Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Could they mean that it is behind the placenta? It seems to be another common position for an sch to be at. It's still early days, so like what Newdad mentioned, the placenta will move. No bleeding is good, means the sch is not active. It sounds scary for the sch to be near the placenta, but from what I've read, they resolve all the same, if not faster than those near the cervix. Hang in there and take it easy whenever you can.
Hi all,

I hope you are all well and kicking your sch's in to touch!!

I thought I would give you an update after my amnio rupture trauma

I have just returned from another scan this morning and my fluid levels are good now, so it looks as though I have resealed :thumbup:There is no need to have another scan until my 20 week one. I will have growth scans at 28 and 32 weeks, that is due to the rupture and a sch

The consultant said I can resume normal pregnancy activity with care.

I didnt get any quick results from the amnio, due to blood from the hematoma in the fluid. I still have not got them back as they have had to re-culture. It maybe next week now before I hear anything.

I did learn today that my sch had been lifting up nearly half of my placenta, however, from todays scan, the sch is only just visiable on the scan and has nearly gone - I hope this is some good news for you mommyoftwo84.

:hugs: :hugs:

Need some help. I'm 9 weeks pregnant. Went to the Early Pregnancy Unit at 6 weeks and a heartbeat was seen, they did say that I had a SCH, which was only small at 20mm x 8mm x 4mm. 3 weeks later and I started this morning with a heavy brown bleed and pain on my left side, over the last few hours, the bleeding has turned very heavy bright red blood and have passed 2 huge clots and some severe cramping. Does anyone know whether a bleed from the SCH should also cause one sided cramping?? It is coming in waves every 10 minutes, and then a trip to the loo reveals more heavy bleeding.

The early pregnancy unit will not see me for 24 hours as they like to see if things settle themselves first. I am not due a dating scan for another 3 weeks (if I get that far). I really think I am losing it now due to the waves of cramping and the blood clots. Can anyone offer any advice from something similar happening at around the 9 week mark?? :cry:
Hi, I know this post is really old, but do you mind if I ask what the outcome was? I am 9 weeks with horrendous clots and bad cramping pain. They wont see me for another 24 hours as they like to give it time to settle on its own. Your case sounds just like mine, so I just wondered how it turned out. Hope you dont mind me asking. Thanks, Fiona.xx
Hi girls...

Dropping in after a recommendation from Fluxuspoem (thank you!)

Basically I was suffering from really bad cramps and backache last night for a few hours then I started to bleed quite heavily. Ended up at the assessment unit at 1am :dohh: I started to pass clots and was in so much pain I was in tears and thought it was all over but they did a scan and baby was active and the heart was beating :happydance: Cervix was also closed which was really pleasing to hear.

The doc said that he didnt really know why I was bleeding and was a little hazy on details. He told me to just rest and see what happens but hopefully the blood will turn brown over the next few days...

WHen I got home though I passed a HUGE clot - (sorry TMI) It was huge and I panicked so I 'examined it' and it was a string which was as long as a maternity pad and about just over a cm thick - really solid - tissue not just blood. Im still so worried.

The pain seems to have mostly subsided today. (fingers crossed) but I am still bleeding.

After reading this group I think my symptoms sound really similar but a sch was not mentioned at all. Do you think I should push for another scan (even though I had my nuchal scan Wednesday gone and nothing was mentioned). I mean have you got to be looking for a sch... might you miss one if you were just doing a normal dating scan?!?

Hi, I know this post is really old, but do you mind if I ask what the outcome was? I am 9 weeks with horrendous clots and bad cramping pain. They wont see me for another 24 hours as they like to give it time to settle on its own. Your case sounds just like mine, so I just wondered how it turned out. Hope you dont mind me asking. Thanks, Fiona.xx
Hi Fiona,

Sorry to hear you are going through all this worry.
I think, even though the EPU wont see you, I would go to A&E. They will be able to monitor you and may decide to authorise a scan from there.

