Sensitive kids group

Daisybee - im so sorry about ur dad :hugs:

Omars mom - Im so glad that you have finally found somewhere Omar can settle - thats fab news.

Well we have had quite a settled week with Megan although she will no longer go to the park. I have been to the park this week for the first time in ages as the weather was a bit warmer and she refused to go on any equipment where there was another child on there :nope: Or if a child came onto the equipment she was on she shouted to get off and that she wanted to go home - hoping it is a phase that wont last long but you never know hahaha!

Also - just a bit of advice please! We were in the chinese the other night and the lady behind the counter gave Megan some fortune cookies - but Megan wont ever ever take anything off anyone. So i got the cookies because i didnt want the lady to get embarrassed and stand there for ages just holding them out and I gave them to Megan, but im wondering if i am making the situation worse? I do ask Megan to take whatever it is someone is offering her but she wont, she just refuses, so i tend to ask her if she wants it and then will take it off the person offering it her - would you do this too?

Hope your all having good weeks :happydance:
Daisybee, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. :hugs: It's so difficult to hear such a sad prognosis. My grandfather died from stomach cancer this past Thanksgiving after having just been diagnosed 3 months earlier. He opted not to do chemo as it sounds like a similar situation in that it would only buy more time but would not be a cure. I'm sorry your mom is pushing the numbers and medical terminology - it's probably her way of coping with it herself - just a shame she's not more aware of how he's feeling and how that's not helping. I can't imagine what he's going through. I'm glad to hear you will be going to see them all this weekend - I will be thinking of you and your family.

ginja, Christina used to do that everytime we went to the park - she would wait to the side until a piece of equipment was totally empty before getting on it, or come right off as soon as another kid climbed up on something she was on, even if they were far away on the other end. She still does sometimes, but about half of the time now she will stay on the equipment when another child comes on. Usually she stops moving though and stands to the side watching them until they finish sliding/climbing/etc. and then continues whatever she was doing when they are finished.

As for the situation with the fortune cookies, I don't force Christina to interact beyond what she's comfortable with. I am always encouraging her to interact, i.e. if someone tells her her hair looks pretty, I say "Christina, what do you say?" or "say thank you"; or if someone offers her something, I say "Christina, he's offered you a xxx, won't you take it and say thanks?"; or "Christina why don't you go say hi to xxx". But if she resists and especially if she's looking scared/uncomfortable, I don't push it. I just accept whatever was offered and say thanks myself. I would like her to be more social but I would like for her to do it willingly. And I have seen improvements as she's gotten older, so I'm confident she will get there in her own time.
Ginga - Megan didn't like the park at all last summer. She had a couple of bad experiences - she got knocked down when she walked in front of a child swinging and afterwards wouldn't go on swings at all. Slide - same thing. She goes on our slide and swing in our backyard though so I'm sure it's a phase. Same for your Megan with the other kids.

I wouldn't make Megan accept something from someone yet either. If she isn't comfortable then I wouldn't make her talk to someone even, let alone interact more than that. My Megan does well with most people, but its obvious there are some people she isn't comfortable with. And I don't push her at all with that. Megan had horrible stranger anxiety when a baby and young toddler. We would try to make her as secure as possible and always just held her and comforted her if she was upset that someone was too close or too in her face... You know how people can be with babies and little kids. Anyway, I think we handled it the right way.

Encouraging but not forcing the issue I think is the way to go.
Hello - not had time to read all the replies but will try and answer those I have.

First off we have been really busy with Sammys 4th birthday party which went really well. School has done so much for her. It took a long time for her settle but today she was the same socially as everyone else (we had a party for 23 children) and she clearly was integrated into the group - it has taken a long time though!

Ginjajewel - I used to do the same with Samy (occasionally still do) but recently she has started to interact with people she does not know although is still very shy. She is starting to do the park without me and allow other children to go on things with her.

Tacey - Charlie I think has been one of the best things for Samy - she loves him and he absolutely adores her, she gets the biggest grins from him and such cute looks (more than mummy).

The one thing that still remains is that she has a habit of stratching her back (so much that it draws blood and leaves scars) she had gotten better but it has come back. I dont want to make too much of a big deal about it but at the moment it is quite sore.
Daisybee, I am so sorry to hear that prognosis. Thinking of you all :hugs:.

Cutie: I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather too :hugs:

Omar's Mum: Omar's new school sounds great and I'm glad his assessment went well.

Tacey: That was very sweet of Alice to build a sandcastle for her friend to knock down!

