September Stars Weightloss Journeys!!

Big Congrats Emzy !!

BTP well done I think it's the beans the blew your pounds away !!

Becs good luck with the weigh in

Well went out for Xmas lunch and I was really good only ordered main meal chicken roast and didn't finish my plate even though it was gorgeous. I walked into town and back too so every little helps

SR we bought the kinnect yesterday DH is ordering biggest loser for me tomorrow. Been doing a fitness game with DH both really enjoying it.

Weigh in on Wednesday but may weigh tomorrow instead

Hope everyone is doing well this weekend xx
AF has arrived for me too. I was bloated before it came so I've actually gone down a bit and lost a few more pounds now, hoping it stays that way. I've been naughty this weekend and had two takeaways and drank vodka so im not hopeful for any loss this week either :haha:

Jelly - Woohoo! let me know how you get on with biggest loser :D
Well done btp!! The wine diet seems to be working for you lol!

Blurgh for all the afs... mines really heavy again, they have all been heavy since having holly.

We've got ourselves a kinect for Christmas, is it good? What's the biggest loser?

Glad you had a nice meal jelly x
Jelly, so glad you had a nice meal!!

I lost a 1lb this week, quite shocked all things considered! My AF has been the oposite, really light!!
Well done Becs!!

Emzy - Biggest loser is an exercise routine game for the kinnect, it's really good! gives you a great work out :D
Well done btp!! The wine diet seems to be working for you lol!

Blurgh for all the afs... mines really heavy again, they have all been heavy since having holly.

Yay the wine diet, if only i was not feeding!

Poor love with your af, I was heavy after babies and why i had the mirena coil fitted, it brings period to minimal, mine went from really heavy, using pads and tampons and still going through really quickly to after the coil and it took a while of spotting to settle but after a while i didn't even recognise when my periods were!
All the pain and stuff accociated with periods is gone so was well worth it for me.

Good luck to a new diet week! (I'll drink to that:haha:)

Jelly lol the beans, well i think you may be right!!:happydance:

Big hugs xxxx:hugs:
Well done Becs !

My first af was really heavy for one day but I had none of my usual symptoms except craved food and sugar the week before , hope everyone feels better soon xx
erugh, im used to heavy AF mine have always been heavy since they started so I don't know much different! been the docs loads of times but I just get "Lose weight" or I got "It'll improve after you've had kids" weee ehhh!(bad family fortunes noise. lol) now lost almost 2 stone and had a baby and it's no different! Always have to wear two pads at a time and theyre soaked after an hour.
erugh, im used to heavy AF mine have always been heavy since they started so I don't know much different! been the docs loads of times but I just get "Lose weight" or I got "It'll improve after you've had kids" weee ehhh!(bad family fortunes noise. lol) now lost almost 2 stone and had a baby and it's no different! Always have to wear two pads at a time and theyre soaked after an hour.

It's a load of rubbish blaming it on weight, I was 8 stone and a size small 8 and had the heaviest periods imaginable!
Having kids made them more regular as i was getting them every 3 weeks but apart from that the mirena coil has been the only thing to treat mine, and i want it in b4 they start in the hope they never return now!
Weigh day...10lb 5oz, a loss of 3lb:happydance:
I have lost over a stone now since doing the Food Focus thing, so pleased i have it, it works for me!:happydance:
I was really pleased with that, being my birthday week, wouldn't it be great if Christmas week i loose instead of gain!!
BTP, well done you!!!

My AF has got heavier, not nice!!
Had coil in, hope that means no more af for 5 years:happydance:
Glad its in, was no bother really, once you have given birth you can do anything, it was no worse than a smear.
Glad its over with, roast chicken cooking, yummmmmmmmmmmy:thumbup:
Well done BTP!! :happydance:

SR it annoys me, every time I have been to the docs for anything, they always say lose weight. I had one GP in particular that used to make me cry every time I went for anything as he would harp on and on about my weight and give me healthy eating leaflets. I changed GPs in the end!!

I have always had heavy afs when not on the pill, but they were fine when on the pill. But I'm not going back on the pill, don't want any type of hormonal contraception as had so many problems over the years. BTP have you any experience of the plain old copper coil, rather than the one with the hormone in it? My AF has all but finished now. It was really heavy to begin with and has lasted 6 days. I had to use left over maternity pads for the first day it was so heavy!!

