Daisybee- Omar is the same those days, he plays for hours on his own making up stories & talking to imaginary friends, it's so cute. He's getting much better at playing on his own. He wants to go to France to see Eiffel tower as he didnt find one here
Cutie- Aw, Caitlyn sounds so advanced bless her. I also think it's a good idea to send her to pre-school during summer. Omar is over his social fears, so I really want to take a step forward & send him to a play group on his own once we're done with the classes in May.

Hope Clara starts to sleep better soon hun,

Could be a spurt or something? I have an online friend who lives in Qatar, her son (born in AUgust 2009) is also highly sensitive, she mentioned similar issues, & she's also thinking of taking him to a proffesional because of a comment from one of his teachers at school. But all what she mentioned sound normal to me. I think she's going on Sunday, I will let you know how it goes.
We're ok here, we have some horrible mornings or evenings, he's very difficult when he wakes up & when it's time to go to bed. Today he wanted to use my toilet, I told him ok, use it then it's my turn, once we wre in he refused to use the toilet, & he went back to bed wanting me to stay there with him. I wanted to use the toilet badly so I told him that, he said no you're not allowed, I go really frustrated, so I went to the toilet & locked the door, he ended up screaming & throwing a tantrum saying that he needed to use the toilet 1st! we have another 4 toilets, he has his own bathroom, but today he was very difficult.
Yesterday we went to class, when I went in with him to help him in taking off his shoes, he gave me a cuddle, & asked me to leave as he's a big boy & wants to attend alone. When I asked him if he wanted help in taking his shoes off, he said no, he went running into the class without a look back, I kind of felt bad about it as he wasn't bothered about me
Yesterday he ate all his rice alone, & today he managed 1/2 of his cereals which is a great progress
We're invited to a birthday party in the evening, I really hope it goes well. We didnt go to a birthday party before (all the ones we went to are small family parties & he knew everyone there)
Tomorrow we're going to the theatre to watch a play (Julia Donaldson books), I hope he enjoys it.