Quartz: I'm glad Samy enjoyed her birthdy party!

I have barely been on here as Tommy has been so poorly but I'm glad to say he is a lot better now but by no means 100%.

In other news I got my :bfp:!
JC!! Congratulations hun! What exciting news. I'm so glad Tommy is finally getting a bit better too, he has had an awful time of it.

Daisybee :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about the prognosis for your dad. I'm glad that you are able to go to visit them this weekend - I couldn't imagine that Jordan would still be very contagious at this stage. I hope you are OK in the middle of all this, I can't imagine what a shock it must be to everybody when your dad is still so young and has always been so healthy.

Quartz - happy belated birthday to Samy!

Gingajewel - I do try to encourage Thomas to interact with people but usually he won't unless he knows them well - although some people he just takes a shine to straight away and will chat away to them, which always really surprises me when it happens! Thomas is the same way with not wanting to go on equipment if another child is on it, for ages he just went on the swing and nothing else and just watched the other children. He would only go on the other stuff if there was no-one else on it. He was slowly getting a bit better with that but the weather has been so awful that we haven't been going to the playground so I'm sure he'll be back to square one again.
JC, yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!! Huge congratulations to you!!!! I'm so excited for you! :) And glad to hear Tommy is feeling a little better.

Glad Samy's party went well - I can't imagine hosting 23 kids for a party! I think I'd need a nap after that.:sleep: Good to hear she handled it well and is on par with her peers.

Omarsmum, so glad to hear about the school - sounds like it will be a great fit for Omar.
Daisybee- More hugs & prayers :hugs:

JC- Yay! congrats hun :happydance:

Ginjajewel- Omar used to act the same if kids approach a toy or the climbing frame he's playing at. He used to get upset them ask to go home. Until now whe he gets embarassed or irritated in a place the 1st thing he says I want to go home. As for accepting things/sweets from strangers, he still refuses. I dont force him to accept something he doesnt want, I take it from that peson & I thank him/her. But he's much better when it comes to interacting with strangers, he really changed & he's more confidence & less shy.

Quartz- Glad Samy's party went well :happydance:

Our days are up & down, Omar still have a cold, yesterday was tough, he was so whiney & stubborn, he cried for every silly thing. Today he seems in a better mood.
Hi everyone, will have a proper catch up tomorrow just wanted to pop in with a question.

Does anyone elses toddler have a real trauma with clothes? Madi is so so picky and it beginning to drive me crazy. She wont wear anything thats baggy, so tshirts are generally too small. I cannot get a cardigan or jumper on her, she will insist in just 'wearing another tshirt underneath' and she wants to wear a dress/tunic/skirt every single day. Oh and she wont wear anything with 3/4 length sleeves.

:( It such hard work.

JC - Congrats! Just noticed your ticker!!! :happydance:
Omar is picky with clothes. He hates long trousers, this winter we were able to convince him to wear track suits. Jeans & normal trousers are a big no no. the only way I can get him to wear a proper long sleeves shirt with jeans is wearing a matching shirt to his myself.

We also have an issue with shoes, he gets attached to one pair, & he refuses to wear any other pair. Everytime I buy him new shoes it ends up with a meltdown & crying for few days before he starts to accept wearing the new ones. I hide the old ones.

He also doesnt wear specific colours like brown or green tops. he doesnt wear 3/4 t-shirts, they irritate him, they should be short sleeves. It took us forever to get him to wear long t-shirts when the weather got colder, & he still wears short sleeves at home.

He went through a phase of refusing to wear pj bottoms, he went for months sleeping in a wide t-shirt & underpants.
Sounds just the same as Madi. She won't wrap up, and wants to live in short sleeved tshirts, it's freezing here at, and now she has a cold.

