September Stars Weightloss Journeys!!

Good Luck BTP :flower:

SR as my friends OH said to her 'i could crap 1lb' i think just put it as you havent gained or lost as 1lb really is nothing :hugs:
Lost 2lb from last week, but same as i was at pre weigh in on monday, hoped to have been less!
I am very impatient!
Had one person say i got my figure back quick, then another say she knows how small i usually am so can see i still have weight to loose!
Ahh well, cant win em all!

SR, my weight changes by as much as 3lb just from morning to evening, so 1lb really can just be fluid, af is a good reason on its own tbh.:hugs:
Well today I am still 10s10lb!! The only difference is it is snowing today!
This weight loss lark is so slow!!:coffee::sleep: xxxxxxx:wacko:
Hehe. It's far too slow! we need quick fixed :haha: it'll all pay off in the end though.

Boyfriend got a kinnect the other day and I got the biggest loser game. It's really intense, I can do 25mins jogging on the wii fit and be okay afterwards but 10mins of that and I'm like "please no more!" lol.
You can really feel it working. I better lose this week if I do at least 30mins of that every day!
Can i join please??! I am currently 11st3lb 12 weeks after having my gorgeous Charlie-Jack! Initially i wanted a goal weight of 8st3lb but i've decided that would be really hard for me to maintain and i might go a bit too skinny so i'm going to try for 9lb3 so a loss of 2 stone!
I go through ups and downs with my willpower and sometimes can be the greediest pig ever and sometimes hardly not eat so i think i need to start eating a bit more healthier, and regularly!
I have been weighing myself every wednesday in boots on there big scales, i find there really good they weigh you to the exact oz, and its only 50p and you get a little printed slip with your weight , height , bmi!
Good luck to everyone x x x
I have been weighing myself every wednesday in boots on there big scales, i find there really good they weigh you to the exact oz, and its only 50p and you get a little printed slip with your weight , height , bmi!
Good luck to everyone x x x


I should do that, i will have a little bit of paper i can keep in a book and keep putting it in each week, it will encourage me to do it, thanks for the idea!!
My weigh day is Wed too! I have 2 stone to go now!
I have got all the little slips saved from as far back as August the heaviest is 12st13oz which was the day before i went into labour, they are really good to look at for a bit of inspiration and to keep me motivated :) x x
I have got all the little slips saved from as far back as August the heaviest is 12st13oz which was the day before i went into labour, they are really good to look at for a bit of inspiration and to keep me motivated :) x x


Good morning, This morning I am 10lb 9oz :happydance: a pound less:happydance: I am still bored, it is still too slow:coffee:

Playgroup today, take my toddler to playgroup, dh comes and i take Rosie, she did little foot prints last week for a calender, very cute!
Dh said did he want me to take dd in to playgroup while i stay in bed, i said did i look stupid sending him to a group full of women, he would love it, and they would be all over him, (their faces already light up when he walks in the room even with a wife and 2 kids in tow!) we went to a different group the other week and a man showed up with his son, no wife in sight and he was almost eaten alive but this swarm of women, I am sure i am not imagining it!:haha: A bloke dosent even have to have anything going, honestly single men are going to all the wrong places if they cant pull!

Well best get up, we need to get bread and milk too, as even though we are not too badly affected the wider picture means supply's are going to be low at the supermarket, ah well do the diet good as long as the kids eat!

Byeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxx
:rofl: I havent noticed that when i make Robin go (i had jags) he just said it was really dull.

Riiighhht tonight i will upload my photos for comparison... and just now i'm eating and i have pretty much stopped eating properly :cry: big FAIL for me i think.
I have just looked on food focus, which i find a very useful tool to the whole weight loss thing, but just had a play with the body mass thing,
I am currently marked as obese, and tbh i think that is a bit harsh at a size 14!
Anyway i put my target weight in (i wish) and i am still considered obese at a size 8-10 weighing in at 8st 10oz,:shrug: so i think ok how small do i actually have to be to be 'normal' and it was not til i registered in at 6st 7lb to be 'normal' my god, at that i would be almost invisible, i have not been that weight since i was about 6, and i think my skeleton must weigh more than that!!!:rofl:

That must be based on something, not just plucked from the air, but when i have been really stressed i have been just below 8st and looked ill on it!