Please let us know how you get on xx :hugs:
Thank you. I think you are right about going to A&E for reassurance. I need to wait until my partner finishes work and to pick up our son. Do you know if the A&E can do ultrasound scans out of hours?? I know they only do them at certain times in the EPU. Cant believe they wont see me and Ive called them 3 times today and my doctor phoned them too, but they want me to wait 24 hours. Going out of my mind.
Hi all, I have been doing some research on the net and have found that SCH can be related to auto-immune problems such lupus, and wondering if anyone else knows anything about this? My mum has lupus, and have other relatives who have had it, so i have made an apppintment with my GP to get tested on Monday.

Newdad39- Glad to hear baby was ok at your last ER visit, hope your appointment for the 14th went well & gave u a better idea of whats going on :)

Mommyoftwo- I have read that having an SCH where the placenta is is quite common, if that is what your Dr. meant?

Lockzie- Great news on your babys fluid levels & your SCH getting smaller! Very happy for you :)

Fifi7- I agree with lockzie, if your having that much pain & bleeding definatley go to A&E (ER) as soon as you can, dont know if they can scan out of hours but maybe they can at least check babys heartbeat for you? Good luck xx
Fifi7- BTW I have always had sharp stabbing pains with any significant bleed from the SCH,usually on one side.
Lockzie- thats awesome about your fluid levels and sch! Always nice to see good news on here!

From what I can get from my Dr ( keep in mind i live in a rural community so my family dr is working on sending me to someone with more experience with sch then her) She thinks that the placement of the sch will affect the placenta and prevent it from working properly when it takes over at 12 wks. Did anyone else's Dr tell them that would be an issue? I am really learning what blind faith means these days. but I am holding on to the fact that I made it to 8 wks and my clothes are not fitting anymore. On a funny note my eldest daughter informed me last night that I have 3 babies in my tummy lol.

Hope everyones having a good day today.
mommyoftwo84 - I learnt today at my scan that my sch had lifted half the placenta, I was aware that it was lifting the edge, but not so much.
My sch was behind the placenta, but at nearly 18 weeks, it has virtually gone.
From what I understand, you are 8+ weeks - I had 3 huge bleeds, 2 smaller bleeds inbetween 7 and 13 weeks, so just be aware large bleeds with big clots could be a possibility. I also bled brown from 7 to nearly 16 weeks xx :hugs:
Lockzie - I am so happy to hear that your fluids are back up!

Fifi - sorry you have to go through this. I had very bad cramps on my left when i was bleeding. Somehow my cramps are always on my left. Hope they can get you in for a scan soon!
Hi Ladies, sorry I been away for the last couple of days from the site. Lockzie, I am glad you had great news to share :). We had our monthly OB appt couple of days ago and we went over the bleeding from the weekend and asked my wife if it stopped which she said it did. They checked her cervix and all they saw was old blood. They told us no need for an ultrasound till our scheduled one on April 5th. We were hopping for one just to see if there has been any changes or not but we were content and went home. Yesterday morning, they called us and told us they changed their mind and to go ahead and get another scan. We went and got one last night and we got great news with it :). The tech said for sure the placenta previa is no longer present and the placenta is where it should be. As for the SCH, she could not detect anything :). She said she will send the report to the OB office and they will call us with final results but she was very assuring it was gone. We were both reliefed and happy for sure. We are just being cautious and will wait till April 5th to make sure all is well so we can caryy on with our lives and enjoy the pregnancy. Tomorrow we have a scan to find out the sex of the baby. At 13 weeks, we were told a gilr. At yesterday's scan, the baby was not willing to work with us to find out, kept curling into a ball but the tech said she could not see any boy parts. So hopefully, tomorrow the baby will be wide awake and legs open for us ;-). I will keep you ladies updates.
You ladies rock for sure and I hope all goes well for everyone. Just keep the faith and hope and all will work out great :)
Just got the news, amnio results are all clear :happydance::happydance:
I am on team :pink: :happydance:

NewDad39 - Glad to hear your news too :thumbup: Hope you find out what you are having today. At about 13 weeks, my consultant thought I was having a girl, then yesterday at the scan he was talking about it being a boy! At least it is confirmed from the amnio :happydance:

Lets keep the good news rolling :thumbup:
Thats great news Lockzie, I am so happy for you. Glad we might be on the same team :). Let's keep the good news rolling for sure :)
Hi Fiona,

Sorry to hear you are going through all this worry.
I think, even though the EPU wont see you, I would go to A&E. They will be able to monitor you and may decide to authorise a scan from there.