Bless Omar. They are so similar!
Thomas is OK with clothes in general, however he doesn't really like changes and I have to leave new clothes in his drawers for a few weeks before he will wear them. In the summer it took him ages to get used to wearing short sleeves, he kept trying to pull them down. But when he got used to them he liked them and didn't want to go back to long sleeves. He also doesn't like wearing warm clothes when it's cold. He doesn't like wearing jumpers and usually all I can get him to wear is a thermal vest and a long sleeved T-shirt, even though it is freezing and our house is not very warm. He will wear a coat to go outside and sometimes I can get him to wear a hoody to go outside but he takes it off as soon as he gets home. We have recently had some luck in getting him to wear sleeveless jumpers (don't remember what they are called). But I actually think he just is not bothered by the cold too much. I remember when I was a child I hated wearing warm clothes and I actually really liked being outside in the cold and getting really cold! I've no idea why!!
We are back home from my parents house. I'm exhausted, I haven't gotten much sleep but everything in general is just exhausting me. I was trying not to cry and that was exhausting trying NOT to cry. Lol seems silly, but i just didn't want the weekend to be all about crying. I wanted to spend some good quality time with my dad and family. My one brother and his wife, my mom, and dh and i had a conversation one night after dad had gone to bed. It was one of the only crying times all weekend for all of us. My dad isn't showing much emotions. He said he was fatigued. He was very quiet at times and seemed tired. Yesterday morning he was watching Megan playing. Some were still sleeping, some of us were in the kitchen. It was the first time I saw dad emotional, as he watched Megan. I started crying seeing him watch her. I didn't want him to see me crying and I went into the bathroom. Later dh said I should let him see me cry and maybe then he would be more inclined to cry as well. Or talk about things.

Dh and I were trying to do what we could to help while also taking care of the girls. Megan was very overstimulated all weekend. She wasn't having enough down time and as a result she was very hard to deal with. She was whiny and crabby and not listening at all. There were a lot of people around and both girls didn't like that. Jordan had major stranger anxiety when there were a room full of people and Megan flat out said " I don't like people, I don't want to say hi, I don't want to talk to them, etc, etc). We didn't make her talk to anyone and generally tried to keep people away from her, people wanted to approach the girls immediately and wanted to touch them and get in their space. We kept trying to help them keep their distance. After people had been there for over an hour then she started talking and playing with people. It kept happening though as new people would come and go throughout our visit.

We had a photographer come to the house sat and it was chaos while she was setting up. It bothered Megan and by the time came for taking pics she was crying and didn't want her pic taken. I wasn't surprised at all given the situation.

My brother and his gf both at separate times had questioned something about how we parent or how Megan is. My brother was shocked Megan didn't know Disney characters in a book that my mom had. ( lion king, dumbo, etc). He thought she would need to be doing things like this before she gets into school... As how is she going to handle school if she can't even watch disney movies. I explained how she reacts to scary or sad shows and he didn't understand at all. ( they don't have kids) Other times he and his gf were commenting on other things as well. Megan would get upset and scared if people made it sound like someone was going to get her or if someone was going to take her cookies, toys, etc. One time she was singing a song about a crocodile and snapping her hands, later a relative was leaving and saying don't let that crocodile get you and snapped her hands. Megan got very upset about the crocodile getting her. My brothers gf couldn't believe her reaction and said well she was singing about the same crocodile. I said it's not the same thing to her. It was little things about her eating, being overstimulated. One time Megan was crying over too many people and so was Jordan. I was taking them both out of the room into my parents bedroom. My brothers gf said no let's just take them over here to this part of the room and Megan can color with us. I said no, I'm taking them out for a bit first. She needs a break. She was trying to tell me no. :dohh: I didn't give in and she finally followed me to the bedroom. Where both of the girls immediately calmed down.

I'm spending my week getting ready to go visit again. Making food, Getting unpacked and repack. Depending on dh's week either I am going down with the girls and then coming back before the weekend, or waiting til closer to the weekend and dh take a day or 2 off and all of us going for another long weekend.

I don't know if dad is doing chemo or not. He was going to talk to my brothers and I when we were all together my mom said. But we made sure we were all together and dad didn't say anything.

For clothes - Megan doesn't like tags if she is overstimulated. Otherwise she is ok with them. She is most particular about pajamas. She wants to be comfy and not restricted but not baggy, not too binding. Not too hot, but if not warm enough her legs get cold and it wakes her up. She won't wear tights and doesn't like socks that are too big or too small. They have to fit just right. She won't sleep without socks on. She used to not like new shoes but now loves shoes. She will wear pants or shorts, long sleeve, short, but won't wear 3/4 length. To her they seem like they aren't long enough And she gets mad and trying to pull them down. She doesn't like pushing her sleeves up and if we have her do it to wash her hands she pulls them back down immediately. Being naked overstimulates her. She doesn't like bows or lace or anything frilly on dresses. She likes simple clothes that are comfortable. She will wear jeans but usually prefers cotton pants or leggings. If a shirt has buttons she has to have all of them buttoned. Even a polo type shirt that most would leave the top button unbuttoned, she cannot wear it if all the buttons aren't buttoned.

