September Snugglers 2016

I've been up since 3 this morning:brat::sad2: No reason...just can't sleep. Ughhhh. I think I'll treat myself to some homemade french toast and eggs this morning. And hopefully a good late morning nap! :coffee:

Me too! :wacko: my back is in pain no matter what position I get into and I keep trying to feel baby move throughout the night so I am getting no sleep :nope:
Campn- mine was really quiet in the mornings and it freaked me out after not feeling anything all night. Of course, he changed completely, and now he's quiet when he used to be active, which again freaked me out! Now's he's active so often it's not usually a problem, but when he's a little quiet, there I am freaking out again.

We just harvested the second of 2 pineapples from our yard and I had some for the past 3 days. I thought I was getting more cramps and then came across something that pineapple might help ripen the cervix. Well, I don't know, but I do know it was delicious!
Campn, your encouragement really made me feel nice this morning :) thank you! I hope you're right! As to your question, earlier in this pregnancy she was always waking me up with her kicks in the morning, but lately for the past weeks/months she's always been quiet in the morning till after I wake up and get downstairs to drink something.

Actually, today for the first time in ages I was woken up to all sorts of movement. I am hoping that it was her turning head down. It was super squidgy types of movement so I have fx at my scan on monday she'll finally be head down. I was going to book an appointment with a chiropractor today (apparently they can be helpful to turn a baby) but now I guess I'll wait till Monday and just see.

Borr, if you already said, please forgive me - I can't remember anything these days! When do you have your next growth scan? I hope it gives you some reassurance that she might be small but is still growing and that things are different (for the better) than last time :hugs:

Xan I'm feeling very excited for you! Really, sounds like any time now :) The pineapple sounds delicious! I have heard if you really want to speed things along, the chemical in the pineapple is most concentrated in the core. My doula said that some people use the core to make smoothies with, to get the extra bromelain. I don't know if it really works or not, but I think any excuse to eat more pineapple :thumbup: I bet they're amazing fresh from the garden!!
apologies if you see this twice as posted in group too - So, finally on my laptop, after being extremely paranoid about when my growth scan was booked and calling the antenatal ward to basically whine about when it was scheduled I received a call this morning from the head midwife who has taken it upon herself to chase my case up. They have booked me a growth scan for next thursday at 36 weeks which I am so pleased about. As my consultant only works every other Monday ( thats a whole other problem!) I will be seeing the head midwife after the scan to make a plan of action without the consultant ha. Fingers crossed. I am petrified of a natural birth but more worried about a second section with an almost 4 year old running around and desperate to avoid induction but I get the feeling I will be offered a early induction!
Ginge, I know this has been worrying you for a while now. I'm so very glad that someone finally listened to your concerns and got you in earlier to take a look. I'm having an induction. It is kind of scary but better at this point than the alternatives, at least that's what I tell myself :hugs: keep us informed on how the appointment goes
Uni- I'm glad LO is giving you lots of reassurance today :) And yes, the pineapple was delicious. It takes forever to grow a pineapple, so it's hard to wait for it to ripen on the plant. But well worth it! I would eat spicy foods and try all of the tricks to bring on natural labor asap, but with the heartburn I've been having I shouldn't risk it. Strangely, the acid in the pineapple didn't hurt me any.

Ginge- sorry that you had so many issues with the last birth. If LO went to full term, he'd be 10 pounds, that is why they are inducing me early (only 9 1/2 pounds, yay!). I talked to my doctor about the whole plan and how it would go. She said she's going to follow my labor chart, checking every hour and if things aren't progressing go for the c-section. Her matter-of-fact description really helped me feel that I was in good hands, and it made a lot of sense.

Mari- have you decided on getting c-section or being induced? Sorry if you posted already and I missed it...

Any ladies that have been through this, if you are planned to be induced, do you have to fast 8 hours before arriving at the hospital? That seems particularly cruel...

Well, today I am officially 38+1 and have 1 week left. It's kind of crazy- I've had my eye on the prize of taking a healthy baby to term, but now feel like I haven't really thought about having a baby in any practical way. I'm just coming to grips with the fact that I have come this far, and the doctor told me to stop taking the baby aspirin. That terrifies me, as I lost my first pregnancy due to a blood clot. But rationally, I know that developing a huge blood clot at this stage is unlikely, and it's more of a risk to take aspirin and risk a hemorrhage. Pleasant thoughts, I know.

On the positive side, I've noticed that since I've given myself a lot of downtime I am so much more aware of all of the kicks and movements. And I've counted down the maternity outfits I have to wear. I'm so excited to wear big girl pants again!

Sorry for the self indulgence. Can I blame pregnancy brain?
Xan - I posted on the FB group and the forgot to post here! Had my sizing ultrasound this morning and baby is already pushing close to 10lbs. But OB say it's just an estimate and could +/- a pound. But since I am only 37 weeks, that is huge! Me and OB were 100% in agreement that it will be a csection. My csection is booked for Sept 2@ 7am. That's 2 weeks today! I am nervous but happy I won't have to push out a huge baby! I am sorry you are so worried about w blood clot. I've never even had a clotting issue but still think I can get one. I never had to fast before my planned inductions. When I was in labor with my DD, they actually gave me some food! Lol I will have to fast for my csection though.