Please let us know how you get on xx :hugs:

Hello all,

Well, I went to the A&E where I sat for 3 hours bleeding and cramping beyond belief. Was finally seen and admitted to the gynae ward at 8pm last night where I bled all night and had terrible lower abdominal cramps. I had a scan this morning, which reveals that the baby was no more. About an hour later, I passed a balloon shaped sac about 3cm, completely intact and translucent with a tiny fetus inside. I gave it to the midwife and they it didnt look like i was 9 weeks on, more like the baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks, so a week after seeing the heartbeat on the scan. They think that the haematoma had grown and therefore detached the baby. It was a missed miscarriage and took 2 weeks from dying to eventually start being expelled by my body. I had a stabbing pain which lasted for about half an hour, this was 2 weeks, now I firmly believe that is when the fetus died. Absolutely gutted. If you think that something isnt right, then get to A&E if the early pregnancy unit wont see you, that's what I did, and its a good job, as I collapsed in the toilets on the ward this morning as my blood pressure was so low from losing so much blood and I have been on a drip for the past 24 hours. Always trust your body, you know if something isnt right, and demand to be seen. These haematomas are bad news, all the worry and stress caused from it. Going to give my body a complete break for 6 months now and try again later in the year, and hopefully wont get another SCH. I never had one with my little boy who is now 3 years old.

I am so so sorry to hear your news today. I am glad you did the right thing and went to A&E where you were looked after. Sadly, mc's are all too common :(

You need to rest physically and emotionally now and give yourself time to heal fully.

Sending you love and hugs xx :hugs: :hugs:
fifi 7 so sorry to hear of your loss x x x

~I've been going through all these posts for the past 2 days and its so handy to be learning more about SCH~

My story, i had an emergency scan at 8 weeks due to bad tummy cramps but baby was fine and measuring 8 weeks ect
But there was a second sac that was empty so i had a vanishing twin, the empty sac was still there at 10 weeks scan and had grown a little then at my 12 week scan it had disappeared THEN 4 days later (tuesday just gone) after shopping at tesco and feeling really dizzy (i thought i was hungry) i felt something warm come out just before getting in the car so let my fiance finish putting things away, when i got in the car i got a babywipe to check if it was blood and it was red watery blood i just burst into tears it was the 1st bleed i'd had whilst pregnant.

We got the shopping home i called my mum to look after our 2 yr old daughter and went straight to A&E where we waited for 4 hours to be seen, during those 4 hours i went to the loo twice and both times watery blood was just pouring out of me then at one point it was just amniotic fluid then went back to blood i was so sure i was losing the baby i had totally forgotten about the other sack, they wouldn;t scan me or let me hear heartbeat the DR was convinced that because i had no pain that i wasn;t losing the baby still i was not convinced after all the blood and fluid i had lost.

It all died down and went to brown blood by the morning and i got a call to go in for a scan that morning instead of having to wait 2 days thank god! and baby was fine and iit didnt look like the fluid was from the healthy baby
But the loss of the other sac has caused a big haemorrhage :( around 9cm, i did ask if they could see if it was near the placenta at all but she said she couldn't see where the placenta was at all :| Is that right @ 13+2?? thought they would be able to see it by then.

I have been bleeding brown blood for 3 days now its not heavy at all and the more i rest i get the more it seems to be slowin down :) I have my next scan on the 28th march seems like ages away.

Wishing you all the best of luck in you pregnancys x x x
Fifi - I am so sorry for your loss ... My miscarriage story was quite similar. We saw the heartbeat 1 day before it stopped. It was devastating. Let time do it's work and heal.
Lockzie, Newdad- Congrats on the wonderful results!

Babyblueskye - Hope you are feeling better. Whether or not they can see the placenta depends somewhat on the machine. My dr couldn't really see it at 12 weeks too. She made a guess by looking at the umbilical cord. At 15 weeks, they could see it better.

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