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September/October bump buddies...anyone wlecome!

Thanks :) Hubby said his body was shaking when i told him thats how excited he was. He wanted a boy sooo bad.
Congrats Orion and I love the name! We wanted a girl but honestly I am over the moon about another mommas boy they are definitely the best. ;)
Orion, it's okay, you can join me in the "people who were hoping for team pink" corner haha. I'm happy I'm having another adorable boy though, I love my son. :)
Orion, it's okay, you can join me in the "people who were hoping for team pink" corner haha. I'm happy I'm having another adorable boy though, I love my son. :)
Lol...im definitely starting to get over the fact its not a girl. Im really happy for our little boy. Ive already picked out a few cute clothes. Its so exciting once you find out what you are having. There is no way i could have waited until baby was born. I also bought an adorable shark security blankie. Its a blue blankie with a small shark stuffie attached to it.
Orion, it's okay, you can join me in the "people who were hoping for team pink" corner haha. I'm happy I'm having another adorable boy though, I love my son. :)
Lol...im definitely starting to get over the fact its not a girl. Im really happy for our little boy. Ive already picked out a few cute clothes. Its so exciting once you find out what you are having. There is no way i could have waited until baby was born. I also bought an adorable shark security blankie. Its a blue blankie with a small shark stuffie attached to it.

Wanna trade? Lol
Orion, it's okay, you can join me in the "people who were hoping for team pink" corner haha. I'm happy I'm having another adorable boy though, I love my son. :)
Lol...im definitely starting to get over the fact its not a girl. Im really happy for our little boy. Ive already picked out a few cute clothes. Its so exciting once you find out what you are having. There is no way i could have waited until baby was born. I also bought an adorable shark security blankie. Its a blue blankie with a small shark stuffie attached to it.

Wanna trade? Lol

Lol Dh wouldnt let me even if i tried hahaha
I love that I'm going to have another Mommy's boy. I still want to try again for a girl though haha.
Thanks for all your kind words everyone! :flower:

Orion/Jordy - congrats on being team blue! Love the names! :thumbup:

We spent last weekend looking at travel systems. Has anyone decided what they are buying yet? We are stuck between 2. Hubby likes the Uppababy vista 2015 and I like the Mamas & Papas Armadillo Flip XT.

What's everyone up to this weekend? I'm on my best friends hen do...so it's going to be tiring! I'm hoping I can get through it okay as I don't want to be the miserable one who goes home early! Lol.
Thanks bing!

Has anyone started having Braxton Hicks yet? I started getting them a couple days ago..I will be totally normal feeling and then out of no where I get what feels like a mild menstrual cramp they only happen maybe a few times a day..
Not sure what B/H feel like but I've had some left sided cramping the last 2 days and those feel exactly like period cramps.:shrug:

As for the weekend we have tons going on. Ripping out what was the new flooring (ugh, don't ask), painting the nursery bc I'm sick of the yellow (pretty sure H hates me deciding this one lol), we're getting the dresser delivered and new spare refrigerator for the garage. Tonight I'm going to a friend's Silpada jewelry party. I'm not buying as I've already a butt load on baby items, but it'll be nice to have some girl time :)
Jordy-I have just started having what feels like very mild menstrual cramping off and on(maybe once a day) the last couple of days.

Bing-we are registered for the Graco Click connect travel system.

Had our dr visit this week, heart rate 140's and moving like crazy. Fundal height is 24...right on track!
As far as weekend plans, I am shopping for some rugs/towels for the half bath at the new house, hopefully packing some boxes to gear up for moving. And, the most exciting-I am doing laundry & packing for vacation!!!!!! :happydance::happydance: Oh I cannot wait! We don't leave until next week, but the upcoming work week is filled both before and after work, so this is my only time to pack lol

Hope everyone is doing well!!!
My weekend is filled with babysitting and getting things preped for our gender reveal party a week from today. Its cute as one of the kids here at our house is a boy, and all hubby can think of is our little boy on the way and imagining this boy as him :) so excited for my mommas boy. Cant wait for our family to find out :)
Did everyone have a good weekend?

Jordy - no I've not had any Braxton hicks yet.

Nori - I'm so jealous of your vacation! I really need a holiday! :sad2:

Orion - I hope you got everything organised for your gender reveal party.

MnG - how did the painting go? Do you like the new colour now? What did you go for?

Afm - I had a fun weekend at my best friends Hen Party, although it was a little emotional. On the Friday afternoon we had afternoon tea and then a pyjama party in the evening. Then on the Saturday everyone took part in a big inflatable games team event. I was nominated photographer for that as I wasn't allowed to take part being pregnant. Then we all went for a meal and out to some bars in the evening.

