleed, but not the clot itself?

Lockzie - glad to hear that your bleeding has stopped! Hope your fluids continue to build back up. It's so nice to feel baby move, isn't it? I just got a tummy flu from my 2yo. Nothing serious but it made me worry all the same. When baby moved, I felt so much better!

Took a short break from bed rest yesterday and made a trip to the library. Grabbed all the novels my card would allow me to get. Was great to see a big of civilization after all this time at home. Had a touch of tummy flu. But feel better now that the gas is gone...
Thank you Goodluckbear for the link. It is very helpful for sure. I think alot of people forget to use their commen sense. In cases like this, common sense would dectiate that we should just take it easy and relax. I think resting and taking it easy would be the best choice. I really feel sometimes Dr's do not make sense at all for whatever complex they have and I have had my share of Dr's who are like that. Hope all will be good for all of use and we will get to hold our babies in our hands and I am sure we will be great parents. It is amazing how the little ones cast a spell on you even they are sooo small and in a whole different universe than us.

Lockzie, I am glad to be the odd guy lol. I am glad you ladies accepted me on this forum :)
Mommyoftwo84- I'm sorry to hear you've had a bleed aswell :(
I'm new to the group too & have found the ladies here are very supportive and reassuring. I think its important to try and stay positive and rest as much as possible, which I know can be hard when you have little ones at home - do you have any friends or family that could help you out so you can rest a bit?
I came across a positive statistic today that there is only a 1-3% chance of baby not making it when you have an sch, so remember the odds are in our favour :) x
UGH when will this bleeding stop??? My wife just got more red bleeding. We are monitoring it now to see how much is coming out. We used the doppler to hear the heartbeat and so far so good..Debating if we should go to the maternity ER since our OB told us we can if we bleed again..
NewDad39- If your not sure about whether or not to go in, give them a call. But if your Ob said to head on in thats what i would be doing. Try to keep your head up, ecery time there is a new bleed it is beyond frustrating and makes you wonder how much more you can take. Keep using your doppler to give you a sense of assurance about your baby. Good Luck to you and your wife and little baby.
Fx the bleed stops soon. Calling your ob is a good idea. Another scan would be good too for assurance. But while waiting, make sure she's on strict bedrest with plenty of fluids. Hang in there. These bleeds are very scary but they usually taper off within a day or so. But do go in immediately if the bleed gets very heavy or if the cramps get unbearable.
Hi ladies, thank you very much for your kind words and support. We went ahead and did go to the OB ER. They did a pelvic exam and a quick ultra sound. The baby's heart beat was strong at around 170 or so and the cervix is closed. The machine they used to do the u/s was a small machine and could not measure the SCH so they could not get the size of it and see if it gotten bigger or smaller which to be honest annoyed us a bit since we were hopping to see where we stand. We have our monthly OB visit on 3/14 so hopefully they can fit us in for an ultrasound.
Once again, thank you very much for your support ladies.. I will update you for sure
Great that baby is ok! The 14th will come soon enough. Fx the scan shows a smaller hematoma!
Thanks Goodluckbear. Hopefully they will do an ultrasound on the 14th. I will call them tomorrow and tell them since they would have to schedule with another office.
So I just got the results back from my Dr about my last ultrasound and I am more confused then ever. She said that the sch is where the placenta sac is and has grown since the first ultrasound. The Dr said that I have to go for another ultrasound in 3wks to see if the placenta has developed properly. I was feeling so much better since I haven't had any bleeding of any colour in about 6 days and have started to go back to a lite version of my normal life. But now I am scared that this doesn't mean anything. Has anyone else had their's in this spot???
I am sorry to hear that Mommyoftwo84. Could the DR have meant you might have placenta previa? This is where the placenta is down close to your cervix. There are 3 types of this condition. Partial, moderate and complete. Partial where it is close to your cervix opening. Moderate it covers part of it and total where it lays completely on your cervix. This could caulse bleeding for sure. My wife has partial placenta previa as well. But this condtion should fix itself al the pergnancy progress.
I know it is not assuring but please stay positive and I am sure all will be great :)

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