Megan fell asleep for 20 minutes each way while traveling. Jordan didn't sleep in the car at all. Overall both slept ok while we were there though which was helpful.
Daisybee :hugs: My heart is breaking for you reading your post, it's just so sad that you have so little time left with your dad. I wish this wasn't happening for you, you have a stressful year ahead of you and I just really feel for you in the situation. Don't know what to say about your brother and gf making comments about Megan, I would be biting my tongue not to snap at them I think, especially given everything else that's going on, surely they could just keep their uninformed opinions to themselves.
Sorry for a long absence! I'll try and catch up.

Daisybee, I'm so sorry for all you're going through. Trying to keep things going for the girls must be so hard. I hope you can make the most of your time with your dad. Your brother and his gf's attitude can't help either. :hugs:

Ginga, I do what you do nd take what's offered on Alice's behalf. I think they'll grow in confidence over time, and I'd rather not make a battle of it.

Quartz, 23 children! You must have been tired after :haha: I'm glad she had a lovely day.

JC Hooray! Such exciting news! When are you due? I hope you're feeling ok with it. Have you told Daisy? Hope Tommy is doing better now.

How is Omar now Omarsmum? Is he feeling better? It's rubbish when they're poorly.

Karlilay, our clothes issues are gradually improving, although that could be because I don't buy what bothers her! 3/4 sleeves are a no no for us too. We have moved through the skirt/dress phase, although she wore a skirt over trousers for a long time. The only way we manage is by me leaving Alice to choose clothes and dress herself. She won't tolerate me putting a top over her head, but is fine to do it herself. I think it's a control issue for her.

I'm finding it increasingly hard at groups with Alice. As she gets older, I think her 'quirks' are more obvious. At story time yesterday, the leader offered her a bag with toys inside, she went up and took out a toy horse (I was delighted she joined in!) but then the leader said "What have you got Alice? Hold it up to show everyone." Alice dropped it on the floor and went and faced a wall. The leader kept on trying to get her to speak "Is it a monkey? Is it a cat?" etc. and Alice just stayed facing the wall. I caught a look between a group of the mums, rolling eyes and raising eyebrows. It happened again when a little girl bumped into Alice, she rubbed her head and was fine, but Alice wailed and wailed. She mum shook her head as if in disbelief. I hate how people are starting to see my gorgeous daughter in such a negative way. I know it shouldn't matter, but it hurts.
Jc :hugs: big congrats on the bfp! That is so exciting! I'm really glad to hear that Tommy is improving as well. What a relief!

Quartz - we feel that Jordan has been really good for Megan as well. I can't imagine a party with that many kids!

Polaris - yes I'm biting my tongue as much as possible with my brother. He is having a very tough time with things right now. He is avoiding things sometimes and he is very sensitive. The past year him and my dad have gotten very close. When he was younger 20s he didn't talk to my dad much, they were so much a like and my brother didn't want advice on his life. They tended to butt heads. Well now he has grown up enough that he now respects my dad and his advice. He lives only a few miles away from them and before his new job a month ago he was hanging out with my dad quite a lot. Almost daily.

Tacey :hugs: Ive gotten that same look from others about Megan when she used to run around and be all hyper... Story time was the worst. She had never done well at story time and it was so stressful for me. I cried once on the way home as others made me so upset with their looks. I always felt Megan was the odd kid out and so different from the others who would sit nice and do what they were told. And it does hurt. We want our kids to be themselves and be unique but we also want them to fit in with their peers and society. It's part of what was annoying about my brother last weekend - it was hard that he and his gf who barely know the surface of megan can judge her assume she is doing things differently than other kids. The gf has a friend with a child they see quite a bit of. they are basing things off of what they assume Megan should be doing. If my own brother thinks she does things different than other children, what does everyone else that comes in contact with her think?
Tacey, I feel like that in groups too. I think part of it is that I remember very clearly feeling like an outsider as a child and not knowing how to talk to people or "fit in" and I don't want Thomas to go through that. And I also hate it when it seems that other people are judging him. I am more bothered by it than Thomas is I think although he is saying now that he doesn't like when people get too close to him and he doesn't want to hold hands or whatever it is. Dropping the toy and running off to face the wall sounds like something Thomas would do. It's just so hard to know the best way to help them manage themselves in that sort of situation.
Thanks for the congrats ladies. I will be due the end of October but I am likely to get obstetric cholestasis for the third time so will probably be induced two weeks early as I was with the other two. So nervous about telling work though. I feel like I've been on maternity leave pretty much the whole time I have worked there! We aren't going to tell Daisy until after we have the first scan and have a picture to show her to make it more real to her.

