September Stars Weightloss Journeys!!

Well done SR how much have you lost in total now ?
I think you'll make your target before march !!
Thanks Jelly, and I'm crap at adding up but I make it just under 30lbs so far at 29lbs in total :D
Good Morning!

Trying to be good today after an attack of the after eight munchies, I had one and just couldn't stop, i had to put them out the way in the end!
I am at about 10st now and only 1st4lb to target, I am feeling better but i do feel like i need a nudge, so hopefully with dh starting ww again next week, and i am going to look about for a dvd to bop to, i think davina looks the most promising!

Well done Jelly, doing fab xx

Hi Snoozie, not tried sw, always used ww and got on ok with it, I am using Food Focus, free online service you put all your statistics and targets in, and your food intake and weight each week, and it plots your loss and progress, it is pretty good, and i have lost over a stone since i started it, worth a look! :hugs:

Hello everyone else xx:hugs:

Well I have tons to do, all sat on my arse I am afraid but one step at a time!!:haha:

Hello Ladies!!

I keep forgetting about this thread. Well done on the excellent weight losses!! I wasn't too bad over Christmas, I actually lost weight! But I ate loads on Christmas Day and Boxing day and drank a lot when I was down visiting my parents! So here's where I am at so far:

Starting weight (8 weeks after birth) 16st 7lbs

Weight before Christmas 15st 0lbs

Weight week after Christmas 14st 13lbs

Weight last weigh in 15st 0lbs

So I got into the 14's but gained a bit when at my mums so was back into the 15's last week! This week's not gone so well so far. My meals have bene fine but I've been feeling crap with a cold and yesterday ate some cashew nuts and a load of jelly babies! Back on it today though, had fruit and fibre cereal for breakfast. Not sure what to have for lunch, might have soup.

Good news is when I started when Holly was 8 weeks old I was wearing size 22 jeans and I'm back into my 18s now! Yippee!

Keep up the good work girls!

Emma thats brilliant!!!!! You are doing fab!!!

I swear by Davina, she is brilliant!

My SW is going fab, I am loving being back on it!!
Went to the gym .... Oh dear haven't been in a year and it tells. I could barely do anything today including some of my stretches. Back tomorrow hoping if I gradually increase each time I'll soon be fit

Emzy great work how rewarding to go down sizes I can't wait for that to happen to me
Well done Jelly, the first step is going back!! Fx'd you won't ache too much in the morning!!
Having a bad few days, feeling rough and comfort eat after a good day so real shame i should go to bed at 6pm! xx
It's always difficult when your not feeling great xx
Oh dear looks like I'm not feeling great myself now

Yesterday wasn't a great day food wise and no exercise, now this morning I'm still on pjs and don't want to do anything. Not sure if tummy bug, pmt or just simply run down. I used to suffer badly with periods before I was on the pill and I know I'm due on so wonder if it's af due. My head feels really spaced out and been needing the loo too. So today staying in pjs for as long as possible and if I need to eat I'm going to without counting calories today
Bf scrambled eggs on toast
Hello Girls :) I haven't been on for ages i've had a poorly laptop! Well done to all the girlies who have lost weight! I've been swimming lots and walking quite a bit and i'm now 10st8lb so a loss of 9lb since christmas :happydance: I can't see it myself but people have been commenting that i look a bit slimmer so that is a bit of motivation to carry on!
BTP - I've been using Food Focus as well, finding it really useful!
Well all this reading and thinking of food has made me hungry so i off to fill my face :wacko:
Keep up the good work :hugs:
x x x
Well done chick. thats fab!!! Its always nice when people comment!!!
Well done Lilia :wohoo:

I drank a whole bottle of wine last night while out with friends(and 2 beers shhhh) I can't believe how much I can drink and stay standing :s not good. Was dreading weigh in today but I've lost at least 5lb! I got on the scales and they're saying roughly about 13st 7lb/13st 8lb so I popped on the wii fit to be weighed too and at first it said I'd lost 7lb this week!!! so I re-weighed myself in disbelief and it said I'd only lost 5lb so I've lost at least that which is amazing!!

I've lost 33lb in 3 months(nearly 2 and a half stone. ) this is my 12th week.

I'm very pleased to announce that I'm no longer classed as obese, I'm now just overweight as my BMI is below 30 now! :wohoo:
I think this is the first time I've ever not been obese :rofl: go me!
Well done SR, you are doing fab!!!

I don't really have any vices, I don't drink or smoke so I guess I am quite boring really!!!
SR I'm so happy for you that's Brillant xx keep it up !

I had a glass of baileys last night I drink about twice a year. Feeling better today so hoping to eat healthy next few days so I have a good weigh in on Wednesday as this week I've been pretty rubbish dietwise and hardly any exercise
Well done SR! I looove wine just hate the calories ! Its always the thing that lets me down haha i can say no to a chocolate cake but a nice chilled vino lovely!
well done everybody, my little star was born on the 23rd sept i started to cut back in nov and lost 8lb, since the 1st jan i have really improved my eating and hit the gym 5 days a week for an hours class or a gym session. I have gone from 13.13 3/4 on dec 31st to 13.4 1/2 yesterday, i'm pleased a further 9 1/2 lb off in 2 weeks is so much more than i could have wished for. I am determined to stick at it. I've got into a routine now and my new diet has become a habit rather than a chore now.After years of dieting it Finally seems to have clicked in my head! (about time)!! x
Oh wow.. you're all doing so well!!! :happydance:

I haven't been on for ages as my laptop was playing up, and... if i'm honest... I haven't really dieted over christmas at all. I started at 10st 10, and not I'm about 10st 8.6... :haha:

Oh well... I'll keep trying. I've been meaning to go to the gym, but I just can't get there. OH is trying to lose weight too, so he goes after work (meaning I can't :-( )

Although, I have got the kinect and biggest loser game, which I have been trying to get on 3 times a week.

I'm also trying to eat better, but not managing to 'diet' as such. I'm just eating more fruit and veg.

Again well done to everyone who is doing so well!

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