September Stars Weightloss Journeys!!

Yup! Serious baggy bum pants happening.
I'll just keep hitching them up until I finish the 90 days, then see where I am.
Nice problem to have though! :)
Well done Sarah xx

Ate half an easter egg today, pasta and meat balls and garlic cheesy bread and feel throughly sick now!!!

My absence again reflects the diet lull, i am going to jog....starting tomorrow, i found it helped before kick start me, and have been delaying it long enough!
Dug out trainers and jogging kit, about 9lb to jog off!! :hugs:

Hope everyone is well xx:hugs:
Congrats sarahkka that's a great result

Had wi and gained 5lb in a week! I struggled with White bread last week so based on St recommendation I bought weightwatchers bread so hoping I won't have the sane issue again

Plan gym, plan meals, use weeklys only in emergencys and don't eat White bread!! Still surprised by such a heavy weight gain as worked really hard at gym and stuck to points but did use all my weeklys. Damage is done going to focus on the coming week and do something constructive
Weigh in and lost 3lbs this week, still not convinced my scales are working properly. They have been dropped a number of times over the years :-(

Anyone else still dieting or is it just me now ...
I'm still in! Diet and crushing workouts!
Jelly, one thing I really like about the P90x program is that they really de-emphasize the scales. You look at measurements and fitness tests instead. I really think it helps. Our stupid scale is all over the place, too. I got so discouraged last time when I went for a sneak peek, so I'm keeping away from it now.

Things are good on the training front. I am impressed that I just keep doing it. Even when I'm desperately tired, I somehow push play and get through it. The diet has gotten trickier in the last few days. I'm really craving naughty carbs right now. For some strange reason, I would kill for a scone.
Big huge help having the husband do this with me. If it weren't for him, I would definitely be falling off the wagon.
I'm starting to get really fatigued with the amount of working out I'm doing. We're just at the middle of the last week of hardcore workouts for the second phase (so approaching Day 60). The last week of the month is a recovery week and you do much gentler workouts. I think I need recovery week to start tomorrow. I am tired. I need more sleep and I need to stop working out for a few days.
The diet is getting harder again, too. I just want lots of bread. Pastry, bread, pasta, fries!!! Drool!!
I am looking forward to measurements next week, but I don't think they'll be anywhere near as dramatic as last month. We'll see, I guess.

How about the rest of you? :)
You're doing great Sarah, major dedication there with you. I've fallen off the wagon a tonne of times and am a bit ashamed to admit I drank loads of cocktails over the weekend, ate two lots of buffet(friday and saturday) then had 3 slices of pizza and some chips on Sunday night :| I was like a ravenous beast all weekend. I felt really guilty for it though, completely not worth the guilt and the weight gain after 7 months of hard dieting and exercise.

I know how you feel about exercise though, I've been doing it more or less every day now since 3rd November 2010 and I'm honestly very bored with it. I keep pushing through though as I've seen amazing results and it's very worth the effort it takes to maintain everything.
I have decidedI am going to start a weightloss journal as I keep fallen off the wagon and I feel that if I do a journal I will keep to it as will be ashamed and have been following SR on her journal and she has done great. So I am going to start one as I am going on holiday in September and dont want to be going looking like I am now as I am not liking my body at all.
I went out last night and (due to an acute lack of clothes not covered in sticky toddler handprints and baby slime) discovered that I can fit into my skinny jeans. :shock:
Well done Sarahkka thats great !

Having a bad night tonight.... feeling completly fed up. I think the pressure from DH to TTC #2 is making me not want to lose weight and the more he keeps talking about it the less focused I am on the diet ..... almost comfort eating. He doesnt seem to realise that I need to lose the weight before getting pregnant again and im in no hurry for #2 whereas he wants to TTC in less than 6 months time. I do want another baby just not now felt like this for a couple of months now but each time I hint about waiting he doesn't listen.

He's not supporting my diet again either, for instance this evening he wanted chinese. I went food shopping today so had plenty of healthy food in the house and said about chicken stir fry, but no he wanted take away. I then reminded him that if he wants me to lose weight then hes got to stop trying to 'indulge'. We ended up with takeout but I ordered a mushroom omellette so was the best option out of a bad situation.