Daisybee I am so sorry you are going through this. My thoughts are with you and your family :hugs:. I don't blame you for finding your brother and his girlfiend's comments annoying. It is not fair to be judgemental about a little child :(. It sounds like it was a difficult weekend with Megan being over styimulated on top of all the other stuff you are dealing with :hugs:.

Tacey that made me really sad reading about the people at the groups rolling their eyes etc :(. I think it is so cruel of people, especially other mums, to behave like that. We've had those sort of looks many times when Daisy has had her major tantrums and it always makes me feel ten times worse than I already do. If I see a child having a meltdown I always make an effort to smile at the parent as when other mums have smiled knowingly at me I always feel better about it.

Daisy is still doing really well at the moment. We had a week off for half term last week and she had no pre-school, different routine and her grandparents came to stay (and gave her too much chocolate) so she was over stimulated and challenging at times but we managed to do some things we've not been able to do for a year! We visited Tropical World and the farm, both places she has previously had enormous meltdowns at and refused to go into for almost a year. Just the mention of going there would have her tantrumming. I suggested going and she said no initially but warmed to the idea. She was quite sweet as when we were queueing to pay at both places she was saying 'I'm happy. I love Tropical World/the farm' over and over again but she wasn't happy, she was nervous and trying to convince herself it was okay. Once we were actually inside she loved it!

She's doing well at pre-school still. They said today that she doesn't ever snatch first but sometimes snatches things back but she is getting really good at going to find a grown up and telling them what has happened instead of snatching. I think that is very mature of her and I am very proud!
Daisybee- your post brought tears into my eyes :hugs: praying for you & your family.

JC- Glad Daisy is doing well at pre-school hun.

Tacey- I get the same in classes, we're been going for over 2 yrs now, what makes it easier is the teachers as they've been around Omar for a long time so they understand his 'quirks'

We couldnt make it to class on Monday as Omar was not feeling well & I wanted to take him to the dr, yesterday we went to a makeup class, it was a hiphop class, so it's not Omar's thing. There was only 1 kid we know very well in class & no parents. We were having fun, but Omar decided to sit & he asked me to dance & he said that he's going to watch :rofl:

As for Omar. two days back we had to take him to his paed as he was coughing none stop. So he gave him a new med for asthma, he advised us to use it for 1 week, then he will get him checked again, He also told us that he might need it for a year to help clearing his chest allergy. I gave Omar a dose on the same day before bedtime, he compained that he was dizzy later, & he didnt stop coughing. he threw up at 2 am while sleeping. I freaked out. I gave him a shower & took him the ER at the children's hospital.

The paed who saw him told us that his chest is clear & he's not asthmatic!! she told us that he has upper respiratory tract allergy (mainly sinus & nose), & the cough is due to the mucus that's going down to his throat. She told us to stop all the inhalers & the new meds immidiately. He was given an anti hestamine (sp?) & nose drops only. After taking the med he stopped coughing & he slept for 10 hrs!

Since we started the new med there is no coughing anymore & his nose is finally clear. I'm so pissed off, he's been given meds for lower respiratory tract allegry on & off for almost 1.5 yrs.

Last night he slept well, he's still sleeping. we didnt have 12 hrs sleep for ages. The med is non sedative. I really hope he's back to sleeping through again.
Jc - congratulations :-)

Daisybee - I am so sorry for what you are going through

Karli - meg hates things round her waste, like the elastic round her leggings and wears them reallllly low or reallllly high lol.

Sorry only a short post, really should be tidying up! Tacey I just wanted to comment though that this is exactly how I feel with megan. When I take her to any group or anyone talks to her she hides in my shoulder and I notice other mom's giving glances too each other, and then I don't no whether to answer for her because then I think people think I talk for her, or just ignore the situation. Megans shyness/quirks are so easy to notice in a group of people and it breaks my heart that people see her in a negative way because at home she is a million times louder and happier.
I notice the looks and also have heard a parent say that it must be my fault and it's horrible.

Megs had chicken pox for a week and today was her first dayback at nursery. She wouldn't eat breakfast but happily painted with one of the workers and although she didn't really interact with any of the children she didn't cry either so quite a positive day. However meg goes nursery at a children's centre and the government are shutting down 10 out of 17 so don't no if megs might be shutting down now. I feel sick at the thought of her maybe having to move, she's been at this one almost two years and still isn't settled.

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