Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Goodluckbear - just checking in with you, How are you doing?? :hugs:
I just confirmed my appointment on Monday. Extremely nervous and excited at the same time. Excited because this time, they should be able to tell gender (have a feeling girl but all my dreams say boy?) and nervous because I have no idea what's up with the sch. Will update again. Thankfully i got my stash of novels to keep me occupied!
Goodluckbear - Good Luck for your scan on Monday, fingers crossed for you that the hematoma has gone. Have you had any bleeding recently?
I hope you get a good potty shot :flower: Do you have a preference?

NewDad39 - Any news on your gender scan? :happydance:
Lockzie, Newdad- Congrats on the wonderful results!

Babyblueskye - Hope you are feeling better. Whether or not they can see the placenta depends somewhat on the machine. My dr couldn't really see it at 12 weeks too. She made a guess by looking at the umbilical cord. At 15 weeks, they could see it better.

I am feeling better thanks :) still really scared though and still spotting brown.
Thanks i'll be 15 weeks at my next scan so hopefully i can find out then if its near placenta :)

Hope your appointment goes well an you get to find out the sex of your baby, exciting x x x
I was wondering, is it ok to have a bath if your cervix may be a tiny bit open?? like i don't want to risk infection :s x
Goodluckbear, I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope you will get very good news. I will be cheering for you :)
Lockzie, we just got back from the gender scan and all they can see was three lines, no boy parts. So you and I are in the same club. After we confirmed we went clothes shopping. Buying clothes for baby girls is sooooo much fun for sure. Now the toughest part is picking up the name. We have the first name picked up but can not decide on middle name yet.
Back again, I wrote about 3 weeks ago that my hematoma was almost gone. I had another bleed last Tuesday and a scan showed a new hematoma measuring 3.5cm x 7.9cm just above the placenta :( I've also got a small one measuring apprx 1cm near to my cervix.
Just wondering if anyone else has a large clot in their 2nd trimester?
I'm back to being monitored every two weeks again now.
Currently 14+6 xx
NewDad39 - Congratulation on your news - Team Pink :pink::happydance::happydance:

MumToTwinnies - So sorry to hear you have had another bleed and found another hematoma, Fingers crossed it will bleed itself out by 16 weeks or so :hugs:

Babyblueskye - Glad to hear you are feeling better :thumbup: I didnt stop having baths, but to be on the safe side, check with your midwife

Goodluckbear - I hope you are ok and not too anxious about your scan tomorrow, My fingers are crossed that you hear some wonderful news about the hematoma reduced or gone all together and the gender of your baby :baby:
Hey ladies, I'm currently 9+2 weeks. During week 6 I had really bad bleeding, cramps, and passed a couple clots. Went to the ER they did an ultrasound but didn't reveal with me any of the findings, nor let me see what was going on while she was doing it. When I went to my OBGYN this past Friday, he did one, my hematoma is 6cmx4cm and I also had a 2nd sack with what looks like another baby, but there is no fetal pole or anything else =( I had a gut feeling about twins. The 2nd sack is shaped like a half moon upside down. the baby's heartbeat was 180 and it was moving all around, I get ultrasounds done every 2 weeks until it goes away, This is my 2nd pregnancy, my first daughter is 8 months old. I'm afraid im going to have a preemie this time around, my daughter was a week late. I'm really freaking out. I have a couple questions. How long did it take for yours to reside if it was around the size of mine(6cmx4cm) Was your baby early, if so how early? did you have a vanishing twin? ... here's a pic of my ultrasound I was 8+6

Sorry to hear you have had to visit this board, but welcome anyway.
There are some fab people on here that will give you encouragement and support.
Bleeding and resolutions can vary from person to person. I started bleeding at 7 weeks and stopped at just past 16 weeks. I had 3 huge bleeds, where I felt I was losing pints of blood and 2 small bleeds. I bled brown blood from 7 to 16 weeks too.
I am glad you are getting scans every 2 weeks, that will be reassuring, however, think about getting a doppler, where you can check out your babies heartbeat - I didnt pick the heartbeat up until about 11 weeks, I found it stops the anxiety inbetween the scans.
I am sorry, I dont really know anything about vanishing twins

I am sure others will add their experiences and support, but read back on the past 3 or 4 pages and the current posters have shared what has happened with them xx :hugs:

Goodluckbear - I woke up thinking about you this morning, excited to hear some good news from your scan and see which team you are on xx
Hey ladies, I'm currently 9+2 weeks. During week 6 I had really bad bleeding, cramps, and passed a couple clots. Went to the ER they did an ultrasound but didn't reveal with me any of the findings, nor let me see what was going on while she was doing it. When I went to my OBGYN this past Friday, he did one, my hematoma is 6cmx4cm and I also had a 2nd sack with what looks like another baby, but there is no fetal pole or anything else =( I had a gut feeling about twins. The 2nd sack is shaped like a half moon upside down. the baby's heartbeat was 180 and it was moving all around, I get ultrasounds done every 2 weeks until it goes away, This is my 2nd pregnancy, my first daughter is 8 months old. I'm afraid im going to have a preemie this time around, my daughter was a week late. I'm really freaking out. I have a couple questions. How long did it take for yours to reside if it was around the size of mine(6cmx4cm) Was your baby early, if so how early? did you have a vanishing twin? ... here's a pic of my ultrasound I was 8+6

Sorry you're having to go through this I can't believe they wouldn't let you see the scan you had in ER an they wouldn't tell you about it that must have been terrible.
I also had a vanishing twin (also had strong gut feeling it was twins) they told me it was more likely to reabsorb, We saw both sacks on my 8 week and 10 week scan then there was no sign of it in my 12 week scan BUT last tuesday when i was 13 weeks i thought i was miscarrying since i lost alot of blood and amniotic fluid I wasn't in pain at all, but it was from the vanshing twin an not the healthy baby.
I now have a SCH where the other sack has gone but i bled brown for 4 or 5 days but it has now stopped since i have been on bed rest, i've had my familly round doing everything for me and only getting up to use the bathroom.

My SCH is 9cmx5cm, i have a scan every 2 weeks too my next scan is on the 28th when i'll be 15 weeks, im glad you're getting scans every 2 weeks it helps so much to know whats going on. good luck x x x
The dr has confirmed that we are team pink! So mother's intuition beats dreams :)

As for the clot... It is still there but very much flattened. It looked like dough that got run over by a rolling pin. Still around 5.5cm but much thinner at 8mm. The width is 3cm now where the clot got spread out. I don't know if it changed in volume as the last scan didn't get the width.

They said that it if they weren't looking for it, they would have probably missed it on the scan as baby has grown a lot more in relation to the clot.

Next up is the 20wk fetal anamoly scan. 2 more weeks to go!
Lesleigh21 - it's hard to tell how long it would take for an sch to resolve. My ob estimated that small clots would likely disappear on their own in 2-4 weeks. Larger ones may take 8-10 weeks before showing significant improvement. Mine started at 10cm and is now 5.5cm after 8 weeks but flat like a pancake. It may take longer than the estimated 10 weeks to resolve (if at all), but my ob said that if it's not actively bleeding bright red, it is usually not a problem. For me, making small milestones help. One day at a time, or a week at a time or just to make it to the next appointment. Before you know it, time will pass! If you read through the old posts in this board and others, you will find that while there are cases where things don't end well, more often than not, mothers (including those with big schs) go home with a full term healthy baby. Hang in there. There are many great people on this board who provide wonderful support.
Wahoooooo Team :pink: :happydance: :happydance:

Glad to hear that your hematoma appears to be smaller / thinner :thumbup: Hopefully there will be no sign of it at your 20 weeks scan. What date is you scan? I have mine on 3 April 12
I am starting to sprout and got some maternity jeans at the weekend........ they are sooooo comfy. I cant really feel any movement anymore, maybe it was because I had no/low amniotic fluid before that I could feel some movements.
Great news for Goodluckbear.. I am glad things are improving for you and welcome to team pink for sure :)
The scan is next Friday. It's a bit soon but the dr thought it was better to get that done earlier.

I can feel her move when she kicks my lower abdomen. Usually in the early morning or evening. But yesterday, when we scanned, she was punching a storm at my belly button and I didn't feel a thing! She's starting to respond to sound. When the Telly is on with loud music, I can feel her do a little dance :)

And my belly is growing too :) Just pulled out all my old maternity pants and some really loose shorts with no rubber around them. And guess what, they fit!