I'm really noticing the fact I gave up smoking when I found out I was pregnant. I keep thinking if I smoked now id be eating alot less. I dont want to smoke again as Im so happy that I finally managed to kick the habit, its just times like this I miss not having a cigerette

Right sorry for the rant :blush:
:hugs: Jelly. Your husband needs to try and be more supportive. I know it's hard living with another person who doesn't share views on dieting or healthy eating because my OH is the same. He eats tonnes of junk. KFC, Foot long subway melts, pizza and burgers, mars bars. He won't eat ANY salad whatsoever and will only touch carrots and not another vegetable so half of the time I find myself cooking seperate meals for us both on a daily basis which is really hard when I'm cooking for myself, Ellie and OH.
You made a great choice with the omlette, try not to worry too much. You're doing really well :hugs: and don't feel guilty about not wanting TTC yet, you'll do it when you're ready and you feel like it's right. Even if he wants too sooner than you do, it takes two peoples consent to make a baby and I'm sure he can wait just a little while longer!!

On the smoking side of things, I really don't think that you should have a cigarette. I hate to sound the hypocrite here but over the last month I've started smoking again and now I feel like I need to smoke :-( I started up again for the same reasons as you said, so that I feel satisfied eating a little less and to take my mind off the diet, which has been stressful amongst other things. I quit when I got pregnant too and I HATE the fact that I've started the habit again and wish that I'd just never bothered.
Thanks SR, I know your right about the smoking and I know once you have one then you gradually start smoking more. I don't think I'd even like it now even if I did. Just wish u didn't feel like im missing something.

Feeling more positive today, I think with the take aways DH wants I need to let him and I'll still cook for myself as planned.
Weigh in - stayed the same

Today gym and hillwalk with lo in new carrier
Planned food for day but am currently a 1/3 short on ww points so can have a chocolate options this evening and half fat cheese for tea still with points spare
Staying the same is better than a gain! Keep up the hard work Jelly :D

How is everybody else doing? I'm still battling away with this weightloss! it's almost been 7 months now, I think this is the longest I've ever stuck to a diet and it's definitely paid off. I'm now the smallest and probably lightest I've been since the age of 10! and I only have 2lb left to lose to reach my goal of 11 stone and will have lost 70lb.

I was really pleased to go shopping the other day and buy new jeans in a size 12! I've never bought a size 12 pair of jeans as I've always been far too big to get in them. I couldn't even fit in a 12 when I was 12. I'm very proud of myself!

Also wanted to say, if I can do it and lose all the weight then anyone can. I've struggled all of my life and I NEVER thought I'd lose this much weight.


Here's a few pics, of when i started at almost 16stone and a size 18/20 and then afterwards in my new jeans today! :happydance:


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You can really see the difference , you've got definition on your stomach now :)
You look amazing!
Well done! :thumbup:

I have Day 0 and Day 30 pics from P90x, but I don't want to post until I get the Day 60 and Day 90 pics, too.
It does help a lot when you can see a difference like that in photos. I hope mine look as dramatic as yours.

We are currently in the recovery week, so the workouts are a little gentler right now. I needed that. I was starting to feel achey and sore and exhausted by the end of the second three weeks of hardcore training.
I'm definitely stronger, again, but I don't know if I feel as dramatic a difference as I did in the first month. I don't think I pushed myself hard enough, either.
Thanks Jelly and Sarahkka!

Today is the day I've finally finished actively trying to diet and lose weight, now I'm happy with my weight! I wouldnt mind going to 10st 7lb which is apparently the most ideal weight to be for me without going under that but as of today I'm 10st 13lb! So now I'm going to try very hard to eat a healthy balanced diet, exercise 3 times a week and try to maintain as much of this as I can! Introduce more foods back in to my diet again starting with having some kind of museli and ss milk for breakfast :D!

71lb gone on my weightloss journey(started 15st 9lb on the diet) I was 16stone before having Ellie though, and just afterwards so I've probably lost about 76lb altogether!!!) 16 stone to 10 stone 13lb :wohoo:
That's brilliant SR - I'm so happy for you and you've achieved it in such a short space of time .

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