I think the moral of the story is make your own targets and be guided by when you are happy with your weight!:thumbup:
Hey ladies!

Sorry for being awol... I've had tonsillitis last week, so i'm giving myself time off to recover. I'm not sure if i'm using it as an excuse to not get weighed actually, as last time I was back to square 1 and i'll be dreading it if I have put weight on over the top of my 150lbs. Gonna start again afresh on monday because I still feel too crappy to get to the gym, and the snow means I can't go walking or anything.

I haven't had chance to catch up properly (there's quite a few pages as my dongle is broken and is a pain in the arse to get online) but I hope you're all still doing really well!

BTP - I think BMI's are a rubbish guideline to what weight someone should be. I had a friend who was a complete health fanatic from a young age and has always been very toned and big muscles (was a fitness instructor at one time) Well he had a major accident about 6 years ago resulting in possible amputation etc and was on heavy drugs and bed rest for a number of months and had to go to a rehab centre to help him walk etc. Anyway it was only at this bad state of tremendous weight loss where he looked gaunt was his BMI apparently 'Healthy'. It really highlighted to me that BMI is too formal and a healthy weight should be on a person to person basis.

SR - Which would you recommend the wii fit or xbox kinect. I already have the wii and contemplating getting the wii fit whereas DH has said for us to buy the xbox and kinect.
(I also said if get x box I want the biggest loser game too (I love watching the US version of that programme its amazing how hard they push themselves etc. Season which finished last week the finalists ran a marathon!)
Jellycat - I'd say xbox and kinnect over wii fit. The biggest loser game is fab!! I made my boyfriend play on the routine I did last night and he couldnt handle it, I did warn him! it's a really intense work out and much better than anything on the wii fit. I could jog for 25mins on th wii fit and just be a bit tired after but after 30 mins on biggest loser i was pouring sweat and begging for mercy! haha. It is really very good :D
Congrats to all the girls who have lost weight, i put in 5 lbs 2 weeks ago but lost 3lbs this week, but after reading becs post once we have the kennect i will use that to work out, i have asked for the dance game : )
I've bought OH x-box for christmas so i am going to convince him to get kinnect now so i can use it haha present for me too :haha: On the dieting front ive done a bit so-so! Yesterday i had a healthy breakfast and lunch, didn't have any tea as i went to bed early! Then i didnt eat again til lunchtime so went 24hrs without eating, which is not good really because i've heard the body holds onto fat if you dont eat! Then I had my little sisters birthday party this afternoon and got a bit giddy on the buffet!! Its all those mini eclairs :haha: I'm really not expecting any loss on wed unless i get some serious excercise before then but i havent got time! Can't even get out for a walk in this grotty snow :( Any ideas for excercises indoors?? x
Maybe you could find some fittness workouts on youtube! then you just have to find some space and follow that. Other than that all I can think of is jogging on the spot for 20mins? Which can be pretty boring!

Today I didn't eat much either until earlier tonight. I only had some weetabix with semi skimmed milk and a packet of snack-a-jacks until 5pm then I got back from shopping with pizza bases, passata tomato sauce, cheese and topings and made me and OH a pizza each! I ate just a bit more than half of mine. It wasnt really large, a little less than medium I'd say but I'm sooooooo stuffed and everytime I close my eyes I can see the 1lb or two I lost this last few days piling back on my butt :rofl:
How's it going ladies? Still waiting on AF here! it's really throwing me off and messing my weight/appetite about. :dohh:

According to the scales in a morning the last few days I'm almost exactly between the 14/15 stone mark so it's going slooowwwly.

I did 48mins biggest loser in total today and burnt 200+cals though so proud :D
I am due AF soon, I know this as I have been eating like a horse and crave sweet things, not good but never mind!! I find I always either stay the same or put on around this time!!
Becs - I get sooooooooo hungry before AF and crave sweet things/fatty foods too. I feel like I'm constantly hungry
I lost a 1lb this week, not bad considering I have strayed lol!!!

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