I got a bit fed up at the end of the night with people keep asking me if I was okay though, it was only 11pm! And my best friends said to me at one point that I could go home if I wanted and she wouldn't mind. So I took that as a hint she didn't want me there and got a taxi back to where we were staying and ended up crying myself to sleep :rofl: I probably over reacted but I remember on my Hen Party I kept saying the same thing to my mum and mum in law and I couldn't relax until they left. So just felt it was the best I left. I'm just dreading the wedding now though as I'm bridesmaid and I can see the same thing happening. Do you think I should just have a word with her before the wedding and say not to worry about me as it's her day?

I also broke down in tears this morning too! The pregnancy hormones have definately made an appearance over the last few days! :haha:

I just got so annoyed at hubby. From now until the end of June we have 1 free weekend (4 of which we're going away & staying with friends/family). I'm just fed up of being so busy and going away. We haven't even finished emptying out the spare room yet and so far i'm the one who has done everything to sort the spare room out while hubby has been away on 3 boys weekends getting drunk! I've emptied all the cupboards and sold all the furniture so far but there is still several piles of stuff which needs sorting out. He said to me yesterday when I got home that he'd sorted out his pile of clothes in there...walked in the room and there were clothes all over the floor...that's not sorting stuff out if you ask me, it's just creating a bigger mess! It didn't seem to bother me yesterday but this morning I felt so angry and just burst out crying. He did tidy up and clean the house while I was away and I came home to a nice roast dinner but when it comes to sorting stuff out in the spare room I just feel like nothing seems to get done unless I do it and we are very quickly running out of weekends to do stuff. Plus by July/August I'm going to be too big to do anything! Grrrr!

Sorry for my rant...just needed to get that off my chest! Feel better now! :)
Happy Monday lady birds!

We decided on a mint color for the nursery. I love love love it! We added stripes along 2 walls with a glaze and a slight sparkle effect. It's not really visible so today we're going to get glitter paint by Disney and add more. :blush: I love how it's turning out :)

Bing I'm sorry you've had an emotional wkend. Those hormones can be pretty brutal! If I lived close I would help you organize!! :hugs: I hope it gets better and that your H realizes he needs to be home more to help.


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I love the colour MnG! :thumbup: just don't change your mind again! :haha:

Thanks for the offer MnG - you should move to England! ;)

When I think about it now, hubby was actually really sweet this morning when I burst out crying. He said we don't have to go and visit family for the weekend at the end of May - the football team he supports are in a cup final for the 1st time in around 50 years and we had planned to watch the match with everyone. Plus he said if I show him how to list stuff on eBay he'll start putting all the stuff on there which we need to sell to make room for nursery furniture, as he gets home from work at 5pm whereas I don't get in until 7.30pm and by then I'm ready for bed! :haha:
Bing-I hope you get everything sorted out :) I can sort of relate as I did most of the cleaning out of what will be the nursery..and it was torture trying to get him to do all the heavy stuff. Now I still have to get the carpets clean..which he refuses to help do any of..he hardly helps with the laundry..he has washed maybe 8 dishes in the last month..the roommate's ONLY chore is putting clean dishes away..and SO does the vacuuming and yardwork (mowing and weedeating. I'm still expected to weed the flowerbeds) he vacuums maybe once or twice a week..the rest of the time he just sits on his butt playing computer games. So yeah..I've about had it as he still hasn't heard back about the outcome of his arbitration..he paints houses on the weekends for extra money but that's it as far as work is concerned..I'm working though on top of keeping the house tidied up..oh...let's not forget the baby registries..he isn't helping with those AT ALL..I love him to no end but sometimes I wish he'd snap out of it. There is no room in the kitchen for baby supplies..but we have a huge glass cabinet in there full of empty booze bottles on display..refuses to throw them out..I've also given up on him ever being super sensitive where my emotions are concerned while pregnant..he just doesn't grasp that there are really certain things he shouldn't say or do

I should mention again that he and his sister are both adopted and he hasn't ever been around pregnant women much. So he really hasn't learned how to handle a pregnant woman.

Guess today is a rant day
Looks good mng :)

Hope the hormones settle down a bit for you bing...so far my hubby is lucky as i havent had any hormone issues as of yet.

Hope everyone has enjoyed the weekend. Its Victoria day today so im at home getting things done. Ive been organising the nursery for our boy and painting wooden letters that spell out his name. Im doing big letters for his room and little ones for the door. Getting excited for our party on sat. My mom in law and her hubby are coming over from the island on friday. So i hope this work week goes by fast.
Mng- that color looks great!

Oruon- super excited for your reveal party! Hope it goes wonderfully for you guys!
Thanks Jordy...I just tested out the reveal part of the party just to make sure it works properly. We are doing balloons with blue and green papers inside. I cant wait to see how everyone reacts. Our family cant stop trying to get us to tell them what baby is lol.
I'm sure it is going to go great! I really enjoyed our party. My mom bawled when the blue balloons floated out of the box. My mom is one of six 3 boys 3 girls..and out of 14 grandkids my grandpa only has 4 grandsons the other 10 are all girls. One of my cousins now has a boy and a girl another cousin has a boy and now me and my cousin are both welcoming boys to the family in the near future..everyone is so grateful for the boys lol

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