Hi, girls. Can I join in? Hubby and I are TTC #2 ...we've had two miscarriages and one little girl who's 2
All three pregnancies we got pregnant on the first try but my OB warned me that since I haven't lost all the weight from my first pregnancy it might be more difficult trying to get pregnant. Trying not to let that get me down, but I have been working out with a personal trainer and hoping that helps me shed some of those pesky pounds!
Anyways, I'm on cycle day 24 and haven't temped or charted as this is our first cycle TTC and I just kind of wanted to see how things go. I think our fertile window started on Sept 19th with expected O date of Monday Sep 22nd. We were able to BD 19th,20th and 21st but not on the 22nd or 23rd so I'm not really sure if that puts us at a disadvantage this time
I wish we would have been able to BD on the expected O date but of course, as it goes, DH was gone that day.
So, I'm 9 dpo and POAS this AM with a
Trying not to let it get me down! I'll probably test again tomorrow...
I am a little confused though, I'm having tons of symptoms and figured I might actually get a + today if implantation had happened and I was feeling what I was feeling but who knows. Maybe it's just PMS
I cried off and on all day and had horrible nausea and gagging.
Sorry, gross I know!
I apologize for the novel!