Been ok on my diet this week, but not brilliant. My friend turned up at my house with a cake on Monday and I thought it was so nice that she brought it, I didn't have the heart to turn it down. And it was yummy!! Also went out for dinner and had a curry on Tuesday night. Not sure if I will have lost anything this week but we'll see!
Emma, like I say everything in moderartion!! You have to enjoy yourself!
I agree Becs! Just a shame that anything nice I have sticks to my hips like glue!! lol
I am the same, I only have to look at something nice and wooah I put on a stone!!
Well done BTP!! :happydance:

I have always had heavy afs when not on the pill, but they were fine when on the pill. But I'm not going back on the pill, don't want any type of hormonal contraception as had so many problems over the years. BTP have you any experience of the plain old copper coil, rather than the one with the hormone in it? My AF has all but finished now. It was really heavy to begin with and has lasted 6 days. I had to use left over maternity pads for the first day it was so heavy!!!

Yes, had 4 copper ones fitted over the years, this is only my second hormone one.
The normal copper coil is good, your periods carry on as usual, it can make them heavier, they are a good method, just read up on the doctors info on them
They are great if you are not wanting anything you need to worry about, it just goes in and you forget about it.
When and if you want another baby you just get it removed and normal fertility resumes immediately, twice i had one out and fell pregnant without a period!

Hope this helps! xx:hugs:

Oh and ps! keep in mind i can't take the pill but because the hormone coil contains such a tiny amount of hormone that is directly into the womb rather than taken in orally it doesn't affect you in the same way the pill does even though it contains the same sort of hormones, so although you may have experienced problems with hormonal methods this may not affect you in the same way.xx
BTP - My mum keeps saying I should try the coil, I don't know yet but I definitely want some kind of contraception other than the pill and if it helps with periods then sounds like it could be useful!

Becs and Emzy - I'm the same as you two, I always say that if I have 1 tiny thing thats fattening I end up with an extra 3 pounds on me the day after! whats worse is when you've got friends and family who can sit eating a whole bag of chocolate or loads of pizza and not put an ounce on! I swear all my friends and family eat like pigs with no consequences. I keep telling my brother he gt ALL of the metabolism genes :haha:

I weighed yesterday, I wasnt expecting much since AF this week but I'd lost 2lb and was at 14st 7lb so I was happy with that.
I woke up this morning, AF has gone and the bloating has gone down loads so i re-weighed again and I'm 14st 4lb this morning!! I'm showing this weight the back door :rofl: anyway, i dont see how that works but im not complaining and sometimes the scales do say im lots lighter one day then a few lb heavier the next so im thinking by next weeks weigh in i might only be about 14st 5lb. Plus, im going out tonight for oh's work doo so it's a curry and vodka for me :p
Well done sisterose, that is great, who are we to question it!:haha:
Our scales are a bit gaga:wacko:, i have weighed then moved the scales and been 2lb less! I take the less weight of course!:haha:

My coil seems to have settled in fine, can't feel it, had a bit of blood from the insertion but that went the same day, and i hope that is it and i get no periods, it took 6 months last time to totally get rid of af but i had it in from normal af not my breast feeding no af stage.
Just to say there are 2 types of coil, the mirena has the hormones and stops the periods, it is a more reliable form than sterilisation while its in. Then the normal copper coil has no hormones, still very effective and wont intefere with af.

Got to go, got an exited toddler and a new sledge! xxx:hugs:
SR well done!! That's fab!!

Thanks for the info BTP. I'm VERY wary of anything containing hormones. I was on the pill from when I was 16 til 19 with no problems, until some stupid doctor suddenly refused to give it to me as I had gained weight. He insisted I have the injection, so I did but it turned me into a psyco. Seriously, my hair all fell out (I mean LOADS of it, I have lots of hair usually and I was grabbing handfuls out until it was so thin!), I grew hair on my chest (honestly!!!) and it completely changed my personality. It made me really aggressive and violent and I'm not like that at all. Still, the doctor told me I had to keep having it for a year for it to settle down, so I did and of course my periods stopped. When after a year I was a quivering wreck, I stopped having it and they put me right back on the pill, but I didn't have another period or bleed at all until I stopped taking the pill a year after that. I was later told that they should under no circumstances have put me back on the pill on the back of the injection! After that I couldn't settle on any type of pill, even the mini pill. I was on Yasmin before I got pregnant, but it still wasn't quite right (I had bad depressive episodes on it) and it wasn't until I stopped taking it last October that a fog lifted and I realised I'd been living in haze for the last few years! So I really really don't want to risk that happening again! So either condoms or the copper coil for me... might look into the coil a bit more. My mum had it before she had her hysterectomy and it made her periods heavier, but shorter.


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