Got my Group Strep B results and they are negative. Yay!
midwife appointment today. bub is now engaged 2/5 whoop whoop only little more to go. still facing right hopefully that will change.

feeling very uncomfortable low down now, lack of sleep making me 1 very moody mamma! the OH better stay clear ha. potty training dd too, and bless her she is doing fantastic.
For the induction, nope, I wasn't told to fast for it - good job because it took 3 days!
And as for the pineapple ..... Soooo jealous that you can grow it! I've heard different theories about it - one being that it contains the same hormone as men's sperm which is why they are good for kicking off labour (sceptical about that one). Another is that it's can upset the stomach/clear you out if you eat a lot of it, which is why it's known to start labour. But I heard you have to eat a LOT of it. Don't know how true any of that is.
Ok ladies, here is a my 37 + 2 bump pic. Almost a 10lb baby in there! Lol


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Mari, you look great! I can never figure out how to take a bump mirror selfie without covering my own face lol But you look wonderful, and you bump is impressive! Just so perfectly shaped.
Mari, you look great! I can never figure out how to take a bump mirror selfie without covering my own face lol But you look wonderful, and you bump is impressive! Just so perfectly shaped.

It is, isn't it!? Mine always looks like a vertical bmx ramps course with the lumps and bumps! I struggle to get the pic WITHOUT my ugly mug invading the picture, thank goodness for the crop feature!!
Moo you crack me up! You're so beautiful :hugs:

BMX ramp? too funny! My bump just finally filled in this past week and stopped looking like a kidney bean :haha:
Ladies keep your fingers crossed for me. I think maybe (maybe) MAYBE this baby went head down today. All the wiggling around this morning but I wasn't sure. But now, I'm feeling all the solid kicks at the top and I can't feel her head poking up at me anymore. I'm so sure, I'm sitting on my ball, bouncing as I type this, hoping to get her to drop down enough she can't flip back over. Sure hope I'm right!!!
Uni, yay!!! I'm doing a happy dance for you! I heard people swear by scrubbing the floors, but bouncing on a ball is the next best thing! I need to bounce on my ball much more...
I still need to pump my ball up! With one week to go! Gah, I'm so lazy this time.

Uni - fingers, no - EVERYTHING crossed that little puddin' stays head down now!

Just had some cereal and coffee and waiting for this bubba to give me some wriggles. Once breakfast has gone down a bit I'll get Sophie to talk to the bump, she usually gets some reactions (she tends to pounce on it at the same time which is why she's not doing it yet!)
Mum is coming over for a bit later. I asked her to be on standby in case things kicked off whilst MrMoos parents are in Wales. Sadly Grandad Les has taken a turn for the worse and they don't think he'll be with us another week. My MIL has decided not to go, she doesn't want to see him so sick and wants to remember him at his best, so my worry over Sophie's care isn't so bad now. Feel rather selfish for thinking about that more than losing a member of the family though - horrible situation! :wacko:
Mumma- glad that is resolved.

Uni- glad to hear, it sounds like he's reversed course.

I woke up twice in the night with an aching pelvis. Even the top of my bum is sore. Of course, the closer I get to 39 weeks, the more the dog wants to snuggle with me at night. She moves if I ask, but sulks about it, and I end up waking up DH. So I usually come out to the sofa and put on a show that puts me to sleep. But today it's not working :(
Xanz- soooo exciting! Sounds like you are so close to meeting baby. I can't wait for you! I know what you mean with the fear but just keep trusting the doctors know best and stopping the baby aspirin now is the safest thing to do.
So jealous you can grow pineapple-- they must taste amazing. The ones I buy lately are awful. Going to keep eating it as it is a bring on labor tip.
We went up to Newport and Providence..had amazing time.. much better than last trip and I didn't get sick!

Aiden- how did your appt. go? Hope fluid level was good.

Mari- wow - 10 pounds! You look great. I think that's great you both decided for sure on c-section. Friends of mine who have had one told me it was a breeze. Have they mentioned a date yet for you?

Borr- blood pressure doesn't sound too high so hopefully it remains manageable. I hear you with growth concerns. Fingers crossed baby has grown a good amount for your next scan. Some babies are just small and fatten up after born, but perfectly healthy. That's what I keep telling myself.

Uni- that sure sounds like baby has turned head down. Yay!!!

Campn- how are your sister and baby?

I also think baby is quiet in morning. I knock on my belly and then he/she usually kicks! But if concerned, drink some coffee or cold drink, eat and lay down and should get baby moving. Baby is so active in evening.. I love it! I think that is the only thing I will miss about pregnancy. This darn heartburn still wont go away.
My nesting has turned in to tiredness I now have my house looking nice, decorated and couldnt care about cleaning. This apparently means labour is very soon. So I am resting my body.
I read online somewhere that women nest by cleaning the house and readying the nursery and men often nest by doing yardwork. Well, that's true over here. Hubby ripped out the entire front garden (previous owners didn't take care of it and it was all weeds). I got dragged to the nursery today to pick out plants and then had to help hubby plant things (I just put things in holes that he dug and spread the dirt around). I don't think he understands how much effort just doing that took. My back hurts so bad now so I am sitting on the couch drinking water and relaxing while he lays out the mulch (he wanted help with that too...uhhhh....nope.)

I don't want to move for the rest of the day.

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