Hi ladies!
Hope everyone is well and welcome to the newbies who've joined!
Well first midwife appt today.
Midwife kept calling me pet - a little annoying!
Other than that she was very pleasant, congratulated us both and went through the health questions.
Height checked, weight checked, blood pressure perfect!
4 bottles of blood taken! Had to pee on demand for the first time, which was strange but it worked! Lol.
Got a huge book and numerous leaflets to read.
Just now have to wait on my scan appt.
Midwife reckons I'm around 8 weeks and baby will be due late August, to be confirmed by scan.
Fairly uneventful, more of a fact finding mission as DH said.
He had to look away when the blood was being taken as he'd faint! Lol.
DH was very unimpressed as not having a seat to sit on. Lol.
But I was told I was the star of the show and should sit.
DH needs to grow tall anyways! Lol.
Anyways, enough of my rambling!
I'm suffering with ms like crazy! Wish it would just bugger off.
Midwife says its a good sign.
Maybe so, but makes me feel shite!!
Milly xx