What isn't so wonderful is pelvic pain. My dr put it down to this being a second pregnancy and all my muscles have been stretched out. She said that she would normally recommend yoga to make it better, but not with an sch...

I'm in Aus too and had a similar problem with the hospital. We don't get seen by an OB until 20 weeks after the morphology scan and when you are still classified 'early pregnancy' they won't do ANYTHING for possible miscarriage. I got sent home after extreme pain and bleeding everywhere and a massively traumatic experience at 13w4d and told to come back in the morning for a scan to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit. They were fabulous and now I know that they only work 8am-3pm Mon-Fri I don't bother even going to the ER now unless it's super serious pain I just wait until morning and call the EPAS and they see me instead. I understand why they do it - because there isn't really anything they can do to help if it is an MC until you're 20wks and they can try to maintain the pregnancy a little longer because at 22wks you could deliver and baby could survive.

To everyone else on this page I just want to say that sometimes SCH DOES present almost identical to MC. I have had a lot of serious pain and cramping with my SCH and felt like MC... but it isn't! So if you feel pain don't assume the worst wait until you see the scan!

I'm glad to hear that everyone (except poor Fifi) is doing really well now...

I'm sorry I haven't been on the site but a had a few setbacks and just couldn't cope with reading anything on the board because it seemed to make me worry more!

The last time I posted I had had a severe bleed at 13w4d (or was it 13w6d? I can't remember now it seems like such an age ago!). I had severe stabbing pain followed by gushing bright red blood followed by mild cramping and brown blood for a few days. Baby was big strong and healthy with no probs at all. SCH measured around 7cmx7cmx2cm.

Everything seemed to be clearing up in terms of pain and bleeding and I hadn't had any blood for a few days. I was on pelvic rest but had a few days where I had to work and also had a bad cough which I think was the cause of SCH two! grrrrr

I woke up at 2am with severe cramping on my left side very low same as before but less stabbing and more crampy feeling. Was trying not to panic. Didn't have any gushing red blood this time. Went back to sleep with the plan to see the EPAS in the morning to try get a scan (ED is hopeless with early pregnancy bleeding so no point). I only had bleeding when I got up in the morning and it was dark red/purple/brown with clots. Scan showed a small SCH only 2cm and the baby once again growing and fine and wriggling so much we got no good pictures! I've had pain thats lasted longer intermittent cramps and a general tender sore feeling for ever since and brown/red/purple bleeding with lots of clots (not tissue but congealed blood).

The midwifery consultant at the Early Pregnancy Assessment Service said that as long as it's not gushing blood or tissue that smells really bad or extreme pain that gets worse then don't worry too much. You WANT the SCH to bleed out and seeing dark red/rust/brown/purple blood with clots/chunks etc is to be expected and may last few weeks or may go on the whole preg.

I have to go back every two weeks for scans and stay on couch rest but still potter around the house nothing strenuous though....

So I think my experience shows a bit that it can always seems like the worst and can be different all the time and changing and constant and its still ok... everyone experiences SCH differently...

What I'm struggling with most is the emotional strain of seeing blood every day and having to 'take it easy' all the time. I'm just so tired of the worry and I know that's not good for the baby but I don't know how not to worry when it's blood blood blood blood and pain! Grrrrr *sigh*

Just have to keep reassuring myself that it's going to be worth it in the end. And have more baths where I can feel bub move!

Hope everyone else continues to do well...

thanks ladies! It's a pretty scary thing to go through, and knowing many women have them make me feel A LOT better! i've read through many pages on here, skipping through some, but all in all it's amazing knowing how many of us go on to have perfect babies, thanks again ladies!!
Hi ladies - wondering if I can join?

I had my dating scan today, which went really well. I measured 7w2d (I thought I was 7w0d), baby was 11mm and had a heart rate of 144bpm :)

The ultrasound guy noticed I had a chorionic hemorrhage? Does anyone know if this is the same as a subchorionic?

He asked me if I had experienced any bleeding - which I haven't except for one tiny dot of brown blood at 6DPO. He also said not to be alarmed if I do experience some brown spotting. Besides that he didn't seem concerned and my GP also didn't seem concerned.

Was feeling fine after the ultersound - but then came home and decided to google it and now feel horrible :(

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