september babies

Hello lovelies! How are you all? SMA I love your pics! 'specially the kissy face :lol:

Just been having a think about things, I'm so so excited to be a mum to a baby again! This might sounds bad but it's not meant to, with my first I feel I had little control how he was brought up. I was 17 and took advice from everyone, at first I stuck to my guns, weaned him on healthy, good food, only gave him water, no sweeties as I wanted him to develop a taste for good food before he realized the wonders of sugar :lol: unfortunately I had a very bad time and he stayed with his grandma a lot when he was 7-8 months, he went from eating tomatoes and loving it, to eating junk. Now, he wont touch veg, will only drink juice, asks for sweeties all the time, I don't give him any but the minute he goes to grandmas/dads he gets it, I spend so much time trying to give him good healthy food, drink water but it all goes to crap. With this baby, I wont be letting anyone give him anything I don't see as necessary. Any behavior issues in the future will be dealt with MY way, and there's going to be no confusion from outside influences. I feel like it's a second chance to parent the way I've always thought best, although I love my firstborn dearly, a lot of his behaviors are learned and even rewarded by other people. I try my hardest to make sure he knows that he has rules at home, he can be so SO good, but the minute he goes elsewhere he acts up, demands, screams for sweeties because he KNOWS other people give in to him. Where-as mummy is pure evil :rofl:

I just can't wait to be able to hide away with my little family :)
oh ladies i am suffering..... im so sore and feeling far too sorry for myself....

my heartburn will just not go away.... my feet are burning... i can't sleep....

i could cry... i know its hormonal.. .. i just want a good sleep with no reflux or heartburn

*rant over*:blush::blush::blush:
Aww hun! :hugs: I know you probably have already, but have you tried gaviscon? It's a lifesaver for me, keep some in my bedside cabinet at all times :) hope you're feeling better soon x
Hi, my indigestion got so bad I was being a little sick in my sleep which really wasn't pleasant, Gaviscon just wasnt working for me. I went to see my Dr because I thought my childhood asthma was making a re-appearance as I was wheezing a lot and very out of breath but it turns out it wasn't asthma and it was the acid reflux that was making me wheeze etc so she prescribed me some acid reflux tablets, I just take 1 a day an hour before my main meal and I haven't had a touch of heartburn/indigestion since plus the wheezing has stopped. I even forgot to take my tablet yesterday but still didn't suffer last night!
OMG Jess I had the same, I was a bit sick twice this morning with heartburn, having a couple of really bad days with it. It had eased up for a bit but I guess baby has moved into another position that makes it worse?
this thread drifted back quite a few pages! How's everyone doing? We're in the middle of a heat wave here, 95 degree temps as far as I can see, just trying to stay cool.

I"m so happy since today I decided to make Sept 7 my last day at work, I'm due the 14th so I'll have a week off before my due date. Feels good to get that settled. (I know tha baby could come any time! and mess up myu plans, but at least now I have a plan).
Hi, wish it was good weather here, just rain ,rain and more rain its depressing, wish my nesting would kick in again so I have something to do, has everyone packed their hopsital bag yet?? I still haven't done it might start it tonight
30 weeks today and i finish work on Friday :D can't wait !!!!!!

I've not packed my bags yet but will start in a couple of weeks, just need to get a few more bits for me and baby for hospital then i can start packing :happydance: it still doesn't seem real that i'm going to have a baby around the house again.
the weather has been rubbish here but hey its scotland :D
My heartburn is pretty much the same which is poop.

I have finished work though... on my 5 weeks annual leave before i start mat leave... it couldn't have come sooner
I started my hospital bag today- I've ended up packing two as it feels right so I'm packing a small suitcase which is my post labour bag- full of all the babys stuff plus stuff like maternity pads knickers etc for me clothes to go home in- toiletries like shampoo which I won't need till after. I'm doing it so it can stay in the car till after! Then my bag I can pack nearer to the time as all it will have is pyjamas - anything I want during labour phone charger camera fan etc. Anyone else doing the same? I hadn't planned it this way it just happened automaticaly when I started packing :s x
14 working days left for me but god I wish I could of finished earlier.

Starting my bag tonight, have washed all Bubs clothes still have to do bedding, got a few more bits to buy but think we are ready.

Cannot believe Bubs could be here in 5 weeks but at most 10 weeks. So excited!
also in the process of starting my bag too...

Babies is ready to go but mine is requiring some work :D

I have most of it, just need to get it together.
Yeah I usually pack 2 bags. One for labour ward and one for afterwards which will be left in the car and hubby can bring it in when I go into the ward or if I stay where I am til I go home
The waiting to leave work is the WORST! 9 more working days left til my leave (starting it at 32 weeks). As you can see, I'm not being real productive!! :happydance:
8 and a half working days left for meee!! Really can't wait - ended up coming home sick today as I'm on iron tablets and they're making me lightheaded/have stomach cramps and keep being sick! Booo!

I'm having 2 hospital bags aswell.. but one will be my bag and the other with the babys stuff so I think I'll have to take them both in with me, they're not huge though so shouldn't be much of a problem!

x x x
ohhh 2 bags sounds like a good idea, i have not started my one yet, plenty of time lol
Oh you ladies are making me depressed. haha. With my first I was soo prepared. I had everything ready by now. But I don't don't seem to have the time to get things organsised with a toddler running round.
On Saturday I reclucantly sold my silver cross already for my new double buggy, I've only just bought a new car seat.

Packing my bag hadn't even crossed my mind. Just another thing I must add to my list.
ive had everything packed since 20 weeks lol i just kinda change things out as i go and decide what else i need and dont think i really need. i only have 2 small bags but im 3 mins away from the hospital so if i need anything OH can bring it in for me and right now everything is kinda mixed and still need to put camera charger and stuff like that in ....hopefully dont forget it that day

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