September Stars Weightloss Journeys!!

Haha Jelly! What makes you think I can? :)
I'm flailing all over the place doing sort of "prep" versions of the push-ups and pull-ups, but I'm getting a killer burn in all the right places, so I hope to be able to do the man push-ups and a pull-up (just one! please just one!) by the end of the 90 days.
It's pretty crazy how much stronger I am after just one week.
There is an easier version of P90x that lots of people start with, but my husband is a cruel fellow and threw me in the deep end. :)
Had two people today tell me that I look like I've lost weight!
I'm not touching the scale until the end of the first 30 days of the P90x program, as I don't think it will be all that helpful just yet, but it sure is nice to hear that I look slimmer. It's probably just standing up straighter and having tighter abs, now that the muscles have woken up from their long slumber :)haha:)
Sarahkka wished I could not go on the scales for 3 months but curiosity gets the better of me...... I've sneaky weighed in this morning and looks like I've lost 2lb since Monday, hoping to make it at least 3lb by the time I properly weigh in Monday.

WW seems to be going well for me this week, not feeling hungry at all, planning the night before is definatly good for me as long as I give myself a couple of snacks during the day within my points allowance.
Wish I could avoid the scales too, i try my best now...but only because I ask OH to lock them in his boot on a Monday and take them to work for a week :-s
Good week for me joined weightwatchers and have lost 2lb this week. Also been to gym twice last week and been back again this morning. Also booked crèche for Wednesday and Friday

Hoping for another good week this week, aiming to reach first stone within a fortnight which is 2lb a week. DH is away this week so hopefully I can really concentrate on the diet!
Way to go Jelly!!
I've had a weird psychological setback as of yesterday. Breaking all my own rules, I was excited to jump on the scale after two weeks of this very intense diet and workout regime. I was absolutely crushed to find that the number hadn't budged.
Well, I weighed in the evening (never a good time for me) and the scale read 181.8, then 183, then 182. It's a crap scale, so that could be the problem. :shrug:
This morning, it read 177.
I feel like I am slimmer and I've had more than one person comment that I look slimmer, so I am guessing that I am probably 3lbs lighter? Not sure if I'm a whole 5, but that's not impossible with this program.
I don't know.
I should have stayed away from the stupid stupid scales. :(
I had the same feeling at the weekend and also have shoddy scales. I weigh myself 4-5 times to work out what I am.
If people are commenting then you must have !
Another setback!
I just pulled a muscle in my bum and can barely walk. Effin' lunges! I lost my balance at the start of the workout and really tweaked something in my glute.
It takes me so long to get the motivation to do a regime like this, then I get sidelined by something so dumb.
I am very very frustrated. :growlmad:
Ouchie thats a difficult one .... hot pack in your pants :shrug:
I am trying to get an appointment for massage therapy for tomorrow. Maybe that will sort it out.
Otherwise, I'm just going to modify the workouts this week and start this training week over on Saturday. Not a rest, but a recovery, maybe?
I've been going really hard and I was really a blob before I started this. I thought I was being really careful, but maybe not careful enough.

Omg I havn't been in here in ages. I've been off the diet for a few weeks to be honest, not paying attention at all to what I've been eating! Matt hit his weight loss target and took the foot off the gas, which is fine for him but not for me as I'm still stuck at a 1stone 6lb loss! I had lost 1st 10lb but I got really demotivated as I seemed stuck there for ages and like I say, stopped dieting and I have gained 4lbs, which is less than I thought I would have gained!! So I'm now15st 1lb. Back on the diet now and had a good couple of days so hoping to be below 15 again at the end of the week! Just waiting for Holly to wake up and I'm taking her for a long walk to burn some calories!

Well done on all the losses!

Oh and I threw my scales out so I can't weigh all the time! I go to boots and weigh in once a week lol
Welcome back Emzy! Not such a bad thing getting rid of the scales as I keep having sneaky weigh ins all through the week!
Hi girls

Yay, first week went well, I've been really good but allowed myself a couple of treats and I lost 4lbs!! So back down to 14stone 11lbs now, so I'm happy. Next goal is to get to 14 stone 7lbs which is the 2 stone mark!

My diet has been off the boil for weeks now, I haven't put any on so thats good!! I am starting back at it from Monday, want to lose a stone before Hope's Christening in June!!

Well done ladies xxx
Emzy wow great loss !

Becs welcome back

Wi and I've lost 2lb, very surprised as went to gym less and ate well over points since having the cold. Need to be good this week to prevent it showing up on the scales next week.
Good work, everyone!
We are entering the 4th week of P90x, which is supposed to be a "recovery" week. So lots of core workouts, yoga, stretching, and a couple of cardio things.
the diet is getting harder to follow. I want some carbs!!!!!!!
Bad carbs: bread! baked goods! cupcakes! :brat:

Actually, it's not too bad. But I am ready for the next phase of the diet, which adds in more carbs. I'd like the option of porridge for breakfast a few times a week. I think that's balanced and healthy.

Very tired today from a bad night with teething Tobe. It's hard to keep at the fitness stuff when you are so exhausted.

Oh! Did my chest and back workout day before yesterday and I was able to hit 20 pushups during the the circuit training!! :shock: And they were good push-ups, too! Good form, nice and deep. That felt awesome! :bodyb:
Exciting news for me today!
We did our 30-day measurements and I'm down 7 lbs. :happydance:
PLUS!!!! (and far more exciting in my opinion), I've lost 4 inches around my waist, 2 inches off my hips, 1 inch off each thigh and about half an inch off each upper arm!!!
I feel way stronger. :bodyb:

So I am going to continue with the P90x program.
The next 30 days are supposed to be killer.
I'm still hoping to make my 20 lb weight loss goal by the end of the 90 days, but the inches off is way better! :)
Wow, Sarahkka - That's amazing! well done. I bet your old jeans/trousers are falling off of you by now! You'll have to invest in some bracers :haha: or just buy some more ;)

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